Oh no! Summer is over? Oh no! Summer is over? I have to go back to school? Yes, it’s true and the transition from summer to school brings unique challenges for both children and parents. Adjustments to schedules, feelings of anxiety, homework, safety issues, and more can be overwhelming. Consider these suggestions for having a great start to the new school year. -Routine/Organization – One of the greatest back to school challenges is the transition from a relaxed to a structured schedule. During the summer most parents allow children to stay up later at night and get up later in the morning. A return to the school schedule can be a shock for children and result in a grumpy, cranky student. Two to three weeks before school starts parents should have children begin the routine of regular sleep and wakeup times. Another back to school challenge is organization. The unstructured days of summer are great for children but when school begins they must shift from neutral to drive quickly. Parents can help children get organized in a number of ways. The experts all agree that color is the key. Color-coding folders, notebooks, book sleeves, and other supplies is one of the best ways to help students keep it all together. … [Read more...]
Why there’s a market for faith healers
There’s much in the news these days about yet another travelling evangelist promising healing to the sick. There’s much in the news these days about yet another travelling evangelist promising healing to the sick. Every few years here comes another fraudulent, scandal-riddled “faith healer.” That’s, sadly, no surprise. Having said that, let me make clear, I am not dubious about healing. I believe that God heals today, often miraculously. And I believe that there are sometimes certain people whose prayers for the healing of others avail much. We all know, however, that there are those who will use the power of God to peddle a product. What’s most tragic about this is the fact that there’s always a constituency for guys like this. I fear that it’s more than just P.T. Barnum’s famous old maxim about the gullibility of the American public. I fear that there’s something missing in our churches that drives even some of our people to charlatans. Might there be less of a demand for these traveling health-and-wealth revivalists if our churches spent more time on our knees in prayer for sick and hurting people? Of course, all our churches have prayer lists of the sick, and many of them go over these lists line by … [Read more...]
Kendrick brothers on track for another hit with ‘Fireproof’
It’s a long way from the sets of “Flywheel” and “Facing the Giants,” but the filmmaking team of Alex and Stephen Kendrick is up to the challenge. ALBANY, Ga. (BP) – It’s a long way from the sets of “Flywheel” and “Facing the Giants,” but the filmmaking team of Alex and Stephen Kendrick is up to the challenge. The brothers’ third and latest film, “Fireproof” will be released Sept. 26. The storyline focuses on a young couple, Caleb and Catherine Holt, whose seven-year-old marriage is on the rocks. Divorce is imminent when Caleb’s father issues a “love dare” to his firefighter son as a last-ditch attempt to save the marriage. The movie is largely set in a fire station and, unlike the previous films, boasts some special effects. It is being released two years after “Facing the Giants,” filmed on a $100,000 budget, surprised many in the film industry by grossing $10 million. It remains a top-selling DVD. “Fireproof” had a $500,000 budget. When asked on location last year what was different on the set of “Fireproof,” Alex Kendrick quickly joked, “We’ve got more than one camera, plus I don’t have to both direct and play a major role.” (He played the lead role in “Facing the Giants.”) Then he turned serious when … [Read more...]
Makers of ‘Facing the Giants’ tackle marriage in ‘Fireproof’
If standing ovations are any indication, the makers of “Facing the Giants” probably have another hit on their hands. ALBANY, Ga. (BP) – If standing ovations are any indication, the makers of “Facing the Giants” probably have another hit on their hands. Sherwood Pictures’ latest film, “Fireproof,” won’t release in theaters until Sept. 26, but it’s been screened for pastors and Christian leaders all summer, and often to enthusiastic crowds. At the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Indianapolis, between 3,000 and 4,000 people saw the film, with many standing during the closing credits, applauding the movie’s focus on a biblical view of marriage. The plot focuses on the struggling marriage of a firefighter named Caleb (played by Kirk Cameron) and his wife, Catherine (Erin Bethea), both of whom are seeking a divorce after having fallen “out of love.” Their lack of communication and their disagreements over finances – as well as his addiction to Internet pornography and her budding romance at work – are tearing them apart. Caleb’s father, though, refuses to see the young couple split up and gives his son a “Love Dare” journal – a 40-day experiment in which Caleb must complete a loving action toward his wife each … [Read more...]
‘Fireproof’ offers churches unique opportunity in fall
”Fireproof,” the latest release from the makers of “Facing the Giants,” will offer churches a unique opportunity this fall to underscore the importance of a biblical view of marriage. ALBANY, Ga. (BP) – ”Fireproof,” the latest release from the makers of “Facing the Giants,” will offer churches a unique opportunity this fall to underscore the importance of a biblical view of marriage. It opens in theaters Sept. 26, but churches already are thinking ahead about ways they can use the movie to help their congregation. Officials with Sherwood Pictures -- which made the film – are emphasizing the importance of Christians watching the movie on opening weekend and not waiting until the second weekend. Leaders of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Focus on the Family and FamilyLife are urging their constituents to see the film. One website, FireproofMyMarriage.com, offers a host of resources for churches, couples and singles. Following are several ways churches can use the movie and help promote it: n Buying all the tickets for a particular showing. In many such instances, theater owners will allow pastors and church leaders to address the audience before and after the movie if they have … [Read more...]
