In the aftermath of the 2008 elections, liberals and moderates were quick to claim a sea of change among religious voters, but the facts are not as convincing as the anti-conservative crowd would have you believe. In the aftermath of the 2008 elections, liberals and moderates were quick to claim a sea of change among religious voters, but the facts are not as convincing as the anti-conservative crowd would have you believe. Cameron Strang, founder of Relevant Magazine, crowed, “Young Christians simply don’t seem to feel a connection to the traditional religious right,” according to “Many differ strongly on domestic policy issues, namely issues that affect the poor, and are dissatisfied with America’s foreign policy and war,” he said, adding, “The old religious right is dead. The new one is being formed. “If young evangelicals have anything to say about it, chances are high it will not look a lot like the old one.” The leader of the so-called evangelical left, Jim Wallis, was equally ebullient, declaring a “whole new faith coalition is coming together and reaching out to allies in other faith traditions, both Jewish and Muslim,” the Christian Science Monitor reported. “The generational shift (among … [Read more...]
Appalachian Trail becomes a Spiritual Journey
In about three months, several hundred hikers will summit a northern Maine mountain called Katahdin, a 5,000-foot-high peak just south of the border with Canada. DAMASCUS, Va. (BP) – In about three months, several hundred hikers will summit a northern Maine mountain called Katahdin, a 5,000-foot-high peak just south of the border with Canada. Many of them will have completed an arduous 2,175-mile journey and fulfilled a dream. Those who complete the millions of footsteps from Springer Mountain, Ga., to Mount Katahdin are forever changed with stories to tell well into retirement: encounters with bears, demanding 30-mile days, odd new acquaintances, lifelong friends. And some might tell the story of First Baptist Church in Damascus, Va., where Southern Baptists washed their feet and provided hot showers, medical care, Internet access and a good conversation about God. “It started as a hotdog cookout,” says pastor Wayne Guynn, who credits Linda and Jeff Austin with taking over the ministry and ramping it up. Now, Guynn says, they partner with churches in Alabama and Georgia and with the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia to simply make life more pleasant for hikers who come to the annual event known as Trail … [Read more...]
Research: Income not matching lifestyle
Most American parents believe things are going well with their families – except when it comes to finances. And a large majority highly values their children having a relationship with God – except when it comes to taking them to worship. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Most American parents believe things are going well with their families – except when it comes to finances. And a large majority highly values their children having a relationship with God – except when it comes to taking them to worship. A nationwide LifeWay Research survey of 1,077 American adults with children under 18 living at home found 87 percent feel they have strong marriages. A full 74 percent strongly believe they will remain married for life, and 64 percent strongly agree that if they had it to do over again, they would still marry their spouses. As parents, 76 percent believe they give enough of their time to their children, but only 56 percent agree their families enjoy enough relaxing times together. Blacks, women and born-again Christians believe most strongly that they give their kids enough time, the study revealed. Parents with evangelical or born-again beliefs and people who attend religious worship services regularly are considerably more … [Read more...]
Teen sex linked to children’s TV viewing, study says
Parents may now have a more urgent reason to monitor what their children watch on television, a new study suggests. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Parents may now have a more urgent reason to monitor what their children watch on television, a new study suggests. Researchers at Children’s Hospital Boston found that early teen sex may be linked to viewing adult content on television as children. The study tracked children from ages 6 to 18 and found that the sooner children began to view adult content on television programs and movies, the earlier they became sexually active during adolescence. “Television and movies are among the leading sources of information about sex and relationships for adolescents,” said Hernan Delgado, a specialist in adolescent and young adult medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston and the study’s lead author, in a news release on the study. “Our research shows that their sexual attitudes and expectations are influenced much earlier in life.” Dwayne Hastings, vice president of communications at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, agrees. “It is a proven fact that the unchecked, prurient content on television and in movie theaters is a primary factor in the … [Read more...]
Gallup: United States is growing more conservative?
Democrats may control the White House and Congress, but a new survey says the country isn’t getting more liberal – in fact, the opposite may be true. WASHINGTON (BP) – Democrats may control the White House and Congress, but a new survey says the country isn’t getting more liberal – in fact, the opposite may be true. The Gallup survey of 1,011 adults found that 39 percent of American adults say their “views on political issues” have grown more conservative in recent years, compared to 18 percent who say their views have grown more liberal and 42 percent who say their views have not changed. The poll was conducted June 14-17. In fact, all three political identity groups show that adults are more likely to have grown more conservative than liberal. Among Republicans, 47 percent say they are more conservative and 9 percent more liberal. For Independents, it’s 37 percent (more conservative) and 19 percent (more liberal), and for Democrats, 34 percent (more conservative) and 23 percent (more liberal). The survey complements Gallup data released in June showing that conservatives outnumber liberals by a nearly 2-to-1 margin – 40 percent to 21 percent – when Americans are asked to label their political views. Thirty-five … [Read more...]
