In a previous column we examined the actual cost to the minister when a church gives the entire salary as a lump sum paid out over several paychecks during the year. If the minister accepts the $30,000 salary in this fashion, and if the minister pays the appropriate taxes and expenses, it actually costs the minister over $1,500 per year to be the minister of the church. In a previous column we examined the actual cost to the minister when a church gives the entire salary as a lump sum paid out over several paychecks during the year. If the minister accepts the $30,000 salary in this fashion, and if the minister pays the appropriate taxes and expenses, it actually costs the minister over $1,500 per year to be the minister of the church. Is there a solution to this problem? Yes. Since the church in this illustration cannot afford to increase the salary of the minister, the easiest solution is for the church to remove the auto expense, health, life, and disability insurances, and the retirement amount from the salary. By doing so, the church can meet the minister’s need without spending any more money. Here is how the new structure would look. The new salary of $12,450 is determined by taking the total amount of … [Read more...]
CrossOver, Pastor’s Conference, annual meeting set for Nov. 8-12
Restoration is one of the stated purposes of CrossOver, the evangelistic effort that takes place across Greater New Orleans on the weekend before the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s annual meeting. NEW ORLEANS – Restoration is one of the stated purposes of CrossOver, the evangelistic effort that takes place across Greater New Orleans on the weekend before the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s annual meeting. In addition to their stated themes, the same word could be used for the LBC Pastor’s Conference, set for Nov. 10 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and for the LBC annual meeting itself, which is to take place Nov. 11-12 at First Baptist Church of New Orleans: Restoration of trust in an unchanging word for the pastor’s conference, and restoration of the effort needed to bring the peace of Jesus to New Orleans for the annual meeting. “No city has ever been so sown with the seeds of the gospel like this one,” says Chuck Kelley, president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. New Orleans is on the verge of a great first-ever revival because of all the seeds that have been planted, he adds in frequent conversations. “Every time a believer journeys to New Orleans and bears a faithful witness for Christ, … [Read more...]
1. ABORTION McCain is pro-life and is in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. However, he has said he would not seek a constitutional amendment to ban abortion. Obama is pro-choice and favors abortion rights. 2. AFGHANISTAN McCain favors an unspecified boost in U.S. forces. Obama would add about 7,000 troops to the U.S. force of 36,000, bringing reinforcements from Iraq. 3. CAMPAIGN FINANCE McCain co-sponsored McCain-Feingold Bill, which became law in 2002, which prohibits national political party committees from raising or spending any funds not subject to federal limits, even for state and local races or issue discussion. Additionally, it sought to curb the proliferation of issue ads, by defining as “electioneering communications” broadcast ads that name a federal candidate within 30 days of a primary or caucus or 60 days of a general election, and prohibiting any such ad paid for by a corporation or paid for by an unincorporated entity using any corporate or union funds. McCain has been limited to spending $84 million for the general election campaign after accepting federal funds. Obama is relying solely on private donations to finance his campaign. At the time the information for this report was compiled … [Read more...]
Thompson Road Baptist Church in Slidell donated their offering to an orphanage in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico called His River Dwelling Ministry, where they recently went on a mission trip. Grace Memorial Baptist Church in Slidell discovered about 30 new prospects for Sunday School. Westside Baptist Church in Ponchatoula donated their offering to Give Me Shelter Ministries in Mexico where they built a home on a mission trip. Instead of collecting an offering, First Baptist Church in Slidell participated in NAMB and Lifeway’s “Party in a Box” outreach program. They filled nine huge boxes that are being used by NAMB missionaries in the local area. Sherwood Baptist Church in Baton Rouge donated their offering to Brave Heart–Children in Need, a local non-profit organization who reaches out to children that have been abused or neglected. Along with taking up an offering, Bethel Baptist Church in Colfax collected 102 pairs of shoes for Soles 4 Souls. Carroll Baptist Church in Walker added 39 new prospects to the Sunday School VBS. Instead of VBS, Grace Baptist Church in New Orleans did an eight-week sports camp with daily Bible lessons. There were 55 children enrolled and 15 professions of faith. New Hope Baptist Church … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS Ron Flurry (wife Janet) new as pastor, New Ebenezer, Castor. Jonathan Evans, new as minister of youth, Memorial Baptist, Bogalusa. Heith Guilbert, new as music pastor at East Bayou, Lafayette. Robert Gallaty, resigns as pastor of Immanuel Baptist, Morgan City going to Brainerd Baptist, Chattanooga, Tenn. John Simmons, new as minister of music at Riverview Baptist, Alexandria. Kirk Wood, resigns as student pastor of Sale Street Baptist, Lake Charles going to Grace Community Church, Roswell, N.M. Dusty Carson, new as associate pastor of youth and recreation at First Baptist, Vidalia. AVAILABLE Hershel Clanton for pulpit supply; call 318.723.4660. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS RAYVILLE – Eastside Baptist: Homecoming/Revival Weekend Celebration 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 31 – Nov. 1; 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 2; lunch to follow; Johnny Smith, evangelist; Richard David, music; Don Roberts, interim pastor. VIDALIA – First Baptist: Renovation Groundbreaking held Sunday, Oct. 19; Dan Glenn, pastor. HAMMOND – Jerusalem Baptist: Homecoming Celebration; Singing 9:15 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 9; Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 9; John Connell, guest speaker; Chuck Brown, music; … [Read more...]
