“In 2002, I took two men in our congregation to East Asia on a short-term mission trip,” pastor James Law recounted. GONZALES (BP) – “In 2002, I took two men in our congregation to East Asia on a short-term mission trip,” pastor James Law recounted. “From that trip God called one of the men and his wife to the mission field. Within a year, this couple sold their house and vehicles and most of their possessions. They left their adult children and grandchildren, family and friends to take the Gospel to a city with less than 1 percent believers.” Law, of First Baptist Church in Gonzales, La., said the couple has “sown the Gospel and planted many churches and hundreds have come to the Lord through their labor” during their six years of service through the International Mission Board. “When I think of how the Lord used that simple, short-term trip to East Asia, I stand amazed,” Law reflected. “Not only was a bridge built through the local ministry of our church for them to actually go, but when the Lord called them to the mission field, we continued supporting them through the Cooperative Program.” First Baptist supports that couple – and 10,000-plus other missionaries as well as other international and North American … [Read more...]
Snow in New Orleans provides lesson to all
The snow that lingers longest in my neighborhood is the snow that I rolled up, hauled over, and stacked together to create this trio. METAIRIE – The snow that lingers longest in my neighborhood is the snow that I rolled up, hauled over, and stacked together to create this trio. Even though it turns your yard from white back to green prematurely, the energy used in rolling up the snow actually intensifies and extends your enjoyment of it. These snowmen will be standing at attention in my yard long after the snow on roofs and trees is gone. And so it goes for every holiday tradition, gathering, meal, and decoration. As you invest in your family and relationships on Christmas and throughout the year, you intensify and extend your enjoyment. The things that cost you nothing—no cold hands or wet feet or sweaty brow under your hat—are the things you least appreciate. Christmastime reminds us to invest deliberately, liberally, and consistently in those we love. Turn loose your energy and creativity through this holiday season. Plant a memory of surprise and joy in those around you. God never forgets our needs, our offerings, or our presence. But he loves to forget our sins. Christmas Eve is a great day to get on this … [Read more...]
DR training set for north, south
Because of need, the annual Disaster Relief Roundtable and training is taking place in two locations early in 2009. LORANGER/RUSTON – Because of need, the annual Disaster Relief Roundtable and training is taking place in two locations early in 2009. It is set for Jan. 23/24 at Living Waters Baptist Assembly in Loranger, for people who live in Alexandria and south, and Feb. 21/22 at Temple Baptist Church in Ruston, for people who live north of Alexandria. “It’s designed to be a time of training and updating,” said Gibbie McMillan, director of men’s ministries and volunteers for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. “We’ll have an appreciation dinner Friday night in both locations, and give special recognition to people who stepped up and went the second mile in 2008.” McMillan said he expects a major turnout at both locations, because Disaster Relief badges expire after three years. “Everyone who was trained immediately after Katrina needs to have their training refreshed in 2009,” McMillan said. Everyone who attends either Roundtable will go through the Disaster Relief “Basic” training, which provides an overview of the what, why and how of Disaster Relief. “The definition of ‘disaster’ is ‘an occurrence that … [Read more...]
What ever has happened to sin?
I had just finished two assembly programs speaking to the youth about abstinence from sexual activity until marriage and faithfulness in marriage. A teacher, who was heart broken over what she was seeing happening in the lives of her students, began to share her heart with me. “I hear students talk about going to church and then within a few minutes they talk about smoking pot or having sex.” I had just finished two assembly programs speaking to the youth about abstinence from sexual activity until marriage and faithfulness in marriage. A teacher, who was heart broken over what she was seeing happening in the lives of her students, began to share her heart with me. “I hear students talk about going to church and then within a few minutes they talk about smoking pot or having sex.” This was a public school, but I have found the same problem in Christian settings. I recently spoke with a youth pastor who was greatly troubled over the fact that some of the youth in his church had fallen prey to the lie that, even though they were involved in oral sex and mutual masturbation, they felt they had not committed adultery because they had not actually had sexual intercourse. Has the church failed to deal with sin to such an … [Read more...]
What really matters in life?
I’m an avid LSU football fan. When I received my Ph.D. at the University of Georgia, my professors threatened to recall my degree because I wouldn’t convert to the Georgia Bulldogs. I’m an avid LSU football fan. When I received my Ph.D. at the University of Georgia, my professors threatened to recall my degree because I wouldn’t convert to the Georgia Bulldogs. As a college professor myself, I often upset my colleagues by telling them that if I had to choose between academics and athletics, I would definitely choose athletics. I am joking of course. I know there are some things as important as football – basketball and baseball for instance – particularly when your baseball team just won 20 games in a row. Seriously, despite my love of football, I do stop often to reflect on what really matters in life. Recently my son, Bret, gave me a book to read which helped me do just that. It was entitled Season of Life: A football star, a boy, a journey to manhood (Marx, 2003). I was particularly pleased because the book had been passed on to him and my son, Bart, by Carl Carver, the vice-president of Lofton Staffing. For those who may not know, Carl was also an outstanding baseball pitcher for the University of North … [Read more...]
