Bayou Baptist Association Grand Caillou Baptist Church DULAC – This week, in the aftermath of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, 20 volunteers from Grand Caillou Baptist Church served more than 2,200 hot meals from the church parking lot, gave out 700 gallons of bleach, plus several hundred cases of water and ice. “Many of the people in our community have made great progress at getting all of the mud out of their homes. It is a little depressing to drive down the highway and see all of their furniture and belongings along the roadway,” Pastor Marcel McGee said. “We are expecting the first of the volunteer groups to come into our area to help with mud-out this weekend. Our church will be a base for work groups for months to come. “Our church was built for such a time as this,” McGee said. “Our church parking lot, bathrooms, and facilities were constructed with disaster relief in mind. “This has been a great time of ministry for our church. We have given out over 600 New Testament Bibles, tracts, pamphlets, etc. It has been very encouraging to see some people thumbing through the Bible while they are waiting in the lines to get supplies. “We have listened to people tell their stories about the devastation they have … [Read more...]
Organist celebrates 50 years with Emmanuel Baptist
Emmanuel Baptist Church in Shreveport will honor Yvonne Douglas for her 50 years of dedicated service as church organist on Sunday, Oct. 12 Organist celebrates 50 years with Emmanuel Baptist SHREVEPORT – Emmanuel Baptist Church in Shreveport will honor Yvonne Douglas for her 50 years of dedicated service as church organist on Sunday, Oct. 12, at 10:45 a.m. The service will include special music and tributes to Mrs. Douglas for her contributions during her many years with the church. She will be honored with a luncheon immediately following the morning worship hour. Her service includes faithful attendance at the organ, helping coordinate many weddings, helping with the youth ministries, participating and helping with dramas, and participating in the church’s handbell ministry. … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS - Mitchell B. (wife DeAnna) Minson, new as pastor, First Baptist, Lake Providence from Wade, North Carolina. - Noah Langley, new as interim pastor, Teche Baptist, Breaux Bridge. - Dennis Allen, retires as pastor, First Baptist, Baker. - Dusty Carson, new as associate pastor of youth and recreation, First Baptist, Vidalia. NEEDED - Full-time executive pastor at Parkview Baptist, Baton Rouge. Send resume to PO Box 40712, Baton Rouge LA 70835-0712. - Part-time youth minister and part-time music minister needed at Westside Baptist, Bogalusa. Call 985.516.4081. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS - MONTEREY – First Baptist: 55th Anniversary Celebration 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4 Fish Fry; 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 5; Jim Twilbeck, speaker; Lowery Herrington, music; Gloria Herrington, guest pianist; covered dish lunch; Gene Lee, pastor. - COVINGTON – New Zion Baptist: Homecoming Celebration 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 5 Dwayne Boudreaux, speaker; Toby Hughes, minister of music; Jake Roudkovski, interim pastor. -JONESVILLE – Ouachita Baptist Association Homecoming Celebration at Utility Baptist 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 9; Ken Gilmore, director of missions. REVIVALS - KENTWOOD – First Baptist: … [Read more...]
SBC Executive Committee handles NOBTS, LBC requests
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee unanimously passed a recommendation Sept. 23 giving pre-approval for any SBC entity to transfer funds to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to assist in its ongoing recovery from Hurricane Katrina. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee unanimously passed a recommendation Sept. 23 giving pre-approval for any SBC entity to transfer funds to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to assist in its ongoing recovery from Hurricane Katrina. The action was taken in reference to Article XVI of the SBC’s Business and Financial Plan. New Orleans Seminary President Chuck Kelley told the EC’s Cooperative Program subcommittee earlier in the day that rising costs in insurance and utilities have made recovering from Katrina more costly than initially envisioned. Kelley had requested that the subcommittee recommend approval of a special allocation of $500,000 out of all Cooperative Program overage funds, but the subcommittee declined and instead recommended that any CP overages be distributed according to the regular distribution formula to the entities, who then can decide how much, if any, to give to the seminary. The Executive … [Read more...]
IMB reorganization eyes changing world
International Mission Board trustees have approved the most extensive strategic changes in a decade to help Southern Baptist missionaries and churches multiply their results in reaching the world’s lost peoples. ATLANTA (BP)--International Mission Board trustees have approved the most extensive strategic changes in a decade to help Southern Baptist missionaries and churches multiply their results in reaching the world’s lost peoples. At their Sept. 8-10 meeting in Atlanta, the trustees revised the mission board’s vision, mission and core values statements – and gave the green light to a major reorganization aimed at maximizing missionary effectiveness, simplifying overseas administration and increasing the direct involvement of Southern Baptists and their churches in missions. “Our world is changing and we must continue to change with it,” IMB President Jerry Rankin said. “Ten years ago we began to formulate a vision of mobilization. Now the passion and commitment of churches to be directly involved in the Great Commission is rapidly expanding and we must leverage this massive response for impacting lostness around the world.” The changes, proposed by a joint trustee-staff task force, will unfold over the next year. … [Read more...]
Ike’s impact felt far beyond Texas, La.
