The pressures on teens today to be godly in an ungodly culture can be almost overpowering, especially when those teenagers refuse to engage in that type of culture. WOODWORTH – The pressures on teens today to be godly in an ungodly culture can be almost overpowering, especially when those teenagers refuse to engage in that type of culture. Undone Clear Camps 2009, sponsored by the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Youth Ministry Strategy Office and Clear Camps, Inc., helps to equip teens in an intense week of worship, prayer and play. “By 2010 there will be 36 million teenagers in the United States,” Kevin Boles, youth strategist of the LBC, said. “It will be our largest generation ever, and we need to prepare and encourage them to become impact makers both in their communities and on their campuses.” The camp, which is being held at Tall Timbers and drew a record number of teenagers, accomplishes this task through intense Bible study, worship, purpose-driven recreational events, and celebration. “We have 317 this summer – a new record,” Boles said. “Two years ago we had 27, last year 56, and this year more than 300. I believe the reason for this huge jump is God is honoring what we are trying to do here. “The camp’s theme – … [Read more...]
Outdoor SuperConference will help forge inroads into EVANGELISM
Where there is a common interest in an activity, there is an inroad into a person’s heart. DEVILLE – Where there is a common interest in an activity, there is an inroad into a person’s heart. In Louisiana, commonly called the Sportsman’s Paradise, there are 2.2 million men who share in a common passion – the outdoors and all of the activities associated with it, such as hunting, fishing, golfing and riding motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). On Saturday, Sept. 19, the Evangelism/Church Growth team and Men’s Ministry of the Louisiana Baptist Convention will sponsor an Outdoor Evangelism SuperConference at Philadelphia Baptist Church in Deville to demonstrate how men and women can use their passion for the outdoors to serve the Lord. The SuperConference, which will run from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., will feature Chris Wells, Bassmaster Elite Series Chaplain; Jason Cruise, founder of Outdoor Ministry Network and a noted outdoor personality; Scott Lehman, founder of InHisGripGolf; and Buddy Newsome, founder of F.A.I.T.H. Riders. Cost is $30 if one signs up before Aug. 19 and $35 afterwards. “Louisiana is not called the Sportsman’s Paradise for nothing,” LBC Evangelism Associate Keith Manuel said. “Most of us know … [Read more...]
Churches helping any way they can in FBC Shreveport bus crash aftermath
Maggie Lee Henson died Sunday, August 2, from injuries suffered in the recent Meridian, Miss., bus crash. JACKSON, Miss. – Maggie Lee Henson died Sunday, August 2, from injuries suffered in the recent Meridian, Miss., bus crash. “At 6:30 pm tonight, our precious Maggie Lee was carried into the arms of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” her parents said, according to a post on the Caring Bridge blog. “For these last three weeks, she fought for her life courageously, with the skillful help of the medical staff at Batson Children’s Hospital here in Jackson. “She was blessed to have thousands of people praying and pulling for her,” the post continued. “We celebrate her eternal life in the presence of her Creator tonight.” In the weeks since the accident, churches and individuals have shown support for Henson and the students, with churches in Louisiana and the surrounding states banding together to help First Baptist Church of Shreveport in any way they can. Gene Hendrix, Minister of Christian Formation and Administration at First Shreveport, said volunteers in the church have been formed into care groups. The groups have been helping individuals and families involved in the accident with various needs, such as … [Read more...]
Hymn-sing to honor longtime organist
Benjamin Harlan, internationally known arranger and composer of choral, keyboard and handbell music and professor of church music at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, has organized a rousing hymnfest for 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9, at First Baptist Winnfield. WINNFIELD – Benjamin Harlan, internationally known arranger and composer of choral, keyboard and handbell music and professor of church music at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, has organized a rousing hymnfest for 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9, at First Baptist Winnfield. Alleluia! Amen! Celebrating Our Faith in Song is to feature a chorus of 200 or more, from churches across Louisiana, Albert L. Travis of Texas, organist, and the NSU faculty brass, under Harlan’s direction. “This hymnfest is to honor Mrs. [Edith] Price,” said John Holland, minister of music at First Winnfield. “She’s been the organist here for 50 years, and she was his teacher.” So was Holland, who was reared at First Winnfield. “She has been an example in our church,” Holland said. “She’s provided a lot of insight into music for me. … It’s a great honor to serve on staff with her. In addition to her extraordinary musicianship at the organ, Mrs. Price has invested the gift of music in … [Read more...]
COMINGS AND GOINGS -Roger Whittington (wife Carolyn), new as transitional pastor at Calvary Baptist, Bayou Chicot. -Truett Brown, new as minister of children and families at First Baptist, DeRidder. -Paul Roney resigns as pastor of Riverview Baptist, Alexandria going to Richburg Baptist, Hattiesburg, Miss. -Russell Flek (wife Stacie), new as pastor of Richey Baptist, Deville from Hudson Creek Baptist, Colfax. -John Johnson, new as associate pastor of worship, First Baptist, Zachary. -Tommy Martin (wife Rhonda), new as pastor Winbourne Ave. Baptist, Baton Rouge. -Joshua N. Burnham (wife Casey), new as pastor of First Baptist, Gramercy. NEEDED -Bi-vocational minister of music at Gilbert First Baptist; send resume to FBC Gilbert, PO Box 837, Gilbert LA. -Associate pastor with student ministry responsibilities at Ebenezer Baptist, Hammond; send resume to Ray A. Werline, 49322 River Road, Hammond LA 70404 or email HOMECOMINGS -DUBACH – St. Rest Baptist: 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 9; Randy Ray, speaker; Brad Mount, music; Dianne Stuckey, guest pianist; covered dish lunch following worship. -HORNBECK – First Baptist: 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 16; Wayne Chance, speaker; dinner on the grounds; … [Read more...]
