The Louisiana Legislature is entering the home stretch of its 2001 session - and matters of moral and social importance remain to be decided. The Louisiana Legislature is entering the home stretch of its 2001 session - and matters of moral and social importance remain to be decided. How they will be decided may very well rest on how well Louisiana Baptists and other concerned citizens respond in the upcoming days, said Ken Ward, executive director of the Louisiana Moral and Civic Foundation. "The fate of many issues that will impact the moral climate of Louisiana is far from decided - and time is running out," Ward emphasized. "Now is the time for concerned citizens to make their voices heard - and determine the future of our state." Ward urged persons to use all means possible to communicate with legislators and state officials. He pointed out that the Internet provides one with the easy ability to monitor bills and communicate with state leaders. In addition, persons may telephone, write and fax legislators, Ward explained. "Louisiana has a most accessible system," he pointed out. "Now, it falls to the citizens to make good use of the … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptist youth compete in state Bible drill,speakers’ tournament
Jennifer Phillips LBC Public Relations What is love? Some people define love using colorful words, and others cannot even begin to explain an emotion so great in character. What is love? Some people define love using colorful words, and others cannot even begin to explain an emotion so great in character. Courtney Collins acknowledges love can be many things. "But, love, true love, is God looking down from heaven and saying that he loves the very people who crucified his son, Jesus," Collins reminded persons during her speech at the recent Louisiana Baptist State Speakers Tournament. Because of her thoughts and the presentation of her speech, "Through the Eyes of My God," Collins was awarded first place, with 399 points, in the speakers tournament, held earlier this month at Louisiana College in Pineville. By winning the competition, Collins received a $4,500 scholarship per year to Louisiana College. She is a member at Woodridge Baptist Church in Shreveport. "While I was considering my topic, I remembered Romans 8:38-39 that talks about the love of God," Collins said. "The verse inspired me to write my speech and inspired me to really think about the … [Read more...]
Her physical scar healed fast – but the others remain
P>Christina Sagats testimony of being a Christian in Indonesia is a tale that involves trauma - and pain. Christina Sagats testimony of being a Christian in Indonesia is a tale that involves trauma - and pain. "My scar healed quite fast, but the sad, humiliated feeling stayed," Sagat says as she tells how she suffered genital mutilation at the hands of Muslim neighbors. "I feel like Im no longer complete, both as a person and a woman." Sagat, 32, is not alone in her tale. Her niece suffered the same forced treatment - and while she was pregnant. So did Sagats 70-year-old mother. So did others - teenagers, infants alike. "I dont understand these people," Sagat says simply of the Muslim mutilators. Sagats story is indicative of the state of affairs in Indonesia. As Muslim jihad warriors press their efforts to kill or convert all Christians there, many believers are forced to choose between their faith and their lives. Sagat is a native of the nations Kasiui island. Until recently, Christians and Muslims lived peacefully on the island, even helping each other build places of worship. Then, the fighting … [Read more...]
Various meetings set in conjunction with 2001 SBC
Numerous meetings and annual events are scheduled in conjunction with the 2001 Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans next month. Numerous meetings and annual events are scheduled in conjunction with the 2001 Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans next month. The annual convention is set for June 12-13 in the Louisiana Superdome. The schedule for the two-day gathering features a variety of music, business and messages. Other related meetings will feature various Louisiana Baptists as well. As usual, a variety of groups have planned meetings and fellowship events in conjunction with the annual convention. Scheduled events include: The 2001 Southern Baptist Pastors Conference. The next generation of Southern Baptist pastors are scheduled to take to the pulpit June 10-11 for what organizers say they hope will be "an old-fashioned Holy Ghost meeting." Meeting organizers say they sought to enlist grassroots and hot-hearted preachers for the annual conference, which is set to meet in the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. The theme of the meeting is "Until He Comes ... Go!" There will be a decided focus on evangelism, organizers said. One of those … [Read more...]
