Hi, my name is Maggie Siler and I’m a junior at Glenbrook School in Minden. I am an Acteen at First Baptist Minden and I have recently returned from the State Acteens Convention at Tall Timbers in Woodworth. Hi, my name is Maggie Siler and I’m a junior at Glenbrook School in Minden. I am an Acteen at First Baptist Minden and I have recently returned from the State Acteens Convention at Tall Timbers in Woodworth. It was an awesome weekend for me. The theme was “All or Nothing,” which was talking about giving our all to God. During that amazing weekend, I heard several things I really needed to hear. I realized that there’s always going to be people around that may intimidate us, but that shouldn’t stop us from being ourselves and sharing Christ. I went on a mission trip to Diriamba, Nicaragua this past summer and had the greatest experience sharing Christ with the little children. But coming home from the convention, I really started putting it all together. I came to the conclusion that foreign missions is a simpler task to master than home missions – where you live. My reasoning is mainly because the people around us judge us and we worry too much about what they think. This convention taught me that God is the … [Read more...]
Loving Brandon: Couple cherish their lives with ‘special’ son
DEVILLE – The 9-year-old boy lovingly grasps his father’s face in his hand and pulls gently toward him. The father kisses his son’s forehead and whispers, “I love you Brandon.” The father waits patiently – praying. He longs to hear his son say the same to him. But no words come from the young boy’s mouth; instead the youngster coos, like a newborn baby. “Brandon,” Wendell Johnson says to his son, “I – love – you.” Johnson repeats the phrase but Brandon can only coo a response – still holding his father’s face in his hands. The two hug tightly before his mother, Nancy, takes him to his room. “It almost sounds like he’s trying to say I love you,” Johnson says struggling with his emotions. “I guess I want to hear him say I love you so badly that I hear it in those sounds he’s making.” It hasn’t always been this way. Adopted by the Johnsons when he was three weeks old, the couple reveled in watching their son grow up. “He was like any other baby that first year,” Nancy said. “He ate, slept and grew. He was a beautiful, healthy baby boy. Brandon Layne was even beginning to to say ‘momma.’” And, then, one day the world came crashing down around Nancy and Wendell Johnson. Ten hours after the Johnsons took their son … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
Question: Lately, I just haven’t been myself. Someone asked me if I was depressed. How would I know if I am struggling with depression and what should I do? Question: Lately, I just haven’t been myself. Someone asked me if I was depressed. How would I know if I am struggling with depression and what should I do? Michele Louviere answers: Depressive disorders impact about 18.8 million American adults a year, which is about 9.5 percent of our population. The latest stats show that 23 percent of teenagers struggle with depression. Certainly, all of us have times that we feel sad or depressed, but occasional down times or sadness does not mean that we have clinical depression. To be diagnosed with depression, you would need to feel depressed, down or irritable and/or have a general loss of interest in pleasurable activities that you normally enjoy for at least two weeks. Along with either feeling depressed or losing interest in normal enjoyable activities, you would also need to have at least five of the following symptoms: significant increase or decrease in weight or appetite; sleeping too much or too little; changing in the way you move; feeling tired or fatigued; feeling worthless or guilty; trouble concentrating or … [Read more...]
More than 2,900 spiritual decisions were recorded, nearly 2,000 people were treated medically and three churches were built during the 2008 mission trip to Brazil led by Wayne Jenkins. This year is the 25th time Jenkins is taking a mission team to Brazil; he says he is expecting God to once again pour out His blessings. ALEXANDRIA – More than 2,900 spiritual decisions were recorded, nearly 2,000 people were treated medically and three churches were built during the 2008 mission trip to Brazil led by Wayne Jenkins. This year is the 25th time Jenkins is taking a mission team to Brazil; he says he is expecting God to once again pour out His blessings. Jenkins, director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s evangelism/church growth team, knows the missionaries and pastors/leaders there who are connected with the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board and the Brazilian Baptist Convention. He has a good rapport with them because he asks what they need, and then seeks with the help of God and members of Louisiana’s Southern Baptist churches to provide it. “Our Southern Baptist Convention missionaries are faithful to serve day in and out,” Jenkins said. “With these short-term mission trips, Louisiana … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptists reach out around the world
Across Louisiana, churches, associations and Baptist Collegiate Ministries groups are planning short-term mission trips in the United States and around the world for Spring Break, summer and throughout the rest of the year. STATEWIDE – Across Louisiana, churches, associations and Baptist Collegiate Ministries groups are planning short-term mission trips in the United States and around the world for Spring Break, summer and throughout the rest of the year. See page 12 for more on them. At least two mission trips are especially designed for people from all over Louisiana who sense God’s call to serve Him in international settings, but who are not in a church or association that is planning a trip, or at least one that tugs at their hearts. These two – Brazil and Korea – have room for you, and ministry for you to do that fits within the skills, abilities, and availability God has given you. Stuck here at home for whatever reason? You can still be involved, by praying, and/or by giving. “When God guides, He provides,” Jenkins said. That provision might come from you. “Volunteering in missions is life-altering: it changes lives and you will never be the same,” writes Wayne Sheppard, LBC’s partnership missions … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptists stretch arms around the world
Editor’s note: This is an incomplete list, gleaned from church newsletters, websites, emails, faxes and other information received in the Message office. Readers want to know: Where is God sending you? When? What do you plan to do in His stead there? Please send in your church or association plans for missions trips for inclusion in the next list. Deadline: April 10. CHURCHES ON MISSION BATON ROUGE - Cross Point Baptist plans a mission trip to Mexico July 3-11 to conduct vacation Bible school and assist with construction. BASTROP - Greenacres Baptist plans a mission trip to Belize July 6 -12 to conduct vacation Bible school and revival services. BLANCHARD - First Baptist plans a mission trip to Romania July 25-Aug. 7 to conduct vacation Bible school and Bible studies. HAUGHTON - First Baptist senior high students plan a mission trip to Jefferson City, Tenn., April 13-19. Middle school students are to participate in local missions at that time. MANY - Calvary Baptist plans a mission trip to Honduras May 23-30 to do medical, dental missions and veterinary services. DEVILLE - Philadelphia Baptist plans a mission trip to New York City May 23-30 to do street evangelism, minister in churches, host block … [Read more...]
