My family and I recently attended a church we had never visited before, and we pulled into the parking lot eager to worship in a new place and to interact with new people. My family and I recently attended a church we had never visited before, and we pulled into the parking lot eager to worship in a new place and to interact with new people. At the door, we were handed a bulletin by a “greeter” who didn’t say a single word. There was no one else around, so he wasn’t overwhelmed by too many incoming people. He simply said nothing. In fact, he didn’t even offer a smile. Well, at least we had received a bulletin. As we entered the building, we were immediately assaulted by the combined odors of dust, mold and undeniable “oldness.” Frankly, the smell made me feel so uncomfortable that I feared it would keep me from concentrating on the teaching and worship. I couldn’t help but wonder if the odors were symbolic of the spiritual condition of the church. Unfortunately, what we saw was as bad as what we smelled. The paint and wallpaper were a “blast from the past” that caused a time-warp induced head rush. The furniture was dated and dingy, and the carpet and pew upholstery were old and stained. It was obvious that no … [Read more...]
3 ministries ‘rolled’ into one
What began in 1984 as a campground ministry has grown to include a disaster relief ministry and a thrift store ministry. RUSTON – What began in 1984 as a campground ministry has grown to include a disaster relief ministry and a thrift store ministry. This is the story of Rolling Hills Ministries. “We have beautiful state parks here that draw thousands of people each year,” explained David Abernathy, director of Rolling Hills Ministries since 1989, which received its 501(c)3 non-profit status in 2005. “That was pretty much it until a tornado struck Arcadia and we got interested in disaster relief.” The thrift store opened in 2003 as a way of providing some income for the disaster relief ministry, which has grown to the point that it is now one of the largest non-state convention DR units among the 1,500 units in the Southern Baptist Convention. The three ministries function independently of each other, yet remain interdependent, Abernathy said. CAMPGROUND MINISTRY Each year, between the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October, Southern Baptists minister in a variety of ways to people vacationing in four state parks: Lake Claiborne, Jimmy Davis, Lake D’Arbonne and Lake Bisteneau. Volunteers – … [Read more...]
Home-bound, couple doesn’t miss out on church, missions
Gerald and Rosie Cole are claiming Jesus’ promise, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20, HCSB). MARION (BP)—Gerald and Rosie Cole are claiming Jesus’ promise, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20, HCSB). After almost 40 years as a pastor, Gerald had decided it was time to go home to Louisiana to retire. He and his wife, Rosie, went to visit Springhill Baptist Church near Marion, where Gerald had his first pastorate. But they found a locked building in disrepair. Gerald looked at Rosie, who knew immediately that retirement was not going to be an option. COMING HOME AGAIN “Gerald decided if we’re retired, we’ll just come back up here and start it [the church] again,” Rosie says with a smile. They bought the church property and converted the small general store next door into their home. Gerald and Rosie resumed the roles they had left many years before — Gerald preached and Rosie played piano. “I preached real plain. That’s the way I am,” says Gerald, who was pastor of several churches in the Southeast. While the location changed, the message was the same: “There are lost people all over the … [Read more...]
Evangelism Conference to focus on “The Power of One”
Southern Baptist Convention leaders nationwide deplore the declining number of baptisms. RUSTON – Southern Baptist Convention leaders nationwide deplore the declining number of baptisms. In 2006, the last year for which complete statistics are available, 364,826 people were baptized, down 7,024 from the previous year. In Louisiana, 10,240 people were baptized in 2006, down from12,668 in the previous year. In 2007, 10,095 people were baptized. Louisiana Baptist leaders have come up with a plan to turn the numbers around. It’s a plan that focuses on people, not statistics. To implement the plan, the LBC Evangelism/Church Growth team has made “The Power of One” the theme for the 2009 Louisiana Evangelism Conference. “It’s difficult for some people to get a handle around a big evangelistic goal,” said Wayne Jenkins, evangelism/church growth director. “This is not to say people don’t need goals. All we’re saying is, if you will focus on one person – one person empowered by the Holy Spirit can impact another person’s life for eternity. “That’s what we’re trying to stress overall with this year’s evangelism conference,” Jenkins continued. “The speakers and conferences will give emphasis to this.” The workshops … [Read more...]
Research to aid ‘GPS’ strategy
In advance support of the “God’s Plan for Sharing” evangelistic campaign set to roll out in 2010, the North American Mission Board is collaborating with LifeWay Research to research the most effective methods for sharing Christ with the people of North America. ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – In advance support of the “God’s Plan for Sharing” evangelistic campaign set to roll out in 2010, the North American Mission Board is collaborating with LifeWay Research to research the most effective methods for sharing Christ with the people of North America. A minimum of 15,000 people across the United States will be polled on how they prefer to receive spiritually related messages – whether by direct mail, TV, radio, Internet websites, e-mail, personal contact, newspaper or magazine advertising, billboards, door-to-door, etc. Because of the survey’s large sample, data will be available across many demographics – for instance, the different preferences of those living in the United States or Canada; different regions of the U.S.; Anglos, African Americans or Hispanics; Christians and non-believers; or across various denominations. “People see national ad campaigns from the Mormons and the Methodists and they wonder about their … [Read more...]
