The Louisiana College Office of Alumni Affairs recently announced the schedule and theme for Homecoming 2008. PINEVILLE – The Louisiana College Office of Alumni Affairs recently announced the schedule and theme for Homecoming 2008. Homecoming is to begin on Thursday, Oct. 23, and continue through Saturday, Oct. 25. This year’s theme is “A Field of Dreams,” which coincides with the opening of the new Wildcat football/soccer field. “This will be the first time in 40 years that the LC football team has played on campus,” said Joe Aguillard, President of Louisiana College. Homecoming this year will have a special meaning for those who attend. Current students and alumni alike will be part of history as the LC Wildcat Football team takes on Howard Payne University on the new football field. “Our football players and students are very excited about having a football field and stadium right here on campus,” LC Head Football Coach Dennis Dunn said. “This has been a long time coming.” Football was re-introduced to LC in 2000 and since that time home games have been played on the Pineville High School football field. Each year at homecoming several LC alumni are recognized and awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award, … [Read more...]
Tomorrow you will eat your words
If Jesus himself were running for political office, I would not give him an endorsement as pastor of my church. If Jesus himself were running for political office, I would not give him an endorsement as pastor of my church. But Jesus is not now –nor will he ever be – running for political office. He taught us clearly that politics itself is far too feeble a tool to get done what he is trying to do on this earth. Jesus is not blind to politics and politicians – he sees right through them. The church is a force for good in this world because it is beholding to no politicians! It speaks and ministers by the authority of no earthly government. It salutes the flag of God Almighty and answers to Him alone. This transcendent task and independent status of the church is essential to its nature. If the church becomes the benevolence branch of government, it loses its own soul. So the church rightfully insists that government not intervene in its internal affairs. The vote is a sacred trust in our democracy. It is our most fundamental right and responsibility as citizens. Every eligible citizen should be registered to vote and should take the time and make the hard choices on Election Day. Pastors should not be … [Read more...]
Pulpit politicking and the IRS
On Sunday, Sept. 28, a few dozen pastors across the United States endorsed or opposed political candidates from pulpits during their churches’ worship services. The coordinated effort apparently was designed to both call attention to and violate an IRS statute that forbids pastors from stumping for candidates from their pulpits. On Sunday, Sept. 28, a few dozen pastors across the United States endorsed or opposed political candidates from pulpits during their churches’ worship services. The coordinated effort apparently was designed to both call attention to and violate an IRS statute that forbids pastors from stumping for candidates from their pulpits. One of the implied purposes of the pulpit politicking was an attempt to force the IRS’s hand. The hope of the participants is that the U.S. taxing authority will seek to punish one, or more, of the law-breaking pastors. The theory is that if that were to occur, it would allow a court challenge of federal government restrictions on political involvement by churches and pastors. You may have applauded the pastors who participated in the recent “Pulpit Freedom Sunday.” You may be appalled at the very thought of politics on parade during a worship service. Whatever your … [Read more...]
NOBTS’ Landrum Leavell passes away at 81
Landrum P. Leavell II, president emeritus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, died Sept. 26 in Wichita Falls, Texas. He was 81. WICHITA FALLS, Texas (BP) – Landrum P. Leavell II, president emeritus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, died Sept. 26 in Wichita Falls, Texas. He was 81. Born in Ripley, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1926, Leavell was raised in Newnan, Ga., where his father, Leonard O. Leavell, was pastor of the First Baptist Church. On July 28, 1953 he married JoAnn Paris of New Orleans, a graduate of Sophie Newcomb College. He went on to become the president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, his alma mater, and one of the most influential Southern Baptist leaders of his generation. Leavell was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1948 and began pastoring a church in Mississippi during his time as a student at New Orleans Seminary. Leavell earned a B.A. in English from Mercer University and a B.D. degree and a Th.D. in New Testament and Greek from NOBTS. During his 27 years as a pastor, Leavell served at Union Baptist Church in Magnolia, Miss. (1948-51); Crosby Baptist Church in Crosby, Miss. (1951-53); First Baptist Church in Charleston, Miss. (1953-56); First Baptist Church in Gulfport, … [Read more...]
Fighting Hunger in the World
Southern Baptists have long engaged in cooperative ministry efforts to meet worldwide needs. And today the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund continues to reflect the legacy of cooperation that has come to characterize the Southern Baptist Convention. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Southern Baptists have long engaged in cooperative ministry efforts to meet worldwide needs. And today the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund continues to reflect the legacy of cooperation that has come to characterize the Southern Baptist Convention. Since 1981, three SBC entities – the International Mission Board (IMB), the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) – have partnered to raise awareness of world hunger so that food can be served and a Gospel witness given to millions of hungry people around the globe, while LifeWay Christian Resources, the SBC Executive Committee and the Woman’s Missionary Union readily assist them in these efforts. “We have a renewed synergy between multiple entities related to the work of the World Hunger Fund,” said Bobby Reed, ERLC vice president for business and finance. When Southern Baptists give to the World Hunger Fund, 80 percent of funds are disbursed to … [Read more...]
