Dale Lingenfelter, head of business at the LBC, helps out with registration during the SBC annual meeting. … [Read more...]
LOUISIANANS at the Southern Baptist Convention
Patty Hankins, wife of Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Director David Hankins, chats with Tonya Hancock, wife of Perry Hancock, Executive Director of the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, at a breakfast sponsored by the Louisiana entities. … [Read more...]
LOUISIANANS at the Southern Baptist Convention
Robert Daniel, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Colfax, browses through the LifeWay Bookstore while at the 152nd annual meeting in Louisville, Ky. … [Read more...]
With Lord’s help, Corbin Carpenter is Back In The Saddle
Corbin Carpenter sensed he needed to get up and sprint to the fence to escape the 2,000-pound bull bucking and gyrating in the arena in Farmington, N.M. at the National High School Finals Rodeo on July 25, 2008. Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked. John 5:8-9 (KJV) JONESVILLE – Corbin Carpenter sensed he needed to get up and sprint to the fence to escape the 2,000-pound bull bucking and gyrating in the arena in Farmington, N.M. at the National High School Finals Rodeo on July 25, 2008. He couldn’t. Laying flat on his back, his head hurt where the bull had kicked him in the back of the head after throwing him. The bull had also left a perfect hoof impression on his thigh when it stomped on him. He knew he was in trouble … serious trouble. “I just laid there on my left side. I tried to get up. I tried to move but I couldn’t. There was a little burning sensation on the back of my neck but I couldn’t feel anything else. I didn’t know what to think,” Corbin said, “but I wasn’t worried because the Lord told me everything was going to be all right. I knew it wasn’t good but the good Lord would see me through it.” People rushed … [Read more...]
Large turnout speaks to popularity of Clara Springs’ monthly fish fry
More than a half hour before the event is supposed to start, cars begin to fill the parking lot. PELICAN – More than a half hour before the event is supposed to start, cars begin to fill the parking lot. As the volunteer cooks and workers steadily scurry back and forth with last-minute preparations, some of the early arrivals slip into the air-conditioned cool of the dining hall and find a table. Most, though, gather under the front porch. A lucky few sit and rock in the handful of rocking chairs lining the porch, while others stand in the shade visiting or greeting a steady flow of newcomers. There are hugs, handshakes, backslaps and plenty of smiles to go around as friends, neighbors, and acquaintances gather for the monthly fish fry at Clara Springs Baptist Encampment. “We started the fish fry in March of last year,” Camp Director Jack ‘Bubba’ Mills said, “and it has been a tremendous success. We [Clara Springs] are located in the middle of the five associations that make up District Eight and we get people from the surrounding area as well as all five associations. “People love it. They not only come to eat, but they also come for the fellowship and to listen to one of the many wonderful Gospel music groups … [Read more...]
Louisiana teams partnering with 35 New Mexico churches
Teams of short-term missionaries from Louisiana are coming to New Mexico this fall to lead evangelistic events at 35 Native American Southern Baptist churches and ministry points. Teams of short-term missionaries from Louisiana are coming to New Mexico this fall to lead evangelistic events at 35 Native American Southern Baptist churches and ministry points. The Baptist Convention of New Mexico and the Louisiana Baptist Convention have agreed to a formal partnership to facilitate the effort, which is scheduled for the week of Oct. 11-18. “From the beginning, we connected with the vision of the revival meetings and are facilitating the strategy to help accomplish the vision,” said Wayne Sheppard, the LBC’s partnership missions mobilization strategist. “We are aiding communication between New Mexico ... and all the Louisiana partners.” The LBC recently brought the BCNM’s state director of missions, Stan Albright, and its Native American strategist, Daniel Clymer, to Louisiana for cross-cultural training. The LBC also is helping the Louisiana teams to travel to Native American towns in New Mexico for vision tours this summer. The ambitious partnership was birthed at an associational Men’s Missions Night in Louisiana … [Read more...]
