I love all three of my kids equally. I wouldn’t want any of them not to be in my life. But for this column, I will talk only about my 5-year-old son, Zane. I love all three of my kids equally. I wouldn’t want any of them not to be in my life. But for this column, I will talk only about my 5-year-old son, Zane. I can’t imagine life without Zane. I find myself always wanting to love on him, whether it’s a little hug, a love tap on the back, a quick kiss on the head, or just checking in on him while he is sleeping. I just can’t get enough of my boy! Zane is utterly amazing to me. Some days he has the energy of five kids. He runs all through the house shouting at the top of his lungs “Dad! Dad! Mom! Mom!” – trying to get our attention to say something to us or show us something, which usually only has meaning to him. Or Zane dances, as only he can dance, endlessly to The Wiggles or some other show on TV. Or we have “wrestling” matches which usually are just extended tickle bouts – Zane doesn’t want to tickle so much as he wants me to tickle him. And that laugh, it is so wonderful, infectious, and funny. Every once in a while, Zane will look over at my wife or me and will keep his gaze on us until we look at him. And … [Read more...]
Let us all pray for our new president Barack Obama
Shortly after Election Day, I released an open letter to President-elect Barack Obama in which I told the new president that I would pray for him, his family and his administration, noting that I would pray that God would bless him with “safety, health and all spiritual blessings.” Shortly after Election Day, I released an open letter to President-elect Barack Obama in which I told the new president that I would pray for him, his family and his administration, noting that I would pray that God would bless him with “safety, health and all spiritual blessings.” What prompted my promise to pray for the president-elect? The Scriptures are clear: While as a Christian I am a citizen of both the earthly and spiritual realms, I am under the authority of the civil magistrate (Luke 20:25). I am compelled to be a good citizen of the state “for conscience sake” (Romans 13:1-7). In the Apostle Paul’s first letter to Timothy, Paul wrote that the first priority in our fulfillment of our civic duties is to pray. We are to remember everyone, including all those in authority over us, with “petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings.” Paul sought to underscore the fact that proper conduct within the body of Christ includes … [Read more...]
Pastors who go it alone fail their congregations
My preacher friend dropped down beside me in the pew. The first session of our annual state convention was about to get underway. My preacher friend dropped down beside me in the pew. The first session of our annual state convention was about to get underway. “What did you do today?” I asked. He smiled. “I’ve spent the day at the pastors’ conference at the seminary.” “How was it?” “Great. They had some terrific speakers.” “How was the attendance?” “Good actually,” he said, and named two or three mutual friends he had bumped into. I looked around and said, “I don’t see them here tonight.” He said, “They won’t be here. I told them I was heading out to the first session of the convention and asked if they were going. One rolled his eyes and said, ‘Boring!’” That conversation took place some time ago and I’ve thought about it a lot. It bugs me for several reasons. One: I wonder if any of that pastor’s church members have ever avoided any of his sermons for the same reason. I doubt he would appreciate their applying the same standard to his messages he applied to the convention session. Two: I wonder if he realizes what a disservice he is doing to his church members. They dutifully give their … [Read more...]
Christian Harmony members hunger for God’s Holy Word
In a small church eight miles east of Natchitoches, the congregation of Christian Harmony Baptist Church feasts on God’s Word in ways most churches don’t ever attempt. NATCHITOCHES – In a small church eight miles east of Natchitoches, the congregation of Christian Harmony Baptist Church feasts on God’s Word in ways most churches don’t ever attempt. More than two years ago, George Holland, a member and former pastor of the church, had an idea. He thought the church family should study the book of Acts Wednesday evenings. Seventeen people agreed with him. And those 17, give or take a few, ended up studying the book of Acts every Wednesday for two years straight, said Christian Harmony Pastor David Matlock. “We didn’t realize it would [take] that long,” Matlock said. No one did, including Holland. “As we got involved in it, we decided to break it down [verse-by-verse],” Holland said. “I answered what questions I could. Each session lasted about an hour.” The group just used their Bibles and a few extra study books to tackle Acts. Matlock said it was life-changing. “We learned a whole lot about the acts of the apostles,” he said. “It was a great study,” Holland added. One thing that really impressed … [Read more...]
It’s been 41 years since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., but only for the last three years – since 2006 – have all 50 states celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. STATEWIDE – It’s been 41 years since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., but only for the last three years – since 2006 – have all 50 states celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It falls on the third Monday in January, to commemorate the Jan. 15, 1929, birthdate of the civil rights leader perhaps best known for his “I have a dream …” speech. Gregory Coates, pastor of The Way Bible Church in Central City, a new church plant in the Baton Rouge Area Baptist Association, was one of many pastors across Louisiana to talk about the importance of remembering Dr. King. “For me it’s that we would remember the actual dream itself,” Coates said. “I think too many people in this country have forgotten that the dream was about us coming together as Americans and forgetting about races.” A.B. Lartigue, pastor of Unity Baptist Church in Lake Charles, remembered being “two or three seats” away from Dr. King at a rally in Rochester, N.Y., in 1957 or ’58, when Lartigue was a college student and a minister. “When they said he was coming I was able … [Read more...]
