Cross Brand Cowboy Church is reaching a demographic of unchurched thanks to activities it offers. ROBERT – Cross Brand Cowboy Church is reaching a demographic of unchurched thanks to activities it offers. Pastor Randy Smith, a former professional bull rider, now a pastor, ministers to a culture who may not set foot in a traditional church, but will gather to hear the Gospel in a rodeo arena. “God told me ‘you’ve led enough people away from church, now it’s time to lead people to me,’” Smith said. The cowboy Bible study Smith led for 30 years laid the groundwork for Cross Brand Cowboy Church. On a Sunday afternoon some 80-100 people gather at a rodeo arena in Amite for rodeo events and a church service. “People come and feel comfortable with their boots on. It’s a family and cowboy atmosphere … bring your horse and come to church!” Smith said. Reaching the western culture with the activities they love best – rodeo, riding and roping, Cross Brand Cowboy Church is seeing lives changed. Recently at a revival, one family of four came to know Christ. Soon after their profession of faith the family was baptized and they now serve the Lord together. “In the [rodeo circuit] world I was living in, I never heard the … [Read more...]
BEL Credit Union sports new digs
Even though his wife works at a local bank, Tom Lott says BEL Credit Union is the family’s primary banking institution, and has been for the last 20 years. ALEXANDRIA – Even though his wife works at a local bank, Tom Lott says BEL Credit Union is the family’s primary banking institution, and has been for the last 20 years. BEL is an acronym for Baptist Employees of Louisiana. Lott is minister of music and education at Pineville Park Baptist Church in Pine-ville. “It’s convenient but it’s also very professional,” Lott said after going through BEL’s new drive-up at the inside back corner of the Baptist Building. “They’re very gracious and they meet all my financial needs. This truck is a loan from BEL, and we’ve had loans for four or five cars before this.” BEL Credit Union – as well as the Louisiana Baptist Foundation and Louisiana Baptist Message – recently returned to the Baptist Building. In addition to its new drive-through with a well-lit, 14-ft. high overhang, the credit union had a sloping walkway constructed for people who prefer not to use the four stairs to get to the main floor level. Designated diagonal parking is available on the far side of the drive-up. “They have made efforts to stay up with … [Read more...]
When trials come, turn to the Bible
“Consider it great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials ….” James 1:2 (HCSB). “Consider it great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials ….” James 1:2 (HCSB). We are constantly confronted with the problem of evil and suffering in our world. And not just “out there somewhere” but all too often “close to home.” Hardly a day goes by in my office without a report of a tragic event happening to someone in our larger Baptist family – an accidental death, a serious illness, a family breakup, a financial crisis, a sinful rebellion, a natural calamity. This week is no different. We prayed for our friends who were impacted by an accidental death, a suicide, a terminal disease, and a gun attack. When these trials come, how should the believer in Christ respond? The Bible is not silent on the subject. Lengthy discussions are contained in its pages, Old and New Testament. The Book of Job comes to mind as well as the teachings of Paul, Peter, James and John. The Apostle James begins his letter to the church on this subject. What are some lessons we can learn from this Apostle? 1. Trials are a reality of life. James doesn’t say “if” trials come but “when” they come. He doesn’t … [Read more...]
Don’t let a windfall become a pitfall
What do you do when you receive a large, unexpected sum of money? What do you do when you receive a large, unexpected sum of money? It’s a problem that most of us only dream of having. While many of us juggle our monthly bills the thought runs through our mind, “If I only had extra money I could…” The dream is becoming reality for a large number of people, corporations, organizations, and even churches in northwest Louisiana. The recent discovery of one of the largest fields of natural gas in the United States, known as the Haynesville Shale, has dropped a windfall into the laps of individuals and entities along much of the western edge of the state and into East Texas. A recent New York Times article reported that as much as $30,000 per acre is being paid as a lease bonus with monthly royalty checks to follow. Many landowners have literally become millionaires overnight. So back to the question: What do you do? As a Believer what do you do when you receive a windfall of money, whether it comes from oil and gas revenues or inheritance or any other source? The 17th century Archbishop of Canterbury, John Tillotson, made a statement that is paraphrased here: Any amount over that which is necessary to meet … [Read more...]
In unusual economic times, LBF taking care of business
Business as usual in unusual economic times was the order of the day for the Louisiana Baptist Foundation when the Foundation’s Board of Trustees met for its regular quarterly meeting on July 29. ALEXANDRIA – Business as usual in unusual economic times was the order of the day for the Louisiana Baptist Foundation when the Foundation’s Board of Trustees met for its regular quarterly meeting on July 29. After welcoming new trustee Adam Hankins of Jennings, Executive Director Wayne Taylor reviewed the assets held and managed by the LBF. The total Assets under Management as of June 30, 2008, were $145,215,000, an increase of $2.1 million during the second quarter. The increase came primarily from churches and other Baptist entities placing additional money on deposit with the Foundation as well as new gifts from donors that will benefit Baptist work across the state. During the morning Investment Committee meeting, members participated in a conference call with Ross Roggensack and Lee Morris of Citigroup Institutional Consulting, the investment management consultants for the Foundation. Citigroup oversees the individual money managers who are employed by Citigroup to invest the assets held by LBF. The report on … [Read more...]
