After 40 years of service, Joe Baugh, Director of Missions for William Wallace, Two Rivers and Washington Baptist Associations, contemplated retiring on July 1. FRANKLINTON – After 40 years of service, Joe Baugh, Director of Missions for William Wallace, Two Rivers and Washington Baptist Associations, contemplated retiring on July 1. He was planning his fishing schedule, checking his gear, and anticipated taking pastors out and teaching them how to fish as a new ministry. Plans, though, changed. “I thought about it ... I prayed about it,” Baugh said. “And I’m just not ready to retire. I am still focused on the ministry and enjoy the work too much.” Baugh says the excitement of helping churches experience transformation and meet their expectations is still there for him. He also wants to continue assisting pastors in every way he can. “I’m chomping at the bit to take these pastors out fishing and teaching them how to fish, and more importantly how to relax,” Baugh said. “Pastors are having a tough time leading people to Christ,” Baugh said. “The numbers I’ve seen are apalling, but I think I can still help them in their efforts. If nothing else, with my education background I can at least train them to do a … [Read more...]
YOUTH MOVEMENT Association’s children help to spur growth in churches
There’s a saying, “Where children go, parents will soon follow.” “And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16 FRANKLINTON – There’s a saying, “Where children go, parents will soon follow.” Director of Missions Joe Baugh and the churches of the William Wallace Baptist Association have taken that to heart. “I believe that to be true,” Joe Baugh said. “Churches with active youth programs thrive, while others plateau or die. The youth are what help to drive growth in many churches today.” It is no wonder then the 22 churches of the association have embraced so many children and youth-oriented programs with active, fulltime staff members. “I love being a DOM, but my first love has always been the youth,” said Baugh, who spent 25 years as a youth minister. “Therefore, … [Read more...]
Unchurched Americans turned off by church, open to Christians
A majority of unchurched Americans are turned off by the institutional church and don’t have a biblical understanding about God and Jesus, yet they believe Jesus makes a positive difference in a person’s life and would enjoy an honest discussion with a friend about spiritual matters. NASHVILLE – A majority of unchurched Americans are turned off by the institutional church and don’t have a biblical understanding about God and Jesus, yet they believe Jesus makes a positive difference in a person’s life and would enjoy an honest discussion with a friend about spiritual matters. Those are just a few of the findings from a new study of unchurched Americans conducted by LifeWay Research in partnership with the North American Mission Board’s Center for Missional Research. LifeWay Research, the research arm of LifeWay Christian Resources, and the North American Mission Board are both entities of the Southern Baptist Convention. The results of the study, which polled 1,402 adults who had not attended a religious service at a church, synagogue or mosque in the previous six months, are available at The findings have important implications for Christian churches and individuals who want to effectively reach … [Read more...]
Economy pinching most churches, but giving still strong
While economists debate how serious America’s economic slowdown really is, Southern Baptist pastors report their members are still giving, in spite of the financial pressures felt by many families. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – While economists debate how serious America’s economic slowdown really is, Southern Baptist pastors report their members are still giving, in spite of the financial pressures felt by many families. A new study by LifeWay Research shows that 72 percent of Southern Baptist pastors indicate difficulties in the U.S. economy are affecting their churches negatively, yet 76 percent say offerings are at or above levels they had expected when drafting budgets several months ago. At the same time, 24 percent of the pastors say offerings are below what they had expected and 27 percent indicate their congregations will not meet budgets if current giving trends continue. “When two-thirds of Southern Baptist churches are plateaued or declining in membership and attendance, it is no surprise that 20 to 30 percent of churches find their giving under budget at any given point in time,” said Scott McConnell, associate director of LifeWay Research. Americans are feeling the pressure of rising prices on food and gasoline … [Read more...]
Having seen it first hand, Todd Strain is simply in awe of God and what He is capable of doing. MONROE – Having seen it firsthand, Todd Strain is simply in awe of God and what He is capable of doing. In two previous mission trips to Malawi to do evangelism with IMB missionaries Mat and Janet Lawrence, he witnessed thousands saved, hundreds baptized, and four churches established. However, those two trips were nothing compared to the two-week mission trip he and 19 others took from May 21 to June 7 to Lilongwe, Malawi. It is simply “the best one ever,” Strain said. Malawi, located in southern Africa, is a peaceful, yet poor nation. It is the 11th poorest nation in the world and the 13 million people living there have an average life span of 39 years due in large part to malaria and HIV/AIDS. Overall, the people of Malawi are receptive to the gospel, and roughly half the people with whom the gospel is shared accept Christ. So, it isn’t unusual to see 30 to 40 people saved daily and 400 to 500 a trip. So, what made this trip different from the first two? “I believe it was the baptism of a 97-year-old African doctor, which we consider to be a witch doctor,” said Strain, director of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry … [Read more...]
