Greater funding of the Cooperative Program will occur when Southern Baptists have greater confidence their gifts support the priorities of North American church planting, global pioneer missions around the globe and theological education, declared Southern Baptist Convention President Johnny Hunt in an interview with four state Baptist paper editors. WOODSTOCK, Ga. – Greater funding of the Cooperative Program will occur when Southern Baptists have greater confidence their gifts support the priorities of North American church planting, global pioneer missions around the globe and theological education, declared Southern Baptist Convention President Johnny Hunt in an interview with four state Baptist paper editors. Hunt responded to critics who he believes have misjudged his motive in calling for a task force to examine the denomination “at every level” via his “Great Commission Resurgence” declaration. Far from having “a hidden agenda,” the Georgia pastor said his proposal seeks accountability for the investment of mission dollars. He predicted his call for a study will be approved overwhelmingly by messengers to the June 23-24 SBC meeting in Louisville, and endorsed an appeal from four state Baptist paper editors that … [Read more...]
19 inmates earn NOBTS degrees at Parchman
In some ways, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s extension center graduation May 20 mirrored any other seminary graduation ceremony. PARCHMAN, Miss. (BP) – In some ways, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s extension center graduation May 20 mirrored any other seminary graduation ceremony. The service included singing, prayers, a sermon and the recognition of God-called ministers. Proud families and friends were in attendance to share in the joyous occasion. The 28 men receiving undergraduate degrees even wore traditional black graduation caps and gowns. But this was no ordinary graduation service. And these were not ordinary graduates. This graduation, held at the Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman, Miss., took place under the watchful eyes of numerous prison guards. Instead of a beautiful chapel, the setting was the prison’s stark visitor’s center. Striped prison pants were visible below the hem of each robe. Nineteen of the graduates are serving sentences of 25 years or more; 13 of those have life sentences. Even though many of the graduates will never experience a life outside the walls of Parchman, they each expressed joy and hope. As trained ministers, the inmates are better equipped to … [Read more...]
Collegians’ faith tops their agenda
Their places of ministry are different – college campuses and local churches – but they share a yearning for college students and young adults to have vibrant relationships with Christ and with others. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Their places of ministry are different – college campuses and local churches – but they share a yearning for college students and young adults to have vibrant relationships with Christ and with others. Collegiate ministry leaders and ministers to students met for networking and training at the triennial National Collegiate Summit hosted by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, April 30-May 2 in Nashville, Tenn. Linda Osborne, LifeWay’s national collegiate ministry director, was excited by the turnout of Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) groups and local churches’ college ministries in tough economic times. “We had 575 participants who were from almost every state convention,” Osborne said. “There are 705 campus ministers in the SBC, so this number is quite good – more than 75 percent of them. This tells me that our collegiate ministers see the information, workshops, networking and encouragement they receive at the summit as important to them.” LifeWay President Thom S. … [Read more...]
VBS numbers strong; one change prompts concern
As has been the case for many years, the number of professions of faith in Southern Baptists’ Vacation Bible School 2008 is equal to 25 percent of the convention’s baptisms, but the shortening of the VBS week by some churches is raising concern. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – As has been the case for many years, the number of professions of faith in Southern Baptists’ Vacation Bible School 2008 is equal to 25 percent of the convention’s baptisms, but the shortening of the VBS week by some churches is raising concern. LifeWay Christian Resources’ VBS is recognized as “the most successful outreach tool Southern Baptists have to positively affect children in making a decision to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior,” Jerry Wooley, LifeWay’s VBS specialist, said. Despite the evangelistic value of VBS, Wooley said he sees a trend that does concern him: The number of churches that are shortening VBS to fewer than five days is on the rise. “Our information from churches that submitted a Vacation Bible School report and/or gave information on their Annual Church Profile tells us that 76 percent had VBS that lasted five days, 7 percent lasted more than five days, and 17 percent shortened their VBS to fewer than five days,” … [Read more...]
Foundation trustees receive good news at quarterly meeting
Even though the economic outlook for the nation is still uncertain, the Louisiana Baptist Foundation Board of Trustees were met with much-welcomed positive news during their quarterly meeting on April 28. ALEXANDRIA – Even though the economic outlook for the nation is still uncertain, the Louisiana Baptist Foundation Board of Trustees were met with much-welcomed positive news during their quarterly meeting on April 28. During the morning Investment Committee meeting, Executive Director Wayne Taylor reported that the assets under management as of the end of March 2009 stood at $129,142,121. The figure is up approximately $3.8 million in the first quarter of the year. Taylor stated that this was largely due to deposits by churches and Baptist entities into the Short Term Fund. Committee Chairman Brent Cating said he interpreted this to mean that, even though overall market interest rates remain low, the churches and other institutions served by the Louisiana Baptist Foundation continue to have confidence in the management and stability of the Foundation’s Short Term Fund. Taylor went on to report that the year-to-date returns on the longer term investments of the Foundation’s endowment assets are still showing on the … [Read more...]