World Hunger Fund aids Overseas Outreach
Southern Baptists have a reputation for responding generously and faithfully in times of crises around the globe. On Oct. 12, in observance of World Hunger Day, they can continue that support by providing funds for missionaries to use as they handle the challenges of famine and natural disasters. RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – Southern Baptists have a reputation for responding generously and faithfully in times of crises around the globe. On Oct. 12, in observance of World Hunger Day, they can continue that support by providing funds for missionaries to use as they handle the challenges of famine and natural disasters. In addition to receiving support from the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, many International Mission Board missionaries use gifts from the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund to help provide food for people or help them grow it. According to recent studies, one in 12 people worldwide is malnourished, including 60 million children under the age of 5. Every 3.6 seconds someone in the world dies of hunger. In places like Ecuador, gifts to the World Hunger Fund are used for agricultural projects that help people find long-term solutions in tough times. Solutions range from animal … [Read more...]
Airline Baptist Church Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association BOSSIER CITY – Airline Baptist Church’s congregation is growing a lot. Educational and Evangelism Minister Brother Bruce Edwards said God is using church programs to bring souls into His Kingdom. “Through the summer we had a special emphasis in the Sunday Schools to go visiting,” Edwards said. This has continued into the fall; and now evangelism teams are visiting too. “Faith Teams” go out every Tuesday night to visit community members, he added. Because of these visits, the church’s MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Group and AWANA, new families are attending services almost every Sunday. “Last (church) year we baptized 75 people,” Edwards said. “And we’ve already had several baptisms this year.” On an average Sunday, 700 people attend Sunday services at Airline Baptist Church. And two hundred children attended Airline’s VBS program this past summer. “We had quite a few professions of faith (there),” Edwards said. All this growth is causing a welcome problem. “We’re running out of space,” Edwards added. “We’re excited!” Allen Temple Baptist Church Greater New Orleans Baptist Association AVONDALE – According to Pastor Donald … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Adair Ellen, new as pastor, Bethel Baptist Lillie. -Sonny Simpson, resigns as pastor, New Hope Monroe. DEATHS -Gary Griffith, minister of music at First Baptist Swartz, died Oct. 1. He was 45. Funeral services were Oct. 4. He is survived by his wife, Frances, and two sons. NEEDED -Bi-vocational music director/minister music at First Baptist Vienna; call 318.255.8050. -Youth director at Pine Grove Baptist, Bernice; send resume to Mike Smith, 1167 Pine Grove Church Road, Bernice LA 71222. -Part-time minister of music at Cross Roads Baptist, Farmerville; send resume to Andy Johnson, Cross Roads Baptist Church, 9027 Hwy. 143, Farmerville LA 71241. -Part-time minister of music at Crestview Baptist, Farmerville; call 318.292.4159. -Full-time youth pastor and full-time music minister at Houston River Baptist, Sulphur; send resume to 110 W. Houston River Road, Sulphur LA 70663. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS -DEVILLE – Longview Baptist: 50th Anniversary Celebration of Don Lemmons in ministry Sunday, Oct. 19; recognition service 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19; Robby Poole, pastor. -RHINEHART – Pine Grove Baptist: Homecoming Celebration 10 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 12; Preston Holder, speaker; Connie … [Read more...]
LBC to give $500,000 grant to nine hard-hit associations
An initial grant of $500,000 will be made to the Director of Missions in each of the nine hardest hit associations in Louisiana, Executive Board members of the Louisiana Baptist Convention learned Tuesday at their regularly-scheduled fall meeting at Tall Timbers. WOODWORTH – An initial grant of $500,000 will be made to the Director of Missions in each of the nine hardest hit associations in Louisiana, Executive Board members of the Louisiana Baptist Convention learned Tuesday at their regularly-scheduled fall meeting at Tall Timbers. Mike Canady, Director of Missions and Ministry, outlined a plan in which the LBC will allocate funding to local associations. Churches, damaged in the storms may apply for assistance with their respective DOM. “This is an initial grant,” Canady said. “As additional funds become available, the LBC will make them available to the associations. We realize these grants won’t take care of all the needs, but it is a start. “And providing this grant to local associations, it should help speed up the process of getting assistance to churches in need,” Canady said. “There were 65 churches with significant damage. The two recent hurricanes (Gustav and Ike) and the response of Southern Baptist … [Read more...]
New Orleans seminary presents “Singspiration!”
Celebrations in song have always been part of the tapestry of life on the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. NEW ORLEANS – Celebrations in song have always been part of the tapestry of life on the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. On Oct. 14 at Leavell Chapel on the NOBTS campus, a not-so-typical concert will provide choral music with a twist: “Singspiration!” will feature the combined voices of the chorus and the congregation in a first of-its-kind musical event at the seminary. The event is set for 7:30 p.m. on the NOBTS campus. “Singspiration!” is free and open to the public. “Singing is a healing process. I believe we need something to draw in the Christian community to allow it to sing,” said Dr. Benjamin Harlan, Professor of Church Music at the seminary. Both the seminary chorus and the congregation will join their voices in praise, Harlan said. Classic hymns and contemporary worship music will be featured in an expression of faith in God. The music will also communicate the singers’ awe of God’s majesty, the hope through Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection, the peace of God’s presence and the majesty of His name, Harlan said. Harlan said “Singing together is fun; … [Read more...]
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