Focused on reaching people with a Western style, Open Gate Western Heritage Church uses hayrides, trail rides, and rodeos to reach people. Focused on reaching people with a Western style, Open Gate Western Heritage Church uses hayrides, trail rides, and rodeos to reach people. Pastor Mark Stagg baptizes a new church member in a horse trough. While they are meeting in the cafeteria at Fairview Elementary in Lake Charles, the church recently purchased property with the prospect of building soon. … [Read more...]
Pastors are unaware of church members’ debt, research shows
While almost two-thirds of Southern Baptist pastors have preached on stewardship in the past year, a new study shows that few of those pastors believe members of their congregation have a significant amount of debt – revealing a serious disconnect with the realities of American family life. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – While almost two-thirds of Southern Baptist pastors have preached on stewardship in the past year, a new study shows that few of those pastors believe members of their congregation have a significant amount of debt – revealing a serious disconnect with the realities of American family life. The survey of 3,500 Southern Baptist senior pastors was conducted by LifeWay Research on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention between November 2007 and February 2008. The study revealed that 65 percent of pastors had preached on financial stewardship during the previous year but only 25 percent said their church members have “a significant amount of personal debt.” That stands in stark contrast to national statistics about the debt load American families are carrying, said Scott McConnell, associate director of LifeWay Research. “In 2006, household debt in America grew by $1.2 trillion – a … [Read more...]
New Hope creates a missional fiction line
New Hope Publishers is to produce a missional fiction line beginning winter 2010 by author Kathi Macias. Birmingham, Ala. – New Hope Publishers is to produce a missional fiction line beginning winter 2010 by author Kathi Macias. Award-winning author Kathi Macias has written more than 17 books, including Beyond Me, the best-selling devotional A Moment a Day, and the popular “Matthews” mystery novels. “I’ve known that New Hope would someday extend our mission through fiction that takes readers to where God is at work in our world,” says New Hope’s publisher, Andrea Mullins. “Kathi Macias shares our desire to challenge readers to live out God’s love in the world. Her series, ‘Extreme Devotion,’ will be our first series that I describe as missional fiction. Her powerful story telling will transform readers’ attitudes and actions in a world that needs courageous commitment to Christ.” The series, titled “Extreme Devotion,” will contain four books: Book One: No Greater Love (South Africa) Book Two: More Than Conquerors (Chiapas, Mexico) Book Three: Red Ink (China) Book Four: People of the Book (Saudi Arabia) “Writing the ‘Extreme Devotion’ series has long been a dream of mine,” says Kathi Macias. “I … [Read more...]
NAMB enacts slowdown, others forced to cut due to recession
In remarks to some 250 staff members of the North American Mission Board on Jan. 8, President Geoff Hammond asked NAMB team leaders to operate at 90 percent of their approved budgets during 2009. ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – In remarks to some 250 staff members of the North American Mission Board on Jan. 8, President Geoff Hammond asked NAMB team leaders to operate at 90 percent of their approved budgets during 2009. However, Hammond said funds committed to God’s Plan for Sharing (GPS), the denomination-wide evangelism emphasis, would not be affected. State cooperative budgets also will not be subject to the 90 percent spending level but will operate according to normal state funding practices. Carlos Ferrer, NAMB’s chief financial officer, said in comments to Baptist Press, “In light of continuing economic trends, the North American Mission Board leadership believes good stewardship requires that we be proactive in planning for potential changes in revenue during 2009.” In addition to the 90 percent spending level, Ferrer said NAMB also would evaluate and monitor closely hiring for any staff vacancies. “While there is no hiring freeze, it is appropriate to fill vacancies wisely,” Ferrer said. “We praise God for the … [Read more...]
CP giving is 4.97 percent behind ’08
Year-to-date contributions through the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program are 4.97 percent behind the same time frame at the outset of 2008, according to a news release from SBC Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Year-to-date contributions through the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program are 4.97 percent behind the same time frame at the outset of 2008, according to a news release from SBC Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman. As of Dec. 31, the year-to-date total of $47,257,976.70 for Cooperative Program (CP) missions is $2,473,746.72 below the $49,731,723.42 received at the same point a year earlier. For the month, receipts of $14,073,778.90 were 14.67 percent, or $2,419,957.36, below the $16,493,736.26 received in December 2007. Designated giving of $11,000,512.35 for the same year-to-date period is 4.03 percent, or $461,579.91, below gifts of $11,462,092.26 received at this point last year. The $3,335,204.76 in designated gifts received last month is $1,340,441.20 below the $4,675,645.96 received in December 2007, a decrease of 28.67 percent. For the SBC Cooperative Program … [Read more...]
