Dr. Al Mohler describes the SBC controversy as being "Truth vs. Liberty." He cleverly places himself and those who believe as he does, on the side of truth; his concept of truth, that is. He implies that those who disagree with him are on the liberty side, and thus we reject the truth. In my case, he is right. I do reject his imposing his concepts of truth on me. Dr. Al Mohler describes the SBC controversy as being "Truth vs. Liberty." He cleverly places himself and those who believe as he does, on the side of truth; his concept of truth, that is. He implies that those who disagree with him are on the liberty side, and thus we reject the truth. In my case, he is right. I do reject his imposing his concepts of truth on me. According to Jesus, truth liberates me. Jesus said: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:31, KJV), which I assume Mohler believes is the true version. Jesus further said: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36, KJV). Paul added: "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ made us free, and be not entangled with the yoke of bondage" (Galatians 5:1, KJV). The freedom-liberty … [Read more...]
Day of prayer
The Middle America Region of the International Mission Board requests your presence in prayer. The Middle America Region of the International Mission Board requests your presence in prayer. May 2, 2001, has been designed "Day of Prayer" for the countries that make up the Middle America Region: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Canada and the El Paso (Tex.) Baptist Publications Mission. During this annual Day of Prayer all missionaries in the region are asked to set aside their normal activities and spend the day praying earnestly and strategically for the needs in their areas of ministry. Prayer partners around the world can join us as we pray for the gospel to break through barriers of lostness among the millions in Middle America. Southern Baptist churches can join us in remembering Middle America during their regular, mid-week prayer services. Nancy K. Chafin Regional Prayer Promoter … [Read more...]
SBC International Mission Board
Seeking volunteers The International Mission Board is looking for Baptist leaders to participate in a "vision trip" called SEASCAPE, scheduled for March 4-16, 2002. Seeking volunteers The International Mission Board is looking for Baptist leaders to participate in a "vision trip" called SEASCAPE, scheduled for March 4-16, 2002. A seascape is defined as an inviting and engaging portrait of a broad seaview and this trip will give you the opportunity to see what God is doing in this part of the world. We want participants to see the lostness of the peoples of Southeast Asia as they live under the darkening influence and grip of Buddhism and Islam. We are also asking God for insights as we seek ways to partner with others in pushing back the darkness in Southeast Asia and Oceania. SEASCAPE will give participants the unique opportunity to experience Asian cultures, learn about an unreached people group firsthand, and dream together with International Mission Board missionaries as they work to impact lostness. Please consider joining other Southern Baptist leaders in this time of seeing, learning and praying in Southeast Asia. The estimated cost of the trip, including airfare, food and lodging, visas, and ground … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the week of April 26, 2001 Potpourri BROUSSARD - First church: "At the Name of Jesus" spring resurrection musical; May 5, 6 p.m.; May 6, 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Richard Strahan, minister of music; Jeffrey L. Cook, pastor. EUNICE - Acadian center: childrens spring retreat; May 11-12; grades 1-6; cost is $30; Gwen "Miss Chocolate" Williams, speaker; for information, call the camp at (337) 457-9047; James Newsom, camp manager. FOLSOM - Michael G. Smith, pastor of Lee Hill church and current NOBTS student, received the LifeWay Pastoral Leadership Award for outstanding achievement by a graduating divinity student. JAMESTOWN - Jamestown church: Bienville Association Ladies Rally; May 3, 6:30 p.m.; Cheryl Hough, speaker; Martha Anderson, music; Jerry Sheffield, pastor. MARTHAVILLE - A community-wide 5th Sunday singing will be held at Rebel State Historic Site, April 29, 2 - 3:30 p.m. For information, contact Marsha Gentry at 1-888-677-3600 or (318) 472-6255. WEST MONROE - Ridge Avenue church: "Family Matters" seminar; May 6, 3 - 8 p.m.; David Maxwell, pastor. Homecomings CHOUDRANT - Longstraw church: May 6, 10:45 … [Read more...]
New SBC Bible more gender-inclusive, review indicates
Southern Baptist critics of the new Todays New International Version might be surprised to learn their own new Bible also is more gender-inclusive than earlier translations. Southern Baptist critics of the new Todays New International Version might be surprised to learn their own new Bible also is more gender-inclusive than earlier translations. A recent examination of the Holman Christian Standard Bible found it more gender-inclusive than both the traditional King James Version and the modern New International Version. The Holman Bible was introduced in 1999 by Broadman and Holman, the Southern Baptist Conventions publishing arm. It is being marketed as a more accurate and readable Bible translation that still preserves the integrity of Scripture. "Up until now, every English translation of the Bible has been a tradeoff between accuracy and readability," Broadman and Holman President Kenneth Stephens said in a Baptist Press news article. "The more accurate it was, the harder it was to read, and the more reader-friendly it was, the more it drifted from a precise translation of the original text. With our Bible, weve eliminated the tradeoff." The new … [Read more...]
