The annual National Church Renewal Journey Conference is coming to Louisiana. ALEXANDRIA – The annual National Church Renewal Journey Conference is coming to Louisiana. For the last 20 years, the conference – a time for conference members to be renewed and refreshed in preparation for another year of serving and ministering to churches through the Church Renewal Journey Weekends – took place at Toccoa Conference Center in Georgia. Conference leaders decided two years ago it was time to move the conference around to provide more people the opportunity to attend. Last year (2007), it was held at Ridgecrest, N.C., and plans are being made to host the 2008 event on Nov. 14-16 at Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center in Woodworth. This year’s conference theme is GPS – God’s Plan for Sharing. The conference’s theme is much like Louisiana’s version of the same thing: Second Wind – Sharing the Peace of Jesus with New Orleans. “The conference provides participants a chance to renew old acquaintances and make news ones,” Ivan Harless said. “More importantly, though, it allows participants to become renewed and refreshed as they allow God to prepare their hearts for another year of serving and ministering to churches through … [Read more...]
Billy Graham turning 90; public invited to send well wishes
For more than 60 years, evangelist Billy Graham has preached the good news of God’s love in-person to nearly 215 million people at hundreds of events and countless millions more via television and radio. Now, all of the individuals, churches and ministries he has impacted have a unique opportunity to say something in return. CHARLOTTE, N.C. – For more than 60 years, evangelist Billy Graham has preached the good news of God’s love in-person to nearly 215 million people at hundreds of events and countless millions more via television and radio. Now, all of the individuals, churches and ministries he has impacted have a unique opportunity to say something in return. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) announced Oct. 3 it is collecting stories and birthday wishes for the evangelist, who turns 90 on Nov. 7. All who have been personally touched by an aspect of Billy Graham’s ministry are welcome and encouraged to visit to share a greeting or a personal story about his ministry they feel would encourage Mr. Graham at this milestone. Submissions will be accepted until Nov. 1. “My father is a humble man who would never expect to be honored and recognized like this on his birthday,” said … [Read more...]
People should apply words of worship to everyday life
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Miss Bessie was well known at Oakland Baptist Church in Corinth, Miss., especially for her loud singing from the pews every Sunday morning. Something unexpected, however, happened to Miss Bessie that could have easily discouraged her from worshipping God with the same enthusiasm – throat cancer. But she didn’t let her illness stop her. After losing her voice, she kept on worshipping God the best way she could under the circumstances. Miss Bessie held high her arms and hands and continued praising the Lord in worship until cancer took her life. For Miss Bessie, worship was a lifestyle. In the B&H Publishing Group book Seven Words of Worship: The Key to a Lifetime of Experiencing God, Miss Bessie is one example of how worship should be a key part of a Christian’s identity. Authors Mike Harland and Stan Moser write about the importance of worship and explain what worship is by using seven words – creation, grace, love, response, expression, presence, and experience. Harland is director of worship for LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. He holds a master’s degree in church music from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is a choral musical producer and worship … [Read more...]
‘Fireproof’ still a hit at box office in its second week
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – In its second week at the box office, “Fireproof” topped $12 million in total receipts and stayed among the top five movies in average theater revenue. Fireproof averaged $4,776 in 852 theaters, according to, placing it at No. 5 in average revenue per theater. The movie pulled in just over $4 million overall, claiming the No. 8 spot in total weekend revenue. The only movie that brought in significantly better per-theater revenue was “Beverly Hills Chihuahua,” which hit its opening weekend in 3,215 venues, averaging $9,020 per theater and grossing $29 million. The No. 2 movie in average revenue this past weekend, “Eagle Eye,” scored only $258 more per theater than Fireproof. While Eagle Eye also was in its second week at the box office, “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” was opening at 2,421 venues and ranked third in weekend gross but pulled in only $181 more per theater than Fireproof. In its opening weekend, Fireproof pulled in an average of $7,764 in each of 839 theaters and placed fourth in gross revenue with $6.5 million. Though the makers of Fireproof are not in it for the money and funnel the proceeds back into charitable work, box office receipts are a measure of the … [Read more...]
Tiny Footprints
Many babies admitted to this neonatal intensive care unit – those born unexpectedly early, some even before their own baby showers – receive their first gifts from Dana Gallahair. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (BP) – Many babies admitted to this neonatal intensive care unit – those born unexpectedly early, some even before their own baby showers – receive their first gifts from Dana Gallahair. “Yes, I’m the bag lady,” Gallahair said, laughing. She knocks on the door of an anxious mother’s room, gives the new mom a gift bag and then gets on with her job as a registered nurse and care coordinator for the neonatal and newborn nursery at Baptist Medical Center South in Montgomery, Ala. The bags help Gallahair with introductions, but they’re not issued by the hospital. They’re supplied when needed by her friend and former patient Kim Wilson, founder of Footprints Ministry and member of Heritage Baptist Church in Montgomery. Wilson started the neonatal intensive care unit ministry in August 2007 to uplift and encourage parents of NICU babies. Some 800 babies are admitted to the NICUs of Baptist South and Baptist Medical Center East in Montgomery each year. In 2006, Wilson’s son John Parker was one of them. Wilson can remember … [Read more...]
