America is where she is right now – morally, spiritually and culturally, because the church has been asleep at the wheel. For years pastors have been alienated and criticized for mixing politics with the pulpit. As a result, biblical influence has been divorced from the political process. America is where she is right now – morally, spiritually and culturally, because the church has been asleep at the wheel. For years pastors have been alienated and criticized for mixing politics with the pulpit. As a result, biblical influence has been divorced from the political process. Americans ignored righteous values in the most recent presidential campaign. If John McCain had been elected, the American church would likely have rolled over and just gone back to sleep, just as it did after 9-11, Hurricane Katrina, and the Iraq War. We would have been content living in Laodicea. We now have a president who has no respect for the life of the unborn. He wants to make Roe v Wade constitutional law. He believes hard-earned wealth should be distributed evenly among all Americans. The Presidency of Barack Obama, it seems, is more prophetic than historic. It is now high time for the churches of this great country to awake … [Read more...]
Whitman honored for preaching
Lloyd Whitman, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dry Prong, recently received the 2008 J.D. Grey Preaching Award from the Louisiana Moral and Civic Foundation. DRY PRONG – Lloyd Whitman, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dry Prong, recently received the 2008 J.D. Grey Preaching Award from the Louisiana Moral and Civic Foundation. Louis Reames, secretary of the foundation’s board of trustees, announced the presentation. The Louisiana Moral and Civic Foundation is an educational/religious foundation, organized in 1942. One award given annually is the J.D. Grey Preaching Award, according to information supplied by Ken Ward, LMCF executive director. Grey was pastor of First Baptist Church of New Orleans for 35 years before being named pastor emeritus in 1972, until he died in 1985. "Throughout his ministry, in a magnificent way, he continued to affect the moral climate, not only in the city of New Orleans, but throughout the state and nation as well," Ward said. "LMCF remembers him not only as one of the leading founders of LMCF, but also as one who literally breathed the breath of life into this organization. Most remember him for his outstanding preaching." Like other LMCF programs, the … [Read more...]
Speaker’s tournament winner: No excuses
With the words all planned out in her head, she stands up on stage in front of a crowd of people ready to speak and be heard. For Mary Unsworth, what is the number one fear in America is her greatest thrill – public speaking. SULPHUR – With the words all planned out in her head, she stands up on stage in front of a crowd of people ready to speak and be heard. For Mary Unsworth, what is the number one fear in America is her greatest thrill – public speaking. On May 2, Unsworth, 18-year-old high school graduate from Sulphur, won the Louisiana state Youth Speaker’s Tournament. This year was Unsworth’s second year to compete in the Speaker’s Tournament; she previously competed in the state Bible Drill competition. "I hear people talk about stage fright, but for me the bigger the crowd the less nervous I am," Unsworth said. Unsworth said that she has found a passion in speaking and finds encouragement in knowing that she is helping other people. "It’s an amazing feeling to look into the audience and feel people understand what you are saying," Unsworth said. For the Speaker’s Tournament, the competitors are given a list of topics to choose from and several months to prepare a four- … [Read more...]
Kelley receives honorary doctorate from William Carey University
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary President Chuck Kelley was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from William Carey University at the school’s spring commencement in May. NEW ORLEANS – New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary President Chuck Kelley was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from William Carey University at the school’s spring commencement in May. Kelley, who delivered the commencement address for 52 undergraduate and graduate students at WCU’s New Orleans campus, received the honorary degree from William Carey University President Tommy King. William Carey’s School of Nursing is located on the NOBTS main campus. Kelley called the honorary doctorate, "one of the great honors of my life." He also recalled the impact of English missionary William Carey, for whom WCU is named. "As the Father of Modern Missions, William Carey is one of my greatest heroes. I sat on the bench in England where he studied maps while he cobbled shoes and got a burden to tell the world about Jesus. His apologetics for the missionary task played a crucial role in the development of Baptist theology. His story has deeply influenced my story," Kelley said. Kelley also praised … [Read more...]
World Changers help reconstruct First Chalmette
A large white building surrounded by orange construction equipment overlooks a major city street in this, the largest city in St. Bernard Parish. CHALMETTE – A large white building surrounded by orange construction equipment overlooks a major city street in this, the largest city in St. Bernard Parish. A large number of volunteer workers are seen walking in, out and around the building. None of them have on hard hats, and none of them have the "construction worker demeanor" often present at construction sites. The workers are totally involved volunteers who eagerly accepted the task of helping rebuild this hurricane-devastated property. Not only are the workers volunteers, they actually pay money to take part in the World Changers program. World Changers provides a hands-on mission experience for high school and college students. Established in 1990 by what today is the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board, the program was designed to involve students in construction projects in needy parts of cities, according to the World Changers website – When World Changers began, the goal was to change the way Southern Baptists approach mission education, to … [Read more...]
