By Paul Davenport Compass Direct Last October 16, 21-year-old Liu Haitao from Henan Province in central China died as the result of severe police beatings. Last October 16, 21-year-old Liu Haitao from Henan Province in central China died as the result of severe police beatings. The immediate cause of his death was a kidney ailment that flared up after police mistreatment and a harsh imprisonment. However, Christian observers emphasize that there is no question his death was the result of his witness for Christ - and that makes him a martyr for the faith, they say. Christian martyrs once were commonplace in China, especially in the years of the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). Now, they are rare - but the story of Lius death illustrates how commonplace police brutality is for many hundreds of Christians detained each year. "At any one moment, there are probably well over a hundred Christians detained for their faith and receiving severe beatings from sadistic policemen," a house church leader in Loyang notes. "Many of them have permanent injuries as a result." The callous disregard officials had for Lius worsening condition extended even to the point of refusing to … [Read more...]
‘China needs people like you to live’
More than 30 years ago, two brothers came out of Henan Province in central China, full of the power of God, Alex Buchan notes. Every time they preached, many were moved to repentance, says Buchan, Asia bureau chief for Compass Direct. Their ministries were greatly blessed until one of them was jailed. He died in prison in the early 1970s, and in the words of his brother, Mr. Ha, "His testimony moved from words in the air to blood in the ground." More than 30 years ago, two brothers came out of Henan Province in central China, full of the power of God, Alex Buchan notes. Every time they preached, many were moved to repentance, says Buchan, Asia bureau chief for Compass Direct. Their ministries were greatly blessed until one of them was jailed. He died in prison in the early 1970s, and in the words of his brother, Mr. Ha, "His testimony moved from words in the air to blood in the ground." However, Mr. Ha continued to preach, Buchan reports. He resumed an underground evangelistic ministry. He was introduced everywhere as "the brother of the one who was counted worthy to suffer a martyrs death." At first, Mr. Ha did not mind, Buchan reports. But after … [Read more...]
‘Lord, I pray for China’
Even as attention turns to ties between China and the United States, American Christians are being urged to pray the communist nation might hear the gospel One commentator has described the recent spy plane incident over China - and its continuing fallout - as the latest example of the ongoing "love-hate relationship" between America and the Communist nation. Even as attention turns to ties between China and the United States, American Christians are being urged to pray the communist nation might hear the gospel One commentator has described the recent spy plane incident over China - and its continuing fallout - as the latest example of the ongoing "love-hate relationship" between America and the Communist nation. And without a doubt, more recent disagreements regarding human rights and arms sales to Taiwan are sure to keep the relationship turbulent. The two nations admire each others achievements and eagerly court each others markets. However, they suspect each others motives and resent each others power. Will they become allies, enemies or something in between as the new century unfolds? No one knows for sure. There is … [Read more...]
Nothing is wrong with your eyes – it is the country that is in trouble
Recently, much has been written and suggested about the economic future of the nation - how low will the stock market go, is a recession coming, how bad will things get before they get better? Well, do not look now, but the nation has plenty more to worry about than just economics - at least, the overwhelming majority of Americans say so. Recently, much has been written and suggested about the economic future of the nation - how low will the stock market go, is a recession coming, how bad will things get before they get better? Well, do not look now, but the nation has plenty more to worry about than just economics - at least, the overwhelming majority of Americans say so. Indeed, about two out of three Americans adults (65 percent) say they are concerned about the future. And a key cause for their concern is not economics. It is morals. Overall, three out of four American adults say they are concerned about the moral condition of the country. In other words, even 9 percent of the people who say they are not concerned about the future still acknowledge there is causefor alarm when it comes to the United States and its morals. By their own … [Read more...]
Bills of concern still pending in Louisiana Legislature
Time remains to make a difference in the Louisiana Legislature - if concerned citizens will act, Ken Ward emphasized. Time remains to make a difference in the Louisiana Legislature - if concerned citizens will act, Ken Ward emphasized. "The legislative process is never really never over until its over, and for this session, that means June 18, 2001," explained Ward, executive director of the Louisiana Moral and Civic Foundation. "There is still time to make a difference in the outcome of many (measures)." Indeed, with less than 40 days remaining in the legislative session, bills are pending in several key areas, Ward noted. Whether they pass - and in what form - very much depends on how concerned citizens respond, he said. "Never before has the technology afforded the citizens of this state a convenient opportunity to keep informed and involved. But remember, the person who cant make a difference in their state because of a lack of freedom is little worse off than the person who simply chooses not to make a difference because of a lack of concern." Ward cited numerous bills that have generated interest thus far in the legislative session. These include: House Bill 37 would close a loophole in current … [Read more...]