Besides the mammoth Southern Baptist disaster relief response mounted in Louisiana and Texas after Hurricane Ike, several Baptist state conventions also have deployed volunteers in their own backyards – even as far inland as Ohio. CINCINNATI, Ohio (BP) – Besides the mammoth Southern Baptist disaster relief response mounted in Louisiana and Texas after Hurricane Ike, several Baptist state conventions also have deployed volunteers in their own backyards – even as far inland as Ohio. “It was the perfect storm here in the Cincinnati area,” said Dennis Holmes, associational missionary for the Baptist Association of Greater Cincinnati. “When the remnants of Hurricane Ike met up with a cold front, it was the perfect condition. It was worse than any ice storm.” Holmes said winds spiked at 84 mph, felling trees by the dozens and knocking power out for more than 1 million people – 800,000 of them in Cincinnati alone. “Most of the wind came through Cincinnati, Columbus, Lebanon and into the Dayton area,” said Duane Floro, ministry evangelism strategist for the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio. “Some are still without power.” Floro said disaster relief chainsaw teams were activated east of Cincinnati and, because recovery … [Read more...]
The war against MALARIA A simple plant battles malaria and gives hope in rural Africa
Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of malaria. HORN OF AFRICA (BP) – Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of malaria. But it doesn’t have to happen. Malaria often can be prevented. When that’s not possible, malaria can be treated. And it can be done simply and inexpensively. In one rural area of the Horn of Africa, Southern Baptists are helping with a project that aims to greatly reduce the number of people who suffer from malaria by using a simple remedy that can be readily available, even in the most remote areas. Drawing on a little more than $10,000 from the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund, local believers and Southern Baptist field partners are distributing starts of Artemisia annua, a plant that has proven effective in treating malaria when its dried leaves are brewed as a tea. Use of Artemisia to treat fever dates back more than 17 centuries to ancient China. “This area has a population of more than 4 million people and one of the highest incidence rates of malaria in the whole country,” said William Arnold, a development worker who is a field partner of Baptist Global Response, a Southern Baptist international relief and development organization. “Because the area is so rural, 60 percent of … [Read more...]
Coteau gets taste for DR ministry
During seminary days, Wayne Hunt employed his natural-born counseling gifts while sitting on his front porch in New Orleans. HOUMA – During seminary days, Wayne Hunt employed his natural-born counseling gifts while sitting on his front porch in New Orleans. For seven years Hunt brought hope to people in despair because of their marriage, spouse, job, financial distress, and/or the actions of their children and teens. “Whatever the question, Jesus is the answer, of course,” Hunt said during a recent visit in his office, which was extra-busy because of disaster relief ministry at the same time quick repairs were being made to the roof overhead. “But you have to deal with the wound before you can see where the blood is coming from.” When Hunt wanted to put his counseling skills to use in Disaster Relief ministry, he was told, he couldn’t wear the distinctive yellow DR shirt and cap because he hadn’t been NAMB Disaster Relief trained and certified. The wake of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike brought similar consternation to non-NAMB trained and certified disaster relief workers across Louisiana. With all the Southern Baptist love of Jesus in them, they wanted to take their chain saws and help their neighbors. They wanted to … [Read more...]
SBC: Ahead of budget; CP down slightly
The Southern Baptist Convention finished its Oct. 1 - Sept. 30 fiscal year 1.89 percent ahead of budget, but Cooperative Program receipts for the year were down .65 percent and combined giving for the year was down .87 percent, according to a news release from SBC Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The Southern Baptist Convention finished its Oct. 1 - Sept. 30 fiscal year 1.89 percent ahead of budget, but Cooperative Program receipts for the year were down .65 percent and combined giving for the year was down .87 percent, according to a news release from SBC Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman. “This is the first time in 15 years that both Cooperative Program and combined giving have not surpassed the previous year, and I think it reflects the impact of the recent economic crunch that has hurt so many American families,” Chapman said. “But it is remarkable that, given the severe economic strain the country has experienced, gifts to national efforts through the Cooperative Program still topped the $200-million mark for the third year in a row and overall giving to national causes surpassed the $400-million benchmark for … [Read more...]
He introduces Jesus into the conversation
Ask Bob Williams any of these questions and you can be assured the name of Jesus will be in the answer: BROWNSVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Ask Bob Williams any of these questions and you can be assured the name of Jesus will be in the answer: - 1) What do you know? - 2) How are you feeling? - 3) What have you been doing? Williams, pastor of New Vision Community Church in Brownsville, Tenn., wanted to help his church members “get Jesus’ name in every conversation in a natural way.” More than a year ago, Williams began to ask God to give him a “witnessing method that could be a part of everyday conversation for the average layperson and not sound canned, judgmental or intimidating.” It was part of a search for ways he and others could “counteract the devil’s schemes to destroy the Christian fabric of our great country and the world.” Williams counts it an answer to prayer, the idea of answering three questions by turning everyday conversations toward Jesus. -- What do you know? Williams’ answer: “With the world in the shape it’s in, I am not sure I know anything except I know Jesus loves you and me!” The pastor couples the answer with John 3:16-17: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that … [Read more...]
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