A young daughter’s evangelistic prayers
Every Sunday morning Crystal was dressed and ready for church before the van arrived at her home. She attended Sunday School with a smile, but without her parents. Every Sunday morning Crystal was dressed and ready for church before the van arrived at her home. She attended Sunday School with a smile, but without her parents. During the worship service, an adult would sit with her and the other children. After all, a four-year-old can sit still only for so long. When the sermon was finished and the invitation given, Crystal was sure to run to the front of the sanctuary, bow down and begin to pray. As a first-time, very young and very green pastor, I thought it was cute as the little girl came forward. However, after several weeks I began to worry she just wanted attention. During the week, I was praying about how to handle the situation. The Holy Spirit impressed on me to pray with her instead of stopping her. The next Sunday I was ready. As I gave the invitation, Crystal made her way to the little red steps leading up to the platform. I knelt down with her and said, “Crystal, what are you praying for?” She replied, “For my mom and dad to get saved.” Over the next four years, Crystal prayed and our church … [Read more...]
Ignite your imagination
Susan hadn’t been able to concentrate since Jeff called earlier in the day. “The kids are staying at your mom’s this weekend. Can you get away a little early?” Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her husband’s car in the driveway with the trunk open. What did Jeff have planned? Life had certainly been interesting lately!At one time their marriage had been cooling ashes — not the blazing passion of earlier years. Trudging through the humdrum of life had shifted their focus from thriving to surviving mode. The closest thing to surprise in their relationship was whether someone was going to pick up chicken or burgers for supper. Susan hadn’t been able to concentrate since Jeff called earlier in the day. “The kids are staying at your mom’s this weekend. Can you get away a little early?” Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her husband’s car in the driveway with the trunk open. What did Jeff have planned? Life had certainly been interesting lately!At one time their marriage had been cooling ashes — not the blazing passion of earlier years. Trudging through the humdrum of life had shifted their focus from thriving to surviving mode. The closest thing to surprise in their relationship was whether someone was going to pick up … [Read more...]
Biblical strategies for entertaining
My desire to entertain guests dwindled as my family continued to grow. I would herd my children from room to room trying to make the house look decent. I worried if the chicken was overcooked or if my guests would notice the stains on the carpet. Eventually the pain of preparation outweighed the pleasure of receiving guests. My desire to entertain guests dwindled as my family continued to grow. I would herd my children from room to room trying to make the house look decent. I worried if the chicken was overcooked or if my guests would notice the stains on the carpet. Eventually the pain of preparation outweighed the pleasure of receiving guests. It was then that I heard the still small voice of the Holy Spirit asking, “Are you preparing to bless or impress your company?” Ouch! My good intentions were shrouded by my desire to impress my guests with external appearances rather than focusing on the internal spiritual state. I was more like Martha who allowed the distractions of housekeeping to take precedence over listening to Jesus (Luke 10:40). The Holy Spirit’s question was a defining moment for me as I came face to face with a sad truth — by trying to make a good impression, I was failing God and my family. This … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
Have you ever wanted to ask a question and did not know who to ask? Sometimes we might not even know what we really want to ask. The Louisiana Baptist Message felt it would be helpful to write a series of articles about counseling and family health issues. My plan is to pick different topics and the most frequently asked questions that I hear. Have you ever wanted to ask a question and did not know who to ask? Sometimes we might not even know what we really want to ask. The Louisiana Baptist Message felt it would be helpful to write a series of articles about counseling and family health issues. My plan is to pick different topics and the most frequently asked questions that I hear. My name is Gary Greene and I am the Director of Counseling at the Granberry Counseling Centers. Granberry is a ministry of the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries. Some of the topics that I will attempt to answer are things like what is Christian Counseling? What are the signs of depression? How can I beat feeling anxious? How can we improve communication skills in our marriage? How does the Bible tell us to resolve a conflict? How can we benefit from relaxation? How might we enrich our marriages? How can we parent … [Read more...]
99 Mission Action/Ministry Ideas for 2009
Let the year 2009 be the year you get personally involved in missions and ministry. ALEXANDRIA – Let the year 2009 be the year you get personally involved in missions and ministry. Missions is what is done for/with/to people outside the local church family. Ministry is what is done to nurture, build up and encourage the body of believers, most often within the local church walls. There’s scriptural admonition for both: Missions: “But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus – the work of telling others the Good News about God’s wonderful kindness and love.” – (Acts 20:24 NLT) Ministry: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” – (I Thessalonians 5:11, HCSB Here are 99 ways you can be the hands and feet of Christ in this coming year. It is not an exhaustive list – see No. 100 – and the ideas can be used by families, church mission groups – girls, women, boys, men – and individuals. Yes, individuals. God often gives one person a passion, and when others see the good that’s being done, they want to get involved. Let God use you in 2009! Prepare welcome baskets for new families in your neighborhood. Along with … [Read more...]
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