A church relies heavily on its staff, whether it is the pastor, youth minister, music minister or any other staff member. Yet there is another set of staff that often goes unnoticed, but is vital to the church. A church relies heavily on its staff, whether it is the pastor, youth minister, music minister or any other staff member. Yet there is another set of staff that often goes unnoticed, but is vital to the church. Ministry assistants, or secretaries, work each day to keep their churches running. Their duties differ from assistant to assistant and church to church, but they all have one thing in common – service. “Our church secretary does everything from take the trash out to make the bulletins, and everything in between,” said Gene Gibson, pastor of Beulah Land Baptist. Ministry assistant Lori Strange said she primarily assists the lead pastor and worship pastor of Graywood Baptist, but her day-to-day duties would take a few pages to type. Jackie Branscum began working as a ministry assistant in 1977 and is now at Kingston Road Baptist. “I was told a long time ago by a dear lady that church secretaries wear many different hats,” Jackie Branscum of Kingston Road Baptist said. “We are called upon to do many … [Read more...]
Cenla associations call Daniel as DOM
One by one, over the course of the week of July 6, Big Creek, Central Louisiana and North Rapides Baptist Associations met and voted to call Robert A. Daniel as their director of missions. PINEVILLE – One by one, over the course of the week of July 6, Big Creek, Central Louisiana and North Rapides Baptist Associations met and voted to call Robert A. Daniel as their director of missions. Daniel’s last day in the pulpit at Bethel Baptist in Colfax, Big Creek Baptist Association, is to be the first Sunday in August. He has served there since July 2004. Daniel also serves as chairman of the board of trustees for the Louisiana Baptist Message. “Because of Robert’s involvement on our board, I feel like I’ve come to know him pretty well,” saidBaptist Message Editor Kelly Boggs. “He has been on the board since my arrival in 2006 and chair for the past couple of years. “As a leader,” Boggs said, “I have found Robert to be patient, discerning and a man of conviction.” Boggs paused, and added, “He’s a great listener. A native of Arkansas, Daniel graduated from LSU-Shreveport in 1978 with a BS degree in marketing. He graduated in 1997 from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with an MDiv degree and a concentration in … [Read more...]
Eddie Dehondt retires with honors
People from all over Louisiana gathered recently to honor Eddie Dehondt, retiring Director of Missions for the Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association. SHREVEPORT – People from all over Louisiana gathered recently to honor Eddie Dehondt, retiring Director of Missions for the Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association. The dinner, hosted by Summer Grove Baptist Church, began at 4 p.m. on June 16. Dehondt stood by to shake hands and welcome guests as they filed in. Over the course of the evening, more than 100 people came to greet the DOM and his wife, and give them their well-wishes. At 6 p.m., the presentation began. Dehondt and his wife Glenda climbed the steps of the stage to receive the gifts prepared for them. One of the first items was an extremely thick, carefully bound binder filled with letters to the Dehondts from various churches and individuals. Following the giving of giftcards and a check, Mike Canady, director of missions and ministries for the Louisiana Baptist Convention, took his place for the final part of the presentation. “No Director of Missions worth his salt can get away without a special plaque,” Canady said. The LBC leader thanked Dehondt as the plaque changed hands. “I have never seen … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Robert Daniel (wife Trudy), new as director of missions Central Louisiana, Big Creek, North Rapides Baptist Associations. -Gary Hahler, resigns Springhill Baptist, Ringgold. -Kevin Celestin, new as pastor of First Baptist, Lockport. -Cecil Marr (wife Pam), new as pastor of Pinecroft Baptist, Shreveport. -Steve Kelly resigns as pastor of First Baptist, Many going to Bayou Vista Baptist, Morgan City. -Roger Whittington (wife Carolyn), new as transitional pastor at Calvary Baptist, Bayou Chicot. ORDINATIONS -MINDEN – First Baptist: Gary Swanson ordained to the gospel ministry July 12; Wayne DuBose, pastor. NEEDED -Bi-vocational music minister at First Baptist, Delhi; call 318.878.3724; fax resume to 318.878.4575; email to fbcdelhi@bayou.com; mail to First Baptist Church, PO Box 5, Delhi LA 71232. -Bi-vocational music director at First Baptist, Jonesboro; send resume to First Baptist Church, Attention: Director of Music Search Committee, 500 S. Cooper Ave., Jonesboro LA 71251. -Pastor at Spring Hill Baptist, Ringgold; email resume to 2flints@bayou.com. ANNIVERSARIES -HAMMOND – New Beulah Baptist: 150th anniversary “Big Celebration” begins Sunday, July 26; Milton Kliesch, guest … [Read more...]
