n Gloster Baptist in Gloster recently donated and installed fencing at Global Maritime Ministries new ministry center. Ron McLellan, pastor. n Woodlawn Baptist Baton Rouge, members are volunteering their services at a local hospice in the areas of clerical, home visits, sending cards, telephoning, bereavement programs, craft making and sitting with patients. Tommy G. Middleton, pastor. n Philadelphia Baptist Deville collects old magazines and donates to the local Huey P. Long hospital for its surgery waiting room; the Sew EZ Sisters are making lap quilts for veterans. A $5 donation or quilt fabrics are requested for the project. Philip Robertson, pastor. n First Baptist Jonesville is collecting school supplies for a local elementary school through Aug. 3. Crayons, pencils, glue sticks, 70-page notebooks, paper towels, Kleenex, markers and highlighters are needed. Marshall Douglas, pastor. n First Baptist Jena “Threads of Love” ministry is an outreach sewing ministry designed to meet the needs of tiny infants with clothing, blankets and handmade articles for premature and sick infants. Dominick C. DiCarlo Jr., pastor. n A group of World Changer volunteers from Ebenezer Baptist Jonesboro have just returned from St. … [Read more...]
First Baptist, Many
The mountainous regions of central Alaska will never be the same again after a recent invasion by warriors from afar who descended wielding swords, shields, hammers, and paint brushes. First Baptist, Many SABINE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION HEALY, Ala. – The mountainous regions of central Alaska will never be the same again after a recent invasion by warriors from afar who descended wielding swords, shields, hammers, and paint brushes. World Changers, a student-oriented construction missions thrust of the North American Mission Board, recently met in Healy for one of its summer projects. They had a force of 200 adults and youth from such places as Melbourne, Fl.; Cumming, Ga; and Many, La. “God changed my life dramatically,” said Daniel Jordan, an eleventh-grade student from Many. “It was amazing. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” The community of Healy, population 1,000, lies in the shadows of Denali National Park. This first-ever onslaught of Southern Baptist student mission volunteers completed numerous community construction projects that spanned the spectrum. They totally renovated a community recreational park and locker rooms. Numerous private homes saw repairs to roofs, decks, siding, and storage … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS n Jamie Little, new as music minister, Loch Arbor Baptist, Monroe. n Charles Headrick resigns College Place Baptist, Monroe as pastor. n Justin Winstead resigns Fair Park Baptist, West Monroe as youth minister. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS n First Baptist, Bonita celebrates Homecoming Sunday, Aug. 3. Michael Sammons and Holly Ridge Boys, celebration leaders. n Ebenezer Baptist, Jonesboro celebrates Homecoming Sunday, Aug. 10. n East Leesville Baptist, Leesville celebrates grand opening of new student facility 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, followed by a celebration dinner. Gil Arthur, pastor. n Long Leaf Baptist, Long Leaf celebrates 94th Homecoming 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 10; T. C. Smith, speaker; covered dish dinner. REVIVALS n BASTROP – Morehouse Baptist Association at First Baptist: Monday, Aug. 4, through Wednesday, Aug. 6. n MANY – First Baptist: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3; Wayne Jenkins, evangelist; 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 4, through Wednesday, Aug. 6; Bill Robertson, evangelist; Buster Jordan, music; Steve Kelly, pastor. n MANGHAM – New Light Baptist: Sunday, Aug. 10, through Wednesday, Aug. 13. Oda Wayne “Tuck” Roberts, evangelist; Cecil Gregory, … [Read more...]
Baptist volunteers finishing last houses on Miss. Gulf
Although thousands of Baptist volunteers have come and gone from the Mississippi Gulf Coast since Hurricane Katrina’s onslaught in late August 2005, many more people and groups had good intentions to come and help but never made the trip for one reason or another. GULFPORT, Miss. (BP) – Although thousands of Baptist volunteers have come and gone from the Mississippi Gulf Coast since Hurricane Katrina’s onslaught in late August 2005, many more people and groups had good intentions to come and help but never made the trip for one reason or another. Those good intentions are about to be history, as Mississippi Baptists prepare to wind down their record-setting relief, recovery and rebuilding effort – but there’s still work to be done and time to get involved, noted David Baldwin, construction coordinator for Gulf Coast Baptist Association in Gulfport. “We have set a goal of wrapping up by the first of October,” Baldwin said. “Between now and then, we still need volunteers to finish 14 new homes that are in various stages of completion,” such as the installation of roofing, insulation panels and siding. “What we have left will be mostly inside work,” Baldwin said. “We want to shut down the formal operations on Oct. 1, but … [Read more...]
Rehearing requested in child-rape decision
Louisiana has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider its ruling against that state’s law permitting the death penalty for child rape after it was revealed the justices overlooked a similar federal measure in their ruling. WASHINGTON (BP) –Louisiana has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider its ruling against that state’s law permitting the death penalty for child rape after it was revealed the justices overlooked a similar federal measure in their ruling. The request for a rehearing, filed with the high court July 21, followed a controversial June 25 opinion in which the high court ruled a child rapist may not be executed if he did not kill his victim. The ruling invalidated the laws of six states. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy said in the decision, which was determined by a 5-4 vote, that the court based its opinion partly on what he described as a “national consensus against capital punishment for the crime of child rape.” While 36 states and the federal government have the death penalty, only six states -– and not the national government – authorize it for child rape, Kennedy wrote. The federal government, however, authorized capital punishment in military courts for child rape in a Department of … [Read more...]