Executive Board Charter Amendment
Executive Board Charter Amendment –That the Executive Board of the Louisiana Baptist Convention amend the Executive Board Charter as attached and that the Executive Board of the Louisiana Baptist Convention recommend these Charter amendments to the Louisiana Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans November 10-11, 2008 for adoption. The Executive Board shall consist of one (1) member from each association having a minimum of seven churches with an aggregate church membership of at least one thousand, plus one (1) additional board member from each association having as many as ten thousand (10,000) church members, and an additional board member for each additional five thousand (5,000) church members of such associations; provided, however, that not more than seven (7) members from any one association shall serve simultaneously as members of the Executive Board. … [Read more...]
The Church, Minister, and taxes
Doing church used to be so much easier. In today’s security minded world many things have changed that affect the church. When it comes to paying someone to serve as a minister, things have become a little more complicated. Doing church used to be so much easier. In today’s security minded world many things have changed that affect the church. When it comes to paying someone to serve as a minister, things have become a little more complicated. Churches used to be able to simply say to a minister “Here is the amount of money we will give you. Use it as you choose.” In today’s world that approach may not only be detrimental to the minister, it could also place the church in a position of violating IRS tax regulations. In a series of columns, I will discuss several items the church needs to consider as a new budget is developed or an existing budget is altered. The first item will be an attempt to answer the question “What is wrong with just giving all the money we have budgeted for a minister to him and let him handle everything?” The answer to that question is rather simple. The church may be costing the minister additional taxes; taxes that he would not have to pay if the church had approached the situation a … [Read more...]
The election and the Supreme Court
Many hot button issues have been debated over the course of the current presidential campaign. Of late, the struggling American economy has been the topic de jour. Missing from too many discussions and speeches, however, is perhaps the most searing issue – the likely appointment of one or more Supreme Court justices. Many hot button issues have been debated over the course of the current presidential campaign. Of late, the struggling American economy has been the topic de jour. Missing from too many discussions and speeches, however, is perhaps the most searing issue – the likely appointment of one or more Supreme Court justices. Supreme Court justices, once confirmed, are appointed for life. Hence, their influence over American society and its laws can span more than three decades. Long after a president leaves office, his appointee(s) will be rendering decisions that will impact the life and liberty of all Americans. (For example, President Ford left office more than 30 years ago, but one of his nominees, John Paul Stevens, is still on the court.) More times than not, a Supreme Court nominee will possess ideological and philosophical views that closely mirror those of the president making the appointment. Hence, a … [Read more...]
Baileys are recipients of Northwestern DSA
Doyle and Barbara Bailey of Natchez have been named recipients of the 2008 President’s Distinguished Service Award at Northwestern State University. The Baileys will be honored at the annual Homecoming Banquet on Friday, Oct. 24 and at the Homecoming football game against Sam Houston on Saturday, Oct. 25. NATCHITOCHES – Doyle and Barbara Bailey of Natchez have been named recipients of the 2008 President’s Distinguished Service Award at Northwestern State University. The Baileys will be honored at the annual Homecoming Banquet on Friday, Oct. 24 and at the Homecoming football game against Sam Houston on Saturday, Oct. 25. “Doyle and Barbara Bailey are exemplars of the volunteering community of people who willingly give of themselves and their resources to help others,” said Northwestern State President Dr. Randall J. Webb. “Both Doyle and Barbara are retired from caring professions and could relax and enjoy life after years of serving others in their professional roles. But, ‘retirement’ to them is yet another phase in their work lives in which they continue to contribute to the overall welfare of our city and region.” According to Webb, the couple was instrumental in establishing a memorandum of understanding between … [Read more...]
La. College trustees pass 2 capital fundraising campaign resolutions
Louisiana College trustees at their recent board meeting passed two capital fundraising campaign resolutions. PINEVILLE – Louisiana College trustees at their recent board meeting passed two capital fundraising campaign resolutions. They also approved an expansion of the Allied Health program, and the creation of an accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program. “The board is in one accord,” said outgoing chairman Mark Sparks, a mechanical engineer by profession and a member at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church in the city of Central. “Both of these [capital campaigns] are tied to big and wonderful things for the college. The law school will be one of a kind in the entire country and we’re excited about that. And as we expand our Allied Health program, it is vital that we also expand the infrastructure for teaching those classes.” LC’s 34 trustees met Oct. 6 and 7 at LC’s Granberry Conference Center for the board’s regularly scheduled fall meeting, delayed a month because of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. A plan to gather for prayer on the site of the football/soccer stadium construction was thwarted by the weather, but at the meeting the trustees elected officers, passed resolutions, and heard … [Read more...]
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