Two of today’s most important and popular New Testament scholars air their very different understandings of the historical reality and theological meaning of Jesus’ resurrection. The Resurrection of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright in Dialogue, by Robert B. Stewart, editor, Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press, 2006; and London, England: SPCK, 2006. Two of today’s most important and popular New Testament scholars, John Dominic Crossan (co-chair of the Jesus Seminar) and N. T. Wright (Bishop of Durham, Church of England), here air their very different understandings of the historical reality and theological meaning of Jesus’ resurrection. The book highlights points of agreement and disagreement between them and explores the many attendant issues. Other scholars such as Craig Evans, William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas, and Ted Peters contribute related essays on the topic of the resurrection of Jesus. Robert B. Stewart is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where he holds the Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture. … [Read more...]
Intelligent Design
This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement between two leading intellectuals on the subject: of intelligent design. Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse in Dialogue, by Robert B. Stewart, editor, Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press, 2007 The subject of intelligent design has been much in the news in recent months but is often treated in a piecemeal fashion or one-sidedly. This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement between two leading intellectuals on the subject: William A. Dembski, senior fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, and Michael Ruse, an internationally-known philosopher of science. Each of the contributors presents his or her position in light of the other’s, providing readers with a fair and balanced case for both sides and allowing readers to decide for themselves. Additional contributors include William Lane Craig, Alister McGrath, Wolfhart Pannenberg, John Polkinghorne, Nancey Murphy, J. P. Moreland, Francis Beckwith, Martinez Hewlett, John Lennox, Kenneth Keathley, Hal Ostrander, and Robert Stewart. Robert B. Stewart is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he … [Read more...]
The Quest of Hermeneutical Jesus
The author leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research. The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus: The Impact of Hermeneutics on the Jesus Research of John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright, by Robert B. Stewart, Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, to be published July 2008 The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how the way in which one reads documents referring to Jesus influences one’s conclusions as to who Jesus was as, a historical figure. In this book the author leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research – John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright – in order to show readers how their philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than what can we know about Jesus? Jesus research also is a task in which interpretation of historical texts is unavoidable. Strangely though, there is virtually nothing in print that addresses how one field (hermeneutics) influences the other … [Read more...]
The Future of Atheism
A helpful book which highlights points of agreement and disagreement on the topic of the present status of atheism and which worldview, atheism or Christianity, is preferable. The Future of Atheism: Alister McGrath and Daniel Dennett in Dialogue, by Robert B. Stewart, editor, Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press, to be published in October 2008 The subject of atheism has been much in the news recently with the highly publicized release of radically atheistic books. This helpful book highlights points of agreement and disagreement between Alister McGrath and Daniel Dennett on the topic of the present status of atheism and which worldview, atheism or Christianity, is preferable. Other contributors include William Lane Craig, J. P. Moreland, Hugh McCann, Evan Fales, Keith Parsons, Paul Copan, Ted Peters, and Robert Stewart. Robert B. Stewart is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he holds the Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture. 0 … [Read more...]
The Verbal System of Biblical Aramaic
Analysis of Biblical Aramaic written for biblical scholars. The Verbal System of Biblical Aramaic: A Distributional Approach, by Michael Shepherd, published in 2007 by Peter Lang Publishing. “My primary impetus for the work was the absence of any distributional analysis of the Biblical Aramaic verbal system in biblical scholarship,” Shepherd wrote in an email. He’s an assistant professor of Christian studies at LC. “Such analysis had been done for Biblical Hebrew but not for Biblical Aramaic. The audience for the book is the academic community of biblical scholars who work with biblical and non-biblical Aramaic texts. Nevertheless, the book is accessible to anyone who is interested in reading Biblical Aramaic, particularly pastors who have the responsibility of teaching these texts as well as texts written in Hebrew and Greek. “Knowledge of the verbal systems of the biblical languages is essential to comprehension of the Bible’s meaning. This is no less true for Biblical Aramaic than it is for Biblical Hebrew or Biblical Greek.” … [Read more...]