Tattooed Neo-Nazi Meets Jesus in Prison
Seventeen years of prison and a lifetime of hate, violence and racism is mapped on Steven Neill’s body. Druids, swastikas, skulls and symbols of the occult circle and mesh darkly up his arms and disappear into his shirt; the letters “skinhead” are tattooed across the knuckles of both fists. Friedrich Nietzsche’s famous phrase – “God is dead” – stands defiantly in black, inked into his wrist. MINERAL WELLS, Texas, – Seventeen years of prison and a lifetime of hate, violence and racism is mapped on Steven Neill’s body. Druids, swastikas, skulls and symbols of the occult circle and mesh darkly up his arms and disappear into his shirt; the letters “skinhead” are tattooed across the knuckles of both fists. Friedrich Nietzsche’s famous phrase – “God is dead” – stands defiantly in black, inked into his wrist. But God is very much alive to Neill, pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Mineral Wells, Texas, and his markings weave a visible testimony of a life transformed. “These are the roadmap of my life-story,” he said unashamedly, running a rough hand up his arm. The tattoos are an easy way to share Jesus, just like Share Jesus Without Fear – the witnessing method that stopped Neill in his tracks and led to his salvation. The … [Read more...]
A Hero’s Return
Staff Sgt. Ben Morris, a member of the Forward Support Company of the 769th Engineer Battalion, had a warm reception upon his return home to Louisiana from his family. Staff Sgt. Ben Morris, a member of the Forward Support Company of the 769th Engineer Battalion, had a warm reception upon his return home to Louisiana from his family. (From left) Dad, Eugene Morris; Ben Morris; son, Colby Morris, 4; wife Renee’ Morris’ stepsons Justin Wlch, 18, and Colton Welch, 12; and mom Debi Morris. Ben returned home with the 769th from Iraq on Monday, July 14, almost exactly a year after leaving on July 19, 2007. He was featured in the Baptist Message’s July 4th salute to soldiers fighting in the war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. … [Read more...]
It’s a boy! (or is it?)
If you discipline your child by spanking, the so-called progressives in our world say you are guilty of child abuse. If, however, you take your child to a doctor for medical treatment in order to delay puberty in preparation for sex reassignment surgery, many of these same liberals will applaud you as a brave and caring parent. If you discipline your child by spanking, the so-called progressives in our world say you are guilty of child abuse. If, however, you take your child to a doctor for medical treatment in order to delay puberty in preparation for sex reassignment surgery, many of these same liberals will applaud you as a brave and caring parent. Dr. Norman Spack, a pediatric specialist at Boston’s Children’s Hospital, has opened a clinic for transgender kids (boys who believe they were born in a girl’s body and vice-versa) and he is planning on treating children as young as seven, according to a story in The Boston Globe. Spack will offer his younger patients counseling and drugs that will delay the onset of puberty, thus allowing them more time to decide if they eventually want to undergo sex reassignment surgery. For teenagers who believe they are transgender, Spack (which, by the way, rhymes with quack) will … [Read more...]
Relax this summer but stay fresh, focused on learning
Summer has begun at the Children’s Home and we are having all sorts of fun. Summer has begun at the Children’s Home and we are having all sorts of fun. Our recreation staff has planned every type of activity you can imagine. But recreation is only one way we have fun in the summer. Our education staff has just as much fun with our children through a number of unique summer learning projects. Studies show that all children experience learning loss when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer. The average student loses 2.6 months of grade level in math. Reading skills are also affected. In many schools, teachers spend between two and six weeks at the beginning of each school year reviewing material that students have forgotten over the summer. What can parents do to prevent this summer brain drain? Develop a summer reading program. This year at the Children’s Home we’re using an Adventure Quest theme where the children find clues in the books they read. Two more ideas: Incorporate the use of discussions in which children share what they have read. Create a rewards system for reaching goals and have an end-of-summer reading celebration. Remember, keep it fun and exciting. Develop a Scripture … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor
After reading the May 22nd Baptist Message article about the Cooperative Program giving being on track to see a 6 percent increase this year I am excited and perplexed all at the same time. After reading the May 22nd Baptist Message article about the Cooperative Program giving being on track to see a 6 percent increase this year I am excited and perplexed all at the same time. I am excited because I have seen first-hand the Cooperative Program in action. I know an increase in CP giving means more missions and ministries can be developed and the Kingdom will be increased. On the other hand, the news about the 6 percent increase comes on the heels of the announcement that the Louisiana Baptist Convention will no longer make the $17.50 matching contribution to the Guidestone retirement accounts of pastors and other church staff. As a young pastor, this matching fund contribution could have meant more than $30,000 towards my retirement. Louisiana will now be one of only four Baptist state conventions that make no matching fund contribution. What kind of message does this send to pastors, music ministers, youth pastors, church secretaries and custodial staff? The Louisiana Baptist Convention will continue to … [Read more...]
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