God Bless America
July 4th always causes a warm stirring of pride for my country. It humbles me to think of the price my heritage cost, thrills me that I was born here and shames me that I don’t do more to defend my freedom. July 4th always causes a warm stirring of pride for my country. It humbles me to think of the price my heritage cost, thrills me that I was born here and shames me that I don’t do more to defend my freedom. My mind goes back to 1492 when a young Christopher Columbus followed a dream and led a scroungy crew of sailors across troubled waters – facing mutiny from his men – pressed on and opened up a world for us here in a new land- making possible the reality of freedom to come. I see Ferdinand Magellan in 1519 on board a small ship, hearing his men moan and groan and threaten to turn back or mutiny. I hear him tell his starving crew, “We’ll go on if we have to eat the leather off this ship!” I see them as they actually do that very thing—boil the leather and eat it. Though Magellan was killed in the Philippines, my mind’s eye watches that little ship appropriately named “Victory” complete its journey round the world and open the gate to freedom a little wider. I move to 1607 and watch Captain John Smith at … [Read more...]
Do new buildings, services lead to growth?
With two-thirds of all Protestant churches having expanded their ministry space or outlets in the past five years, a new study by LifeWay Research shows: NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – With two-thirds of all Protestant churches having expanded their ministry space or outlets in the past five years, a new study by LifeWay Research shows: -Two of these types of expansion corresponding to higher levels of growth in church attendance: adding a worship service and building new space on site. -Five other types tested reflecting no significant relationship with growth. Pastors, meanwhile, estimate that only 1 in 3 newcomers to their churches are actually newcomers to church in general, according to the research conducted for Cornerstone Knowledge Network, a network of firms founded by Cogun Inc. and the Aspen Group focused on developing building and leadership solutions for churches. LifeWay Research is a division of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. The study, “Effects of Ministry Space and Outlet Expansion,” was conducted Feb. 16-23, 2009, through a telephone survey of 1,000 pastors of randomly selected Protestant churches. The sample size of 1,000 pastors, according to LifeWay Research, … [Read more...]
Response to church outreach varies by ethnic group
African-Americans are far more open than other ethnic groups to receiving information about local congregations. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – African-Americans are far more open than other ethnic groups to receiving information about local congregations. That’s one key insight drawn from a survey conducted by LifeWay Research on behalf of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) as NAMB prepares to launch God’s Plan For Sharing (GPS) throughout North America in 2010. The survey, which was conducted online in December 2008, asked more than 15,000 Americans about their willingness to receive information about local congregations through various channels. The survey asked about 13 different methods churches might use to communicate with prospective attendees. Respondents were segmented into five ethnic groupings: Hispanics, non-Hispanic whites, African-Americans, Asians and mixed/other ethnicities. The research revealed that regardless of the communication channel used African-Americans are at least 12 percentage points more open to receiving information than any of the other groups. The responses from other ethnic groups are within three points of each other in most categories. For example, every ethnic group expresses its … [Read more...]