In the Habit of Acting Together: The Emergence of the Wig Party in Louisiana 1828-1840
Colorful characters and exciting elections make up this lively history. In the Habit of Acting Together: The Emergence of the Whig Party in Louisiana 1828-1840, by Henry O. Robertson, Ph.D., LC History. Published in May 2007 by the Center for Louisiana Studies University Siana. Louisiana differed in many ways from the American political mainstream yet remained oddly parallel in other regards. Economic development, ethnicity, slavery, and regional rivalry between sections of the state had a hand in creating the issues and ideas that fired the imagination of early Whigs. “Colorful characters and exciting elections make up this lively history,” according to a reviewer. Whigs, the author wrote, were in the habit of working together. … [Read more...]
New Testament Greek Primer
Stevens presents the beginning student of the Greek of the New Testament with a user-friendly introduction to the morphology and grammar of the Greek language. New Testament Greek Primer, 2d ed., by Gerald L. Stevens, Eugene, Ore.: Cascade Books, 2007 Using graphic layouts, copious tables, and clear discussion, Stevens presents the beginning student of the Greek of the New Testament with a user-friendly introduction to the morphology and grammar of the Greek language. The transition from English to Greek is assisted by an appendix of four chapters reviewing English grammar. Vocabulary acquisition is down to words occurring 50 or more times in the New Testament. The second edition to this popular textbook makes corrections, tweaks discussion, and adds helpful explanations. Gerald L. Stevens is Professor of New Testament and Greek at NOBTS. … [Read more...]
Hunt elected SBC President on first ballot
The priorities Johnny Hunt announced for his tenure as president of the Southern Baptist Convention are the same ones that have characterized his 32 years as a local church pastor – evangelism, discipleship and missions. INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – The priorities Johnny Hunt announced for his tenure as president of the Southern Baptist Convention are the same ones that have characterized his 32 years as a local church pastor – evangelism, discipleship and missions. “I want to see as many people as possible come to embrace Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior and then help as many people as possible become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and to see churches become personally involved in taking the gospel down the street and around the world,” Hunt said during a news conference after being elected SBC president June 10 on the first ballot among six candidates. When reporters tried to apply characteristics of Hunt’s ministry to existing political agendas, he kept to his message and refused to be drawn into what he regards as lesser issues. “I’ve not really thought that much through things that have divided us. I believe if we’ll keep the focus off of that and our hearts on what’s united us, it can lead us to the best … [Read more...]
Lottie Moon gift offerings 150.4 million
Despite difficult economic conditions, Southern Baptists gave $150.4 million to the 2007 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions to support the work of more than 5,300 missionaries worldwide. RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – Despite difficult economic conditions, Southern Baptists gave $150.4 million to the 2007 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions to support the work of more than 5,300 missionaries worldwide. After financial books closed at the end of May, the annual offering totaled $150,409,653.86 – more than $231,000 above the record 2006 offering of $150.1 million, but falling short of the $165 million goal. “We are grateful for the strong commitment to the Great Commission exhibited by the generous giving of Southern Baptists to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering,” International Mission Board President Jerry Rankin said. “Although we’re disappointed by the failure to meet the goal of $165 million, we think it is significant in the context of financial challenges in today’s economy that we received the same impressive level of giving as last year. “Many families are struggling with mortgages, foreclosures and the rising price of gasoline. Many churches are struggling to meet budgets. Yet … [Read more...]
‘Miz Sarah’ dedicates life to Lord, kids
On Jan. 5, 1969, Sarah Davidson, without asking anyone, climbed the stairs at First Baptist Church Kilbourne and went to work in the Sunday school class for beginners. KILBOURNE – On Jan. 5, 1969, Sarah Davidson, without asking anyone, climbed the stairs at First Baptist Church Kilbourne and went to work in the Sunday school class for beginners. Thirty-nine years later Davidson, who turned 100 on June 9, continues to climb those stairs unaided to teach “her kids.” Amazingly during her nearly four decades of service at Kilbourne, she went the first 26 years straight without missing a Sunday, and in the last 13 has only missed a handful. When one adds in the years she and her husband – Jessie Davidson – spent traveling across the nation, and especially lengthy stays in Missouri, Arkansas and Memphis, Tenn., they’ll quickly discover she has taught children in kindergarten, first, second and third grades for more than 70 years. Kilbourne First Baptist recognized her faithful service with a special day on June 8 as friends, family and old students returned for that one special day. More than 54 family members were in attendance, not to mention numerous former students. She received three plaques in recognition of her … [Read more...]
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