I’m not scared of dyin,’ and I don’t really care. If it’s peace you find in dyin,’ well then let the time be near.” – “When I Die,” Blood, Sweat, and Tears, 1969 I’m not scared of dyin,’ and I don’t really care. If it’s peace you find in dyin,’ well then let the time be near.” – “When I Die,” Blood, Sweat, and Tears, 1969 There’s the rub. Is it peace you find in dying, or something more? Our sometimes bluff attitude towards death makes too little of its inevitability and finality. Death is cause for healthy fear and respect. The sting of death is sin, we’re told in 1 Corinthians 15:56. Sin is the first cause of death and the reason death is as ubiquitous as sin. As such we dread it rightly. Those outside of Christ dread it because their own faith leaves them uncertain as to their eternal state before the god they worship. Many know in their hearts they are unprepared to meet the God they have denied their whole lives. Death for them is accountability for a life lived in godlessness. For Christians, the matter is still monumental. While we can have confidence in our eternal destiny, much of what will occur after death is unknown to us. Additionally, the process of dying often is fearsome. Even the pain and … [Read more...]
Five Young preachers reach out to their peers
Five young preachers caught the eye of Jimmy Keene, pastor of Temple Baptist Church, during the revival that swept into Jena, La., from mid-February into April. JENA, La. (BP) – Five young preachers caught the eye of Jimmy Keene, pastor of Temple Baptist Church, during the revival that swept into Jena, La., from mid-February into April. Keene took note that the five preachers were regulars in each night’s crowd – and that numerous young adults were drawn to the spirit-filled meetings. In response, Keene, who also is moderator of the LaSalle Baptist Association, planned a Monday-through-Thursday gathering in May, hosted by Temple Baptist, with contemporary music and four of the five young preachers filling the pulpit. “[T]he response was tremendous. These guys had sermons bottled up in them for nine weeks of the revival,” Keene said, “and when they had their opportunity to preach, they preached hard and long. It was a great week.” Several decisions were made and the altars were filled just as they had been during the nine-week revival in a town that, last year, was pushed it into the national spotlight by racial tensions. Prior to each of the services in May, the young preachers gathered in the church’s prayer … [Read more...]
Alleged scandal not tied to Baptist rebuilding effort
In a city too often known for scandal and financial wrongdoing, Southern Baptists want to be sure no one confuses their ongoing Operation NOAH (New Orleans Area Hope) Rebuild ministry with a city-affiliated agency that has been accused of misappropriating housing funds. NEW ORLEANS (BP) – In a city too often known for scandal and financial wrongdoing, Southern Baptists want to be sure no one confuses their ongoing Operation NOAH (New Orleans Area Hope) Rebuild ministry with a city-affiliated agency that has been accused of misappropriating housing funds. The city agency – New Orleans Affordable Homeownership – also is known as “NOAH.” The agency’s stated purpose is to help elderly and low-income homeowners rebuild their houses that had been damaged by Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent levee breaches. But a report that aired Monday, July 21, by WWL-TV in New Orleans alleged that a large number of jobs the agency claims were completed were never even started. Southern Baptists working with the Operation NOAH Rebuild ministry are speaking up to distinguish their NOAH from the city’s. “We have worked hard and we have a great reputation in the community,” said David Maxwell, Operation NOAH Rebuild coordinator. “I would … [Read more...]
Louisiana College breaks ground on new stadium
Last week LC broke ground on a multi-million dollar combination football/soccer stadium. While no there is no timetable for completion of the project, college officials plan to play at least one game at the facility this season. PINEVILLE – Last week LC broke ground on a multi-million dollar combination football/soccer stadium. While no there is no timetable for completion of the project, college officials plan to play at least one game at the facility this season. “We’ve had this dream for a long time,” said LC Athletics Director Tim Whitman. “To finally be standing here, a lot of people’s hard work has come to fruition.” “For 2 ½ years I’ve been speaking on faith that we would have a stadium by the fall of ’08,” Dunn said. “It becoming a reality is truly exciting and a credit to all those involved.” Phase one of the stadium, which will be constructed on the site of the current soccer field, is to include laying down a state-of-the-art artificial surface, putting up bleachers and installing a scoreboard. The second phase of the project is to construct a brick façade, press box and dressing rooms. The price tag for the football/soccer stadium, which is expected to seat 5,000, is $4 million. Whitman indicated that … [Read more...]
RNs return to their roots at RWCH
When it snowed, they slid down the levee behind the old Baptist Hospital on stainless steel bedpans. They taught each other to crochet. They played ukuleles. ALEXANDRIA – When it snowed, they slid down the levee behind the old Baptist Hospital on stainless steel bedpans. They taught each other to crochet. They played ukuleles. And were all nursing students living on the second floor of the Medical Arts building in the old Baptist Hospital in the 1950s. Eight of the – mostly retired – registered nurses returned on June 6 for a reunion in the Cascade Room of Rapides Women’s and Children’s Hospital in honor of their former instructor, Ruby Hall. “We’ve been meeting like this off and on for 20 years, ever since we graduated,” said Louise Tankersley. “We were a family. It was easy for us to be together.” The ladies, some accompanied by daughters, friends or husbands, took a tour of the South Tower of Rapides Regional Medical Center – specifically the medical library and the third floor – and their former home in the Medical Arts building. “We had a really good time with them,” said Clara Wiley, RN, 3 South Unit Manager. “They reminded us of how ‘good’ we have it now.” The ladies were the first graduating nursing … [Read more...]
