Ask Jack Mills what Clara Spring Baptist Encampment has to offer, and he is quick to respond. PELICAN – Ask Jack Mills what Clara Spring Baptist Encampment has to offer, and he is quick to respond. “Everything,” he says. Located in the foothills of northwest Louisiana, this 43-acre encampment does have a lot of amenities, but Mills would like to see it offer more. That is why he is a minister first and a camp manager second. “I see this as more of a ministry than a camp,” said Mills, the son of a Baptist minister. “I made sure everyone knew that I was a minister first when I applied for the job. The board is behind me 100 percent.” Mills was able to get a firsthand look at how the camp operated and what it was capable of doing while serving on its operating committee for three years before transitioning on as the camp’s manager. “I am really excited about what God is fixing to do here at Clara Springs,” Mills said. “For several years, our camp struggled with a clear vision of God’s direction. I, we, knew God had a plan, but we were unsure what it was. When we decided – and the operating committee along with the District Eight Executive Board were in 100 percent agreement – to run it like a ministry instead of a … [Read more...]
Richland Baptist Encampment
Camp director James Hendrix would like to see this 10-acre encampment utilized more. RICHLAND BAPTIST ENCAMPMENT ALTO, LA. DEER CREEK/CALDWELL ASSOCIATION ALTO – Camp director James Hendrix would like to see this 10-acre encampment utilized more. “We have so much to offer here on these 10 acres,” Hendrix said. “We have tennis courts, two basketball goals, a baseball diamond, and a large swimming pool. We gear as many of our activities as we can to the outside, much like it use to be.” The camp has four sleeping cabins that can hold 25 per cabin, a large kitchen and dining area, a dressing cabin next to its pool, and one counselor for every five kids. And since much of the camp borders the scenic Bouef River, Hendrix hopes to soon be able to add fishing and canoeing to the list of camp activities, which in turn will encourage more RAs to attend next year. “We just recently learned our insurance will allow us to do both,” Hendrix said. “So, as soon as we can get a pier built, we will allow the kids to fish from it. I believe once the kids realize they can fish as well, we might see our numbers climb.” Presently, the encampment is offering only two GA Camps – July 7-10 for 10 to 13 year olds, and July … [Read more...]
Friendship Baptist Camp
FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CAMP BIENVILLE, LA WINN/JACKSON ASSOCIATION BIENVILLE – It is nestled in the piney woods of Northeast Louisiana between the small towns of Hodge and Castor. And each year, in July, for the last 45 years, this old renovated school has provided hundreds of GAs and RAs with a special summer experience. The facility – it used to be the old Friendship High School, which closed in 1955 – features swimming (the camp has a 20 x 40 foot pool), softball, kick ball, dodge ball and, just recently, water slides. “I really is a beautiful little seven acres,” said Robert Leach, the camp’s interim director. “The school closed in 1955, and the association bought and opened it in 1963. Since that time we have added a chapel, cafeteria, and – in 2002 – a new dorm.” Leach, who lives next to the camp, oversees the day-to-day operations until a director can be found. “There needs to be some work done, but I broke my arm in an accident, and the man who helps me had to have surgery on his shoulder,” Leach said. “So, we are a little behind right now.” Fortunately, Friendship’s camps don’t begin until July 7 with a GA camp followed by a pair of RA camps on July 14 and 21. “We are looking for volunteers … [Read more...]
Pastor Joe Alain is proud of Hebron Baptist Church’s storied past, but it is the future that he is most excited about. HEBRON BAPTIST, DENHAM SPRINGS Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association Pastor Joe Alain is proud of Hebron Baptist Church’s storied past, but it is the future that he is most excited about. Founded in 1837, Hebron is the oldest church in Livingston Parish, and one of the oldest in the state. Located south of Denham Springs, it is often considered rural, but displays big-city plans and potential. “We have lots of exciting things on the horizon,” Alain said. “We are not afraid to do new things and to step out on faith. Even though, we have been here a long time, we have adapted our methodologies over time. We offer stability yet relevancy in a community that is rapidly transforming from rural to suburban.” One of the biggest steps forward for the church is a capital campaign, which is scheduled to begin in August, for a new worship facility that hopefully will begin construction in early 2009. The building will include a sanctuary that can seat around 750, preschool space, some Sunday school space, worship arts space, and a larger area to gather. Presently 275 to 450 people attend … [Read more...]
It never ceases to amaze Doug Edwards when watching God’s greatness at work. Tillou Baptist, Bastrop Northeast Louisiana Baptist Association It never ceases to amaze Doug Edwards when watching God’s greatness at work. As pastor of this small, rural church for the last four and a half years, Edwards has seen firsthand God at work in both his life and the lives of his congregation. Located within a hop, skip and a jump of the Louisiana-Arkansas border, Tillou Baptist Church is nestled far off the beaten track, but it was squarely in God’s sights. “I guess you could say I was one of his first projects here,” Edwards said. “I was a deacon at Bonita Baptist and a supply pastor, working mostly the small churches around here. Tillou called me to come as interim while they searched for a pastor. “Little did I realize it at the time, but He sent me here. I guess I was here about six months when the church’s search committee asked if I would become their pastor. I hesitated, and said no because I wasn’t an ordained minister. I had not gone to seminary like all the rest,” Edwards said. God, though, didn’t care and had other ideas. While at a revival at his home church, Bonita Baptist Church, Edwards answered the … [Read more...]