National WMU hosting leadership training conference on Feb. 19-22
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Ready to sample the sweet selections of leadership growth? Then don’t miss the national WMU leadership training event, LEADERSHIP is like a box of chocolates. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Ready to sample the sweet selections of leadership growth? Then don’t miss the national WMU leadership training event, LEADERSHIP is like a box of chocolates. On Feb.19-22, 2009 at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center, Talladega, Ala., participants can indulge in a leadership learning experience and engage in a number of activities that will help them hone leadership skills they already possess, or help them acquire new leadership skills and techniques. “Leadership skills are leadership skills no matter where you use them,” said national WMU missions innovator Caroline Jones, and this conference seeks to help a variety of women in numerous aspects of leadership. When asked what participants could gain from attending the conference, Jones stated, “For 120 years, WMU has sought to identify and equip leaders to use their skills to help evangelize the world. “It is on the foundation of that history that we offer this new conference,” Jones said. “I believe that when we work to strengthen our leadership skills, what we … [Read more...]
Two new missionaries appointed to state
The North American Mission Board has appointed two new missionaries, Stacy Rains and Tammy Vickers, to serve at Rachel Sims Baptist Mission in New Orleans. ALPHARETTA, Ga. – The North American Mission Board has appointed two new missionaries, Stacy Rains and Tammy Vickers, to serve at Rachel Sims Baptist Mission in New Orleans. Stacy will spend the next two years at Rachel Sims, assisting with Vacation Bible School programs, afternoon Bible clubs, teen programs, food and clothing banks and after-school programs for neighborhood children. A native of Benton, Stacy recently graduated from McNeese State University, Lake Charles, with a bachelor’s degree in general studies and a minor in English. At McNeese, she was also a member of the McNeese Honors College and active in the Baptist Collegiate Ministry on campus. Tammy will teach a children’s Bible program, assist with teen Bible clubs, work in the clothing ministry and be in charge of the center’s emergency food box program. A native of McAllen, Texas, Tammy earned a B.S. degree in speech communications at the University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. She formally worked as production director at KVMV (FM 96.9) and World Radio Network, Pharr, Texas. … [Read more...]
Steelroots launching new reality TV show featuring 3 skaters
The series, called The Uprising, brings a bold look to Christian television for the next generation. The show will be available to more than 125 million people worldwide through various television networks and online The series, called The Uprising, brings a bold look to Christian television for the next generation. The show will be available to more than 125 million people worldwide through various television networks and online at Indian Land, SC Steelroots, one of the leading producers of television programs targeting Christian youth and one of the few media-based ministries focusing on action sports, today announced that it debuted a new reality TV series called The Uprising on Thursday, Oct. 16 at 5 p.m. EST on INSP The Inspiration Network. The series also can be viewed 24/7 online at The Uprising follows pro skaters Jay Haizlip, Christian Hosoi, and Brian Sumner as they comb skate parks, backyard pools, and other hangouts in an effort to spread the Gospel. The series was birthed out of Haizlips The Sanctuary Church in Huntington Beach, California where he serves as Senior Pastor and his The Uprising is Here events, which brings pro skateboarders, live … [Read more...]
Half-million meals fixed in Galveston
Southern Baptist disaster relief feeding unit stationed in Galveston, Texas, has passed the half-million mark for meals prepared for residents and workers in a region heavily damaged by Hurricane Ike. GALVESTON, Texas (BP) – Southern Baptist disaster relief feeding unit stationed in Galveston, Texas, has passed the half-million mark for meals prepared for residents and workers in a region heavily damaged by Hurricane Ike. The milestone, reached Oct. 10, was significant for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, which owns the unit, and disaster relief workers from six other state conventions who have helped man unit. Volunteers say they’re aware that they’re feeding more than physical hunger as they pray with and witness to those seeking a hot lunch and dinner where few may be found. The work has yielded noticeable spiritual fruit. John Davidson of Richmond, Va., began his post-Hurricane Ike service after a stint washing dishes in Beaumont in late September. He said he had many opportunities to pray with people who went to the Southern Baptist disaster relief feeding unit for food and clothes and other household items that had been donated by the community. After two weeks on duty in Beaumont, Davidson … [Read more...]
Is your church essential?
Karen grew up in church. In college, she became active in student ministry and, after graduating, joined a comfortable church. Seven months later, she dropped out. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Karen grew up in church. In college, she became active in student ministry and, after graduating, joined a comfortable church. Seven months later, she dropped out. Church somehow lost its importance in Karen’s life. Living in southern Florida, she decided there were plenty of other things to do on Sundays. “I really don’t feel that guilty,” she said. “I still pray and read my Bible.” Karen is just one of many young adults, 18-22, who stop going to church for a year or more, according to LifeWay Research data. In a new book – “Essential Church?: Reclaiming a generation of dropouts” – Thom S. Rainer and his son Sam examine why people like Karen have left churches. They also offer solutions for churches in reaching out to this growing number of dropouts. The elder Rainer, president of LifeWay Christian Resources and author of “Simple Church” among his 20 titles, has served as pastor or interim pastor of 11 churches. Sam is a pastor in Sarasota, Fla., who, as president of Rainer Research, speaks often on helping churches become … [Read more...]
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