Have Southern Baptists said, “Enough!”? Have they reached their potential in reaching a lost world for Christ? Is their work done? GREENVILLE, S.C. (BP) – Have Southern Baptists said, “Enough!”? Have they reached their potential in reaching a lost world for Christ? Is their work done? “I will not accept that Southern Baptists have said, ‘Enough!’” said Paul Chitwood, chairman of the International Mission Board’s trustees. During the March 17-18 trustee meeting in Greenville, S.C., the Kentucky pastor challenged fellow trustees to encourage Southern Baptists to dig deeper and give sacrificially to missions during these difficult economic times. Until giving increases, the IMB’s missionary count will remain in the mid-5,000s, said Chitwood, pastor of First Baptist Church in Mt. Washington, Ky. More will be needed to help reach 1.6 billion people who have little to no access to the Gospel, he said. “We must shout from the rooftops and the mountaintops the news that we cannot grow our missionary force because we do not have the money to do so ... [T]he possibility has now become a reality.” Trustees appointed 89 new missionaries for a total missionary count of 5,569 during their meeting. OFFERING UPDATE IMB … [Read more...]
Unchurched 20-somethings are more open than older unchurched
Despite recent media reports that young adults are running from churches in droves, the beliefs of many younger unchurched people are more connected to historic Christian beliefs than many suspected. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Despite recent media reports that young adults are running from churches in droves, the beliefs of many younger unchurched people are more connected to historic Christian beliefs than many suspected. More 20-somethings than individuals 30 and older believe in the God of the Bible, the resurrection of Christ and the uniqueness of the Christian God, according to research conducted by LifeWay Research, the research arm of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. The data showed that younger unchurched people are more open than their older unchurched counterparts to hear more about Christianity – though they do tend to hold negative views of the church. The survey results were released recently in Lost and Found: The Younger Unchurched and the Churches that Reach Them, a new book by Ed Stetzer, LifeWay Research director; Richie Stanley, team leader at the North American Mission Board’s Center for Missional Research; and Jason Hayes, LifeWay’s young adult ministry specialist. According … [Read more...]
Wardville Baptist Church North Rapides Baptist Association PINEVILLE – Weekdays will often find teenage boys skateboarding on Wardville Baptist Church’s spacious parking lot. On Sundays, vehicles spread out across the space. Perhaps 60 people were present one recent Sunday, several of whom cordially welcomed visitors to the red brick building with a steeple on top. Pastor Terry Horowitz took time in the early minutes of the service to thank several members who had done exemplary work for God in the previous week. The attendance more than doubles the number attending a year ago, but during the 2008 calendar year, 18 people made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and 17 of those were baptized. The numbers have increased because people are telling their family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers about Jesus, the pastor said. “Jesus sets the divine appointment and we go with Him to residences, parking lots, afternoon youth organizations and busy city streets,” Horowitz wrote in a recent email. “In spite of our small numbers the Lord Jesus Christ blesses us daily and steps in Himself to be personally responsible for a healing ministry, visiting in homes, teaching individual hearts, and … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Tim (wife Susie) Hisaw, new as pastor, First Baptist, Tioga. -John Hutchinson, new as interim minister of youth, First Baptist, Sulphur. -J. Russell Devore, resigns as pastor, Glade Branch Baptist, Cravens. -Joe (wife Belinda) Turner, new as senior pastor, Start Baptist, Start. -James Monk, resigns as pastor, Lake Cove Baptist, Ville Platte. -Thomas Worsham, new as youth minister, First Baptist, Minden. NEEDED -Bi-vocational pastor, send resume to Reeves Baptist Church, c/o Michael Parker, 8001 Hwy. 190 E, Ragley, LA 70657. -Part-time youth director, send resume to Port Allen Baptist Church, Attention: Youth Director Search Committee, P.O. Box 437, Port Allen, LA 70767. -Interim or bi-vocational pastor at Gardner Baptist; Boyce; send resume to Pastor Search Committee, 3696 Hwy. 121, Boyce, LA 71409. -Part-time student minister at First Baptist Milton; send resume to First Baptist Church, PO Box 54, Milton, LA 70558 or email judy@fbc.milton.com. -Part-time secretary, send resume to Goodwood Baptist Church, Attention: Personnel Committee, 7125 Goodwood Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70806. -Education/youth minister, contact First Baptist Tioga. -Full-time pastor, at Glade Branch … [Read more...]
Volunteers serve children through library ministry
Vicki Knight has a passion for books and for serving her Lord, she says. Last year, after much prayer, God led Vicki to use her passion to help the boys and girls of the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. MONROE – Vicki Knight has a passion for books and for serving her Lord, she says. Last year, after much prayer, God led Vicki to use her passion to help the boys and girls of the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. “Vicki and Richard Knight’s ministry will impact the lives of our children for years to come,” said LBCH President Perry Hancock. It started in early 2008, when First Baptist Church Franklinton began a missions emphasis based on Acts 1:8. The church members got busy and in just a short time, several projects began to take place, usually in nearby New Orleans. “Many of the projects involved rebuilding in New Orleans,” Vicki said. “Wonderful things were happening, but I didn’t feel that was really where God wanted me.” It was when Vicki read about preparations being made at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home for a grand opening of the new Learning Center that she had an idea. “As a former teacher and librarian, I thought I would call the librarian of the Learning Center and see if there was anything … [Read more...]