Massons help Burnese find Jesus through ESL
Henry Masson and his wife Marie prayed for years for a ministry that God would give them to share in together. A little over a year ago God answered their prayers in a mighty way. ALEXANDRIA — Henry Masson and his wife Marie prayed for years for a ministry that God would give them to share in together. A little over a year ago God answered their prayers in a mighty way. The Massons, members at Baptist Temple in Alexandria, answered a call to care for a refugee family from the Union of Myanmar, informally known as Burma, in Southeast Asia. After much prayer and consideration, the Massons knew that this was their call to ministry. The first family that arrived in Alexandria consisted of a mother, father, and their three young children. The family spoke little English. Certified to teach ESL –English as a second language – and adult writing, Marie Masson took the opportunity to use her gifts as a way to minister to the new family. Within three months, three additional families from Myanmar arrived in Alexandria and were welcomed by the Massons and the Baptist Temple family. According to Refugees International, for more than five decades, Myanmar “has been entrenched in political and armed conflict between the … [Read more...]
Successful 4-Wheels-4-Him ATV ride returns; hopes to expand its outreach
The inaugural event was such a huge success Andy Myrick, evangelism director for the Northeast Louisiana Baptist Association, decided to not only do it again but to expand. BASTROP – The inaugural event was such a huge success Andy Myrick, evangelism director for the Northeast Louisiana Baptist Association, decided to not only do it again but to expand. On March 21, those participating in 4-Wheels-4-Him (a 4-wheeler ride), hosted by Tillou Baptist Church, not only can expect several hours of good muddy, family-oriented fun, but they will also be treated to a block party and gospel singing. And to top off the event will be a barbecue hamburger lunch with all the trimmings. Keith Manuel, an evangelism associate with the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Evangelism and Church Growth Team, will be the event’s speaker. “Last year, I didn’t expect this type of participation, but I know it was God who made it such a success,” Myrick said. “As a matter of fact, it went over so well I decided to add a block party and to include gospel music.” The event, which is sponsored by the Northeast and Morehouse Baptist Associations in partnership with the Louisiana Baptist Convention, is to place on the Plum Creek Hunting Club, which … [Read more...]
Being able to respond to pluralism claims
Pluralism is a term that we often hear, but much of the time it isn’t clear what it meant when we hear it. The terms “pluralist” or “pluralism” can be understood in several different ways. Pluralism is a term that we often hear, but much of the time it isn’t clear what it meant when we hear it. The terms “pluralist” or “pluralism” can be understood in several different ways. For instance, one may mean simply that in our culture there are many different religious viewpoints. As a simple matter of fact this statement is obviously true. On the other hand, one might mean that all individuals have a right to express their beliefs freely and that every belief is to be treated with respect. But what is usually meant when the term plural-ism is used is that all religious views are equally valid. Essentially it means that all roads lead to God. This view can be expressed in many ways. For instance, someone may say, “It doesn’t matter what you believe so long as you’re sincere.” Or “You have your truth, I have mine” or its twin, “That’s true for you but not for me.” In this brief article I shall examine and critique some of the ways pluralism may be expressed in daily conversations. In doing so I am only touching the tip of … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Question: Why was Jesus born as a baby who had to grow up? Why didn’t he just come as an adult? Bill Warren answers: Let’s start thinking about this question by putting it into the context of historical revelation, a key foundation for Christian faith. What is meant by historical revelation is that God has actually revealed Himself in history in various ways, so we don’t have to guess as to who God is or how He acts or what attitude He has toward His creation, for we can base our views on how God Himself has shown Himself to be. Our faith is not mere speculation, but rather has the historical underpinnings of actual events and people. That is part of what separates our faith from mere personal opinion or even philosophy—we believe that God has revealed Himself in human history. Building on the idea of historical revelation, the coming of Jesus is the pinnacle of that revelation, the highest expression ever since Jesus was God Himself who came to show us who He is in words and actions (including His redeeming work on the cross). As we often say, “if you want to see God, look at Jesus!” Historical revelation is about God revealing Himself in a way that we could understand, and supremely we see this in the person of our Lord … [Read more...]
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