Leader: Bible translations should be word-for-word
The debate over the new Todays New International Version Bible under-scores why translators should concentrate more on word-for-word translations and less on interpretation, Albert Mohler insisted. "This is the Word of God were dealing with - not just any ancient text," said Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. The debate over the new Todays New International Version Bible under-scores why translators should concentrate more on word-for-word translations and less on interpretation, Albert Mohler insisted. "This is the Word of God were dealing with - not just any ancient text," said Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Mohler recently appeared the NBC Weekend Today show with Grant Osborne, professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill. The segment concentrated on the New Testament version of the gender-neutral Todays New International Version Bible. Mohler opposes the new translation; Osborne supports it. While Mohler acknowledged Christians on both sides of the debate respect the Bible and want to see it rightly translated, he said Todays New International Version translators have … [Read more...]
‘Gender-neutral’ Bible continues to spark debate
When Paul spoke to the meeting of the Aeropagus in Athens, did he address the "men" or "people" of Athens? When it comes to Bible translations, the question is no light matter. Just ask publishers of the Todays New International Version, who are releasing the New Testament portion of their Bible this spring. When Paul spoke to the meeting of the Aeropagus in Athens, did he address the "men" or "people" of Athens? When it comes to Bible translations, the question is no light matter. Just ask publishers of the Todays New International Version, who are releasing the New Testament portion of their Bible this spring. The International Bible Society says the new Bible changes 7 percent of the New International Version to reflect both advances in scholarship and changes in everyday English. Many of the changes focus on gender references, translating masculine terms generically when the reference seems to include both men and women. For example, "man" might be replaced with "person," or "mankind" with "humankind." The singular "he" could be changed to "they" or "people" if the context indicated a universal application. Likewise, "brothers" could be translated as "brothers and sisters." For … [Read more...]
First and foremost, he really was trying to please God
Today's media could accuse him of running a Ponzi Scheme of sorts. John, as we would call him, seemed always coming up with schemes to raise additional capital to keep money on the table for his primary project, and first love. Most people would have given up long before, but he was obsessed. Today's media could accuse him of running a Ponzi Scheme of sorts. John, as we would call him, seemed always coming up with schemes to raise additional capital to keep money on the table for his primary project, and first love. Most people would have given up long before, but he was obsessed. The Germans product was not as newsworthy to the public as the means by which he kept promising to manufacture the product. The "means" would be a new invention that would launch a fledgling industry, granted, a risky business at the start. The "old line" producers made things tough for the new industry. They kept lowering their prices and offering better luxury items by crafting elegant, high-quality add-ons that the new method of production was initially unable to match. John would have done far better had he launched his enterprise before he could match the add-ons of his competitors, but he seemed unable … [Read more...]
The real power to pardon lies beyond the president
The ongoing furor over many of the pardons former President Bill Clinton granted in the last hours of his administration is a study in the use and probable abuse of legal pardons. The term pardon means "a release from the penalty of an offense" and the Constitution of the United States gives its president the right and power to grant pardons at his discretion. The ongoing furor over many of the pardons former President Bill Clinton granted in the last hours of his administration is a study in the use and probable abuse of legal pardons. The term pardon means "a release from the penalty of an offense" and the Constitution of the United States gives its president the right and power to grant pardons at his discretion. The power of pardon seems to most Americans the only time presidential power is above the law. This singular power has been handled in most cases with the respect and reserve it deserves. In a society run by laws, for one person to have at his personal disposal the awesome power to set aside the penalty and legal guilt of any lawbreaker is frightening. The framers of the Constitution, nevertheless, believed it necessary. The exercise of this power depends completely upon the … [Read more...]
Baptist Foundation of Arizona saga continues
Despite filing bankruptcy, the Baptist Foundation of Arizona has continued to spend millions of dollars on salaries, professional fees and administrative costs, a newspaper reports. Despite filing bankruptcy, the Baptist Foundation of Arizona has continued to spend millions of dollars on salaries, professional fees and administrative costs, a newspaper reports. The payments include some $600,000 to a firm co-owned by the foundations chief executive officer at the time. The Arizona Republic reports expenditures have continued even as investors look to receive only a portion of their investments as a result of bankruptcy. Many of those investors are Baptists and put life savings into the foundation. Now, they stand to lose more than half. The foundation came under fire in 1999 for allegedly engaging in a complex financial scheme in which it was forced to use new investments to pay old debts. State investigators forced the agency to cease selling investment plans, charging it was overestimating its performance in order to encourage persons to invest more money. Observers suggest 13,000 or so investors are owed upward to $600 million from the Baptist … [Read more...]
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