“…For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “…For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Psalm 98 BAYOU DULARGE – This verse fittingly describes the work Pastor Jerry Moser has been doing in the tiny south Louisiana fishing community of Bayou DuLarge for the last 26 years. With a portable sawmill, a knack for carpentry, and a giving heart, Moser has ministered to needy families – mostly Catholic – in … [Read more...]
Hunt calls for a ‘Great Commission resurgence’
Johnny Hunt, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, called for a “Great Commission resurgence,” a renewed zeal for proclaiming the Gospel similar to the fervor that went into the fight for biblical orthodoxy in recent decades. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Johnny Hunt, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, called for a “Great Commission resurgence,” a renewed zeal for proclaiming the Gospel similar to the fervor that went into the fight for biblical orthodoxy in recent decades. During his first presidential address to the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 22, Hunt quoted Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, who said, “When there was a theological drift, we corrected it. We must now correct our Great Commission drift.” “When you win less people to Jesus, you’re drifting from the Great Commission,” Hunt said, referring to the mandate Jesus gave His disciples at the end of Matthew 28 and to Southern Baptists’ less than ideal baptism numbers. Hunt also quoted Chuck Lawless, dean of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth, who said, “We have stood faithfully for a message that we have chosen to keep to … [Read more...]
Unlimited Leadership Conference set for Oct. 10-11
“Do this. It works!” Church leaders in Louisiana on Oct. 10-11 are invited to attend Unlimited Leadership: A Conference for the Leaders of Churches under 250 at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. NEW ORLEANS – “Do this. It works!” Church leaders in Louisiana on Oct. 10-11 are invited to attend Unlimited Leadership: A Conference for the Leaders of Churches under 250 at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This conference hosted by Unlimited Partnerships is specifically designed to help leaders of smaller churches learn how other small churches are applying big principles with great success. “When I was on staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church we used to hold conferences and tell attendees, ‘This is what we are doing, but this will probably not work in your context,’” said Bill Taylor, president of Unlimited Partnerships. “Unlimited Leadership is a conference where we can say, ‘Do this. It works!’” The conference will feature keynote speakers Jimmy Draper, president emeritus of LifeWay Christian Resources, Randy Hales, director of missions for Webster-Claiborne and Bienville Baptist Associations, and Allan Taylor, Minister of Education at First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Ga., where SBC President … [Read more...]
Sometimes you just have to change
In the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey relates the following story by Frank Koch that first appeared in Proceedings, the magazine of the Naval Institute. In the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey relates the following story by Frank Koch that first appeared in Proceedings, the magazine of the Naval Institute. Two battleships assigned to the training squadron had been at sea on maneuvers in heavy weather for several days. I was serving on the lead battleship and was on watch on the bridge as night fell. The visibility was poor with patchy fog, so the captain remained on the bridge keeping an eye on all activities. Shortly after dark, the lookout on the wing of the bridge reported, ‘Light bearing on the starboard bow.’ “Is it steady or moving astern?” the captain called out. The lookout replied, “Steady, captain,” which meant we were on a dangerous collision course with that ship. The captain then called to the signalman, “Signal that ship: We are on a collision course, advise you change course 20 degrees.” Back came a signal, “Advisable for you to change course 20 degrees.” The captain said, “Send, I’m a captain, change course 20 degrees.” “I’m a … [Read more...]
In hurricane-ravaged states, insurance deductibles threaten budgets
The property insurance market has changed in the three years since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita blew through the Gulf Coast – and Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are unveiling the extent of those changes. STATEWIDE – The property insurance market has changed in the three years since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita blew through the Gulf Coast – and Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are unveiling the extent of those changes. During hurricane season, from June to November, every coastal state from Texas to Maine could be hit by a storm. Expanded commercial and residential development along the coastal areas has put more and more homes, businesses and churches at risk for damage from hurricane winds and water. Insurance companies in these states are selling homeowners, businesses and churches policies with percentage deductibles for hurricane damage – instead of the traditional dollar deductibles – to remain solvent by limiting their exposure to catastrophic losses. The hurricane deductible is unique. With a policy that has a $500 standard deductible, the policyholder must pay the first $500 of the claim out of pocket. With the hurricane deductible, however, percentages are used based on the home’s or church’s insured value. If a house is … [Read more...]
LBCH Fall Food Roundup underway across state
It’s that time of year. The 2008 Fall Food Roundup food drive is upon us, and once again, churches across Louisiana will be joining together to help feed the children at your Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. MONROE – It’s that time of year. The 2008 Fall Food Roundup food drive is upon us, and once again, churches across Louisiana will be joining together to help feed the children at your Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. The food given at this time is used to feed the boys and girls for an entire year. The success of this drive is vital to the care of these children entrusted to Louisiana Baptists. Contributions may include any commercially canned or processed foods, dry goods, staple items, other necessary items such as toilet articles, cleaning supplies, and cash. When money is given in the Roundup, the Home is able to purchase items such as milk, fresh produce, bread and meat as needed during the year. This year the Roundup truck began running different routes during September, and will continue to run routes on select days during October. Please make a note of the pick-up dates and locations in your area. Thank you Louisiana Baptists for making a difference in the lives of children. Thursday, October … [Read more...]