Rachel Sims Mission has grown in an unparalleded mission center
Rachel Sims Baptist Mission in New Orleans, which began as a backyard Bible club in 1910, has grown into an unparalleled mission center that hosts a plethora of ministries ranging from teen Bible clubs and Vacation Bible Schools to sports programs and prayer walks. NEW ORLEANS – Rachel Sims Baptist Mission in New Orleans, which began as a backyard Bible club in 1910, has grown into an unparalleled mission center that hosts a plethora of ministries ranging from teen Bible clubs and Vacation Bible Schools to sports programs and prayer walks. Rachel Sims Baptist Mission began with the purchase of a house across from Clay Square Park. The North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, and Missionary Rachel Sims worked together to create the center after recognizing the community’s increasing needs. The current director of Rachel Sims Baptist Mission, Larry Miguez, began working there in 1980 as the assistant director. Miguez became the director in 2005. “My ministry is with the people and I view people as relationships,” Miguez said. “So I feel that each group I work with merits their own relationships for the purpose of sharing the gospel.” Linda Middlebrooks, assistant director of Rachel Sims Baptist … [Read more...]
Designer babies, no males required?
In a development that one theologian is calling “Frankensteinian,” scientists in England said Tuesday they had made sperm from embryonic stem cells – creating the possibility that a baby could be created someday without a male being involved at any point. LONDON (BP) – In a development that one theologian is calling “Frankensteinian,” scientists in England said Tuesday they had made sperm from embryonic stem cells – creating the possibility that a baby could be created someday without a male being involved at any point. The announcement from researchers at Newcastle University was described in the journal Stem Cells and Development, although it nearly immediately had its doubters among the science community, some of whom said the English researchers had not made functional sperm but instead only cells with some of the qualities of sperm. In fact, the online journal Nature called the cells “sperm-like.” Karim Nayernia, a stem cell biologist at the school, acknowledged that the sperm aren’t a mirror image of a normal sperm, but he stood by his work. “They have heads, they have tails and they move,” he was quoted as saying in the Telegraph newspaper. “The shape is not quite normal nor the movement, but they contain the … [Read more...]
Three federal lawsuits aim to force ‘gay marriage’ on U.S.
Thirteen years after the Defense of Marriage Act breezed through Congress with bipartisan support, a series of new federal lawsuits threatens to overturn the 1996 law and force the federal government – and perhaps every state – to recognize “gay marriage.” WASHINGTON (BP)–Thirteen years after the Defense of Marriage Act breezed through Congress with bipartisan support, a series of new federal lawsuits threatens to overturn the 1996 law and force the federal government – and perhaps every state – to recognize “gay marriage.” The law may be obscure to many Americans but it’s at the heart of an ongoing cultural and legal battle over the future of “gay marriage” in America. And, while homosexual groups for years shied away from going to court over the matter out of fear of a negative Supreme Court ruling, they now believe they have momentum, and three lawsuits have been filed against the law in the past seven months – two of which have the full backing of the leading “gay marriage” groups. Massachusetts filed one of them. Complicating matters for the law’s supporters is the fact that the Obama administration – which opposes the Defense of Marriage Act – is in charge of defending it in federal court. If any of the suits are … [Read more...]
Oldest BP articles now available online
Baptist Press articles dating to 1948 now are available online in a searchable PDF format following a two-year digitization project by the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Baptist Press articles dating to 1948 now are available online in a searchable PDF format following a two-year digitization project by the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives. About 8,000 articles on 66,000 pages were scanned and then indexed by Google Search to serve as a valuable source of information on Baptist history. To access the old files, go to and click on Collections to find Baptist Press Releases 1948-1995 at the bottom of the list. The archives can be searched by year and issue date or by specific terms, and stories also can be obtained through a general Google search. Articles starting in 1996 are accessible in the archives at “The partnership in this project between Baptist Press and the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives has been a home run for Baptist Press readers and for historical researchers,” Will Hall, executive editor of Baptist Press, said. “Until now, the material that was digitized was available only in hard copy, and searching … [Read more...]
‘CHURCH IN WOMB’ Inherits Missions DNA
Nansemond River Baptist Church “birthed” Harvest Fellowship eight years ago. SUFFOLK, Va. (BP) – Nansemond River Baptist Church “birthed” Harvest Fellowship eight years ago. “I had this bright idea of what I called ‘a church in the womb’ – start a church in a church and birth it,” said Tim Piland, pastor for the last 19 years at Nansemond River Baptist. “We called a mission pastor who became part of our church. Every invitation, he stood up there with me and a part of the invitation was to people who felt a call to be part of the mission. When they responded, their tithes went to the mission.” When Harvest Fellowship started six months later with Randy Green as pastor and about 80 people from Nansemond River Baptist, both congregations were strong. “You lose 75 to 80 core people – that’s going to have an effect,” Piland said. “But God replaced them. It’s so natural to start churches this way. Randy came in and he never stopped. He has built a great church.” Nansemond River Baptist Church in Suffolk and Harvest Fellowship in Smithfield are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia. At least 160 of the state convention’s 500 churches commit at least 10 percent of their offerings to missions … [Read more...]
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