About 50 women’s ministry leaders who gathered at Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center one recent Saturday learned that their goal was to “bring women to a place where their lives can be transformed,” said Deb Douglas of First Baptist Bossier City. WOODWORTH – About 50 women’s ministry leaders who gathered at Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center one recent Saturday learned that their goal was to “bring women to a place where their lives can be transformed,” said Deb Douglas of First Baptist Bossier City. “We’re not accomplishing anything for Christ if we’re not seeing lives changed,” Douglas said in the first general session of the Women’s Enrichment Leader Training June 6. “God didn’t call us to be comfortable. He called us to lead women to live out Matthew 27:37-39 – Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and body. It’s an all-consuming love. “And to love others likewise,” the women’s ministry leader reminded her listeners. “That becomes our purpose: [To find the answers to] how to live that out, how to provide an environment in which women are growing.” Douglas spoke of a sea of senior adult women who populate casinos mid-week, bused in on low-cost private charters arranged as an “outing” by the casinos … [Read more...]
BCMs use new technology to find incoming freshmen
The National Collegiate Ministry Division of LifeWay Christian Resources has launched a new Transitions Ministry website to help connect high school seniors with the collegiate minister of the college or university they will attend. BATON ROUGE – The National Collegiate Ministry Division of LifeWay Christian Resources has launched a new Transitions Ministry website to help connect high school seniors with the collegiate minister of the college or university they will attend. The website – www.sbccampusconnect.net – is designed for access by youth ministers, parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, church staff members, and high school juniors and seniors. All the information the users provide to the site will be networked to the Baptist campus minister of the college or university the student will be attending. The campus ministers will pass names along to churches with a collegiate ministry in those specific communities. “Transitions” is a term that represents the ministry of Southern Baptist churches to, with, and for juniors and seniors in high school and freshmen in college,” said Steve Masters, Transitions Ministry contract worker for LifeWay. “Our local Southern Baptist churches are losing massive numbers … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
What is the connection between Jesus and John the Baptist? And why was Jesus baptized by John? Question: What is the connection between Jesus and John the Baptist? And why was Jesus baptized by John? Bill Warren responds: According to Luke 1:36, Jesus and John the Baptist are relatives since Elizabeth (John the Baptist’s mother) and Mary were relatives. We don’t know if Jesus and John had much contact with each other during their childhood, but John’s recognition of Jesus when he comes to be baptized may indicate some familiarity, although the text itself does not mention this. What we do know is that at least two of John the Baptist’s disciples follow Jesus (John 1:35-40), namely Andrew and most likely John the Apostle. Also, in Matthew the message that Jesus is proclaiming is the same as what John the Baptist was proclaiming, with the exact same words being used for both in the Greek text: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is drawing near” (Matthew 3:2 and 4:17). In sum, John the Baptist and Jesus are members of the same extended family, share some of the same disciples, and have the same basic emphasis on repentance and the coming of the Kingdom of God. The biggest difference between Jesus and John is that … [Read more...]
Kingsville hosts regional meeting for Operation Christmas Child
In celebration of the 65,546 Christmas shoeboxes given from the state of Louisiana last year, Kingsville Baptist in Pineville hosted the recent Operation Christmas Child statewide meeting. PINEVILLE—In celebration of the 65,546 Christmas shoeboxes given from the state of Louisiana last year, Kingsville Baptist in Pineville hosted the recent Operation Christmas Child statewide meeting. With 50 people in attendance from throughout the state, the gathering was to celebrate the past, look ahead, communicate goals for 2009, and provide promotional materials, said Mark Cooper, regional director for the Texas and Louisiana area. Cooper, along with Cheryl Forester, collection center coordinator in the central Louisiana area and a member at Kingsville Baptist in Pineville, coordinated the event in anticipation of the year to come. “This is not just another good project,” Forester said. “There are a lot of good projects, but this one has eternal consequences. “These shoeboxes are not just a gift, it’s a tool used for evangelism,” the collection center coordinator said. “The children who receive these shoeboxes hear the gospel and are enrolled in discipleship courses, and in them they have the chance to accept Christ. Many … [Read more...]
Children find success at Baptist Children’s Home
Jennifer was only eight years old when she came to live at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. She was a broken little girl. She was hurting and she was afraid. The adversity she had already faced in her young life was indescribable. BATON ROUGE – Jennifer was only eight years old when she came to live at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. She was a broken little girl. She was hurting and she was afraid. The adversity she had already faced in her young life was indescribable. That was 1998. Today, Jennifer is a lovely young woman of 19. Not only has Jennifer grown physically during the 11 years she has called LBCH home, she has grown emotionally and spiritually as well. Being able to grow up in a stable Christian home with the love and support of Christian Cottage parents changed Jennifer’s life. On May 14, Jennifer crossed the stage at the Neville High School football stadium to receive her high school diploma. She did it! And her LBCH family was there to cheer her on. Jennifer’s successes in life haven’t come easy, but they have come. They have come because of God’s undying love shared with her through the ministries of the LBCH. Every boy and girl in need of the services of LBCH has his or her own story. … [Read more...]
