“And if a blind man guides a blind man,” Jesus said, “both will fall into a pit.” You need look no further than the United States Congress and the American populace to see a visual aid of the truth the Savior declared. “And if a blind man guides a blind man,” Jesus said, “both will fall into a pit.” You need look no further than the United States Congress and the American populace to see a visual aid of the truth the Savior declared. Senate and House committees recently approved bills designed to overhaul America’s health care industry. The House version of the legislation consists of more than 1,000 pages. President Obama pressured Congress to pass health care legislation before it recessed in August. However, several legislators from both sides of the aisle pushed back and a vote is not expected until sometime this fall. Unless things change with the modus operandi of the current Congress, when the vote is taken later this year on health care legislation it is likely that many, perhaps most, representatives will not understand all the bill entails or exactly how much it will cost. Voting without knowing is not something new for the 111th United States Congress. Several weeks ago legislators approved a bill that … [Read more...]
Parkview members return after year-long odyssey
ALEXANDRIA – Though members of Parkview Baptist Church Alexandria didn’t wander the desert for 40 years, they certainly can empathize with Moses and the children of Israel. For almost a year, members were like nomads as they wandered from place to place while awaiting the repair of their campus, which was damaged by floodwaters in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav. On Sunday, July 19, the congregation of Parkview Baptist returned home 10 months and 19 days after floodwaters forced them out of their facilities and held Sunday services in their newly refurbished worship center, which featured new carpet, pews, lights, and sound system. The restoration cost more than $900,000. The church plans to have a formal rededication of the facilities and day of celebration on Sept. 20. “As I look out, I see people in their usual spots. In the year we’ve been gone, I see most of you haven’t forgotten where you sat,” Parkview Pastor David Shaw said. “It’s good to see you as we gather in God’s house this morning.” The restoration of the campus was divided into two phases. The first phase called for restoring the fellowship hall and education building, which was completed in the latter part of January. The second phase called … [Read more...]
Pastor William Stowell has served 50 YEARS AT EMMANUEL
For 50 years William Stowell has ministered to Emmanuel Baptist Church in Shreveport as pastor, counselor and friend. 80 years old, Stowell said he has no plans of retiring just yet. SHREVEPORT– For 50 years William Stowell has ministered to Emmanuel Baptist Church in Shreveport as pastor, counselor and friend. 80 years old, Stowell said he has no plans of retiring just yet. “I’ll keep going at Emmanuel as long as they let me,” Stowell said. “I’d go crazy if I couldn’t preach every Sunday. I love the grind during the week, getting sermons ready for the next service.” Stowell’s journey at Emmanuel began back in 1959. Arthur Howard, Stowell’s friend and then pastor of Summer Grove, recommended him to Emmanuel for the pastorate. Stowell said he doubted he would get the job because of his relatively young age, only 29 at the time. Emmanuel’s pulpit committee approached him in June, a week before Stowell’s thirtieth birthday. When Stowell took the pastorate, he had no idea the road it would lead him down, he said. He and his wife, Patty, were considering mission work at the time. “We went to two different mission boards,” Stowell said. “They wanted me to have more preaching experience. I figured I would be at Emmanuel … [Read more...]
A busy summer ON MISSION for Louisiana churches
BASTROP – First Baptist’s mission team of twelve traveled to Maine and Canada to work with three church planters and four church plant locations doing evangelistic surveys, block parties, worship services and connection events. Jim Ingram is pastor. NEW IBERIA – A mission team from Highland Baptist participated in a Brazil mission trip. David Denton is pastor. WEST MONROE – Sherrie Allbritton of Fair Park Baptist participated in a Ukraine children’s camp. Waymond Warren is pastor. MANY – First Ft. Jesup Baptist assisted with Baptist Medical and Dental Honduras mission trips. The church also donated $30,000 for summer mission trips. George Treutlein is pastor. NEW ORLEANS – Global Maritime Ministries needs Christian music CDs as well as personal toiletry items. A commercial ice machine is needed for the new center. The toll free phone number is 1.800.413.4762 or email Info@PortMinistry.com. BASKIN – Twenty-three youth and senior adults of Baskin Baptist traveled to Roosevelt, Utah for their seventh mission trip to minister to members of the Ute Indian Reservation. They conducted Vacation Bible School and held worship services. Marion Spence is the pastor. ZACHARY – First Baptist sponsored a fifth and sixth … [Read more...]
Prison Ministry Helps Reclaim Lives
At one point during a sports team’s five-hour visit to a prison during their Brazil mission trip, they saw 11 guards walk one manacled prisoner down a corridor lined with peeling gray-green walls on one side. BELO – At one point during a sports team’s five-hour visit to a prison during their Brazil mission trip, they saw 11 guards walk one manacled prisoner down a corridor lined with peeling gray-green walls on one side. He was not among the 40 or so prisoners outfitted in red prison garb and black flip-flops invited by prison officials to participate in two hours of sports in a courtyard surrounded by two decks of cells – each 8x8, each holding two to four inmates. This two hours was to be the prisoners only recreation time all week. “It [the Americans’ visit] helps the prisoners get along with each other better,” said Luciana A. Bettini Romero, public affairs coordinator. Each year the Brazil mission team is permitted into several prisons. Jimmy LaGrassa of Fort Worth, Texas, and Keith White of Highland New Iberia were coaches for the seven-member team of female athletes. (No male athletes had signed up for the Brazil mission trip.) “I was petrified,” said middle-aged Kathy Smith of Marietta, Ga., after she heard … [Read more...]