AVAILABLE -Glenmora Baptist has 91 Baptist Hymnals available; call Chad Foster at 318.452.7373. -CrossPoint Church, Baton Rouge has six “First Place for Health” member’s kits for $70 per kit; call 225.752.2400 or email michelle@crosspointchurch.org. -First Baptist, Leesville has several used baby beds for church nursery to donate to a church or mission; contact Jerry Penfield, 337.239.6535. -Baptist Missions Office, West Monroe has a large assortment of anthems, musicals, etc. for adult, youth and children’s choirs. Call 318.322.6760 or email baptmiss@aol.com orNELBADOM@aol.com. -First Baptist, Vivian has playground equipment available for sale; contact Marsha or Debbie at 318.929.4707. DEATHS -Walter Frank Horton died June 18. He was BCM director at LSU Baton Rouge from 1964 to 1993. His wife Sue can be reached at 216 Hwy 514 E, Enterprise MS 39330. NEEDED -Pastor at Unity Baptist, Pineville; send resume to Unity Baptist Church; c/o Pastor Search Committee, 6509 Magnolia, Pineville LA 71360. HOMECOMINGS -BAKER – First Baptist Homecoming and Patriotic Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday, June 28; fellowship and potluck meal following service; B. K. Miller, speaker; Bud Traylor, interim pastor. -JACKSON … [Read more...]
Vacation Bible schools hopping throughout the state
RAGLEY – Magnolia Baptist: Studio Go Game Show 8:50 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Monday, June 29 through July 3; Michael Sanford, pastor. BATON ROUGE – Broadmoor Baptist: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday, July 13 through July 16; Jarrett Banks, pastor. DERIDDER – First Baptist: Watermelon Festival 5 k Run/Walk & Kids Fun Run 8 a.m. Saturday, June 27; Lindsey Burns, pastor. LONGVILLE – First Baptist: Boomerang Express Monday, July 6 through July 10; Stuart Graves, pastor. METAIRIE – Lakeside Baptist: Boomerang Express 6:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Monday, July 6 through July 10; Adam Gillespie, pastor. NEW ORLEANS – First Baptist: Boomerang Express Monday, July 20 through July 24; David Crosby, pastor. SIMPSON – Simpson Baptist: Boomerang Express Monday, July 20 through July 24; Jeremy Block, pastor. OAK GROVE – First Baptist: VBS Monday, July 13 through July 27; Carl Gulde, pastor. ALEXANDRIA – Baptist Temple: VBS Monday, July 13 through July 27; James Sample, pastor. ALEXANDRIA – Emmanuel Baptist: Truth Trek 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Monday, July 13 through July 17; Chris Thacker, pastor. SHREVEPORT – Pine- croft Baptist: Truth Trek 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Monday, July 13 through July 17; Cecil Marr, interim pastor. WINNSBORO – … [Read more...]
Churches busy with summer missions
RUSTON – Cook Baptist: Faith Journey to Rogers, Arkansas to do light construction, painting, cleaning, planting, meal preparation set for July 9 – 12; Mike Holloway, pastor. MINDEN – First Baptist: A Nicaragua mission trip is set for July 11; a Medical/Surgery Mission Trip is set for August 1-7; supplies such as vitamins, Tylenol, Benadryl, Ibuprofen, Hydrocortisone cream, Lamasil cream and Selsun blue are still needed; a Senior Adult workday at Rolling Hills Thrift Store is set for July 31; boxes are now available at the church for the Operation Shoe Box Project; Hope Youth Ranch Mission Project dates are July 9 and August 6; Wayne DuBose, pastor. WALKER – Judson Baptist: Assisted the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association Builders Mission Project in building the Beulah Land Baptist Church in Bossier City; The “Jesus” film offering is to be collected on June 28; Merelin McCon, pastor. JONESVILLE – First Baptist: Katie McCormack is to participate in a mission trip to Honduras. Gary Norris, pastor. DEVILLE – Philadelphia Baptist: Several members are to participate in a New York mission trip; Philip Robertson, pastor. LAKE CHARLES – Sales Street Baptist: 7th graders through college students are working with World … [Read more...]
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