About a year ago, I wrote a column, titled “An Open Letter to Young Southern Baptists.” About a year ago, I wrote a column, titled “An Open Letter to Young Southern Baptists.” I do not intend here to copy that entire first-person, but a quick reminder of the challenges I offered will help in understanding the words that follow: Know that many of us realize that we have much room for improvement. We older leaders are not ignorant of the concerns that grip you. Do review the history of this denomination. Remember that past and current leaders deserve respect. Do not give up on the SBC. You, your church, and the SBC lose if you simply walk away without patiently trying to make a difference. Continue to support the Cooperative Program even while you seek your role in the denomination. Be kingdom-minded enough to give even when the immediate benefits for you and your church are not always obvious. Stay focused on the entirety of the Great Commission. Refocus our churches on strong discipleship, but never allow evangelism to be a “back burner” task. Pray humbly for Southern Baptist Convention leaders. From pastoring a local church to leading a denominational agency, the tasks involved in SBC life are not … [Read more...]
Understand conflict happens between church members
In the last issue (July 9), we considered five myths about church conflict. In the last issue (July 9), we considered five myths about church conflict. These summarize my former inadequate view of church conflict. Now, let’s turn our attention to some examples of church conflict in the Bible and see what we can learn from them. These conflicts are examples of three of the most common occasions for conflict in the church today. Let’s begin by understanding: Conflict happens between church members. In Philippians 4:2-3, a conflict between two church women is reported. Euodia and Syntyche were having an open conflict. It had become so well-known that Paul heard of it in Rome and wrote about it in his letter to the church. While the nature of the conflict is not revealed, what is recorded is very insightful. First, these women were having open conflict. Paul often mentioned individuals in his letters. Usually, he speaks positively about his ministry partners. For him to specifically single out these women and this conflict reveals how public it must have been. A few years ago, a pastor called me on the Monday after Easter about a conflict in his church. Just prior to the Easter morning worship service, two women, … [Read more...]
The public health plan: a pro-life non-starter
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee has posted on its website its version of the health care reform bill. It’s called the “Affordable Health Choices Act,” and, as promised, it contains a public health care option. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee has posted on its website its version of the health care reform bill. It’s called the “Affordable Health Choices Act,” and, as promised, it contains a public health care option. The impact on other health insurance providers is reason enough to oppose a public health plan, but an even greater reason is the way it is going to undermine pro-life values. The public plan’s immediate and long-term threat to pro-life values is what makes it a non-starter. The plan’s immediate threat to pro-life values is evident from its failure to provide any pro-life protections. There is no protection for health care providers who, due to their faith convictions, cannot provide abortion or abortion referrals. There is no protection for pharmacy owners or workers who cannot in good conscience dispense abortion drugs. There is no restriction on abortion, either. There is no language in the bill that would prevent the public plan … [Read more...]
Baptist Builders helping Beulah Land expand space
What started out as seven people in a mobile home has grown to a church of 110 and in desperate need of new space. With the help of the Louisiana Baptist Builders, Beulah Land Baptist Church is getting the space they need. BOSSIER CITY – What started out as seven people in a mobile home has grown to a church of 110 and in desperate need of new space. With the help of the Louisiana Baptist Builders, Beulah Land Baptist Church is getting the space they need. “Our current sanctuary holds about 80 people. We’ve been having around 100,” Pastor Gene Gibson said. When Beulah Land found out in March that the Baptist Builders could come June 1, the church was asked if it would be ready. They immediately started preparing. By the time the Baptist Builders pulled up, the church had the slab poured and was waiting to begin, Gibson said. Four teams of Baptist Builders later, the building is no longer just a concrete slab. Walls are up and sheetrock is hung, ready for the next team of Baptist Builders to continue construction. The new building, just under 5,000 square feet, includes a worship center with seating for 175, eight Sunday school rooms and two offices, giving Beulah Land extra room to grow in the future. When the … [Read more...]
F.A.I.T.H. Riders establish 100th chapter at Brookwood
F.A.I.T.H. Riders established its 100th chapter this year at Brookwood Baptist Church in Shreveport. SHREVEPORT – F.A.I.T.H. Riders established its 100th chapter this year at Brookwood Baptist Church in Shreveport. Not too long ago Pine Grove Baptist in Ruby became the first chapter in Louisiana. Already Brookwood makes the fourth in the state, showing the rapid growth of the F.A.I.T.H. Riders ministry. F.A.I.T.H. Riders is a national organization and ministry that serves the motorcycle community. The organization takes its name from the F.A.I.T.H. salvation program. Their website makes it clear the doors are open for any and all who are interested. “The F.A.I.T.H. Riders are made up of people from all areas of life, but we do have a common interest – enjoyment and enthusiasm for motorcycles, all makes and models,” the website reads. “ No matter what you ride – or even if you don’t – all are welcome...” Rick Clem, Brookwood’s chapter director, said he had been looking into starting F.A.I.T.H Riders for a few years. It wasn’t until someone mentioned in passing they had a Sunday school class full of motorcycle riders that he realized the possibility of starting the chapter at Brookwood. He went to Pastor Mark … [Read more...]
