A summer-long youth sports camp in the Upper Ninth Ward needs volunteers, reports Charlie Dale, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in the Bywater area of the city. NEW ORLEANS – A summer-long youth sports camp in the Upper Ninth Ward needs volunteers, reports Charlie Dale, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in the Bywater area of the city. “We advertised to the neighborhood that we would continue this program until Aug. 8,” Dale wrote in a mass email. “However, we do not have any volunteer mission groups signed up to help us for the last three weeks. “Here’s what we need,” Dale continued. “Three to eight energetic people at least 16 years old to assist two staff workers. ... They will be playing games with neighborhood kids, helping with crowd control, serving a snack, and cleaning up afterwards.” The sports camps run from 12:30 to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday. Help is needed Aug. 4-8. “God has blessed already this summer,” the pastor said. “We’ve been attracting mostly boys ... ages 8-14,” Dale said. “We’ve averaged about 15-20 a day. It’s been a ton of fun with only a minimal number of fights to break up.” Shawn Moore, a volunteer summer missionary from Oklahoma with a degree in parks and recreation, has led in the … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Ralph Parks, new as pastor. Bethel Baptist, Franklinton. n Rhonda Adams, new as minister to children and activities, Koran Baptist, Haughton. -Lance Montalbano, new students and recreation minister, Trinity Heights Baptist, Shreveport from First Southern Baptist, Bearden, Ark. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS -Flactor Baptist, Leesville, celebrates Homecoming, Sunday, July 27; E. J. Bradshaw, speaker. -Evergreen Baptist, Bernice, celebrates Homecoming, 10:45 a.m. Sunday, July 27, covered dish lunch; Harvey Hoffman, speaker; Dennis Reeves, music; Charles Davis, pastor. -First Baptist, Choudrant, celebrates Homecoming, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, July 27; B. K. Miller, interim pastor. REVIVALS -OAK GROVE – First Baptist: Sunday School Revival and Workshop, 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, July 27; Forest Baptist, 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 28; 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 30; Cliff Jenkins, speaker; Carl Gulde, pastor. -DUBACH – Fellowship Baptist: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, July 27; 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, July 28 – 30; Dwayne Monk, speaker; Donna Roberson and Fellowship Choir, music; Connie Smith, pastor. -LEESVILLE – Flactor Baptist: Sunday, July 20, through Sunday, July 27; Dennis Hackler, … [Read more...]
Prudence, Protection, and Church Policies
As dreadful and wretched as it seems, it has become common to hear horrific reports of children being harmed or abused by someone with a prior record of this kind of behavior. Even more horrific, some of these accounts have been connected to churches. The reality is no denomination is exempt from the risk of predators seeking to exploit those who are most vulnerable. In fact, some predators specifically choose to use the trusted environment of a church community to satisfy their vile appetites. Because Southern Baptist churches are entirely autonomous and independent of any outside ecclesiastical authorities or hierarchies, each one must take responsibility for protecting their children from such attacks. As dreadful and wretched as it seems, it has become common to hear horrific reports of children being harmed or abused by someone with a prior record of this kind of behavior. Even more horrific, some of these accounts have been connected to churches. The reality is no denomination is exempt from the risk of predators seeking to exploit those who are most vulnerable. In fact, some predators specifically choose to use the trusted environment of a church community to satisfy their vile appetites. Because Southern Baptist … [Read more...]
Lifting pastors, staffers to the Next Level
At one point in its 10-year history, Next Level training was the best-kept secret in the Southern Baptist Convention, Bert Ross says. But it’s a secret no longer, judging from positive feedback from SBC churches and Baptist associations across the United States. ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – At one point in its 10-year history, Next Level training was the best-kept secret in the Southern Baptist Convention, Bert Ross says. But it’s a secret no longer, judging from positive feedback from SBC churches and Baptist associations across the United States. More than 13,000 documented presentations, workshops, certifications and exposures featuring Next Level’s curriculum were tallied during 2007 – and nearly 6,000 so far in 2008, said Ross, the North American Mission Board’s national consultant for the Next Level Leadership Network. Through a process-driven curriculum, Next Level trains pastors and church staff members in team and personal development, assessments and diagnostics and leadership. Many churches have the mistaken idea that leadership training was the invention of the corporate world, not the Bible, said Ross, a trainer and coach for 25 years. “Everything that has been taught in leadership and teamwork you first find … [Read more...]
People rush to be baptized at Hollins
An interesting thing happened during a recent Sunday service at Hollins Baptist Church in Central Baptist Association. HOLLINS, Ala. – An interesting thing happened during a recent Sunday service at Hollins Baptist Church in Central Baptist Association. It is just one of several interesting things that Wayne Henderson, director of missions for Central Association, said speaks of a revival in the small congregation — something members have been praying for. That Sunday morning, four people were to be baptized. Two had made decisions for Christ before Pastor Jason Gravette arrived in November, and two had made them after his arrival. One was a 28-year-old woman, a regular at Hollins Baptist. “She came up to me after prayer meeting the Wednesday prior, said she needed to be saved,” Gravette said. “I said, ‘You ain’t?’ I thought she was. She said she wasn’t. So we went back in the back, and she asked Christ into her life. We set up the baptism for that Sunday.” ‘Holy Ghost broke loose’ Before church started that morning, the woman’s father, who had attended services on several occasions, told Gravette he needed to be baptized, too. Gravette was puzzled. “I said, ‘You ain’t?,’ and he said he’d just never done … [Read more...]