Red River: Small in size, big in giving
It is the smallest of the five Baptist associations that make up District Eight Baptist Convention, but Red River doesn’t let its size or numbers stop it from doing its part. COUSHATTA – It is the smallest of the five Baptist associations that make up District Eight Baptist Convention, but Red River doesn’t let its size or numbers stop it from doing its part. “There are only 12 churches in this association,” said Lee Dickson, director of missions for District Eight for the last 31 years, “but they don’t let it stop. They are doing a lot of great things in the parish, as well as working jointly with our other associations on different projects.” Red River Parish – mainly Coushatta – is home for Dickson, who grew up 10 miles behind the Post Office in Coushatta. “Red River is a very rural parish,” Dickson said. “People here are hard-working and church-going folk. They have a wonderful giving spirit, and it is evident by the giving of their time and money.” Especially when it comes to projects that helps promote God’s word. Fairview Baptist Church has given more than $100,000 and countless hours to the construction of the new Baptist Collegiate Ministry building at Northwestern State University in … [Read more...]
To reach the world, Jesus supervised the disciples
After a year-long period of observation, Jesus’ disciples were sent out two-by-two to various locales to do the work of Jesus as they testified of their faith in God – His love, His power. After a year-long period of observation, Jesus’ disciples were sent out two-by-two to various locales to do the work of Jesus as they testified of their faith in God – His love, His power. What was the work of Jesus? The evangelization of the entire world, and that included the supervision of those who were doing the work. For the first seven articles in this series on developing disciples the way Jesus did, go towww.baptistmessage.com and search for “evangelism.” Jesus made a point of meeting with his disciples when they returned from their ‘walkabouts,’ Robert Coleman wrote in The Master Plan of Evangelism. When the disciples were sent out, they knew they would be expected to share their experiences later with the group. Jesus was alert to make experiences teach truth, Coleman wrote. “[E]ven this occasion [Luke 10:18-22] was used to caution the disciples against pride in their accomplishments,” Coleman wrote, which is another way of saying, “As he [Jesus] reviewed some experience which the disciples had, he would bring out … [Read more...]
San Patricio Baptist Church North Sabine Baptist Association CONVERSE – December is all about Jesus and His birthday at San Patricio, according to Zelda “Pinky” Hannigan, wife of Robert Hannigan, San Patricio’s pastor. The youth of their church made a banner to use in the Louisiana Christmas Parade in Many Dec. 13, she said. They were to ride in a pick-up truck and shine for Jesus. “Our youth (numbers) have been down, but we’re getting some back now,” Hannigan added. The church’s KIDZ Ministry has been working hard to do their part for Christmas. The kids will present a Christmas Pageant on Dec. 21 that includes stick puppets. She too has activities planned for the King’s birthday. “I’m going to have a birthday party for Jesus during the Sunday School hour,” Hannigan said. In the past they’ve even had a birthday cake for Jesus, but the woman who put on the party each year passed away, so things are still getting organized. Hannigan said she isn’t sure if there will be a cake this year or not. Regardless of how she and the children celebrate, it will be full of joy, the pastor’s wife said. And the whole church family will have their own Christmas party prior to Christmas Eve. About the church family, … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Burn Page resigns as pastor of First Baptist Baton Rouge. DEATHS -Robert P. (Bob) Wallace, Louisiana pastor for 50 years, died Dec. 1. He was 77 and resided in Natchitoches. -H. M. Roach, Louisiana pastor, died Dec. 4. He was 91 and resided in Quitman. NEEDED -Ministry assistant at Concord Union Baptist Association; send resume to Concord Union Baptist Association, PO Box 606; Ruston LA 71273. -Pastors at Boulevard Baptist Lake Charles; First Baptist Cameron; First Baptist Hayes; New Hope Baptist DeQuincy; First Baptist Vinton; First Baptist Westlake and Woodlawn Baptist Iowa. -Pastors at Erwinville Baptist; First Baptist Baker; First Baptist Gramercy; First Baptist Plaquemine; False River Baptist Ventress; First Baptist Baton Rouge; First Hispanic Baton Rouge; First Baptist White Castle; Northside Baptist Plaquemine. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS -BATON ROUGE – First Baptist: Farewell Reception for Burn Page 4-6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21. -SCOTT – Scott Baptist celebrated 50 years of ministry Sunday, Dec. 7. CHURCH AND ASSOCIATION EVENTS -FRANKLINTON – First Baptist: Ping Pong Tournament for Lottie Moon offering 12 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20; entry fee $15; Luther Stanford, … [Read more...]
Saddleback pastor says small groups on the rise
Some people who claim to be Christians haven’t grown spiritually in 30-50 years despite sitting through countless numbers of sermons, and one church leader believes he knows why. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Some people who claim to be Christians haven’t grown spiritually in 30-50 years despite sitting through countless numbers of sermons, and one church leader believes he knows why. “They haven’t been challenged in a community to grow spiritually,” said Steve Gladen, small groups pastor for Saddleback Community Church, during a recent Inside LifeWay podcast. “They [interpret] attendance as being spiritual growth. People are finding out that it is all about interfacing with God’s Word, being in community. “The last couple of decades we’ve been inundated [with] an idea of what church can be and I think we are seeing people say ‘I could care less about big and flashy; I want confessional preaching, I want to see people where they’re at,” Gladen said. “I think this is true even for boomers who say we know far more than we’ve put into practice and it’s not so much about taking another [spiritual] nugget…it’s about helping people grow. That’s why we’ve got people who have been believers 30, 40, 50 years and they don’t ooze an ounce of … [Read more...]
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