Ed ministers gather for annual meeting, do away with dues
When ministers of education in Louisiana Baptist churches gathered recently at First Baptist Lafayette for the LBREA annual meeting, they heard from two high-powered guest speakers, elected officers for the next year and enjoyed the hospitality of a Cajun meal provided by the church’s cooks. LAFAYETTE – When ministers of education in Louisiana Baptist churches gathered recently at First Baptist Lafayette for the LBREA annual meeting, they heard from two high-powered guest speakers, elected officers for the next year and enjoyed the hospitality of a Cajun meal provided by the church’s cooks. They also voted to do away with annual dues. “I think our biggest goal is to grow,” said Cody Caywood, minister of education at Parkview Baptist in Alexandria, and incoming president of LBREA, the Louisiana Baptist Religious Education Association. “We want to help build camaraderie where we can help each other and help grow our churches.” To that end, LBREA will gather members together at three events during the year: a luncheon before the Louisiana Baptist Convention annual meeting; a fellowship during the annual evangelism conference, and the LBREA annual meeting. The two-day LBREA session started with a short welcome, short … [Read more...]
LC’s enrollment jumps to 1,115
The Louisiana College Board of Trustees met on the campus of Louisiana College March 16-17. PINEVILLE – The Louisiana College Board of Trustees met on the campus of Louisiana College March 16-17. The 36-member board, Louisiana Baptist representatives from across the state, met to discuss and vote on important issues related to the college. LC President Joe Aguillard reported an increase in enrollment as a result of new programs and the introduction of the Masters of Arts in Teaching Masters Degree. “This semester the enrollment is 1,115, where last year at this time we had 944 students; this is a sign of growth.” Aguillard said. “Typically colleges and universities see a decrease in enrollment from the fall to spring semesters.” All indicators are pointing to an all-time record high enrollment topping 1,430 students next fall, Aguillard added. Regular business included the approval of the budget for the next fiscal year and the approval of the Louisiana College Board of Trustees Distinguished Service Award recipients – Judge Paul Pressler, David Barton and Rod H. Masteller. Other business included voting on candidates for graduation in May and August and candidates who will graduate with the Masters of Arts in … [Read more...]
A missionary at home can be challenging
Is it possible for me to be a missionary near my home? With so many people groups in the world having so little access to the gospel, some might say that North America is no longer a mission field that deserves our attention. Is it possible for me to be a missionary near my home? With so many people groups in the world having so little access to the gospel, some might say that North America is no longer a mission field that deserves our attention. On the other hand, I have heard people suggest that we should not send missionaries to other countries while we still have so many people to reach for Christ in our own country. Which is the correct view? Both views contain an element of truth. Most of the rest of the world does have a proportionally far greater number of those without Jesus. However, the number of lost people in America is such that only a few countries have more people in need of salvation. However, both views fail to take into account that the plan that Jesus gave to the church is a balanced plan; it leaves no part of the world untouched if His followers will obey his commission. He calls on us to be missionaries wherever we are. The Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20) is the overarching command Jesus … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Question: “Are the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 really that different?” was a question asked of me last week – not by a theology student but by a high school teacher working through a textbook for her class. Question: “Are the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 really that different?” was a question asked of me last week – not by a theology student but by a high school teacher working through a textbook for her class. For years I’ve started lectures on the Book of Genesis, both at the undergraduate and the graduate level, with this simple question. Every semester I am appalled by the overwhelming super-majority of my students (add church members, too) who aren’t even aware that Genesis 2 presents a different order of creation than Genesis 1. Those who are aware of this have typically studied under professors who used such differences to question the truthfulness, accuracy, authorship, or inspiration of the Word of God. (Would it surprise you, further, to learn that one-fifth or less of university/seminary teachers of the Bible belong to a conservative society, which requires affirmation of the Bible as the inspired Word of God?) Archie England answers: Now, to answer the question. Yes, there are real … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptists give serious attention to missions needs
Editor’s note: Following is a listing that notes what Louisiana Baptist churches are doing in missions and ministry. If your church’s on-mission work is not here, it’s because we didn’t know about it. Please send it in – with photos if possible – by email, USmail or fax. See page 2 for addresses. JENA - First Baptist served as the relay center site for Operation Christmas Child ministry in 2008. The donations of filled shoeboxes from area churches were then delivered to a collection center in Pineville. Illustrated gospel storybooks “The Greatest Gift of All” in dozens of languages were included in the boxes and make it possible for millions of boys and girls to make decisions for Christ. WEST MONROE - The Armed Forces Ministry of McClendon Baptist recently participated in collecting boxes of beef jerky, dried fruit, nuts, crackers, popcorn, new and used books and DVDs for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. BATON ROUGE - First Baptist adopts and ministers to women and their children at Reality House, a home for women who are in treatment for addictions. The church is also involved in a downtown Break Room and Clothes Closet ministry. MINDEN - Senior Adult Mission trips taken by seniors at First Baptist recently include … [Read more...]
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