Refief efforts focusing on partnerships
In spite of obstacles that prevented a traditional disaster relief response, Southern Baptists have found creative ways to help victims of Cyclone Nargis in the two months since the storm unleashed its fury on Myanmar. YANGON, Myanmar (BP) – In spite of obstacles that prevented a traditional disaster relief response, Southern Baptists have found creative ways to help victims of Cyclone Nargis in the two months since the storm unleashed its fury on Myanmar. Perhaps a million people were left homeless by the storm, which roared across the Southeast Asian country May 3 with winds of up to 120 mph. An estimated 134,000 people are dead or missing. Perhaps 1.5 million were believed to be at risk for serious health problems in the storm’s aftermath. Myanmar’s military government tightly restricted the flow of relief supplies and aid workers into the hard-hit Irrawaddy Delta. “We quickly saw that visas for volunteers to go into Myanmar were going to be very difficult, if not impossible, to get,” said Francis Horton, who directs work in Central and South Asia for Baptist Global Response, a Southern Baptist international relief and development organization. “We then looked for other ways to assist in the effort and found several … [Read more...]
The Tragic Reality
Child abuse in the form of sexual molestation is very real. I have conducted hundreds of investigations and interviews with victims, child molesters, and numerous mental health counselors over the years. And yes, such child abuse actually exists in our churches — which should not come as a surprise because our churches are made up of fallen human beings who live in a fallen world. Child abuse in the form of sexual molestation is very real. I have conducted hundreds of investigations and interviews with victims, child molesters, and numerous mental health counselors over the years. And yes, such child abuse actually exists in our churches — which should not come as a surprise because our churches are made up of fallen human beings who live in a fallen world. We must recognize that the problem is real — not just “out there,” but even in our churches. The Trust Factor Children are taught to trust their parents, other family members, their teachers, ministers, those in authority over them. Most often children are abused by people they know, people they trust, not usually by some stranger in a dark trench coat. There are various terms used to describe individuals who sexually abuse children, such as child molester, … [Read more...]
Distorting the Grace of God: Reflections fo Jude 4
It is difficult for us to grasp and accept the fact that the evil of child sexual abuse exists in our midst — it is even more difficult to accept the prospect that it is prevalent today — yet that is what the statistics are showing. Consider the following reports: It is difficult for us to grasp and accept the fact that the evil of child sexual abuse exists in our midst — it is even more difficult to accept the prospect that it is prevalent today — yet that is what the statistics are showing. Consider the following reports: “It is estimated that one in three girls and one in six boys will experience some form of sexual abuse before they are eighteen years old” (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1993). “The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children, most of whom do not report the offense” (National Institute of Mental Health, 1988). Research indicates that most child sexual abuse takes place in the home, but news reports constantly remind us that such abuse can even be found in churches, and that even some pastors and church leaders have been found guilty of the offense. This is especially egregious because the violation has taken place at the hands of those who are entrusted with the … [Read more...]
Silence Is Not Always Golden: Some secrets must be told
I have lived with a secret for most of my life, but recently I revealed this secret to members of my family and church. I know many others are living with the same secret and they, like me, are suffering from the damage and pain it causes. I was born into a pastor’s home, the sixth of nine children and the only girl. We, of course, attended church regularly and seemed to be the normal pastor’s family. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior following an Easter service when I was five-years old. My father was the one who led me to Christ. The secret began when I was about ten-years old. It was then that my father chose to misuse his position of authority over me. He raped me. Then he repeatedly raped and molested me whenever he found an opportunity. This abuse continued until I was seventeen or eighteen. I cannot tell you how many times I was raped by my father — but it was something I constantly dreaded. Each day as I came home from school, I would pray, “Oh Lord, help him not to be home,” or “Lord, please help him to stop.” But the abuse didn’t stop. I felt trapped — a prisoner in my own home. God gave my father many gifts, but he chose to abuse and squander those gifts. He not only failed to meet the responsibility … [Read more...]
When Child Abuse is Experienced, Suspected, or Discovered
When child abuse (physical or sexual) is experienced, suspected, or discovered, the information needs to be shared with someone in a position to protect the child. This is a matter of biblical instruction and legal responsibility. Any suspected or known abuse needs to be reported immediately upon learning of the alleged incident(s). When child abuse (physical or sexual) is experienced, suspected, or discovered, the information needs to be shared with someone in a position to protect the child. This is a matter of biblical instruction and legal responsibility. Any suspected or known abuse needs to be reported immediately upon learning of the alleged incident(s). Reporting to Public Authorities Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). DHHS is the primary child protection agency of the federal government. Its Information Gateway can be accessed at http://www.childwelfare.gov. This site provides information about who in your state is required by law to report, how to report, and to whom a report should be made. It also provides information about special rules related to ministerial confidentiality. It even gives a telephone number where one may call for … [Read more...]
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