Probably the high point of the recent Drama Festival at Louisiana College was the performance of the doweling (wooden sticks) class. PINEVILLE – Probably the high point of the recent Drama Festival at Louisiana College was the performance of the doweling (wooden sticks) class. When Allison Winegeart (First Baptist Pineville) rolled in on her wheelchair at the climax of Third Day’s song “Cry out to Jesus,” the message brought tears to the eyes of several in the audience: “Hope for the helpless, rest for the weary, love for the broken heart, Cry out to Jesus. I’ll meet you wherever you are” – even if where you are is in a wheelchair. A huge smile washed over Winegeart’s face at the audience’s response. Even as she exited the stage, pushed by her assistant, she looked back at the audience so she could keep the memory vivid in her mind. “That kind of emotional response is what you can get from using drama in church,” said Patti Yeatts, longtime coordinator of the Louisiana Baptist Drama Festival. “It’s presenting the gospel in picture form, and when you see it, it sticks with you.” Pictures have more staying power in people’s minds than words do, Yeatts said. “We’re such a visual generation,” she continued. “Drama … [Read more...]
Missions Jamboree encourages children to ‘Let the Light Shine’
In all, 715 children from around the state gathered on March 7 for the annual Missions Jamboree – M-JAM – at Louisiana College. PINEVILLE – In all, 715 children from around the state gathered on March 7 for the annual Missions Jamboree – M-JAM – at Louisiana College. M-JAM is a chance for girls and boys around Louisiana to get excited about missions and learn ways to be used as missionaries around the world, explained Kimberly Williams, Children/Youth Mission Education Strategist for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. The children were challenged by Creative Dramatist Kathy Frady and her husband John Frady with the theme for the day, to “Let your light shine for Jesus.” Kathy Frady, clad in red tights and a cape, played the role of Super Duper Girl to entertain and teach the children to fight lies from the devil with scripture. Leading in worship, Kevin Williams from Tupelo, Miss., led the children in singing the theme song for the day. “Let my life shine, come and let my heart shine,” the children sang with Williams as a reminder to be the light of Christ in the world. Throughout the day, there were two celebration sessions of worship for the children to participate in, and there also were three breakout … [Read more...]
Calvary Baptist Church Mount Olive Baptist Association FOREST HILL – According to Pastor Joel McMickin’s wife, Sally, construction work in and out of the church has been affecting the ability to minister. “We’re surviving though,” she said. Last fall after the Fall Festival, a snow storm hit the church and damaged the fellowship hall, kitchen and nursery making them unusable. McMickin said decoration plans for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day were cancelled. Children’s activities have even been stopped. Church members are working on it though. “Every Saturday we are working on the fellowship hall,” she explained. The church family hopes to have all the work completed by Easter. And members have dealt with construction outside the church. Roadwork has been going on right outside the church for quite a while, McMickin said. This has cut down on some church attendance. But even in all this inconvenience, God is being seen. “They [church men] repanelled the whole kitchen [and updated it] which made it more efficient for the ladies,” she said. “The men have been tremendous.” And when the nursery is completed, McMickin said it will be an entirely new nursery with new furniture, lots more baby … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Halena Nguyen, new as Children’s Activities Coordinator, Vietnamese Hope Baptist, Baton Rouge. -Brian (wife Jade) Johnston, new as pastor, Trinity Baptist, Oakdale coming from Big Cane Baptist, Morrow. -Andy Partington, new as minister to children, First Baptist, Minden. -Philip Rush resigns as pastor, Carroll Baptist, Walker. -Danny LeBlanc resigns as pastor, Life Giving Church, Denham Springs. -Roger Dunlap, new as pastor, Macedonia Baptist, Holden. DEATHS -Robert “Bobby” Bonds, Louisiana pastor for 40 years, died Feb. 26. He retired from Mt. Hope Baptist, Oakdale, after 27 years of service. The Pineville resident is survived by his wife, Melba, one son and three daughters. NEEDED -Music minister at Antioch Baptist, Farmerville; call Matt Ludwig 318.245.8359 or mail resume to 35301 Hwy. 828, Farmerville LA 71241. -Full-time pastor at First Baptist, Morgan City; send resume to First Baptist Church, 1915 Victor Blvd., Morgan City LA 70380 or email resume to -Minister of music/adult education at Grace Memorial Baptist, Slidell; send resume to Grace Memorial Baptist, 58516 Pearl Acres Road, Slidell LA 70461 or email … [Read more...]
New Chinese Testament now reality for millions
An answered prayer for LifeWay Christian Resources is about to become a dream come true for potentially millions of Chinese Christians: a modern translation of the New Testament in their own language. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – An answered prayer for LifeWay Christian Resources is about to become a dream come true for potentially millions of Chinese Christians: a modern translation of the New Testament in their own language. LifeWay’s Holman Bible Publishers has printed 20,000 Chinese Standard Bible New Testaments, and copies are now available for sale in the United States, Canada and Brazil. It’s being touted as the first direct Chinese translation by scholars from the original Greek. “Our goal is that Chinese Christians would read this translation and love it,” said Phill Burgess, executive director of LifeWay’s Holman Bible Outreach International. “The translation that Chinese Christians have been using up to now, the Chinese Union Version, was translated into Chinese from an English copy in the 1920s. “The language in that translation is archaic,” Burgess said. “This one is easier to understand since it relates to the modern Chinese language.” LifeWay approached In 2004, the Asia Bible Society approached LifeWay … [Read more...]
