For hundreds of Louisiana Baptists from across the state, the challenge of the 2001 Louisiana Baptist Evangelism Conference could not have been clearer. For hundreds of Louisiana Baptists from across the state, the challenge of the 2001 Louisiana Baptist Evangelism Conference could not have been clearer. The theme of the annual gathering made sure of that - "A Changeless Gospel for Changing Times." The scripture basis for the meeting added confirmation - "The Word of our God stands forever." (Isaiah 30:7) And the format of the conference lent support to the idea as well - an array of speakers focusing on specific doctrines of the Christian faith. In addition, during the two-day gathering at Summer Grove Baptist Church in Shreveport, participants were given the opportunity to attend a small-group training session - also designed to help prepare them to share an unchanging message of salvation with a modern world. In opening remarks, Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Director Dean Doster suggested God had given the nation a reprieve with recent political events. "It’s time to get back to what we might have been because we might not get another chance," he urged. For Louisiana Baptists, the … [Read more...]
SBC leader – ‘Evangelism … is a fundamental aspect of Christianity’
A Southern Baptist interfaith evangelism leader has called on the Dalai Lama to reconsider his recent condemnation of Christian witness. A Southern Baptist interfaith evangelism leader has called on the Dalai Lama to reconsider his recent condemnation of Christian witness. "With all due respect, ... it is evident that, historically, world religions have never exercised restraint in their efforts to propagate their message beyond the regional borders where the religion had its origin," said Rudy Gonzalez, director of interfaith evangelism for the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board. Indeed, Buddhism itself spread beyond its original birthplace of India and went throughout Asia, including the Dalai Lamas homeland of Tibet, Gonzalez noted. The Dalai Lama is the exiled leader of Tibetan Buddhists and a Nobel peace prize winner. He recently joined Hindu leaders in condemning the Muslim and Christian practice of actively seeking converts. "Whether Hindu or Muslim or Christian, whoever tries to convert, its wrong, not good," the Dalai Lama said. "I always believe its safer and better and reasonable to keep ones own tradition or belief." The Dalai Lama spoke … [Read more...]
‘Ahoy, mate. Just how high is that tree house deck there?’
It is a building masterpiece. Not on the order of a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece, but a weekend carpenters masterpiece. And it is creative. It is a building masterpiece. Not on the order of a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece, but a weekend carpenters masterpiece. And it is creative. Several years ago, a storm twisted the top of the tallest tree in the neighborhood. The residents upon whose land the tree stood were saddened by the loss of this financial asset as well as the grandeur such a tree provides. The tree removal crew cut the top off and carefully removed it from the yard. The tree still towers above most others in the neighborhood. Around the tree, about five feet above the ground, the residents built a deck. Then, some 8 feet above that deck, they built another deck a nice deck. Maybe it is like when a family loses a dog, they get a puppy to replace it. Maybe the residents tried to replace the emotional security of having the tallest tree with a unique deck. They could no longer give directions by saying, "Ours is the house with the tallest tree." So maybe they wanted to say, "It is the house with the unique decks around what used to be the … [Read more...]
Bush’s faith-based approach filled with serious concerns
President George W. Bushs plan to put federal funds into faith-based charities is filled with knotty, even dangerous issues of separation of church and state. President George W. Bushs plan to put federal funds into faith-based charities is filled with knotty, even dangerous issues of separation of church and state. A bedrock principle of the separation of church and state is that the state does not restrict religious freedom, nor does government provide direct support of religion. There are at least two major problems with federal money going to faith-based work. Faith-based means charitable work is done specifically and directly as part of a groups religious faith and practice. This charitable work is also done as an outreach for a particular groups religion. This is exactly as it should be. If the federal government supports this kind of charitable work, then the federal government is in fact supporting the religious practice of a particular religious group. (There is a great deal of difference between a faith-based group operating a house for battered women and an individual Christian working in a government-operated home for battered women out of his or … [Read more...]
Is your church Web site communicating as it should?
More and more churches are embracing the Internet, launching Web sites to reach people in a technological age. More and more churches are embracing the Internet, launching Web sites to reach people in a technological age. Unfortunately, too few are reaching their potential because church leaders do not define why they want a site or fail to develop a strategy for what they hope to accomplish, an Internet specialist insists. Indeed, too many church leaders are enamored by the gee-whiz technology of the Internet but are not considering how to link their Web sites to their overall communications strategy, specialists explain. "A lot of people just put up something because, Oh, I have to have a website. But it doesnt meet any needs," said Lisa McMahon, senior Web administrator at the Southern Baptist International Mission Board and a consultant for Web design for the past five years. "Some churches have not thought through their strategy," agreed Robert Reeves, communications director for the Kentucky Baptist Convention,. Church Web sites often are developed, launched and maintained by just one person, Reeves noted. "It tends to be their vision … [Read more...]