Kenner student goes to national youth Bible Drill competition
Fourteen-year-old Victoria Rutledge enjoys volleyball and basketball, and she also plays the flute in her high school band. Although she is as normal as any other teenager, she is unlike most because she has found importance in memorizing scripture. KENNER – Fourteen-year-old Victoria Rutledge enjoys volleyball and basketball, and she also plays the flute in her high school band. Although she is as normal as any other teenager, she is unlike most because she has found importance in memorizing scripture. “Memorizing scripture is awesome because I’m not only learning it, but I’m putting it into practice in my life,” Rutledge said. On May 2, Rutledge became the state winner of Louisiana’s Youth Bible Drill. She will go on to compete and represent Louisiana Baptists in the national competition at First Baptist Covington on June 19. Rutledge first began competing in Bible drills as a fourth grade student at Crossroads Community Church in Kenner. When her church began offering Bible Drill she got into the competition and learned to love it. For Rutledge, Bible Drill is not only a competition, but it is a fun way to memorize scripture that will help in daily situations. “We have a Bible study at school that I go to … [Read more...]
4 Wheels 4 Him trail ride heads south
Gibbie McMillan believes the same excitement, encountered at a 4 Wheels 4 Him trail ride at Tillou Baptist Church in Northeast Louisiana, can be duplicated in Southeast Louisiana. KENTWOOD – Gibbie McMillan believes the same excitement, encountered at a 4 Wheels 4 Him trail ride at Tillou Baptist Church in Northeast Louisiana, can be duplicated in Southeast Louisiana. New Zion Baptist Church in Kentwood will host the four-wheeler ride on Saturday, June 13. Registration is at 8 a.m. and the ride starts at 9 a.m. “We believe we have hit upon a way to provide a family with some good, family fun in a Christian setting,” said McMillan, the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Men’s Ministry and Volunteer strategist. “Just like at Tillou, we will present the Gospel and a short plan of salvation. “We plan on having our block party trailer, inflatables, praise music, door prizes, and a meal for the participants,” McMillan said. The trail ride, which is being sponsored by Two Rivers Baptist Association, the LBC’s Men’s Ministry and Evangelism Departments, will cover 6-7 miles of rugged piney woods located deep in St. Helena Parish. The property sits adjacent to New Zion Baptist Church and riders will gather at the church before … [Read more...]
LBCLive, Baptist Message capture prestigious awards
LBCLive, the periodical published by the Louisiana Baptist Convention, was recognized with three significant awards by the Louisiana Press Association at their 2008 Awards Banquet, April 25th. ALEXANDRIA – LBCLive, the periodical published by the Louisiana Baptist Convention, was recognized with three significant awards by the Louisiana Press Association at their 2008 Awards Banquet, April 25th. The Baptist Message, the official newsjournal of the LBC, was recognized by the Evangelical Press Association, in the category of Best Redesign at its recent annual meeting. “It is one thing to be recognized by our fellow Baptist peers. It is quite another for the general journalist population to take notice of the excellent publication produced by Louisiana Southern Baptists,” said John L. Yeats, director of the LBC Communications Team. The Cooperative Program funded publication received first place for Best Front Page in the category of Free Circulation and Special Interest Editorial publications. It also won third place in General Excellence. The Kansas Press Association judges indicated on the score pages that there weren’t enough ads. However, LBCLive was the first place 2007 General Excellence winner. Along with … [Read more...]
The benefit of having deacons
What do you think when you hear the word, “deacon”? What do you think when you hear the word, “deacon”? In various preaching venues in convention life, it seems to have become regrettably fashionable in recent years to caricature deacons in negative terms in anecdotes or jokes. Although these stories or jokes about deacons are usually said at least partially in jest, they often stereotype deacons as being wrong-headed, stubborn, difficult to work with, and unspiritual. A church’s deacons are sometimes presented as being resistant to God’s plan (or the pastor’s plan) for the church and as obstacles to progress. One formerly Baptist college has even made “Demon Deacons” its mascot! Perhaps my experience is limited, but I’ve never experienced a demonic deacon. Deacons aren’t perfect, of course. I have experienced very human deacons who had strengths and weaknesses, just as do we all. I have experienced deacons whose convictions or judgment differed on some issues from that of their pastor. I have seen some deacon fellowships become more like of a board of directors, losing the focus on servanthood that the office was originally created to be. In rare cases, I have seen deacons who so disagreed … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Question: What is the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” about? Question: What is the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” about? Bill Warren responds: Quite a bit of confusion exists among Christians about this phrase and the reality behind it. As a background, the phrases “baptism in the Holy Spirit” and “baptize in the Holy Spirit” are prominent in the ministry of John the Baptist as an indication of the difference between his water baptism and the power and might of the baptism of the Messiah who will baptize in the very power and presence of God, the Holy Spirit. In the setting of John, the term “Holy Spirit” was a way to refer to God’s Spirit (already well accepted as God’s powerful presence in this world as seen in the Old Testament) without using the name of God, thus the idea of “the Spirit of the Holy One” was the same as saying “God’s Spirit” for John the Baptist (John does not know of crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus nor the Trinity, so we need to keep his statements in their proper historical context prior to these events and concepts). The problem John has to confront, however, is that people could be baptized in water without truly repenting of their sins and changing their way of life. This can be seen … [Read more...]
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