‘Fireproof’ a must-see film that deals with mature theme
“Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood,” said Walt Disney. “Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood,” said Walt Disney. If the family entertainment legend’s observation is accurate, a movie scheduled for release in September has the opportunity to portray a realistic and hopeful view of marriage to cinema goers – both young and old. “Fireproof,” set to open in theaters Sept. 26, addresses the issue of modern-day marriage head-on. The messages conveyed are clear: marriage is anything but easy, relationships require patience, and there is hope for struggling marriages. I was privileged to see “Fireproof” during the Evangelical Press Association annual convention in May. Following is a brief synopsis and my take on the film. Fire Capt. Caleb Holt, played by Kurt Cameron of “Growing Pains” fame, is a well-respected firefighter. At work he embraces the philosophy of “never leave your partner behind.” At home, Caleb displays a me-first attitude that negatively impacts his marriage. Though their … [Read more...]
You can’t get there from here
It is a classic conflict between man and wife, the need for directions. Despite rising gasoline prices and the declining value of the dollar, Americans are icing down coolers, loading trunks and hitting the open road in pursuit of summertime adventure. Having been down this road before, some men will take advice from their wives and seek a pointed finger from a local resident. The less than wise will rely on their intuition and instinct to navigate unfamiliar territory. We know how the story ends. It is a classic conflict between man and wife, the need for directions. Despite rising gasoline prices and the declining value of the dollar, Americans are icing down coolers, loading trunks and hitting the open road in pursuit of summertime adventure. Having been down this road before, some men will take advice from their wives and seek a pointed finger from a local resident. The less than wise will rely on their intuition and instinct to navigate unfamiliar territory. We know how the story ends. A few years ago, a friend of mine was on his way back to Washington D.C. from Oklahoma. Somewhere in the middle of the night, he zigged when he should have zagged, and by the morning light, he discovered he was lost in Ohio. Posing as … [Read more...]
Annual Brazil trip proves successful again
Nearly 3,000 people made professions of faith as a result of the annual Wayne Jenkins-led mid-July mission trip to Brazil. BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil – Nearly 3,000 people made professions of faith as a result of the annual Wayne Jenkins-led mid-July mission trip to Brazil. More than 140 people – mostly from Louisiana – participated. “It was probably right at the top of the best years we’ve had,” said Jenkins, evangelism and church growth director for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. This was the 24th year he has led these evangelistic-and-more mission trips to Brazil. “That’s results-wise as well as the overall harmony – harmony with the people in Brazil, and harmony within our groups – and even though we had to change some things around, we have discovered over the years that our Plan B was God’s Plan A.” The Americans deployed on one of 33 teams that branched out across Belo Horizonte, a city of about 4 million people north of Sao Paulo. It is the capital city in the state of Minas Gerais, and is the third-largest city in Brazil. Twenty “church teams” did revival meetings, door-to-door visitation to reach the unchurched, home visits to church members, and home worship gatherings. Three teams led vacation Bible … [Read more...]
Louisiana Summer Camps help kids draw close to God
Thirty-five youngsters and sponsors arrived at the Baptist Mission Center in Pineville about 11 p.m. Saturday, July 19, a bit bedraggled after a 16-hour flight from Seoul, South Korea, to Houston, Texas, via San Francisco, Calif., and a six-hour bus ride from Houston. CENLA – Thirty-five youngsters and sponsors arrived at the Baptist Mission Center in Pineville about 11 p.m. Saturday, July 19, a bit bedraggled after a 16-hour flight from Seoul, South Korea, to Houston, Texas, via San Francisco, Calif., and a six-hour bus ride from Houston. They had come to participate in the fifth-annual Camp USA, a cross-cultural experience designed by Reach Missions and the Korean Baptist Development Board to be spiritually and culturally enriching. “I am having wonderful time,” said Youn Ok Lee, a university student majoring in economics and one of the chaperones. “We are doing everything fun.” At least 25 churches in central Louisiana participate in Camp USA, said Susan Duke, coordinator and children’s ministry coordinator at Tioga First Baptist, where Pastor David Cranford is coordinator of Reach Missions, current name of the partnership now in its 41st year between Louisiana and South Korea. “Some people host the children … [Read more...]
GA Camp
summer is filled with opportunities for camping experiences across Louisiana and for that matter, across the nation for children and youth in Louisiana’s Southern Baptist churches. STATEWIDE – Summer is filled with opportunities for camping experiences across Louisiana and for that matter, across the nation for children and youth in Louisiana’s Southern Baptist churches. Boys’ camps, girls’ camps, missions camps, youth camps, Centri-fuge, M-fuge and more are offered at Louisiana’s associational camps, and at camps hosted by churches. These provide opportunities to extract youngsters and youth from cell phones and other electronic devices – most camps have ‘rules’ against them – and to connect them with the God who created the universe and everything in it. Over the last several months the Louisiana Baptist Message has taken an in-depth look at each associational camp (except for Tall Timbers, which will be soon). This week we’re spotlighting two annual camps: One is to help elementary school girls develop a deeper appreciation for missions; One is to help Korean elementary and middle school students develop an understanding of God and His ways, while it also provides them with a cross-cultural experience. GA … [Read more...]
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