LC’s Whitman inducted into Hall of Fame
Tim Whitman’s tremendous success at both the high school and collegiate levels was recognized May 23 with his induction as the 29th member of the Louisiana Softball Coaches Association Hall of Fame. PINEVILLE – Tim Whitman’s tremendous success at both the high school and collegiate levels was recognized May 23 with his induction as the 29th member of the Louisiana Softball Coaches Association Hall of Fame. Whitman, Louisiana College’s softball coach and athletics director, joined a select and storied group of state softball pioneers, icons, coaches and administrators whose hard work has helped to advance the sport to its present day level. “I have been fortunate to receive a number of coaching honors but this is the biggest I’ve ever received,” Whitman said. “It was so unexpected and I am very humbled by my selection. “I mean I know, respect and look up to so many of people in this Hall of Fame. These are the people who were instrumental in making our game into what it is today, and I hold them all in such high esteem,” Whitman said. “To be a part of the LSCA … to be a part of this group of inductees is simply a wonderful honor.” Ironically, Whitman’s career in softball began almost by accident. “I didn’t get … [Read more...]
Pastor/Police Officer Larry Linson: To Protect and Serve
There are some who would have a hard time believing a police officer could also be a pastor, not a chaplain, but a bi-vocational pastor. MONROE – There are some who would have a hard time believing a police officer could also be a pastor, not a chaplain, but a bi-vocational pastor. Not Larry Linson. “I believe God called me to not only be a police officer but a pastor as well,” Linson said. “Being a police officer opens so many doors for ministry opportunity. I not only minister to the public but also to the officers I work with. “I have led fellow officers to Christ, prayed with them, comforted them and family members in their times of need, and even preached some of their funerals,” Linson said. “On the street, as both a patrolman and a detective, I have had to arrest people when my job required doing so. “Sometimes I have had to go into homes where there has been a tragedy. I do my best to comfort those people, contact their pastor for them, or try to minister to them myself if they do not have a pastor. I have had fellow officers pull up beside me and ask me to pray with them or others ask me to come to the hospital and pray for a sick parent, child or relative. “I have had the opportunity to minister to … [Read more...]
Oauchita Baptist Association mission team returns from Ukraine
On behalf of the 2009 Ukraine Mission Trip team, thank you for your prayers and financial support that made this year’s mission trip a great success. On behalf of the 2009 Ukraine Mission Trip team, thank you for your prayers and financial support that made this year’s mission trip a great success. We departed on April 13 and returned April 26. During our time on the mission field, God allowed us to be part of His work in many diverse ways: 1. Medical – which included blood pressure and glucose screening, physical examinations, distribution of antibiotics and other medicines to more than 40 people along with providing health education. 2. Ophthalmology – Although we were limited in this area, we were able to fit more than 100 people with reading glasses. Each individual was fitted by having them read from a Russian New Testament. With the gift of vision, they were also given the New Testament that had been used to fit their new glasses. 3. Mentorship – God really sprung this one on us! “It just so happened” that while we were staying at the camp, God had in his plan a divine appointment between us and 20 college students from the United States. These students were on a 12 month mission trip, through which they will … [Read more...]
How deacons can help their pastors
Pastors and deacons are the two scriptural offices (leadership positions) of the church named in the Bible (1 Timothy 3:1-13) and in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (Article VI). Pastors and deacons are the two scriptural offices (leadership positions) of the church named in the Bible (1 Timothy 3:1-13) and in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (Article VI). God intends the persons who serve in these two key church offices to work together cooperatively, not against each other. In this article, let me suggest eight ways that deacons can enhance the life and ministry of the pastors with whom they serve the Lord and His church. Be a Problem Solver The group of men described in Acts 6, commonly understood to be the first deacons, was established in order to solve a problem in the Jerusalem church. There was a perception among the Greek widows that they were not being treated equally with the Hebrew widows. The first deacons were appointed in order to solve this problem, thus allowing the apostles (who were the pastoral leaders of the Jerusalem church) to focus on the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:1-4). Good deacons are always problem solvers. Because they are respected and trusted leaders in their church … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Question: What does God require of His followers? Question: What does God require of His followers? Archie England responds: To answer this question, I raise yet another: What do Deut 30:11-20, Joshua 24:14-28, and Micah 6:8 have in common? God demands total commitment of His followers! Moses framed the demands of the God/Man relationship like this: choose life in order that you may live . . . (Deuteronomy 30:19). Choice, and the right choice at that, emerged as the initial answer to help God’s people understand just what God demanded of them. Moses ordered that they must obey God’s Law (30:10a), that they mustturn . . .with all their hearts to the LORD God (30:10b), and that they must diligently search for and live out God’s word. Ultimately, Moses associated the “right choice” to the blessings and cursings of Deuteronomy 27-28. To love, walk, and keep the word of God would bring life; anything else, death! Like Moses, Joshua challenged the emerging tribes to choose for yourselves today whom you will serve(Joshua 24:15). The right choice for Joshua and his house was made clear – we will serve the LORD(24:15). Rites (circumcision), festivals (Passover), and racial lineage would no longer be sufficient to escape the … [Read more...]
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