Savoie helps to bring God’s Word to the top of the world
The days are long, the nights are longer, and the temperature can sometimes slip below minus-30 degrees. Thirty miles above the Artic Circle the “fields are plentiful but the workers are few.” “…where there are men, there is a need to know God. Theirs is the certainty that he can be known in Jesus Christ, his son, who died on a cross for the sins of men, who lived as a man among men, and who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning.” Heb.4:15 KOTZEBUE, Alaska – The days are long, the nights are longer, and the temperature can sometimes slip below minus-30 degrees. Thirty miles above the Artic Circle the “fields are plentiful but the workers are few.” “When you combine the cold, the darkness, the harshness of village life, alcohol, drugs, and suicides, it is evident native Alaskans have a great need to hear the gospel so they can come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” Marvin Savoie said. “And there is a great need for missionary volunteers to help the pastors there to present the gospel to the population.” Owner of Savoie Faire Painting and a member of First Baptist Church in Lafayette, Savoie is no stranger to Alaska. He has been making mission trips there twice a year for the last … [Read more...]
Summer missions fill up many churches calendars
BATON ROUGE – A World Changers group recently visited Baton Rouge to repair and paint a house in Scotlandville. During their visit, members of various Sunday school classes of First Baptist Baton Rouge delivered lunches to the work site each day. The Break Room of First Baptist was the mission project for the recently-held Vacation Bible School. Attendees packaged 144 lunch bags – enough lunches for two weeks. The Break Room and Clothes Closet continually provide needed items to the community. Burn Page, pastor. n Youth of Broadmoor Baptist Baton Rouge are participating in a mission trip to Maryland. Jarrett Banks, pastor. n On Mission Kentwood is set for 8 a.m. Saturday, June 28 and is sponsored by First Baptist Kentwood. Joey Miller, pastor. n Proceeds from the Beyond the Gold Olympic Outreach fundraiser held at Woodlawn Baptist Baton Rouge recently will be used to help team members pay their share of expenses associated with the trip, which launches at the end of July and finishes the first week of September. Prayer is requested for the team in the areas of finances, physical and spiritual health. Tommy Middleton. pastor. n Youth of McClendon Baptist West Monroe are participating in a World Changers event … [Read more...]
Kilbourne First Baptist KILBOURNE FIRST BAPTIST Bayou Macon Baptist Association KILBOURNE – B.C. Haley of Kilbourne has always had a soft spot in his heart for pastors. “They rarely have anything they can call their own,” said the 74-year-old Haley. “So, I try to do whatever I can to make sure they are taken care. When Bro. Ron Bray came here, he was an inspiration and a joy to be around. “I like his cowboy-style of preaching,” Haley said. “He preaches the word the way it should be preached and pulls no punches. On top of all that, he has a wonderful voice – he sings like a mockingbird.” Therefore, when a chance to do something special for Bray and his wife Gail presented itself more than a year and a half ago, Haley, a retired farmer and head of the deacons at First Baptist Church in Kilbourne leaped at the opportunity. When Bray’s mother gave her son 17 beautiful acres between Heber Springs and Rose Bud, Ark., Gail wanted a house built on the land. She wanted the couple to finally have something they could call their own. “We’ve never had a house of our own,” said Gail Bray. “We have lived in the various parsonages of the church where Ron has pastored. So, when we got this land, I wanted a house … [Read more...]
Cowboy Church isn’t so different from your average church. CROSS BRANDED COWBOY CHURCH North Rapides Baptist Association RUBY – Cowboy Church isn’t so different from your average church. Or is it? The pulpit is anything from a flatbed trailer in the middle of a rodeo arena to some bales of hay. Believers are baptized in a watering trough. And the sanctuary is a working barn or shed. During the service, you forget the horses and cows there. Their occasional stomps, snorts and mooing seem to go hand in hand with the music or the preaching. Hardly a soul there notices it. People attend church there, in par, because they feel comfortable and accepted, no matter their background or what they are wearing. Such is the case of Cross Branded Cowboy Church, a ministry of Pine Grove Baptist Church. “We started this ministry [Cowboy Church] to be a mission church a little over a year ago,” Pastor Dewayne Rogers, pastor of Pine Grove Baptist, said. “Richard Swain one of my deacons was the first to come share with me the burden of reaching his many cowboy friends. “He was concerned, because many of them would never darken the doors of a traditional church,” Rogers said. “They were uncomfortable, He … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS n Michael E. Travers, PH.D. (wife Barbara) new as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Louisiana College. n Ken Goodman resigns as student minister of Eastwood Baptist, Haughton going to Second Baptist, Springfield, Mo. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS n Macy and Melvin Matthews of Highland Baptist, New Iberia, celebrate 70th wedding anniversary Sunday, June 29. n First Baptist Jackson celebrates Homecoming 11 a.m. Sunday, June 29; dinner on the grounds. Joe Nesom, pastor. REVIVALS n HEFLIN – Jack Daniels Ministries: First Friday Camp Meeting fellowship 6 p.m. Friday, July 4; singing and preaching 7 p.m. Friday, July 4. Craig Franklin, speaker. n ATHENS – New Hope Baptist: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, July 13; 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, July 14 – 16. Joe Aulds, evangelist; Eddie Balance, pastor. CHURCH AND ASSOCIATION EVENTS n BATON ROUGE – First Baptist: Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra present “One Nation Under God” 6 p.m. Friday, July 4. Burn Page, pastor. n KENTWOOD – First Baptist: July Marvelous Mondays 7 p.m. Monday, July 7. Keith Rhodes, speaker; Chris Wales, worship leader; Joey Miller, pastor. n WEST MONROE – McClendon Baptist: July 4 celebration of freedom service … [Read more...]
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