Even before revival, Holy Spirit began moving at First Vivian
VIVIAN – One year ago First Baptist Church of Vivian experienced an explosive revival. As an off shoot of that revival, the church created new ministries and outreaches, and continued to grow long after the revival began. The revival started in early 2008. First Vivian scheduled revival services for March, but a month before that, a movement of God’s Spirit began, said Pastor Dustie Dunn. “We began to see people saved and baptized almost every Sunday,” Dunn said. Prayer groups broke out in the congregation, meeting in people’s homes. They prayed for a “mighty movement from God ... and the Father faithfully provided,” Dunn said. Over the course of the year, up to the present, First Vivian has seen 40 additions by letter and 64 baptisms. During one week of services in March the church baptized 12 people, which was the number of baptisms for First Vivian in all of 2007. “Based on the movement of God, some awesome things have begun,” Dunn said. One outreach – created by the G.As – ministers to nursing homes in Vivian and the surrounding cities of Delhi, Rayville and Minden. The GAs travel to the homes once a month to stay over night in the city and visit with the senior adults. Some of the girls became pen pals, donating time … [Read more...]
Carver Baptist Center ministers to community
Ministry is a large part of the Southern Baptist doctrine. NEW ORLEANS – Ministry is a large part of the Southern Baptist doctrine. Carver Baptist Center in New Orleans is doing its best to minister to members of the surrounding community. Carver participates in various ministries ranging from children’s Vacation Bible Schools and backyard Bible schools to adult oriented Bible studies and English as a second language courses. Local southern Baptists and what is presently known as the North American Mission Board (NAMB) worked together to create the first African American Southern Baptist ministry center in New Orleans. Named after George Washington Carver, Carver Baptist Center was established in 1951. Carver Baptist Center’s mission remains “to build bridges to intentionally share the gospel and disciple believers to be like Jesus.” Assistant director of Carver Baptist Center, Jennifer Fannin uses her various skills to perpetuate Carver’s mission. “I don’t feel as if I have any spectacular gifts but everything I have, God is able to use in this ministry,” said Fannin. “I get to do a little bit of everything. I can utilize my painting, cleaning, using my elementary education degree, accounting, carpentry and … [Read more...]
Louisiana All-State Baptist Youth Choir
This was my second year to be in LBAYSC. And both years were fantastic because each one served a different purpose for me, and both were unique. As for this year, there is one thing that has not left my mind because for me personally, it was the best part of the trip. On Monday, June 29th, we went to Southern Peaks detention center. That may not sound like it would be the best place we went, but God moved in those young men and women. When they walked in, they looked down, sad, lost, and unsure of what their future might hold. Some of them were eleven, some were almost twenty. I’m sure each one of them had a story to tell. And they’ve probably been through things or done things we could never imagine. To tell you why this was the best part of the trip for me, it’s because when we sang the song, “For Such a Time as This” they understood the words. They could relate to that song. We poured that song out of our hearts and just let God use all of us as a way to reach them with the Gospel! The song talks about how we’ve been through such a time where it was hard, and maybe we got hurt, but God put us there for a reason. A reason we may not understand but He knows! And we trust in Him through such a time because He will be there … [Read more...]
Christianity in America
The Bible cautions that “The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.” NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The Bible cautions that “The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.” Unfortunately, this proverb has become increasingly actionable in recent years as Christians and their beliefs are being presented unfavorably – alternately as a monolithic bloc and then as fragmented and waning in numbers – by a media that at times is not too sophisticated and at other times apparently is just malicious. Probably the most egregious example of late was the media’s representation of the American Religious Identity Survey 2008 (pertaining to adults) released in March 2009 by Trinity College of Hartford, Conn. The cover of Newsweek proclaimed “The decline and fall of Christian America” and the magazine reported that according to the survey, “the percentage of self-identified [adult] Christians has fallen 10 percent since 1990, from 86 to 76 percent.” Editor Jon Meacham opined, “This is not to say that the Christian God is dead,” he said, “but that [H]e is less of a force in American politics and culture than at any other time in recent memory.” The U.S. is … [Read more...]
Is the SBC in DECLINE?
In April of this year, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Church Profile was released showing a decline in membership (-0.20 percent). It was the second drop in a row (-0.24 percent in 2007), and the fourth in SBC history. In April of this year, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Church Profile was released showing a decline in membership (-0.20 percent). It was the second drop in a row (-0.24 percent in 2007), and the fourth in SBC history. In 1998, membership fell 1.02 percent but increased the next year, however, it did not recover from that 1.02 percent loss until 2000. Prior to that, the last drop in membership took place in 1926. The ACP report also showed the fourth consecutive year of decline in baptisms, recording the lowest total (342,198) since 1987 (338,495). Southern Baptists baptized 376,085 in 1950, and in the 58 years since (through 2008), reached a high of 445,725 in 1972 and a low of 336,050 in 1978, and not too long ago, experienced four consecutive years in which baptisms topped 400,000 (1997-2000). What do these numbers mean? Is the Southern Baptist Convention in decline or is something else at work? From 1961 through 1998, Southern Baptist Convention churches grew in membership … [Read more...]
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