State leaders urge support of Cooperative Program
Louisiana Baptist leaders were urged to commit themselves to support of the Cooperative Program last week - especially in light of a possibly troubling trend in giving. After several years of increased - and record giving - in the state, state Cooperative Program gifts are down in 2001. Louisiana Baptist leaders were urged to commit themselves to support of the Cooperative Program last week - especially in light of a possibly troubling trend in giving. After several years of increased - and record giving - in the state, state Cooperative Program gifts are down in 2001. "Is this a trend?" Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Director Dean Doster at last weeks Executive Board meeting at Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center in Woodworth. "Is there more of this to come? I simply do not have the answer. ... "Im not alarmed at this point, nor do I seek to raise alarm," he emphasized. "But I think we should all be concerned." Doster noted that if the current trend continues, Louisiana Baptists will fail to meet their annual budget. He also pointed out that a survey of figures shows 556 churches gave less through the state Cooperative … [Read more...]
He came to Louisiana looking for work – he found more
Steve Achord Kansas-Nebraska convention Sitting behind the wheel of his aging car, Mike Crowell headed south out of Kentucky toward the Gulf of Mexico. The United States was a month away from celebrating its bicentennial, and Crowell was heading toward the bayous and swamps of Louisiana in hopes of making enough money in the booming oil industry to return to college in September. Sitting behind the wheel of his aging car, Mike Crowell headed south out of Kentucky toward the Gulf of Mexico. The United States was a month away from celebrating its bicentennial, and Crowell was heading toward the bayous and swamps of Louisiana in hopes of making enough money in the booming oil industry to return to college in September. With his freshman year from the University of Kentucky behind him, Crowell hoped a friends advice about high-paying jobs on an offshore oil derrick would be correct, and he could return home with his pockets full of cash and exciting stories to tell his college friends. However, Crowell would return home with something else. The teenager landed in Houma and began his search for a summer job. The summer did not start out well … [Read more...]
Report cites religious persecution around the world
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom recently issued its second annual report, broadening its policy recommendations to cover 10 countries in which religious freedom is at risk. The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom recently issued its second annual report, broadening its policy recommendations to cover 10 countries in which religious freedom is at risk. "There is a great deal of persecution going on," commissioner Nina Shea said. "There are serious religious freedom concerns that must be addressed around the world. There are also different kinds of regimes and governments, and we need to deal with those in different ways." Last year the commissions report dealt with violations in China, Russia and Sudan. This years report includes those three countries, along with India, Indonesia, Iran, North Korea, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam. It also includes sections on U.S. capital markets and foreign assistance. Not all of the countries treated by the report are equal abusers of religious freedom, commission Chair Elliott Abrams said. "Russia, despite its problems, enjoys a much larger degree of religious freedom than many of the … [Read more...]
Shangri-La or not, the people who live there need Jesus
Images of Shangri-La come to ones mind - a hidden utopian paradise, tucked away somewhere in the harsh Asian mountains. Shangri-La was dreamed up by author James Hilton in his 1935 novel, "The Lost Horizon" - and portrayed in a classic film. As a result, it has captured the imagination of readers and explorers for years. Images of Shangri-La come to ones mind - a hidden utopian paradise, tucked away somewhere in the harsh Asian mountains. Shangri-La was dreamed up by author James Hilton in his 1935 novel, "The Lost Horizon" - and portrayed in a classic film. As a result, it has captured the imagination of readers and explorers for years. While no one has found Shangri-La, the country of Bhutan stands as a likely substitute. It is a peaceful country, bejeweled with glacier-fed streams and the highest original forest cover of any country. In other words, it fits the bill. Known to its people as "Druk-yul" or "Land of the Thunder Dragon," this tiny dot on the map is about half the size of Indiana. And it is isolated from the rest of Southeast Asia by the jagged peaks of snowcapped Himalayan Mountains to the north and Indias arid plains to the … [Read more...]
Family must be tied to church community, ethicist notes
The Christian family is buckling under the weight of unreasonable expectations, theologian Stanley Hauerwas insisted during a recent lecture. The Christian family is buckling under the weight of unreasonable expectations, theologian Stanley Hauerwas insisted during a recent lecture. "The strength of the family historically has been its social, economic and political function," said Hauerwas, professor of theological ethics at the Duke University Divinity School. He recently delivered two lectures on how American cultural ideals separate Christians from historic understandings of the church as community. In close-knit agricultural communities, families once provided social infrastructure, worked together to make members financially secure and wielded political clout, Hauerwas explained. But in todays commercial society, the family is seen as the accident of the worker, not his or her essence - and as an economic liability in a profit-and-loss business environment, he said. "The family now is economically and politically secondary." Meanwhile, as people move often and do not enjoy deep relational commitments in the communities where they live, the … [Read more...]
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