When Robert Coleman spoke at Summer Grove Baptist Church about Jesus’ strategy for evangelizing the world, he started by reminding his listeners what they had to tell people about: SHREVEPORT – When Robert Coleman spoke at Summer Grove Baptist Church about Jesus’ strategy for evangelizing the world, he started by reminding his listeners what they had to tell people about: “Jesus died for our sins and rose again,” Coleman said. “It’s the resurrection that brings us back to the reality: The one who sends us has overcome the world. He has all authority. … When you turn to Jesus, it’s the beginning of a new, whole life.” Those with this new, whole life tell others, and they tell others, and they tell others. “Through the process of multiplication – one telling another; both telling others – everyone someday will have the opportunity to hear the gospel,” Coleman said. “The methods depend on the circumstances; the basic truth holds us together.” Coleman, Distinguished Professor of Evangelism and Discipleship at Gorden-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts, wrote The Master Plan of Evangelism (MPE) – now in its 101st printing, with more than 3 million copies sold – to describe the principles of Jesus’ strategy for … [Read more...]
Resumes sought for BAGNO DOM
The 2020 Vision for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans was a year in development. NEW ORLEANS – The 2020 Vision for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans was a year in development. It takes into account changes in the association since the area was keelhauled by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. These changes include a decreased population, decreased number of churches, increased needs in the churches, as well as a scaling back next August of the North American Mission Board’s presence in the city, plus the impending retirements next April of Joe McKeever, BAGNO’s director of missions, and Freddie Arnold, church planting/disaster relief/church education strategist. Read more about this in the Nov. 13 issue of the Louisiana Baptist Message. For now, while you’re in New Orleans for the 2008 annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, take time to tour the city and pray about what God would have you do here. Maybe it’s to partner with a New Orleans church to help them get back to full strength. Maybe it’s to indicate your interest in serving as director of missions. For now, see www.bagnola.org for the 2020 Vision, or the DOM’s (and four other’s) job descriptions. … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptist Convention Calendar
November 2008 1-2 – Womens Missions and Ministry Prayer Walk, New Orleans from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Meeting place is Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans. For more information, call Women’s Missions and Ministry at 318.448.3402, 800.622.6549, or email them at WMM@LBC.org. 2-9 – Royal Ambassador Week. 3 – Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer. 6 – RA Council Meeting, Baptist Building, Alexandria 6-8 – Literacy Missions Training at First Baptist Church of New Orleans. For more information, call Anna Palmer 985.795.8494 or anna@fbno.org; Joe Cannon 985.373.2939 or esl4him@bellsouth.net. 7-8 – Louisiana Kaleo, NOBTS 7-9 – Crossover New Orleans 9 – Royal Ambassador Day 10 – Pre-Convention Executive Board Meeting, FBC, New Orleans 10 – Pastors’ Conference, Leavell Chapel NOBTS 10-11 – Louisiana Baptist Convention, FBC, New Orleans 11 – BiVocational/Smaller Church Pastor/Wife Breakfast, New Orleans 11 – LBC Retiree/Widow Luncheon, New Orleans 11 – SWBTS Alumni Luncheon at First Baptist Church in New Orleans. 14-16 – National Church Renewal Journey Conference at Tall Timbers Conference Center. Featured speakers will be David Hankins, Executive Director of the LBC; Jim Burton, Team … [Read more...]
The church, minister and taxes
In previous articles we examined the procedure for setting up a minster’s compensation that allows the least amount of taxes to be paid while at the same time allowing the minister to keep as much money as possible in his pocket. In previous articles we examined the procedure for setting up a minster’s compensation that allows the least amount of taxes to be paid while at the same time allowing the minister to keep as much money as possible in his pocket. Let’s now consider an item that seems is to be confusing to many church financial committees – the housing allowance. In order to understand the details of the housing allowance, we must first look at how the IRS defines “housing allowance.” The IRS states that housing allowance is salary. It is not additional money given to a minister. It is money that is contained in the salary amount, but identified for housing. The IRS also states that housing allowance money is dollars actually spent out of the minister’s pocket. If the church pays someone other than the minister for utilities, rent, or upkeep, the minister may not use those dollars as housing allowance and still receive a tax break for those dollars. This concept also applies when a church budget is … [Read more...]