Missionary’s testimony inspires Pine women to fill need in Africa
When Sherrie Bumstead spoke at Pine First Baptist Church in Franklinton, the things she had to say about her work as a missionary in Zimbabwe, Africa resonated in the hearts of many of the women in the church. FRANKLINTON – When Sherrie Bumstead spoke at Pine First Baptist Church in Franklinton, the things she had to say about her work as a missionary in Zimbabwe, Africa resonated in the hearts of many of the women in the church. Bumstead, a former neo-natal ICU nurse at Tulane University Hospital in New Orleans, answered a call from God to do mission work in Africa. She is now working at a women’s clinic there and on a recent trip home, she came to Pine First Baptist, which helps sponsor her work in Africa. She showed a video of her work in the clinic and said the newborn babies are in need. Upon being discharged from the clinic after giving birth, the mothers are sent home with two diapers and one blanket. Several of the local ladies said they were so burdened with this need that they began working on it as a mission project about four months ago. Since that time, this small group has made approximately 800 diapers and 150 receiving blankets. Amazingly, they feel the Lord has even provided the materials – … [Read more...]
Grace Ministries seeks school supplies
In today’s economy we must trust God will supply the needs of the people. LAKE CHARLES – In today’s economy we must trust God will supply the needs of the people. Over the last six years, Grace Ministries of Lake Charles, an outreach ministry of the Carey Baptist Association, has been able to provide school uniforms and supplies for 150 to 200 families a year in the Lake Charles area. “We average a little more than 150 families before school starts, and 50 more after school gets underway,” Director of Grace Ministries Gerri Captain said. “Some years we deliver the supplies to the families and other years we have a cook-out or a back-to-school party and hand out the supplies then.” While school does not start in and around Lake Charles until Aug.18, Captain is anxious to see how people and the churches in the association will respond this year, considering the poor economy. “Our associational churches have been our biggest sponsors in this and all of our ministries,” Captain said. “As a matter of fact, I received an offering check right after July 4 from one of our churches. I know God will provide, but I’m still a little anxious to see how people will respond this year.” Area churches can help Grace Ministries … [Read more...]
LBC offiers something for everyone this summer
Summer brings to a Louisiana Baptist’s mind Vacation Bible School, children’s camp, youth camp and other activities and events primarily for non-adults. ALEXANDRIA – Summer brings to a Louisiana Baptist’s mind Vacation Bible School, children’s camp, youth camp and other activities and events primarily for non-adults. But actually, the Louisiana Baptist Convention gives equal time to those past the first blush of youth, with workshops offered in childhood education, music, church finances and more. Workers with infants through fifth grade This weekend – July 24/25 – the Louisiana Baptist Convention and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary are sponsoring a Childhood Education Workshop at Summer Grove Baptist Church in Shreveport. A similar workshop will be offered July 27/28 at NOBTS. Already, about 600 church daycare workers, daycare directors, and weekday education teachers, in addition to secular daycare workers and directors, have registered to participate in the training, and there’s room for more, said Kevin Roberts, LBC Childhood Ministry Strategist. His predecessor, Carolle Green, more than 20 years ago started the workshops so children’s education workers could get state certification credits. It grew by … [Read more...]
Arnold joins ELBA as associate missions coordinator
Freddie Arnold, recently retired from the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans, has returned home to Walker to become associate associational missions coordinator for the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association. WALKER – Freddie Arnold, recently retired from the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans, has returned home to Walker to become associate associational missions coordinator for the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association. A native of Walker, Arnold graduated from Walker High School, attended Southeastern Louisiana University for two, and later received his Associate Degree in Religious Education from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as the Minister of Education at Kingsville Baptist Church in Pineville for 17 years before taking over as a Church Planter Missionary for BAGNO. A position he held for the last 10 years. He officially started his new position on July 6. “Freddie brings with him a wealth of experience in associational ministry, church planting, and disaster relief (being a Blue Cap in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief). His background in church education and church planting will make him a valuable resource to the churches of the association,” wrote David Brown, … [Read more...]
National Bible Drill/Speaker’s Tournament brings out best
“The Bible is your survival guide when the storms of life weigh you down.” COVINGTON – “The Bible is your survival guide when the storms of life weigh you down.” These words, spoken by Kaitlynn Floyd of Florida at the National Invitational Tournament for youth and high school Bible Drill and youth speakers, were similar to many others spoken during this event in mid-June at First Baptist Covington. At this national event – which took place for the first time ever in Louisiana June 19 – the Bible was lifted high as containing the Holy Words of God. The respect and adulation for the Scriptures brought to light a fervency for God’s Word that was more evident in the 1940s and ’50s than typically it is today. “Youth Bible Drill, Youth Speakers Tournament and High School Bible Drill are probably the greatest discipleship programs we have for students,” said Kevin Boles, youth ministry strategist for the Louisiana Baptist Convention and chairman of the National Invitational Tournament procedural team. “There is a long-term interaction and relationship with adults who are pouring their lives into students; that makes an impact,” Boles said. “The end result [scripture memorization] is mechanical, but the teaching is … [Read more...]
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