The “too” high cost of substance abuse
Think of the number one, followed by a comma, followed by three zeros, followed by another comma and three more zeros, then by yet another comma and three final zeros. Think of the number one, followed by a comma, followed by three zeros, followed by another comma and three more zeros, then by yet another comma and three final zeros. Now - add a dollar sign in front of the total. The result is $1 billion, which someone once quipped represents "a lot of money even if you say it fast." It also represents a lot of money when one considers that is the cost of addiction in Louisiana. Yes - $1 billion. That is how much Louisiana spends each year to deal with the fallout of alcohol, tobacco and drug addictions. Again- $1 billion. That represents 10 percent of the annual state budget - or 10 cents out of every dollar handled by Louisiana officials. It also represents about $243.33 per Louisiana resident. In other words, each person in the state is paying the cost of addiction in Louisiana - literally. And it is a high price. Indeed, the total represents more than the state spends on Medicaid every … [Read more...]
Comments on target
Your comments were on target. When two prominent leaders of this country can be openly immoral and then be widely accepted by the populace since, "We are all human, then alarm bells should sound for all of us. Your comments were on target. When two prominent leaders of this country can be openly immoral and then be widely accepted by the populace since, "We are all human, then alarm bells should sound for all of us. You will probably be accused by some as being judgmental, but the recognition of and the dealing with sin is commanded by God. Few members of the press have taken the bold step you have in calling to the attention of your readers of the consequences of our not recognizing and branding sin for what it is. The message to people, young and old, in this country sent by those two prominent leaders is that sin has little or no consequences and a tacit admission is all that is needed for total reinstatement in society. That is a recipe for disaster. It was Chaucer who said, "When silver and gold rust, then what will iron do?" Frank Elliott Pineville … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the week of February 8, 2001 Potpourri COUSHATTA - Union Hill church: prayer seminar; Feb. 10, 6 - 8 p.m.; Jack Daniels, speaker; Tommy Allen, pastor. HEFLIN - Heflin church: Bluegrass Lightning in concert; Feb. 11, 6 p.m.; Danny Baskin, pastor. JONESVILLE - First church: wild game supper, seminar and archery contest; Feb. 9, 5 p.m.; James M. Carson, pastor. MONROE - Loch Arbor church: The Bishops in concert; Feb. 15, 7 p.m.; Andy Myrick, pastor. MONROE - Loch Arbor church: NELBA Sunday School and Evangelism Rally; Feb. 26, 10:30 a.m.; Danny Pitts, speaker; evening service, 6:30 p.m., to be held at Victory church; Marshall Douglass and Bruce Gill, speakers; Feb. 27, 6:30 p.m., to be held at Mt. Vernon church; Woody Rimes and Bruce Gill, speakers; Andy Myrick, evangelism director; Scott Holder, Sunday School director. PINEVILLE - Northside church: The Tommy Drewett Family and The Messengers Quartet in concert; Feb. 16, 7 p.m.; Brad Cleveland, minister of music; Joe Reynolds, pastor. Revivals COUSHATTA - Union Hill church: Feb. 11-14, 7 p.m.; Jack Daniels, evangelist; Tommy Allen, pastor. Ordinations BATON ROUGE - University church: John … [Read more...]
In our prayers
I am writing to express my appreciation for the article about the policeman January 18 and the article about the police chaplain January 25. I have been a volunteer police chaplain for fifteen years. I am writing to express my appreciation for the article about the policeman January 18 and the article about the police chaplain January 25. I have been a volunteer police chaplain for fifteen years. I presently serve the Lake Charles Police Department. I am a graduate of the Southwest Louisiana Law Enforcement Academy and have lectured at the Louisiana Sheriffs Association Meeting three times on death notification. I have held local seminars for pastors on death notification, protecting yourself from the dead and the dos and donts of jailhouse ministries. I have delivered over 100 notifications and worked numerous violent crime scenes. Law enforcement officers are a special group of men and women and deserve all the spiritual and practical help they can receive on the job. So far as I have been able to determine, they are the only specific occupation other than religious ministries that I find scriptural reference as being called of God. We need to constantly keep our law enforcement … [Read more...]
‘Adoption’ effort helping reach Chinese cities for Christ
Imagine a city as large as Louisville, Ky., with only a handful of Christians and very few churches. Imagine a city as large as Louisville, Ky., with only a handful of Christians and very few churches. Indeed, perhaps there are no churches. There are more than 200 such cities in China, a nation of 1.6 billion people - and tremendous spiritual needs. To help meet those needs, Southern Baptist missions leaders are focusing resources on the largest of Chinese cities - including more than 100 that have populations surpassing 1 million people. That means entire cities as large as New Orleans are "too small" to be placed on the Southern Baptist International Mission Board priority city listings. These "medium-sized" cities have growing populations - but only a handful of local Christians and no concerted witness. However, a new strategy may help change that, missions leaders say. Under the approach, individual Southern Baptist churches are beginning to adopt the "medium-sized" Chinese cities - and make a commitment to do all they can to share the gospel with their residents. In the last six months, three churches have … [Read more...]
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