Harvey Pitman – A deacon exemplar
Many deacons live lives of faithful service to God through His church. Such a dedicated man was Harvel Pitman, a deacon in the first church that I served as pastor. Many deacons live lives of faithful service to God through His church. Such a dedicated man was Harvel Pitman, a deacon in the first church that I served as pastor. He was the grandfather of Toby Pitman, who serves as a NAMB missionary and former director of the Brantley Center for the homeless in New Orleans. Harvel was faithful to his Lord and to his church. He was there every time the doors were open. However, Harvel did not come to the church facilities just at meeting times. It was not unusual for me to discover Harvel working around the church, doing something to improve the church’s facilities. He fixed things that were broken, spruced up the landscaping, and performed needed maintenance. Harvel did these things without being asked. He did them because his church needed them to be done. Harvel and his lovely wife Lois were supportive of their young pastor (me). They invited Carol and me out for meals. Lois fed us great home cooked meals, accompanied by her incomparable tea made with pristine water from their cistern. They … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Question – Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the LORD: Is this an invitation to salvation or a call for restoration? Archie England answers: Strong evangelistic preaching has typically employed Isaiah’s entreaty as an invitation to salvation. Is that, however, the prophet’s intent (guided by the Holy Spirit) in proclaiming it or reflective of how the original audience would have heard it? Let’s look at the larger context surrounding Isaiah 1:18 to discover its meaning. The invitation given by Isaiah (1:18) is followed by two options: Obey (and live, 1:19) or Refuse (and die, 1:20). Like Moses and Joshua, Isaiah echos the unchanging conviction of God’s earlier prophets: choose God or die (Deut 30:19; Josh 24:15). Prior to this thunderous demand, Isaiah has crafted his message with great artistry. In 1:2, he calls as witness, the heavens and earth, using common images of “common sense” to condemn ignorant Israel (1:3). But Israel is not merely ignorant; they are stupid, too, because they have chosen the ways of sin (1:4). Isaiah highlights essentially four consequences of their sinful choices. (1) 1:5-6, Israel is likened to a brutally beaten corpse. Why endure more? (2) 1:7-8, the land, … [Read more...]
Lovin’ Summer: Twenty-five ways for you and your family to enjoy summer
Ah, the carefree days of summer. Ah, the carefree days of summer. Even those of us who haven’t had a summer vacation from school in years still love the feeling of summertime — the longer days, the slower pace, and more time just to play. The best part of summer is that it’s about making memories more than making plans. But before you know it, fall will be here and the days will be cooler, shorter, and more scheduled. So before summer fades away, make the most of these carefree days. Here are 25 summer memory makers for you and your family: -Pitch a tent in the back yard and go camping. As you lie under the starry sky, try to identify constellations and give thanks to the Creator. Then snuggle up together and take turns telling stories by flashlight. -Create a family challenge and work together to reach your goal. Maybe it’s a 10-mile bike ride, a two-mile run, or hiking a certain trail. What you do doesn’t matter as long as you help one another meet the challenge. -Play capture the flag. Invite a couple of other families to join you. Find a safe woodsy spot, paint your faces, throw on camouflage, and have fun. -Go sledding. What? No snow? No matter. Grab some cardboard, find a grassy hill, and let … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
Question: I work in the preschool department at my church. Two Sundays ago, a little girl came into my class. She had bruises all over her arms and legs. When I asked her mother about the bruises, she became very defensive and said that she just fell off of her bike. The child was withdrawn and quiet. This is not the first time that I have noticed marks on the child. What should I do? Michelle Louviere answers: Because children are so vulnerable in our society, most states, including Louisiana, have laws that require certain people to be mandated reporters. A mandated reporter is someone who is required to report any suspected child abuse. Mandated reporters include health practitioners, clergy, mental health workers, teaching or child care providers, police officers, commercial film processors, and mediators. If a mandated reporter does not report suspected abuse, he or she is liable for fines and/or possible imprisonment. If you suspect that this child has been abused or neglected, then you will need to report this to the authorities. Abuse is defined as any thing that seriously endangers the physical, mental or emotional health and safety of a child. This includes sexual abuse, by someone who is 3 years older than the … [Read more...]
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