Annie Armstrong offering tops $58 million despite economy
TALLADEGA, Ala. (BP) – Despite last year’s economic downturn, Southern Baptists still contributed more than $58 million to the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering in 2008 – 98 percent of the amount raised in the previous year’s campaign. North American Mission Board President Geoff Hammond announced the unaudited results of the offering Jan. 12 at a meeting of some 100 national and state leaders of Woman’s Missionary Union at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega, Ala. “It’s been a tough year,” Hammond told the WMU leaders. “We knew we were in a recession and the economists didn’t confirm it until September. But it was going on all year. We were raising Annie Armstrong funds in the middle of $4-a-gallon gasoline prices. “To raise $58 million in a recession was a miracle and we praise God for that,” Hammond said. “While Annie was down about 2.2 percent over last year, the fundraising of many charitable organizations was down 10 percent or more. “We praise God for the faithfulness of His people in giving to cooperative missions and to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering in 2008,” Hammond said. “We rejoice at the sustained giving of Southern Baptists.” Presenting a large thank you board signed by … [Read more...]
While America entered the decade of the 1960s with an ever-burgeoning mindset of free love and resistance to institutional authority, a countervailing subculture was growing by leaps and bounds. While America entered the decade of the 1960s with an ever-burgeoning mindset of free love and resistance to institutional authority, a countervailing subculture was growing by leaps and bounds. During this time in American history, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) boasted extraordinary growth among young people noted for their participation in the various mission education programs of the denomination. Little more than a century old, the SBC was emerging as a mighty engine for missions fueling the growth of an international missionary force, the likes of which the world had seldom seen. Even during turbulent national experiences, the SBC exemplified a vibrant counter-resurgence to the fraying of American culture with an intentional emphasis on figures such as Lottie Moon and the scores of missionaries risking their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. No one signified missionary outreach quite like Rebekah Naylor. She reignited a missionary mindset that impelled new horizons of mission work to emerge from people who … [Read more...]
Youth learn Jesus can cure culture
In all, 4,084 youth learned the remedy that can cure the culture at this year’s 21st annual Youth Evangelism Conference – YEC. ALEXANDRIA – In all, 4,084 youth learned the remedy that can cure the culture at this year’s 21st annual Youth Evangelism Conference – YEC. The remedy is Jesus Christ. YEC is Louisiana’s largest Baptist youth event, where teens gather at the Rapides Coliseum over a course of three days for a time of worship, fellowship and plenty of fun. Attendance this year was up by about 800 over last year. YEC is a time for youth to be recharged and revived in a culture that goes against the Word of God. Many lives are changed indefinitely during YEC, said Kevin Boles, director of youth ministries strategies for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. He reported 150 recorded decisions for salvation, rededication or call to ministry. “If God’s called you out and changed your life, you have the remedy for this culture,” Boles said Sunday evening, during the opening session. “There is a call to be radical. This state, nation and world needs it.” Jon Gillis, featured speaker from Atlanta, focused on the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28. He spoke of how Jesus calls his people out to go out into the world … [Read more...]
God at Work
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina’s floodwaters seemed unstoppable, but they stopped a block away from Baptist Friendship House. NEW ORLEANS – In 2005, Hurricane Katrina’s floodwaters seemed unstoppable, but they stopped a block away from Baptist Friendship House. Kay Bennett was glad, but not surprised. She’d prayed for such a miracle. Miracles are the norm for Baptist Friendship House in New Orleans, said Bennett, the Friendship House director. “God shows up and shows out here all the time,” she said. Women who attended the taping of Beth Moore’s Breaking Free video Nov. 11-15 at nearby Franklin Avenue Baptist Church had the opportunity to spend a morning learning about the ministry of Friendship House and get hands on with ministry projects. They packed bags with snacks and hygiene items. They created handmade cards and handwritten notes to include in the bags. They “prayer rode” in the Friendship House neighborhood just a few blocks from the French Quarter and the Ninth Ward where much Katrina damage is still present, because weather conditions ruled out a prayer walk. LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention sponsored the Breaking Free taping event and organized the ministry activity at … [Read more...]
Two Rivers Association has big heart
Between the Tangipahoa River and the Amite River lies the Two Rivers Baptist Association. With 28 churches total, this scenic land in northern Tangipahoa Parish holds much more than just its peaceful outward appearance. The two rivers could never run as deep as Christ’s love in this association. AMITE AND MORE – Between the Tangipahoa River and the Amite River lies the Two Rivers Baptist Association. With 28 churches total, this scenic land in northern Tangipahoa Parish holds much more than just its peaceful outward appearance. The two rivers could never run as deep as Christ’s love in this association. Joe Baugh has been the director of missions for 16 years and sees the big heart that the people have in the Two Rivers Association. “This association is really willing to do things to help people come to know Christ as their Savior,” Baugh said. These efforts are shown through many programs put on by churches in the association. In March, 22 churches in the association participated in an On Mission Celebration. The celebration began with a missions rally at First Baptist Amite, which included a parade of flags from different nations, special music, and missionary testimonies. Many missionaries also brought goods … [Read more...]
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