The day after his basketball team lost 100-63 to Troy State, Northwestern State University Coach Mike McConathy took his entire team to Sunday services at First Baptist Church in Natchitoches. “Expect great things from God and attempt great things for God.” – William Carey, Baptist missionary to India NATCHITOCHES – The day after his basketball team lost 100-63 to Troy State, Northwestern State University Coach Mike McConathy took his entire team to Sunday services at First Baptist Church in Natchitoches. “I’m sure some of the kids were upset that I made them get up and go to church following the lopsided loss, and long bus ride home,” McConathy said. “But I was trying to make a point.” On this particular Sunday, he gathered his team before entering the church and explained what he was doing. “I said, ‘Guys, I know you think I brought you here as punishment, but you are wrong. I want you to know people here (at First Natchitoches) love you whether you lose by one or by 20. “‘God doesn’t care whether you win or lose, but whether or not you have used your talents and skills to the very best of your abilities,’” McConathy said. “Therefore, you need to spend time to honor and thank Him.’ “It was interesting to see … [Read more...]
We should all pray like Jesus
Prayer is what all mankind seems to do, regardless of religious persuasion, when confronted with something beyond their ability with which to cope, comprehend or control. Prayer is what all mankind seems to do, regardless of religious persuasion, when confronted with something beyond their ability with which to cope, comprehend or control. Currently, the members of Hamas pray that their rockets will seek out and destroy as many Israelis as possible. The Israelis pray not only that they will be protected from the Hamas bombs, but they will also be empowered to destroy their enemies. Entered into this mix are those of us who are called Christians who pray for resolution between the two warring factions. The question is, “What are we all doing when we pray?” The American Heritage Dictionary defines prayer as a “reverent petition made to God.” It appears that prayer lives or dies not with the petitioner but rather with the one who is being petitioned. Making the assumption that those of us who are reading this article are Christian gives cause to read Genesis 4:26: “At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord.” At the time the aforementioned passage was recorded, God was characterized by the name … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Question: What is the “unpardonable sin” really about and where is it found in the Bible? Is it related to divorce, or suicide, or something else? Question: What is the “unpardonable sin” really about and where is it found in the Bible? Is it related to divorce, or suicide, or something else? Bill Warren answers: The adage that “if you’re worried about having committed the unpardonable sin, you haven’t” is actually more biblical than most realize, as can be seen by looking at the Bible’s teaching regarding the “unpardonable sin.” The primary texts are found in Mark 3:28-30 and the parallel passages in Matt.12:31-33 and Luke 12:10, with the wording in Mark 3:28-29 being the basis for the concept of the “unpardonable sin:” I assure you: people will be forgiven for all sins and whatever blasphemies they may blaspheme. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin’–because they were saying, ‘He has an unclean spirit.’ The larger context for this passage runs from Mark 3:20-31. Jesus’ popularity was skyrocketing with large crowds gathering, such that even some of his family members (perhaps extended family, but we can’t be sure of that) were becoming worried by … [Read more...]
LBC News
Louisiana Southern Baptist Churches celebrating anniversaries this year include: 25th Anniversary El Camino, Metairie Emmanuel Hispanic, Monroe 50th Anniversary Calvary, Slidell Calvary, Tullos Crossgate, Robert Emmanuel, Minden Faith, Bastrop Fellowship, Monroe First, St. Rose Haynes Ave., Shreveport Satsuma, Livingston Trinity, Many 75th Anniversary Calvary of Gardner, Boyce Center Point, West Monroe Clayton, Clayton Diamond, DeRidder Elmwood, Lake Providence Freedom Rest, Anacoco Mt. Bethel, Leesville New Zion, Oak Grove Springhill, Grayson 100th Anniversary East Fork, Kentwood First, Pitkin First, Kinder Main St., Bogalusa 125th Anniversary Beulah, Farmerville First, Crowville Gravel Hill, Pitkin Green Oak, Merryville Hunter Magnolia, Mansfield Oak Grove, Eros Oak Grove, Jonesville Redwood, Slaughter 150th Anniversary New Beulah, Hammond New Union, Tullos Spring Creek, Tullos … [Read more...]
MSC Coordinator assists volunteers
Julia Parker, a member at Calvary Baptist here, is Mission Service Corps coordinator for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. ALEXANDRIA – Julia Parker, a member at Calvary Baptist here, is Mission Service Corps coordinator for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. A part of the Missions and Ministries team led by Mike Canady, Parker stepped in August 2007 into shoes previously worn by Cherry Blackwell and Phyllis Rabalais. “It’s so important for us as a state to support Mission Service Corps missionaries,” Parker said. “They really are missionaries – sent by God to serve others.” Mission Service Corps – which usually is known as MSC – is an opportunity for people in Louisiana to serve for a minimum of two years in a ministry assignment anywhere in North America, including Louisiana, or for anyone in the world to serve in a 2-year or longer ministry assignment in Louisiana. MSC missionaries are commissioned by their local church, endorsed by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board, and privately funded. Some are able to serve because of retirement income, trust fund, insurance settlement or the sale of assets; others, because they receive support from family, friends, churches and perhaps elsewhere. … [Read more...]
