Earlier this year, Joe Baugh, Directof of Missions for Two Rivers, William Wallace and Washington Baptist Association, contemplated retirement. AMITE – Earlier this year, Joe Baugh, Directof of Missions for Two Rivers, William Wallace and Washington Baptist Association, contemplated retirement. But he had a change of heart, which was good for Two Rivers. “I thought about it ... I prayed about it,” Baugh said. “And I’m just not ready to retire. I am still focused on the ministry and enjoy the work too much.” With so many of the association’s pastors being seminary students, Baugh’s change of heart has been a big plus for the association. “I think I can still help them in their efforts. If nothing else, with my education background I can at least train them to do a better job,” Baugh said. “Despite being student ministers, they are just as committed to their churches as other pastors.” … [Read more...]
Just Be Good for Goodness’ Sake?
“Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake,” proclaims a new holiday ad from the American Humanist Association. “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake,” proclaims a new holiday ad from the American Humanist Association. Already appearing in the New York Times and Washington Post, the message will soon be blazoned on the sides, taillights, and interiors of over 200 Washington DC Metro buses. It’s the first ad campaign of its kind in the United States, and the American Humanist Association predicts it will raise public awareness of humanism as well as controversy over humanist ideas. “Humanists have always understood that you don’t need a god to be good,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “So that’s the point we’re making with this advertising campaign. Morality doesn’t come from religion. It’s a set of values embraced by individuals and society based on empathy, fairness, and experience.” This information from the humanist website is one more in a recent spate of atheistic claims that religion and theism are not only wrong, but unnecessary and probably even evil. But can they demonstrate they are correct? I don’t think so. First of all, the … [Read more...]
An evangelistic thrust by preaching the Gospel
I believe that the heart of Christian ministry is in the preaching of God’s Word. The central theme of worship in the church is the preaching of the Gospel. I believe that the heart of Christian ministry is in the preaching of God’s Word. The central theme of worship in the church is the preaching of the Gospel. It is my opinion that the highlight of Jesus’ ministry was the Sermon on the Mount. The prophets were faithful preachers. The great Apostle Paul joins this group and wrote in 1 Corinthians that Christ had sent him to preach the cross. Paul went on to state that people are saved through the foolishness of preaching. His last words to Timothy included a charge to preach the Word. The world has not been shaken by religious movies (though they may have their place), singing or religious drama (which are also appropriate), but by great preachers declaring the Word of God. Of all the divine calls, the greatest is to be called to preach. In times past, our lives were touched by the influence of such great preachers as Moody, Spurgeon, Wesley, W.A. Criswell, George W. Truett and R.G. Lee. Billy Graham stands by their side and has preached to more people than anyone in history. It is sad to hear about the … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor
President-elect deserves chance and your prayers I am so sorry that many of you cannot rejoice with me and offer praises to God for a long-standing dream that has finally come true. I am also sorry that many of you believed the political mud-slinging during the campaign that sought to destroy the character of a very brilliant man who will now be your president. I also know that you have never walked in my shoes so you cannot understand all the cheers and tears of the many who danced as they watched the election of the first African-American president of the United States. I was born an American citizen, but had to fight to earn the right to be one. I cannot understand your fears when we have made it through other presidents and their messes. Just in case you forgot, it was God wholoved you with all your mess. Mr. Obama is not perfect and neither are any of us. Many of you have no idea that there were times when a Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s kind of preaching was what we needed to keep going when times were hard. Although many of us are exposed to many different gifted men of God, we have the intelligence to decide if what we hear applies to our lives. I pray that you would join me as a fellow believer … [Read more...]
Gabriel Mugnal: Go Tell the story of Jesus
If you think the story of Jesus has reached every corner of South America after generations of missionary work, talk to Gabriel Mugmal. If you think the story of Jesus has reached every corner of South America after generations of missionary work, talk to Gabriel Mugmal. His idol-worshipping neighbors almost burned him alive for preaching the Gospel. Gabriel boldly shared his new faith house to house with other Quichua villagers high in the Andes Mountains of northern Ecuador. He challenged them to stop the idol worship that permeated the area. They demanded that Gabriel renounce his words. When he refused, villagers dragged Gabriel and his family to the center of town and prepared to burn them. But Gabriel wasn’t afraid and began preaching from Genesis. And when he had finished, the mood of the crowd had changed. A local priest, moved by his willingness to die for Jesus, raised Gabriel’s Bible in his hand. “The Word of God shall be preached throughout the world,” the priest said. “Keep preaching the Gospel so that everyone can know Christ.” As the crowd began to disperse, 10 families stayed behind. “How can we receive Christ?” they asked. That was 25 years ago. Today, more than 250 villagers … [Read more...]
Who was Lottie Moon?