Training equips Sunday school teachers
The more you think about Sunday School, the more important it becomes. STATEWIDE – The more you think about Sunday School, the more important it becomes. It’s the primary in-depth Bible-teaching done in the church. “Preaching is when you get convicted to study the Bible,” said Sean Keith, Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist on the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Evangelism team. “Bible study is what you do to learn how to live like a Christian, to learn how God wants you to live and to relate to Him and to the other people in your life.” Because of the importance of Bible study to the Christian growth of each individual student, teachers must be as prepared as possible. The regional Sunday School training events taking place across the state this month and into October can help. “There are some new teachers this fall in churches all across Louisiana,” Keith said. “There are some people who have been teaching 35 years or more. There are some people who ask, ‘How can I teach a baby about Jesus?’ and others who say, ‘I don’t think there’s anything I could say to the senior adults they haven’t heard before.’ “There’s something for everyone at the regional Sunday school training provided by the associations, LBC and … [Read more...]
Christian Education leaders plan statewide network thrust
Guest host Bruce Raley of LifeWay Christian Resources is to lead in an Aug. 12-15 Christian education thrust in nine locations across the state. ALEXANDRIA – Guest host Bruce Raley of LifeWay Christian Resources is to lead in an Aug. 12-15 Christian education thrust in nine locations across the state. A Cooperative Program-funded focus, the thrust is for ministers of education, age-specific ministers, associate pastors, bivocational and single-staff pastors, and lay leaders – “anyone responsible for Christian education in their church,” said Sean Keith, Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist for the LBC evangelism/church growth team. “We’re going to be looking at the present state of Christian education in Louisiana Baptist churches,” Keith said. “This is an opportunity for dialogue among Christian educators,” he added. “It also is an opportunity for networking – meeting someone you can call to bounce ideas off or ask questions of, share experiences.” Stops over the four-day thrust – which are to take place during and after no-host meals – are to be at Calvary Shreveport, First Arcadia, Catfish Cabin Monroe, Shoney’s Restaurant Alexandria, Carey Association Building Lake Charles, First Lafayette, Walker, Woodland … [Read more...]
LifeWay announces two themes for ’09 VBS
Next year churches can take their pick – taking kids on a train adventure through Australia or setting up a personalized archaeological dig. Either way, Jesus will be the ultimate destination. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Next year churches can take their pick – taking kids on a train adventure through Australia or setting up a personalized archaeological dig. Either way, Jesus will be the ultimate destination. The theme of the main VBS line is Boomerang Express: It All Comes Back to Jesus. The Club VBS theme is Truth Trek: Digging for God’s Treasures. Both options give churches the opportunity to connect VBS participants with the truth of the one true God and His only Son Jesus. Boomerang Express With the Boomerang Express: It All Comes Back to Jesus, VBS participants visit Australia, the great Down Under. While exploring the ocean and outback, rocks and reefs, kids will travel across Australia and learn that no matter where you go or what you do, the most important thing in life is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Kids will stay on track as they discover the ever-changing landscape of Peter’s relationship with Jesus from his first introduction to a life fully committed to Christ. “VBS leaders have been requesting … [Read more...]
Baptist Press plans Olympic coverage
The U.S. Olympic Committee has granted Baptist Press a prestigious writer’s credential with access to all accredited venues, and the news service is sending sports editor Tim Ellsworth to Beijing to cover the Olympic Games and related events. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The U.S. Olympic Committee has granted Baptist Press a prestigious writer’s credential with access to all accredited venues, and the news service is sending sports editor Tim Ellsworth to Beijing to cover the Olympic Games and related events. “It’s an honor to be recognized by the International Olympic Committee, especially knowing that so many media outlets applied and a good number were declined,” said Will Hall, executive editor ofBaptist Press. “The IOC limited the U.S. to 450 accreditation cards for print media, but more than 15,000 journalists applied.” Ellsworth, who serves as director of news and media relations for Union University, will be in China Aug. 6-16 developing features about 10 or so Christian athletes. He’ll follow their participation in the Games and write articles about their faith and the results of their competitions. “Covering the Beijing Olympics is quite possibly the highlight of my career in journalism,” Ellsworth said. “I’m … [Read more...]
Meacham appointed to new post at NAMB
The North American Mission Board has appointed David Meacham to the newly-created position of senior strategist for associations. Prior to his new appointment, Meacham served as NAMB’s senior strategist for church planting. ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – The North American Mission Board has appointed David Meacham to the newly-created position of senior strategist for associations. Prior to his new appointment, Meacham served as NAMB’s senior strategist for church planting. In naming Meacham to the new position, NAMB President Geoff Hammond stated his commitment to ensure greater thinking from Baptist associations throughout the mission board and a higher visibility of associations and their mission efforts. “I believe associations are an important part of Southern Baptist cooperative missions,” said Hammond, himself a former associational director of missions in northwest Arkansas. The appointment of Meacham to the newly-created job reflects not only Hammond’s associational experience but follows a NAMB-initiated “think tank” meeting in April during which NAMB/associational relations was discussed and redefined. The session was attended by NAMB representatives, associational missionaries, several state executive directors and … [Read more...]
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