Missions comes to life with interactive book for families on mission
Meet Molly – a brightly smiling little girl in red capri pants and yellow shirt who will help preschoolers and children learn more about what happens on church missions trips as their travel representative. She is featured in Molly’s Adventures in Missions written by national WMU preschool consultant Joye Smith. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Meet Molly – a brightly smiling little girl in red capri pants and yellow shirt who will help preschoolers and children learn more about what happens on church missions trips as their travel representative. She is featured in Molly’s Adventures in Missions written by national WMU preschool consultant Joye Smith. “Parents will find the book a fun way to teach preschoolers what missions teams do,” Smith said. “Molly’s Adventures in Missions is such an interactive book. “It not only explains what missions teams do, but gives a way for church missions teams to share their work with preschoolers. “This gives the missions team a way of sharing with preschoolers the work they have done on the missions trip,” she continued. “Preschoolers and children can then make a scrapbook or write stories about Molly’s adventures on their church’s missions trips.” In addition to having a cut-out of Molly, Smith’s … [Read more...]
Pastor says giving to CP A Matter of Principle
Home prices in metro Phoenix are down dramatically, multitudes of homes are in foreclosure and thousands of people are unemployed. QUEEN CREEK, Ariz. (BP) – Home prices in metro Phoenix are down dramatically, multitudes of homes are in foreclosure and thousands of people are unemployed. The Phoenix-area Queen Creek suburb, where San Tan Heights [Southern Baptist] Church is located, is among the hardest-hit communities in the nation. “A lot of people have called me who are at the brink,” said Billy Van Camp, founding pastor of the church that started with five people at its first service Easter Sunday in 2004. More than 250 attend now “A few people have come up to me at church who are at the point of crisis – bankruptcy, losing their home.” While reaching out to help those in financial distress and helping others stave off distress, San Tan Heights [Southern Baptist] Church is seeking to maintain a biblically based, outward-focused, forward-moving perspective. The congregation continues to give 10 percent of its offerings to missions through the Cooperative Program, which supports missions and ministries of state Baptist conventions and the Southern Baptist Convention. The church also bought 12 acres last summer next … [Read more...]
The Message doesn’t change, but methods do
The purpose of the Louisiana Baptist Message is to draw all Louisiana Southern Baptists closer to God and to each other. Yes, but how? ALEXANDRIA – The purpose of the Louisiana Baptist Message is to draw all Louisiana Southern Baptists closer to God and to each other. Yes, but how? That has been the question in Editor Kelly Bogg’s mind for more than a year. He responded proactively to the winds of change he felt swirling around the publication when he heard postal rates were going to adversely affect the Message’s bottom line. “In July 2007, the post office implemented postal increases across the board, including a 25 percent rate increase for publications such as the Louisiana Baptist Message,” Boggs said. “Additionally, in February 2008, at a meeting of Southern Baptist state paper editors, I learned the Postal Rate Commission had given the post office the green light to increase rates on publications every year, so long as the increase wasn’t greater than the rate of inflation. That meant the Message would be facing a 3 to 5 percent postal rate increase every year for the foreseeable future.” Options included significantly increasing the price of subscriptions, asking for additional Cooperative Program dollars every … [Read more...]
Three DOMs retiring; send resumes
Three associational directors of missions are fading from their leadership roles across Louisiana. Resumes are now being accepted for their replacements. STATEWIDE – Three associational directors of missions are fading from their leadership roles across Louisiana. Resumes are now being accepted for their replacements. Herb Dickerson, director of missions for the North Rapides, Big Creek and Central Louisiana Baptist Associations, all based out of Pineville, retired Dec. 31. He was DOM for 12 years. Joe McKeever, director of missions for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans, plans to retire in April 2009. He was DOM for five years. Eddie DeHondt, director of missions for the Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association based in Shreveport, plans to retire in June 2009. He was DOM for 10 years. “Dickerson, McKeever and DeHondt have all given tremendous leadership in their respective associations,” said Beau Colle, LBC liaison to directors of missions. “It is evident that each man was just what was needed to provide guidance and encouragement to the churches, pastors, staff and lay leaders.” Associations provide the structure that allows more ministry, training and fellowship to be accomplished than probably … [Read more...]
Don’t think of yourself as a leader; think ‘People-Helper’
One of the tasks of a pastor is to build up people. Following are some suggestions for strengthening the people God has called you to lead. One of the tasks of a pastor is to build up people. Following are some suggestions for strengthening the people God has called you to lead. 1. Say ‘we’ a lot; not I, me, and mine. 2. Look for ways to help your staff do better and feel good about what they’re doing. 3. Watch for anyone working in the wrong slot and try to find the right place for them. 4. Ask, ‘How’s it going?’ a lot. Listen to the answers. 5. Give lots of little gifts to your team members – thoughtful things that show how you value them. 6. Pray for your staff by name. Learn their family members’ names and lift them up, too. 7. Ask ‘If you had my job, what would you do?’ 8. Find out who the workaholics are and see that they get proper rest and don’t burn out. 9. When you give public recognition, think the matter through in advance and make sure you leave out no one who should be mentioned. 10. Try to anticipate problems. 11. Walk the line between ‘never let them see you sweat’ and being transparent. 12. Pray with your people, even at odd times – at the end of break times, after a fun … [Read more...]
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