NEW ORLEANS (BP) – A 2008 Pew Forum survey found that 65 percent of Americans believe many religions lead to eternal life – and that 52 percent of American Christians believe salvation can be found in at least some non-Christian religions. NEW ORLEANS (BP) – NEW ORLEANS (BP) – A 2008 Pew Forum survey found that 65 percent of Americans believe many religions lead to eternal life – and that 52 percent of American Christians believe salvation can be found in at least some non-Christian religions. At a time when American belief is shifting toward religious pluralism – the idea that all religions are equal in offering truth – New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s annual Greer-Heard Point-Counterpoint Forum addressed the question: “Is Christianity the one true religion?” “The topic is very important given the politically correct, tolerance-laden culture we find ourselves living in today,” said Robert Stewart, director of the Greer-Heard Forum and associate professor of philosophy and theology at NOBTS. “Ultimately we need to take a stand on the clear teaching of God’s Word, which teaches us that Jesus is the only Savior of the world.” Evangelical Christians as a whole are not embracing pluralism, Stewart said, but some are … [Read more...]
PORN DEBATE at Tulane Students challenged to rethink their views
NEW ORLEANS – In a bold move to engage the college culture for Christ, the Baptist Collegiate Ministry of New Orleans challenged students recently to rethink their views of pornography by hosting “The Porn Debate” with Las Vegas pastor Craig Gross and former porn star Ron Jeremy. The event coincided with the annual showing of an administration-approved porn movie on the Tulane University campus. The Metro BCM of New Orleans and director Corey Olivier chose the debate model in order to begin a conversation on the issue rather than boycotting the student-sponsored movie. Associational, state and North American Mission Board leaders were consulted as plans were developed. “God has granted us favor on this campus and students are open to dialogue,” Olivier said. “We won’t concede that pornography is anything less than sexual immorality, but we are open to conversations with students about it and other issues that in the majority of our churches are still ‘taboo’ and are not being addressed from the pulpit for whatever reason. It is through those conversations that the gospel can be unleashed and Christ, through the Holy Spirit, can do a work in someone’s life.” Olivier said the BCM has made inroads for the gospel on campus … [Read more...]
Choices of a contented man
John Wilks lost the argument and gained a great life, he says. PINEVILLE – John Wilks lost the argument and gained a great life, he says. A Cajun by birth, the steelworker moved to Pineville 15 years ago from Sunset, near Lafayette, for his version of the American dream. “I wanted to find the right woman and raise a family and live happily ever after,” Wilks said in a recent interview in the home he shares with his wife of 14 years and two half-grown sons. “I figured that would take two incomes.” He met a girl – not the right one – but one night in conversation she told him how she became a Christian, and he made the same choice, even though he’d gone to a Catholic church all his life to that point. He bought a house because his father told him to not throw away his money on rent, and the girl next door – an elementary school teacher – brought over blueberry muffins as a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift. She was a Christian, pretty, college-educated, and her choice of a career showed she liked kids, he mentally tallied. With both their incomes, they’d have a good life, he figured. No way, she said. “God told me not to start that trap of being in a two-income family,” said Debbie Wilks. She had grown up in … [Read more...]
State Bible Drills take place this week in Louisiana
STATEWIDE – State Bible Drill season is here for fourth- through sixth-graders. Following the annual Bible Drill Training Retreat in January, churches hosted local Bible Drills. Contestants with fewer than 12 mistakes advanced to the associational Bible Drills. Those with fewer than eight mistakes advanced to the State Bible Drill. State Bible Drills are taking place April 27 at Summer Grove Shreveport and First Gonzales; April 28 at First Monroe and Williams Boulevard Kenner; April 30 at First Covington and First Moss Bluff, Lake Charles; and May 2 at Louisiana College. The National Bible Drill takes place Friday, June 19, at First Baptist Covington. Those with fewer than four mistakes at the state level are eligible to compete at the National Bible Drill. High school students are to gather May 1-2 at Louisiana College for Youth State Bible Drill events, also including Xtreme Bible Challenge and Speakers Tournament. LC offers scholarships for the top three Youth Bible drill winners. The high school national competitions also are June 19 at First Baptist Covington. “Bible Drill is a fun way to study the Bible,” said J.D. Marcle, a fourth-grade student and member at First Pitkin. “You can learn about God, … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
Question: I feel so stressed out! I am unable to accomplish enough. I am overwhelmed at work and home, and now I have started having really bad headaches and even pressure in my chest. Help! Do you know what may be wrong in my life? Question: I feel so stressed out! I am unable to accomplish enough. I am overwhelmed at work and home, and now I have started having really bad headaches and even pressure in my chest. Help! Do you know what may be wrong in my life? Megan Clunan answers: Yes, you are experiencing some level of negative anxiety in your life. Those thoughts, sentiments and experiences are all too common among individuals today. According to current statistics, “anxiety is the most common mental illness in the U.S. today, affecting over 40 million adults in the United States.” Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. more than $42 billion total each year; that’s almost one third of the country’s $148 billion total mental health bill. In fact, more than $22.84 billion of the costs associated with the repeated use of health care services is sought out by people who are experiencing the physical side effects of anxiety. Individuals who experience physical symptoms of anxiety often mislabel what they are experiencing as … [Read more...]