Bethel Ministries Carey Baptist Association JENNINGS – According to Pastor Mike Landry, “things are hopping” for Jesus at Bethel Ministries. “We have a huge fall festival planned for October 25th,” Landry said. “We’ll probably have seven or eight fun jumps, inflatables; a rock wall.” He’s expecting a crowd. In years past, “We’ve had as high as 1,000” people attend, he said. “We’ve put a lot of effort and finances” into the planning of the festival. Seeds that have been planted and watered by his congregation are being reaped monthly. “We had several saved and baptized last month,” Landry said. “We had three saved this month.” Because of hurricane damage, Landry and congregation members decided to advertise in the paper that they would help clean up yards. “We’ve done eight so far,” he said. While doing clean-up, he and his members tell people about Jesus and his love. They plan on doing a lot of clean-up ministry during the Thanksgiving holiday. The communities of Hackborn and Cameron were hit very hard by the hurricanes. This is where his congregation members will work. “It’s a great opportunity . . . to share the gospel,” he added. The church also runs Bethel Christian Academy, a … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -David Goza (wife Dana), new as pastor Jefferson Baptist, Baton Rouge. -Roger D. Cole resigns Pine Grove Baptist, Jena. -Roger Dunlap, new as pastor, Eden Baptist, Denham Springs. -T. W. Terral, new as interim pastor, First Baptist, Denham Springs. -Lamar Davis, new as church administrator, First Baptist, Denham Springs. NEEDED -Part-time youth minister and part-time minister of music at Westside Emmanuel Baptist, Bogalusa; call 985.732.9602. -Part-time volunteer music director at Eden Baptist, Denham Springs; call 225.665.0042 or 225.665.2681. AVAILABLE -Roger D. Cole for interim pastor, supply, pastor; call 318.542.8008. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS -HAMMOND – First Baptist: Homecoming Celebration 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 9; Hunter Erwin, singer; dinner on the grounds; Jim Lancaster, pastor. -TAYLOR – Taylor Baptist: 119th Anniversary, Oct. 26; Jimmy Eppinette, pastor. -LAFAYETTE – Northside Baptist: 68th Anniversary, Nov. 3; Samuel Blaylock, pastor. -GOLDONNA – Goldonna Baptist: 127th Homecoming Celebration 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 9 singing; 10:45 a.m. worship; Ronnie Flurry, speaker; Doyle McGrew, pastor. -MINDEN – First Baptist: Bill Ichter Sunday, 60 years in … [Read more...]
Jindal puts Wise on commission
Governor Bobby Jindal recently named Janie Wise to the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family. BATON ROUGE – Governor Bobby Jindal recently named Janie Wise to the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family. Wise is the strategist for women’s missions and ministry in the Louisiana Baptist Convention. “I’m just looking forward to what comes from this,” Wise said. “I’d like to share God’s view on marriage. It’s not only one man/one woman, but one marriage. … Children need a mom and dad, grandparents, extended family. That’s how they learn to get along with people.” The Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family is an entity within the executive department that serves to propose programs, policies, incentives and curriculum regarding marriage and family by collecting and analyzing data on the social and personal effects of marriage and child-bearing within the state of Louisiana, according to a press release from the governor’s news office. Wise in late summer as the head of a women’s organization – LBC’s WMU – was invited to join the 12-member Louisiana Women’s Policy and Research Commission. When she asked how they got her name, she was told “Joe Aguillard,” president of Louisiana College, Wise said. That … [Read more...]
U.S. military is meeting The ‘Great Commission’
Their lives center on missions, operations and training; strict time schedules; days and, often, months spent away from family; and a pressure to perform that can mean life or death. They live in a world that can be cold, devoid of light and empty of love – figuratively and sometimes literally. NORFOLK, Va. (BP) – Their lives center on missions, operations and training; strict time schedules; days and, often, months spent away from family; and a pressure to perform that can mean life or death. They live in a world that can be cold, devoid of light and empty of love – figuratively and sometimes literally. This is the reality of America’s soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines; each has a unique role in global defense, yet they are connected in knowing what it means to serve, to execute orders, to be ready to give one’s life for freedom and democracy. There is something about this environment, the trials, the tribulations, both in the job itself and in the relationship strains caused by it, that brings military personnel closer to the Lord and their fellow comrades in Christ. And it is within this environment that a number of organizations, some nonprofit, some church-based, have come alongside military personnel to … [Read more...]
Vets reflect on service, sacrifices of military
In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day in the United States, marking the end of World War I that occurred at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice. In 1954, Congress changed the name to Veterans Day in order to honor American veterans of all wars. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day in the United States, marking the end of World War I that occurred at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice. In 1954, Congress changed the name to Veterans Day in order to honor American veterans of all wars. “It is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations,” Congress said in a resolution passed in 1926. Those who have served in the American military have a unique perspective on the meaning of the day, and three combat veterans shared their thoughts with Baptist Press. Scott O’Grady, a former U.S. Air Force captain, was helping enforce the NATO no-fly zone over Bosnia in 1995 … [Read more...]
Lottie Moon Dollars at Work
The Luke of the New Testament was a reporter, seeing lives changed and churches started firsthand. Documenting events like those today requires more sophisticated equipment than in Luke’s time. The Luke of the New Testament was a reporter, seeing lives changed and churches started firsthand. Documenting events like those today requires more sophisticated equipment than in Luke’s time. For C.S. Stanley, that can run the gamut from memory cards for a camera at $50 each, to video editing software at about $3,000, allowing Stanley to present a written story, photos, video and sometimes audio, together. For just $50 a day, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering helps Stanley by providing his transportation from one story coverage to the next. RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – Living in a hut in West Africa might cost $12 a month. But the monthly rent for an apartment in Moscow can run about $2,000. Dollar examples of how the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions provides for Southern Baptist missionaries around the world are featured at a new website, Lottie Moon @ Work, at imb.org/lottieatwork. The website includes 19 stories geared toward adults, students and children and also grouped by world region -- from the … [Read more...]
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