BRAZIL For the 25th Time
What makes the mission trip led by Wayne Jenkins so successful is the organization behind it. BELO – What makes the mission trip led by Wayne Jenkins so successful is the organization behind it. After 25 years of doing it, Jenkins knows what needs done in the U.S., and his Brazilian counterpart – Alexandre Felicio Peixoto, a World Mission representative for the Brazilian Baptist Convention on loan to the Minas Gerias State Baptist Convention for this assignment – is equally prepared. It truly is a joint operation, Jenkins says. “Although we are able to make an impact for a short time, it is our SBC missionaries – supported by our Cooperative Program – along with the Brazilian Baptists who carry on the work year round,” Jenkins said. “It is our privilege to come alongside of them for a short period of time and assist them.” The first order of business for both men: praying in faith, trusting God to work out details and situations beyond their control. This year, for example, Jenkins lined up construction crews to build the three churches the Brazilians had requested. But only enough money had come in to build two – until the final week before the Americans boarded their aircrafts for flights to Brazil. “God … [Read more...]
Building for the future
The three construction teams sent out with the Brazil mission trip didn’t rack up as many spiritual decisions as did the other mission teams, but wait 10 or 50 years. The three construction teams sent out with the Brazil mission trip didn’t rack up as many spiritual decisions as did the other mission teams, but wait 10 or 50 years. “This building helped us make people more comfortable, and come back, with everyone welcome,” said Milton Sincero, pastor of a church built three years ago by a Brazil mission team. “I am very very extremely happy that the Americans built this building for us.” The church has nearly doubled in the last three years, and members are being discipled so they can tell the people they know about Jesus, the pastor added. Because of the influx of middle-class families, the church now is able to provide a rice-and-beans sack of groceries once a month, as one of many community outreaches. In a lower-income part of Belo, Pastor Allison Mendouca had no plans to have what Brazilians refer to as a “temple.” The pastor’s heart was geared toward the children in the neighborhood where he lived. “When you live near you can see the need,” Mendouca said. But a children’s Sunday School in a home grew to … [Read more...]
Medical team gives lines of Brazilians COMPASSIONATE CARE
The word had gotten out, and lines of people young and old stretched down the street each day three medical teams ministered in some of the very poorest neighborhoods of this steeply-hilled city. BELO – The word had gotten out, and lines of people young and old stretched down the street each day three medical teams ministered in some of the very poorest neighborhoods of this steeply-hilled city. Brazil has an “underfunded” national health care system, according to published reports. Most of the poorest people never see a doctor. They didn’t this July, either. Unlike most years, no physician volunteered this year for the Brazil mission trip. Nurses and pharmacists – with Brazilian interpreters nearby – provided care for everything from a cook’s crushed finger to a middle-aged woman’s suspected breast cancer. With each medical team, was another physical-care option. One site had an oral surgeon (Bo Worley of Emmanuel Shreveport); one a Lions Club-trained couple from Texas who distributed about 600 pair of glasses; and one a Brazilian woman who closed her shop for three days so she could cut hair for 87 people, with the help of a hair stylist from North Carolina. Each of the churches took the opportunity of the medical … [Read more...]
Northwest Baptist Association calls Wayne DuBose as DOM
Wayne DuBose is coming home. SHREVEPORT – Wayne DuBose is coming home. Pastor for 14 years – 1980 through 1994 – of Summer Grove Baptist Church in Shreveport, DuBose was called July 23 to be Director of Missions for the Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association. “Bro. Wayne brings to the Director of Missions position a deep love for our Lord, wisdom, a wide breadth of experience, a heart for missions, and a genuine love for people,” wrote T. Floyd Davis Jr., chairman of the DOM search committee, in a letter to the association’s executive board before the unanimous vote was taken. “Our committee believes that God has directed us to a man who will be able to lead us with enthusiasm and vision in these challenging days in which we live.” A reception will follow the 10:45 a.m. Sunday morning worship service Aug. 30 at First Baptist Minden, where DuBose has served as pastor since April 2001. Technically an Alabama native, DuBose has called Louisiana home since before he graduated in 1971 from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, though he has pastored in small to large churches in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. His extensive list of service at the associational, state and denominational levels includes, among … [Read more...]
Cross Camp extends to second week; enjoys record turnout
The theme for Cross Camp ’09 was short but an effective directive – BE. PINEVILLE – The theme for Cross Camp ’09 was short but an effective directive – BE. Be relentless; be engaged; be inspired; be Holy; be encouraging; be whatever God wants you to be were just some of the ways the word was tied into simple sayings that were repeated over and over again to campers. BE was short for the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12), the eight statements taught by Jesus to the masses at the Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes are a map of life. They are simply stated, but are profound in meaning. They guide. They point. They teach. They show us the values that Christ cares about. And the Cross Camp staff stressed those points repeatedly to the junior high and high school students during Bible study, worship, family group, church group devotion, Mass Mess and ‘Wreck.’ “It has been an amazing two weeks,” Cross Camp Executive Director Jon Hale said. “We had 15 professions of faith our first night alone, and I believe overall we had more than 60 out of 600 campers. The two-week total of 600 participants was a record for the camp, which “did a little something different this year,” Hale said. “Last year, we had to turn away 13 … [Read more...]
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