Louisiana College Founders’ Day slated to be held Oct. 2
Louisiana College on Thursday, Oct. 2, celebrates its founding 102 years ago with the annual Founder’s Day chapel service. PINEVILLE – Louisiana College on Thursday, Oct. 2, celebrates its founding 102 years ago with the annual Founder’s Day chapel service. It was on Oct. 3, 1906, that Louisiana College was founded as a private, Christian, liberal arts college funded by the Louisiana Baptist Convention. Each year, the founding of the college is marked by a campus-wide celebration and special chapel service. This chapel service is to take place at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 2, in Guinn Auditorium. Every year several individuals are chosen for the LC trustee’s Distinguished Service Award. These individuals are chosen for their exceptional service to others over many years, LC President Joe Aguillard said. “Recipients are always outstanding leaders in their church, to their community, state, and nation,” Aguillard said. “All follow Christ and by his example are servants of others.” Two Distinguished Service Award recipients are to be honored Oct. 2: Jim Richards, Executive Director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, and Tony Perkins, President of the Washington, D.C. based Family Research … [Read more...]
DISHING UP RELIEF Disaster Relief starts with a good, hot meal
Plans were made during a conference call Aug. 29 for Disaster Relief response in Louisiana, two days before Hurricane Gustav made landfall, and while Hurricane Hanna was still charting an uncertain course. ALEXANDRIA – Plans were made during a conference call Aug. 29 for Disaster Relief response in Louisiana, two days before Hurricane Gustav made landfall, and while Hurricane Hanna was still charting an uncertain course. The call included all 40 state/regional convention SBC Disaster Relief directors, American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and the North American Mission Board Disaster Relief leaders. According to notes taken at that meeting, the American Red Cross planned an “initial wave” of 100,000 volunteers to Louisiana, 30,000 to Mississippi and 20,000 to Alabama. “Staging talks have begun with states,” reported ARC’s Scott Meyer. A bit later in the conversation he asked for the feeding unit directors to be onsite at their assigned locations by Aug. 30. “Sites are picked out and cleared from Slidell to Sulphur,” reported Gibbie McMillan, Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Disaster Relief director. “Donnie Kimbell will be serving with ARC as liaison and will be onsite Sunday. David Abernathy will be Incident … [Read more...]
LBC Communications provided video coverage of Gustav and Ike
The Louisiana Baptist Convention communications team in September worked together to produce 10 video/audio reports of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. LBC Communications provided video coverage of Gustav and Ike ALEXANDRIA – The Louisiana Baptist Convention communications team in September worked together to produce 10 video/audio reports of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. See them at http://www.lbc.org/crisisresponse/. “The videos brought right to my computer monitor the drama and tragedy of Gustav and of Ike, and the evidence of God’s provision even in the dark times after the storms,” said Karen Willoughby, managing editor of the Louisiana Baptist Message. “It made me proud to see with my own eyes how Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers got busy serving God by serving people when I saw first-hand – because of the videos – how quickly and effectively our Disaster Relief volunteers get to work after a natural disaster,” Willoughby added. “Viewing these videos even now will be a blessing and inspiration to you.” Media Production Specialist Danny Nation produced the video segments, with field footage from Missions Media Specialist Stacey Billger, script-writing from Communications Director John Yeats, graphic … [Read more...]
Storms’ Impact
Scores of churches in southern Louisiana have been damaged as a result of hurricanes Gustav and Ike. These churches are in desperate need of assistance to clean-up, fix-up, and in some cases, totally rebuild. To offer assistance to these churches, please contact the corresponding associational office. SOUTHERN LOUISIANA – Scores of churches in southern Louisiana have been damaged as a result of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. These churches are in desperate need of assistance to clean-up, fix-up, and in some cases, totally rebuild. To offer assistance to these churches, please contact the corresponding associational office. The following are preliminary assessments as of Sept. 18 of the major damage to church buildings from hurricanes Gustav – Sept. 1 – and Ike – Sept. 13. The sources of information are from pastors, the respective directors of missions and LBC regional strategists. Bayou Baptist Association, DOM: Joe Arnold 985.868.7352; bayoubaptistassn@bellsouth.net Bayou DuLarge – Massive flooding superficial damage to church buildings, need support Bethel – Roof damage and flooded building, mold and mildew on pews, no insurance Calvary – Sign damaged, roof damage Christ – Significant roof damage with damage … [Read more...]
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