Lottie Moon – the namesake of the international missions offering – has become something of a legend to us. Lottie Moon – the namesake of the international missions offering – has become something of a legend to us. But in her time Lottie was anything but an untouchable hero. In fact, she was like today’s missionaries. She was a hard-working, deep-loving Southern Baptist who labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus. Why was the offering named for this early China missionary? Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home, urging Southern Baptists to greater missions involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptists’ first Christmas offering for international missions – enough to send three new missionaries to China Birth Born Charlotte Diggs Moon Dec. 12, 1840, in Albemarle County, Va. Salvation Lottie rebelled against Christianity until she was in college. In December 1858, she dedicated her life to Christ and was baptized at First Baptist Church of Charlottesville, Va. Education Lottie attended Albemarle Female Institute, female counterpart to the University of Virginia. In 1861, she was one of the first women in the South to receive a master’s … [Read more...]
Your gifts support missionaries every minute of every day
Every penny given to the Lottie Moon offering is used to support Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas. Every penny given to the Lottie Moon offering is used to support Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas. The offering represents nearly 50 percent of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board’s total income. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM More than 33 percent of the IMB’s income is received from the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program (CP). Your church gives its CP offering to the state convention. Each state convention gives between 13 percent and 54 percent of its CP collection to the SBC. Louisiana gives 35.95 percent. The Southern Baptist Convention gives 50 percent of that amount to the IMB and 50 percent to other SBC entities, including the North American Mission Board. OTHER INCOME Southern Baptists’ to the IMB’s World Hunger and General Relief Ministries comprise six percent of the IMB’s income. Field-generated funds, investment returns, and other income constitute the remaining 11 percent. How much does it cost to support a missionary? Support includes housing, food, children’s education, medical care, retirement and more. -Per … [Read more...]
Ridgecrest Baptist Church Delta Baptist Association RIDGECREST – Ruby Holder, wife to Ridgecrest Baptist Church’s Pastor, Preston Holder, said things are happening at Ridgecrest. “We are real thrilled,” Ruby Holder said. “We have several things going on.” For the upcoming Christmas season, the children of the church will put on a Christmas Musical. They will perform the musical twice, once at Wednesday night AWANAS, and once during Sunday morning worship. The adults won’t be outdone though. They too will put on a Christmas Musical for the congregation during December. Ridgecrest members will also give out food baskets during December to people in the community. Ministry at Ridgecrest Baptist Church doesn’t just deal with Christmas. “We have a Children’s Church that’s really moving,” Holder said. “We usually run between 50 and 75 kids (each Sunday morning).” And teenagers are being touched by God too. “We have at least 50 youth coming,” she said. During the Sunday evening service on November 23rd, Pastor Holder baptized six people, three adults and three teenagers. Mrs. Holder also is the director of the Delta Baptist Store Front Mission. “We give out food [or] whatever the need might be,” … [Read more...]
To reach world, Jesus demonstrated His truth
Jesus knew what was important to build the Kingdom of God. Jesus knew what was important to build the Kingdom of God. He consistently demonstrated the importance of prayer, the scriptures and what in the not-too-distant-past was known as “soul-winning.” That’s a concise synopsis of Robert Coleman’s chapter on “Demonstration” in The Master Plan of Evangelism. For previous articles in this series, please see www.baptistmessage.com and search for “evangelism.” To paraphrase Coleman’s words, Jesus recognized it wasn’t enough just to get people – starting with His disciples – into church. They needed to acquire spiritual discipline; they needed to learn to live like Christians. Jesus demonstrated to His disciples His communication with His Father. “They could see the strength which it [prayer] gave to His life, and though they could not understand fully what it was all about, they must have realized that this was part of his secret of life,” Coleman wrote. He called it an “indispensable part of the training.” “One thing is certain:” Coleman wrote. “Unless they grasped the meaning of prayer, and learned how to practice it with consistency, not much would ever come from their lives.” Jesus used the Old … [Read more...]
Increased giving crucial to keep pace with record growth
While celebrating record growth and the largest number of missionaries under appointment in recent years, trustees of the International Mission Board also heard some cautionary notes during their Nov. 10-11 board meeting in Houston. HOUSTON (BP) – While celebrating record growth and the largest number of missionaries under appointment in recent years, trustees of the International Mission Board also heard some cautionary notes during their Nov. 10-11 board meeting in Houston. The potential effects of investment losses, a weakened dollar and flattened giving to the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering could have a significant impact on the board’s work next year. These economic pressures forced board members to approve a budget for 2009 that includes no room to exceed the total number of missionaries currently under appointment. Attrition in the missionary force (completions, retirements, resignations and deaths) creates the need to appoint new missionaries each year, but IMB President Jerry Rankin said the ability to expand the missionary force beyond current levels rests in the hands of Southern Baptists. “God has always proved His faithfulness through the giving of His people that His mission might … [Read more...]
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