First Dry Prong assists churches in Vacation Bible School
For 24 years, First Baptist Church of Dry Prong has brought Vacation Bible School to churches throughout Louisiana, in other states and even Honduras. DRY PRONG – For 24 years, First Baptist Church of Dry Prong has brought Vacation Bible School to churches throughout Louisiana, in other states and even Honduras. While it is a chore for most churches to have one week of VBS for the community, First Dry Prong considers it a blessing to bring to as many children as possible, said Pastor Lloyd Whitman. A former teacher in Grant Parish for 20 years, Whitman has spent years around children. He says he has seen the work God can do through a child. "In my heart is VBS," Whitman said. "I believe it is a great way to reach our children with Christ." With more than 200 youngsters in attendance and 17 professions of faith for their own VBS at the beginning of June, First Dry Prong expects to impact many more children this summer. The near-rural church will take Lifeway’s Boomerang Express curriculum to Main Street Mission in Pineville, Cloverdale Baptist in Alexandria, Lydia Baptist and Teche Baptist in south Louisiana. In March, 20 people, including seven from First Dry Prong and 13 from … [Read more...]
Northside Lafayette VBS students send soldiers ‘Letters from Home’
Northside Baptist Church in Lafayette hosted a Boomerang Express VBS for 47 youngsters and 33 workers the first week of June. LAFAYETTE – Northside Baptist Church in Lafayette hosted a Boomerang Express VBS for 47 youngsters and 33 workers the first week of June. "Our Missions Harbor rotation was led by Bro. Robert Richardson, a retired Air Force chaplain and a former pastor at Northside Baptist," said VBS Director Linda Magee. "He explained that those serving our country need God as much as we do and nothing would lift their spirits more than a letter from ‘Home.’" Fifteen youngsters wrote letters to the soldiers, which were put in LifeBoxes, a mission action shoebox project. "Our children brought items such as hard candy, gum, stationery supplies, deodorant, brushes, combs, sunblock, wet wipes, tube socks, but the most valuable thing was the letters," Magee said. "We were also fortunate enough to add Bibles to the box. The children learned that soldiers often do not have the chance to worship at church like we do. The LifeBoxes that the kids put together will help military people worship God wherever they are and remind them that they are loved and missed." For more on the LifeBox project, … [Read more...]
8 Activities for Summer Family Fun
Summer provides a great opportunity to be together and active as a family. Summer provides a great opportunity to be together and active as a family. Summer provides a multitude of opportunities. Students are out of school and looking for things to do. Families go on vacations to a variety of destinations. Every day the malls, beaches, pools, local hangouts, and family rooms with video-game systems are full of students. With so many options for kids, we often fail to keep up with the relationships we have been building with students during the school year. Before you throw in the towel and put those relationships on hold for the summer, consider some ways to keep those relationships going and to reach students and their families as well. Finding things to do is not as hard as you might think. Below are eight fun activities that my family came up with to share with you, with options for all ages. Get wet Whether it’s the beach, the lake, or the local pool, water activities are fun and use all the muscle groups. For a break from traditional swimming, play games with water toys, have races with foam "noodles" or swim rings, or use kick boards to move around. Children of all … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
The essence of adolescence is the quest for identity in a transition from childhood to adulthood, dependence to independence. Question: Is it possible to get along with my teenager? Derek Brown answers: The essence of adolescence is the quest for identity in a transition from childhood to adulthood, dependence to independence. This period of self discovery contains substantial pressure from peers and parents along with the additional task of regulating confusing emotions. The shift is difficult not only for the adolescent but also for the parents, who find a quest of their own to maintain structure and sanity in the home. As a parent, be prepared and intentional about how you handle this stage of family development. Some conflict is healthy and expected in this transition to independence. Know that you are still in a position to be a significant influence in your teenager’s life. Your need is not to retaliate or to compete with your child’s friends; rather, to respond with love and understanding. Your teenager will make mistakes. As a parent, this simple truth is hard to accept. Good parents often feel inclined either to spare their teenager of the consequences from bad decisions or to prevent … [Read more...]
Churches merge, build United Baptist Church
Probably the most exciting part of this story is that everybody’s excited! CAMPTI – Probably the most exciting part of this story is that everybody’s excited! There doesn’t seem to be even one grumble-goat complaining about change or loss. How could this be? Pastor Jerry Smelley says it’s a God-thing, and so do the former members of Campti Baptist Church and the former members of Westwind Baptist Church at Black Lake. They’re all now members of United Baptist Church, under construction on Highway 9 halfway between the two former churches. "These were two totally different groups of people who sacrificed equally," Smelley explained. "Two natures of the church; two styles of worship. This had to be the will of the people, to allow God to lead them. "God will bring about what He wants to do," the pastor continued. "That’s the beauty of the thing. God is moving and there’s an excitement around here about that." Two years ago, Campti Baptist didn’t have a pastor or a piano player. Its congregation of about 50 people struggled on with supply preachers and the sounds of their own voices, in their sturdy – but aging – red-brick building with a soaring steeple not far from the small … [Read more...]
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