Positive standard
I read recently that the trustees of Louisiana College have agreed that all professors employed in the future must sign an agreement as a part of his/her contract endorsing the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. I read recently that the trustees of Louisiana College have agreed that all professors employed in the future must sign an agreement as a part of his/her contract endorsing the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. I would like to say "Thank You" to the trustees for setting a positive standard for Louisiana College and for all Louisiana Baptists. "Thank You" for making a positive influence on our future Christian heritage as Southern Baptists. Shane Terrebonne, Pastor Northside Baptist Church … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the week of May 24, 2001 Potpourri DRY PRONG - New Prospect church: "Man of God" musical presented by mens choir; May 27, 6 p.m.; Robert Willie, minister of music; Leonard Free, pastor. HAUGHTON - Koran church: dramatization of Lords Supper; June 3, 11 a.m.; George Rogers, pastor. SAREPTA - New Sarepta church: Dennis Swanberg to speak; June 4, 7 p.m.; Danny Dodds, pastor. TIOGA - Alpine First church: "Man of God" musical presented by mens choir of New Prospect church, Dry Prong; June 3, 6 p.m.; Robert Willie, director; Wayne Jenkins, interim pastor. Homecomings MANSFIELD - Emmanuel church: 59th; June 3; Sunday School, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.; dinner and afternoon music to follow; Wayne Spanhanks, speaker; John Neilson, music; Jim Reynolds, pastor. VIVIAN - Mt. Gilead church: 141st; June 3, 10:30 a.m.; dinner to follow; Bill Mitchell, speaker; Jerry Jones, pastor. Dedications ALEXANDRIA - Riverview church: dedication of new facilities; May 27; Sunday School, 9 a.m.; worship service, 10:15 a.m.; Barry Corbett, speaker; dinner to follow; dedication service, 2 p.m.; Paul A. Roney, pastor. Revivals MANSFIELD - Emmanuel church: June 4-7, 7 p.m.; Wayne Spanhanks, … [Read more...]
Study – adults need to be more involved with youth
American adults agree - something needs to be done to help young people develop needed skills in a sometimes troubling world. American adults agree - there are important things they can do for young people. American adults also agree - they are not doing them. American adults agree - something needs to be done to help young people develop needed skills in a sometimes troubling world. American adults agree - there are important things they can do for young people. American adults also agree - they are not doing them. A new study by Lutheran Brotherhood and Search Institute reveals an "alarming gap between what adults believe kids need and what adults actually do." The study asked adults to identify the most important actions they can make to contribute to the healthy development of young people. They then were asked if adults they knew actually were doing those things. The numbers are troubling. In most instances, far more adults say an activity is important than say it is being practiced. For instance, 90 percent of adults agree it is very important to encourage success in school - but only 69 percent say the … [Read more...]
‘Because God said so’
Lynn P. Clayton LBM Editor Give us a year of knocking on doors five to eight hours a day, conducting telephone surveys, working with kids in backyard Bible clubs, helping start three churches and living four to a two-bedroom apartment. If you accept, you have to give us only $10,000." Lynn P. Clayton LBM Editor Give us a year of knocking on doors five to eight hours a day, conducting telephone surveys, working with kids in backyard Bible clubs, helping start three churches and living four to a two-bedroom apartment. If you accept, you have to give us only $10,000." One could hardly blame folks who thought there would be no takers for such a deal. However, five Louisiana Baptist college students spent the last year living out just such an agreement with the Baptist Collegiate Ministries Division of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. When asked why they took a year to work on a Metro-One Team in Lafayette under the described circumstances, to a person, the team of five gave the same answer. "Because God said so." The three mission pastors, the director of missions in Lafayette and the many people whose lives were touched directly by the students … [Read more...]
In the beginning … God (Part Two)
Karen L. Willoughby Free-lance writer How is this for a view of science and religion that one may not hear all that often in todays high-tech world of research and advancement? Todays scientific advances owe their genesis to Christianity - and every new discovery of the cosmos is an affirmation of God at work in the universe he created. Karen L. Willoughby Free-lance writer How is this for a view of science and religion that one may not hear all that often in todays high-tech world of research and advancement? Todays scientific advances owe their genesis to Christianity - and every new discovery of the cosmos is an affirmation of God at work in the universe he created. The view certainly is not an oft-cited one. But it is the one that noted scientists and educators presented in addressing a recent "Cosmos and Creator" conference sponsored by the Discovery Institute public policy think tank in Seattle. "Christianity was the midwife bringing modern science to birth in the mid-1700s," emphasized Sir John Polkinghorne, an Anglican priest and a physicist at Cambridge University. As such, both science and Christianity have … [Read more...]
In the beginning … God
C. Lacy Thompson LBM Associate Editor The Bible begins ever so simply, with a clear pronouncement - "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." It is a logical starting place. Probably since the dawn of reason and imagination, humans have wondered how they got here and how the world began. The Bible begins ever so simply, with a clear pronouncement - "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." It is a logical starting place. Probably since the dawn of reason and imagination, humans have wondered how they got here and how the world began. Ancient people groups had a variety of answers - almost all of which involved one or more god or spirits. Even as science began to take hold and humans started to find the answers to some of their questions of existence, there was general consensus - someone was in charge of the world. Someone had planned all of this. Science and religion moved together. However, during the 1600s, science and religion began to separate. The idea of natural law began to take hold - there was an established orderliness to things. In time, many scientists and theologians accepted the idea that … [Read more...]
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