Making a big difference at the ends of the world
John Schaffner, director of Baptist Collegiate Ministries at Southeastern Louisiana University since 1991 took 11 students to a large East Asia nation during Christmas break. John Schaffner, director of Baptist Collegiate Ministries at Southeastern Louisiana University since 1991 took 11 students to a large East Asia nation during Christmas break. His account follows: WOW – what an incredible, life-changing adventure! We flew for over 20 hours, road a train for over 10 hours, spent 4 hours on a bus and then hiked into the mountains. All of this to distribute Lottie Moon radios that play the Gospel every night in the heart language of the people. We had three teams of four and each team was assigned to a different area. Each team member was given five radios and each team was given one Bible in the heart language of the people. I will never forget the night we gave out our team’s Bible. We had been praying for God to lead us to the person of peace in our village, the person we could give our Bible too. We came across a young man named Li (name changed for his safety) and he invited us to his house for supper. We really connected with him and his family and felt like this was our guy, the one God was leading … [Read more...]
Tim Tebow’s mom says Scripture & Faith are ‘secrets’ to parenting
With four older children, Pam Tebow, whose father was an Army colonel, was used to setting boundaries, issuing orders and choosing her battles by the time “Timmy” was born in 1987. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (BP) – With four older children, Pam Tebow, whose father was an Army colonel, was used to setting boundaries, issuing orders and choosing her battles by the time “Timmy” was born in 1987. No worries, though. Tim Tebow, the 21-year-old University of Florida quarterback and the first sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy, has been “obedient and teachable and kind,” according to his mom, who, with other members of the Tebow clan, recently watched the Gators win their second national championship in three years. Tebow threw two touchdown passes and was named the game’s offensive MVP. “Whether it’s fighting for the national championship or fighting to see the Gospel brought to a country where people have never heard the name of Christ – I think that’s what probably has made him a good leader, that he’s passionate and that he’s not afraid to stand alone,” his mom said. Pam Tebow said she’s thought about Tim in the context of being the youngest child and how typically younger children follow their elders, but she thinks the fact … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
I think I might be experiencing some depression these days. There are days that I just feel sad. My question is, what are the symptoms of depression and what could I do about it? Dear Gary, I think I might be experiencing some depression these days. There are days that I just feel sad. My question is, what are the symptoms of depression and what could I do about it? Anne Dear Anne, Please remember that depression is called the common cold of Mental Health. It can cover a broad spectrum of feelings from being blue one day to a debilitating illness that lasts over long periods of time. In the movie Forrest Gump there is a scene where Forrest joins the Army and goes to Viet Nam. As he walks in water up to his chest, he states that one day it just started raining and it kept on raining. My wife and I served as missionaries in Asia and we know what he was talking about. It’s called the monsoon season. While we were out there we felt the oppression of what seemed like endless days of dark, bad weather. During those times, many struggle with short bouts of depression. In the scriptures we see David fighting his own battles with the blues. He says in Psalms 13:2 “How long shall I take counsel (struggle or wrestle) in my … [Read more...]
Promoting, Protecting and Providing for Life
Since 1973, Southern Baptists have used the power of relentless influence to encourage elected officials to defend and promote life. Richard Land and The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) have taken the initiative in keeping this topic ever before us. 1 POWER OF RELENTLESS INFLUENCE Since 1973, Southern Baptists have used the power of relentless influence to encourage elected officials to defend and promote life. Richard Land and The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) have taken the initiative in keeping this topic ever before us. Though some have grown weary in defense of life, the ERLC has not wavered from its support and promotion of life from conception to natural death. It has not stood alone. Across the nation, millions of individual Baptists consistently vote their convictions and advocate for life in the congressional districts in which they live. 2 MINISTRY SUPPORT The North American Mission Board provides ministry support for local churches that have pregnancy care centers as part of their ministries. Many other Southern Baptist churches are not financially strong enough to maintain their own centers, so they solicit support from like-minded believers from many denominations … [Read more...]
Fishing opens door to ministry for bivo pastor in Barataria
The alarm sounds at 4 a.m. in Eddie Painter’s house. In the Village of Jean Lafitte, a tiny fishing community just south of New Orleans, the early November sunrise is still close to two hours away. JEAN LAFITTE, La. – The alarm sounds at 4 a.m. in Eddie Painter’s house. In the Village of Jean Lafitte, a tiny fishing community just south of New Orleans, the early November sunrise is still close to two hours away. Painter emerges from the bedroom a few minutes later, dressed in boots, a heavy jacket and a floppy-brimmed hat – his uniform for a day at sea. After a quick breakfast, Painter heads out the back door toward his boat docked on Bayou Barataria. This local pastor has two stops to make before heading south toward his 200 crab traps. Just down on the east bank of the bayou, Painter stops for bait and crab boxes. He takes a few extra boxes, hoping to catch at least 775 pounds (a catch that would be a personal best). Next, he cruises back across the bayou to buy gas and some food for the day. A group of commercial fishermen is inside, catching up before a long day on the water. After a few stories and laughs, the fishermen disperse as they notice the black horizon beginning to fade to a deep red. For many … [Read more...]
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