COMINGS, GOINGS n Jamie Roe, new as minister of youth, Mooringsport Baptist, Mooringsport. n Tony Robinson, resigns as pastor of Trinity Baptist, Oakdale; going to Piner Baptist, Morning View, Ky. NEEDED n Contemporary Worship Pastor needed for large NE Louisiana church. Send resumes to FBC Music Search, 500 Pine Street, West Monroe LA, or email to n Southside Baptist Church in Ruston, LA. is looking for a part time music leader. Please mail resume to Southside Baptist Church, 3191 S. Vienna St., Ruston LA. 71270 n Pastor needed at Jerusalem Baptist, Hammond. Call 225.294.2001 or n Associate pastor of education and administration needed at First Baptist, Zachary. Send resumes to Wayne McElroy, 4200 Main St, Zachary LA 70791. n Full-time pastor needed at New Ebenezer Baptist. Send resume to Pastor Search Committee, Chairman, Sonny Wilson, PO Box 221, Castor LA 71016. AVAILABLE n G.R. “Pete” Nolan available for supply or interim. Call 318.992.2982. n Paul Carter available for revivals or preaching. Call 318.368.0240 or 318.381.1315. CHURCH AND ASSOCIATION EVENTS n KENTWOOD – First Baptist: Movie night, Sunday, June 1. Joey … [Read more...]
Summer mission opportunities are abundant
STATEWIDE – Many churches of various sizes are taking advantage of the summer months to offer a large number and variety of missions opportunities throughout Louisiana as well as other states and countries during the summer months. n GAs of Kingsville Baptist Pineville recently raised $1,550 for six water purification filters for Pure Water Pure Love, a WMU missions response started in 1987 to help provide people in third-world nations with a pure source of water. n Pisgah Baptist Bernice has set July 7-11 as the date for a Houma Mission Trip where they will be working with Montegut Baptist doing light construction and youth rallies. Jerry Dark, pastor. n Students of The Edge Student Ministry of First Baptist Blanchard are preparing for the Brownsville Mission Trip set for Friday, June 6 through Saturday, June 14. Lonnie Hill, student minister; James Hill, pastor. n Pine Grove Baptist, Ruby, is preparing for a Dominican Republic mission trip July 14-24 with a fundraiser auction, 9 a.m. Saturday, May 31. n The June Mission Emphasis, “Emmanuel loves…” at Emmanuel Baptist Alexandria is participating in numerous mission projects during the month of June. These include preparing and serving food at the local Manna … [Read more...]
What’s for Supper?
If your family is like many families in America, you may have abandoned your family’s legacy of the family dinner hour. If your family is like many families in America, you may have abandoned your family’s legacy of the family dinner hour. We knew that time of day was important for our mothers; now society is learning just why it was so important. When families eat dinner together, family members benefit from better nutrition and are more likely to engage in positive behaviors. We could blame the convenience of microwaves or inconsiderate coaches for the demise of the traditional family dinner hour. But long hours at work, last-minute errands, extracurricular activities, the Internet, and the television all contribute to keeping families from having a calm hour around the dinner table. Yet there are plenty of good reasons for us to work at rearranging our lives to make sure we sit down as a family more often. Young people who frequently eat dinner with their family are more successful in school and less likely to drink alcohol and use tobacco or marijuana than their peers that rarely sit down for a family meal, according to a study reported in the 2003 Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. While … [Read more...]
Planned Parenthood exploits Mother’s Day with fundraising effort
Planned Parenthood Federation of America – known far better for terminating motherhood than for promoting it – nonetheless found a way to turn Mother’s Day into an excuse for fundraising. WASHINGTON (BP) – Planned Parenthood Federation of America – known far better for terminating motherhood than for promoting it – nonetheless found a way to turn Mother’s Day into an excuse for fundraising. The country’s leading abortion chain, which performed nearly 290,000 abortions in 2006, observed Mother’s Day by asking for donations in honor of mothers in the days surrounding May 11. Under the homepage heading “Planned Parenthood Celebrates Mother’s Day,” PPFA told visitors to its website they could make “a gift in honor of your mother or someone else you love this Mother’s Day.” A link took visitors to a form on the website for credit card donations. The form included a space for the name of the person in whose honor or memory the gift was to be given. It also enabled the donor to include a person to whom a Mother’s Day card could be sent from PPFA. “For Planned Parenthood to ask for ‘Mother’s Day Gifts’ is beyond appalling,” said Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness campaign, in a written statement. … [Read more...]
Family breakdown costs U.S. taxpayers $112 billion
High rates of divorce and unmarried childbearing cost U.S. taxpayers at least $112 billion each year, making marriage enrichment a legitimate policy concern, a first-of-its-kind study sponsored by four public policy and research groups said. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – High rates of divorce and unmarried childbearing cost U.S. taxpayers at least $112 billion each year, making marriage enrichment a legitimate policy concern, a first-of-its-kind study sponsored by four public policy and research groups said. “These costs are due to increased taxpayer expenditures for anti-poverty, criminal justice and education programs, and through lower levels of taxes paid by individuals whose adult productivity has been negatively affected by increased childhood poverty caused by family fragmentation,” Ben Scafidi, the lead researcher and an economics professor at Georgia College & State University, said. “Prior research shows that marriage lifts single mothers out of poverty and therefore reduces the need for costly social benefits,” Scafidi added. “This new report shows that public concern about the decline of marriage need not be based only on ‘moral’ concerns, but that reducing high taxpayer costs of family fragmentation is a … [Read more...]
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