Jesus shocked and surprised many of His listeners when He proclaimed our obligation to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” Jesus shocked and surprised many of His listeners when He proclaimed our obligation to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” Nearly 2000 years later, the nature and extent of Christian involvement in the political process is hotly debated, but I think we can all agree that there are two aspects of Christian involvement in our government that are not debatable. First, since we live (by the grace of God) in a constitutional republic, the duty and obligation of every Christian citizen is to cast an informed ballot on Election Day. This flows logically both from the mandate of our Savior and from the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 13. Frank Wright NRB The backbone of our system of government is our electoral process. The vitality of that process is, in large measure, determined by the strength of voter participation. Yet, sadly, voter participation in elections has been declining precipitously in recent years. All this stands in sharp contrast to the enormous price people pay to cast a vote in other countries whose freedoms are less well … [Read more...]
National Day of Prayer
The National Day of Prayer Task Force’s mission is to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, mobilizing the Christian community to intercede for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family. The National Day of Prayer Task Force’s mission is to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, mobilizing the Christian community to intercede for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family. Our Vision and Values In accordance with Biblical truth, the National Day of Prayer Task Force seeks to: Foster unity within the Christian Church Protect America’s Constitutional Freedoms to gather, worship, pray and speak freely. Publicize and preserve America’s Christian heritage Encourage and emphasize prayer, regardless of current issues and positions Respect all people, regardless of denomination or creed Be wise stewards of God’s resources and provision Glorify the Lord in word and deed Who We Are and What We Do The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the … [Read more...]
Why We Pray?
As American troops stormed the beaches of Normandy, President Franklin Roosevelt called for our nation to unite in prayer. He also offered a prayer to prepare each citizen for the road ahead. “Let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons wheresoever they may be. And, O Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in Thee.” As American troops stormed the beaches of Normandy, President Franklin Roosevelt called for our nation to unite in prayer. He also offered a prayer to prepare each citizen for the road ahead. “Let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons wheresoever they may be. And, O Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in Thee.” The victory that followed on June 6, 1944-also known as D-Day-began the march to Berlin. Eighteen months later, WWII was over and one of the world’s greatest evils had been defeated. The prayers of a nation had been a powerful force. Prayer has always been used in this country for guidance, protection and strength-even before we were a nation or a handful of colonies. The Pilgrims at Plymouth relied on prayer during their first and darkest winter. … [Read more...]
BRAVE HEART: The Prevailing American Spirit
Casualties on America’s shores. Deadly attack on United States targets nation’s capitol-terror, panic . . . HEROES! Casualties on America’s shores. Deadly attack on United States targets nation’s capitol-terror, panic . . . HEROES! Detained by enemy troops, he was forced to watch a brutal bombardment of America’s eastern seaboard. Toward morning on September 14, 1814, it became clear that we’d survived and Francis Scott Key scribbled our national anthem on an envelope. Little known stanza four says: Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just. And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.” And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. David Jeremiah Turning Point Ministries America’s historic bravery, pursuit of religious liberty, advocacy of human rights, and defense of freedom springs from her Judeo-Christian roots. Early pilgrims faced dangers that made men “quake and tremble.” But the difficulties “through the help of God, by fortitude and patience, might either be borne or overcome” according to Governor … [Read more...]
Northshore fights against gambling proposal
A proposal to bring gambling to the Northshore in southeast Louisiana is meeting stiff opposition from a coalition of religious leaders throughout St. Tammany Parish. COVINGTON – A proposal to bring gambling to the Northshore in southeast Louisiana is meeting stiff opposition from a coalition of religious leaders throughout St. Tammany Parish. The issue has united a broad section of religious leaders – from non-denominational to evangelical. In 1996, the people of St. Tammany voted overwhelmingly – 75 to 25 – to ban gambling. However, late in December Parish President Kevin Davis proposed the establishment of an entertainment district, which would be anchored by a floating casino, along Lake Pontchartrain’s eastern shore as a way to increase revenue in the parish and to offset property taxes. According to Davis’ office, the district would include a hotel, restaurants and shops, and a venue where entertainers could perform. He estimates the complex would generate $8 to $11 million annually in local tax revenue and would be a certain economic boon for the parish. Waylon Bailey, pastor of First Baptist Church Covington disagrees. “Gambling promises but never delivers,” Bailey said. “This parish has already made its … [Read more...]
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