Hamas leader’s son converts to Christianity, Says only the Gospel can transform Mideast
Each August and September, churches across the state gather items for the pantry at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, to reduce the amount of money that needs to be spent each year on food and household items needed by the hundred or more youngsters and their cottage parents. MONROE – Each August and September, churches across the state gather items for the pantry at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, to reduce the amount of money that needs to be spent each year on food and household items needed by the hundred or more youngsters and their cottage parents. Following is the list of items most needed at the present time: Ziplock Bags ( gallon/quart) Mayonnaise Salad Dressing (Ranch, Italian, Thousand Island) Pickles Flour ( Plain & Self Rising) Sugar Pancake Mix Meal (Plain & Self Rising) Grits (Regular & Instant) Oatmeal (Regular & Instant) Cake, Cookie & Brownie Mix Cake Frosting Foil, Plastic Wrap, Wax Paper Cleaning Supplies Paper Towels Tea (Regular & Decaf) Fruit Juice Spices Cooking Oil Kool-Aid & Lemonade Cream Soups Instant Potatoes Hamburger Helper Canned Pie Filling Canned Fruit Cereal Barbeque Sauce Ketchup Syrup Canned Meats Chocolate … [Read more...]
2008 Baptist Hymnal makes official debut
The new 2008 Baptist Hymnal made its official debut during a morning worship Aug. 8 at LifeWay Christian Resources’ home office in Nashville, Tenn., and again that evening at the city’s renowned Schermerhorn Symphony Center. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The new 2008 Baptist Hymnal made its official debut during a morning worship Aug. 8 at LifeWay Christian Resources’ home office in Nashville, Tenn., and again that evening at the city’s renowned Schermerhorn Symphony Center. The 2008 Baptist Hymnal is published by LifeWay Worship, the music area of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. LifeWay President Thom S. Rainer said, “Two and a half years ago [LifeWay Worship director] Mike Harland came into my office and talked about a plan and a vision of creating a new hymnal and a new Worship Project that would help churches craft their worship experiences. I sensed that it was truly a God thing. Today, we have reason to celebrate God’s goodness with the dedication of this new hymnal.” Harland led in the singing of the first hymn in the new hymnal, “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,”then introduced a number of hymn writers and composers on hand for the debut, including Buryl Red and Keith and Kristyn … [Read more...]
Breaking ground: IMB ag classes break ground in Venezuela
For the past 27 years, Reinaldo Meza has driven the same yellow Land Cruiser over the dirt roads of the Venezuelan Andes. CANAGUÁ, Venezuela (BP) – For the past 27 years, Reinaldo Meza has driven the same yellow Land Cruiser over the dirt roads of the Venezuelan Andes. Before heading to his farm, Meza stops at a roadside market in Canaguá to buy a few loaves of bread for himself and International Mission Board missionaries Forrest and Becky Bohlen. After a 45-minute drive from the market into the surrounding mountains, Meza pulls the truck off the road. He and the Bohlens will hike 30 minutes on narrow trails before they reach Meza’s farm, but he’s used to the hike. After six years of working in rural areas of the Venezuelan Andes, the Bohlens also have grown accustomed to the landscape. Although the Bohlens live in Mérida, they spend about two weeks each month in Canaguá, a mountain town in the region of Pueblos del Sur (Towns of the South). They travel mountain roads and hike beaten paths to build relationships with Andean agriculturists like Meza. “The Gospel is not being preached up here. It’s not even being heard,” Forrest says. The Iowa native previously was a pastor in Texas. “Our goal is to take … [Read more...]
Youth step outside their comfort zone in drama
A group of young people from The Nazarene Church in Great Falls, Kans., led by Michael Zigler, had planned a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico, this summer. SHREVEPORT – A group of young people from The Nazarene Church in Great Falls, Kans., led by Michael Zigler, had planned a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico, this summer. As the time grew nearer for them to leave for Juarez, the political instability and violence in the area became so dangerous that Zigler decided the environment may be too hostile to take the group of young people into. Upon hearing this, they were obviously disappointed but came up with an alternative mission. They put together a drama team to go into various churches that don’t have a budget to accommodate bringing such a team in to perform for their youth. It was a 60-minute drama portraying the love of Jesus that knows no boundaries. It sounded good, but unexpectedly “walls” were put up in their path. After calling several small churches and being told that such a thing should be scheduled months in advance, Ziglar and the team were once again disappointed, but didn’t give up. “I was praying and weeping for my ‘warriors’ and I felt the leadership of the Holy Spirit to take this message to … [Read more...]
FIRST BAPTIST OPELOUSAS ACADIA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION OPELOUSAS – The First Baptist Church JOY group met for the month of August with creative casseroles being brought for the covered dish luncheon and pictures of the past being brought to display to see if pictures could go unrecognized by fellow peers just for fun. Alice Lewis provided program consisting of happenings from the past and our memories as gems. Central Louisiana Home Health Care provided blood pressure and pulse monitoring for the group. Prayer was said for fellow JOY friends who were unable to attend due to sickness. JOY meetings take place every second Tuesday of the month at First Baptist Church and is a ministry open to senior adults in the community. The covered dish luncheon/fellowship begins at 11 a.m. with the meal being served at 11:30 a.m. The fellowship lasts until around 1 p.m. If you would like more information about JOY and have an interest to attend, call the church at 948-4401. Perry Hubbs, pastor of First Opelousas, begins Sunday morning worship services at 10 a.m. with Sunday school following. OAK HILL BAPTIST SABINE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION MANY – Sometimes we are tempted to think that because a church may be small in size, … [Read more...]
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