Louisiana RAs planning Soap Box Derby
Somewhere between the first automobile race, which was in 1887 in France, and NASCAR, youngsters began to build their own racing vehicles out of whatever they could find. ALEXANDRIA – Somewhere between the first automobile race, which was in 1887 in France, and NASCAR, youngsters began to build their own racing vehicles out of whatever they could find. Louisiana RAs are carrying on the tradition. The year 1885 marked the introduction of gasoline-fueled internal combustion engines. Ford’s Model T made its debut in 1908, and by the mid-’20s the vehicle had become commonplace enough that “every kid wanted one.” In addition to building clubhouses (and chasing girls away from them), half-grown lads scoured their neighborhoods for cast-off wheels and discarded lumber they could use to build gravity-powered cars, and pummeled their dads with questions about how to make their vehicles go faster than any other. “It takes just the right combination of aerodynamics and weight,” the boys were told. Discarded Oxydol, Lux and other soap boxes – sturdy containers in which loose laundry soap was shipped – were used to go around the driver. Neighborhood races fueled by the Lil Rascals movie shorts led to community races and in … [Read more...]
Cross Point Baptist Church Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association BOSSIER CITY – Tony Meinhardt, pastor at Cross Point Baptist, said he thinks the new year will be exciting for his church. On Jan. 11, the church will have its building dedication, just two and a half years after the group first began to meet. With a brand new building that is just over a month old, the church has increased from a weekly attendance of about 70 to over 100, Meinhardt said. “We were meeting at an elementary school before, but since we have our new building we have grown tremendously,” Meinhardt said. No big events are scheduled at this point, but church members are formulating outreach tools to let the community be aware of the church. Having been in the ministry for almost 30 years, Meinhardt said he is excited to see what God is doing at Cross Point Baptist. Cross Point’s new building hosts a blended group of believers that does not target any specific age group. “My goal is to see the church grow,” Meinhardt said, “and to reach out to all age groups with the love of Christ.” Acme Baptist Church Ouachita Baptist Association ACME – On the banks of the Black River stands a painted white wooden church building. Founded … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Gary (wife Alexa) Palmer, new as minister of families, Simpson Bapitst, Simpson. -Tiffani Horowitz, new as children’s minister, First Baptist, Shreveport. -Brad Watson, new as youth minister, Eastwood Baptist, Haughton. -Nick Parish, new as youth minister, Oak Hill Baptist, Plain Dealing. -Jason McInnis, resigns as pastor, Parkview Baptist, Shreveport. -Ed Jenkins, new as supply pastor, Eden Baptist, Denham Springs. -Jay Hodges, new as minister of music, Judson Baptist, Walker. -Marty Stone, resigns as worship minister, Grace Baptist, Slidell. -Charles Gilder, retires as pastor, Bayou Vista Baptist, Morgan City. DEATHS -Leroy Yarbrough, retired Chairman of the Division of Church Music and professor of Choral Conducting and Music at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and minister of music in Louisiana and Texas churches, died Dec. 25. He was 74 and resided in San Antonio, Texas. NEEDED -Full-time youth and children’s ministers at First Baptist, Vivian; send resume to First Baptist Church, Attn: Mrs. Andrea Gorsulowsky, 311 North Pine, Vivian LA 71082. -Director of Missions at Northwest Baptist Association; send resumes to DOM Search Committee, Northwest Baptist … [Read more...]
Baptist men called to January prayer focus
Recognizing both the power of prayer and the urgent need for men to pray, the North American Mission Board is issuing a call for Baptist men to engage in focused prayer in January. ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – Recognizing both the power of prayer and the urgent need for men to pray, the North American Mission Board is issuing a call for Baptist men to engage in focused prayer in January. The result could be the largest-ever combined prayer effort by Southern Baptist men in praying for God to do a fresh work among them and across North America. To help men do this, NAMB’s mission education team has prepared a 31-day prayer guide to lead men in seven areas of prayer: recognize God’s plan for men; a call to holiness; confession and repentance; passion for the church as the bride of Christ; models of mission action; the hearts of men; and workers for the harvest. “We’re convinced we won’t have clarity of purpose and mission in our churches without a genuine movement of God,” said Jim Burton, NAMB’s mission education team leader. “There’s no resource we can create that can replace a genuine movement of God among men, so that’s what Baptist men will be praying for in January.” Burton said state mission education leaders … [Read more...]
Adapt to reach adults, speakers say
Young adults increasingly are making an impact in the world. “But it isn’t so much happening in the church,” said Jason Hayes, young adult ministry specialist for LifeWay Christian Resources. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Young adults increasingly are making an impact in the world. “But it isn’t so much happening in the church,” said Jason Hayes, young adult ministry specialist for LifeWay Christian Resources. Hayes was among the speakers at an Adult Ministry Institute attended by ministers and young adult leaders from across the country at the Southern Baptist entity’s Nashville, Tenn., headquarters. Information from LifeWay Research studies guided much of the conference’s content addressing challenges that churches face in reaching young adults as well as baby boomers and those in the “legacy” generation of adults age 55 and over. “We heard in our research from both churched and unchurched young adults who said they wanted to go beyond the normal ‘hellos’ and congeniality of church,” Hayes said. “They wanted to go beyond the geographic location of community and connect with social geography.” Young adults have “more interest in community than anything that could be put on any menu in any coffee shop or restaurant,” … [Read more...]
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