ALEXANDRIA – March 4 is the deadline for the LBC evangelism department to turn in its order to the printer for localized materials for Sharing the Peace of Jesus in Louisiana. This means the deadline for churches to submit their requests is even earlier: Tuesday, March 1, for red door hangers that say, “This home has been prayed over,” and the Sharing the Peace of Jesus witnessing piece. “This is an unprecedented opportunity for us to build on the good name established by Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams over the last five years,” said Wayne Jenkins, director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Evangelism and Church Growth team. “With all the problems facing people in America now, there is an openness for the Gospel. “Sharing the Peace of Jesus is Louisiana Baptists praying for the people who live in their neighborhoods and leaving a door knob hanger,” Jenkins continued. “Then, coming back a week later and leaving a witnessing piece and an invitation to Easter Sunday. It’s as simple as that.” A $115,000 statewide media campaign is to take place during the same time frame that church members are out praying in their neighborhoods and inviting people to church on Easter Sunday. This includes television ads … [Read more...]
[img_assist|nid=5934|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=150][img_assist|nid=5934|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=200|height=300] [img_assist|nid=5917|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=482|height=320] [img_assist|nid=5913|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 & 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=66][img_assist|nid=5919|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=301|height=200][img_assist|nid=5920|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=376|height=250][img_assist|nid=5921|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGE|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=66][img_assist|nid=5913|title=LBC EVANGELISM CONFERENCE JANUARY 25 & 26, 2010 ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON … [Read more...]
Adam Walsh and the hope the Gospel brings
Pastor First Baptist Church Gonzales I am a native Floridian and remember well the horror in 1981 when Adam Walsh, the six-year-old son of John and Reve Walsh, was abducted from a Hollywood, Florida mall, and then subsequently murdered and beheaded. A year ago this month the story broke in the media that the 27-year-old case was finally closed by the Hollywood Police Department. Adam’s murderer was believed to be a drifter named Ottis Toole who died in prison in 1996. The police announced that if Toole were still alive he would be arrested for the abduction and murder of Adam Walsh. The pain the Walshs’ have endured is beyond words. I was especially gripped by John Walsh’s statement with the announced closure of his son’s case, “For 27 years, we have been asking ourselves, ‘Who would take a 6-year-old boy and murder him and decapitate him? Who?” I am grateful that the Walshs’ have received some sense of closure. May the Lord comfort them and strengthen them in the days ahead. They have championed the righteous pursuit and protection of missing and abducted children in the United States. It would be sad enough if Adam Walsh were the only child brutalized in this world, but presently, according to Klaas Kids Foundation, … [Read more...]
Louisiana Native Spreads the Gospel Through Music
MONTEREY – Brad Mount’s goal is to use his exceptional singing and musical talents to reach as many people as he can to further the kingdom of God. And he’s very good at what he does. Drawn more to the country-style of Gospel music, Mount, a gifted singer and musician, uses a number of well-loved Gospel favorites, hymns, in addition to original songs he’s written to reach people’s hearts and souls. His busy, and very full, calendar. indicates just how highly successful he is. He and his family often travels to churches, retirement homes, schools, outdoor gatherings and anywhere else that God leads them in spreading the Gospel through music. Mount also performs at Bible and pastor conferences, business meetings, concerts, and associational meetings. “Wherever God opens a door, I will go through it,” Mount said. “I’ve gone as far as northeast Arkansas, north Mississippi, Wichita Falls, Fort Worth, and as close as Crowley, Jonesboro, and Jonesville. We will go anywhere we are called.” During the spring and early fall Mount is in constant demand as he provides soul-searching music for numerous revivals throughout Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana. More often than not, he can be found partnering with such noted … [Read more...]
BRAZIL For the 25th Time
“I couldn’t see a thing, and now I can see an eagle in the sky. ”With these words, a 30-something woman in a once-brightly flowered sundress at a makeshift medical/eye clinic thanked Americans on a short-term mission trip for giving her what most Americans take for granted: the ability to see clearly. BELO HORIZONTE, Minas Gerias, Brazil – “I couldn’t see a thing, and now I can see an eagle in the sky. ”With these words, a 30-something woman in a once-brightly flowered sundress at a makeshift medical/eye clinic thanked Americans on a short-term mission trip for giving her what most Americans take for granted: the ability to see clearly. Her home in one of Belo’s shabbiest parts of town would now be brighter, and her heart would be lighter, because she could see the beautiful hills covered with the ramshackle no-longer-red brick and once-white stucco buildings that surround her. In addition to the hope that life could be better – which was given her with the gift of clear vision – was the gift of the life-empowering hope of Jesus that she also heard about. The woman was one recipient of the ministry of a 162-person team of people (99 from Louisiana) who all converged for the 25th annual mission trip to a city in Brazil … [Read more...]
Thousands attend Rock the River
The weather was hot, the music was loud, but the message was clear and to the point for the thousands of teenagers who gathered on the campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge Saturday, July 18. BATON ROUGE – The weather was hot, the music was loud, but the message was clear and to the point for the thousands of teenagers who gathered on the campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge Saturday, July 18. A crowd of 11,000 [officially 10,998] packed the grounds on the levee lots at LSU for an evangelistic summer concert series featuring seven hours of Christian rock and hip-hop music plus brief challenging messages by skateboarding minister Jonny Nelson of JSAW [Jesus, Snow, Asphalt and Walter], Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Franklin Graham. Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, was the catalyst behind this four-city tour. It was an exciting kickoff to this brand new evangelistic summer concert series. “It was totally awesome,” Junior Castillo, festival organizer for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association wrote. “We believe many seeds of gospel truth were sown and that the harvest will come in on every wave … day after day, week after week until Jesus returns … [Read more...]
LC announces plans to start medical school
The need is great, and Louisiana College is hoping it can fill that need. PINEVILLE – The need is great, and Louisiana College is hoping it can fill that need. It is estimated that by 2020 to 2025 there will be a shortage of doctors, not only in Louisiana but also throughout the United States. Simply stated thenation does not have enough family practice physicians. According to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, 86 percent of Louisiana parishes have a health professional shortage. Louisiana ranks among the worst in the nation in percent of population lacking access to primary care, which is due to a critical shortage of primary care doctors. On Thursday, July 23, LC President Joe Aguillard took a giant step toward addressing those needs by formally announcing the school’s plans to establish a new multi-million dollar medical school. Using funds from an anonymous donor, a feasibility study was commissioned by the school using Tripp Umbach, a strategic planning firm, and an economic impact report by Baton Rouge-based Flood International Consulting Agency, to determine the feasibility of establishing a medical school at Louisiana College. After studying the report, the LC Board of Directors voted … [Read more...]
Here’s how to start a Great Commission Resurgence
The Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Louisville, Ky., voted overwhelmingly to approve the motion to allow our president, Johnny Hunt, to appoint a task force to assist Southern Baptists to become more intentional and more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission. The Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Louisville, Ky., voted overwhelmingly to approve the motion to allow our president, Johnny Hunt, to appoint a task force to assist Southern Baptists to become more intentional and more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission. On the positive side, the enthusiastic response to this motion tells us that the heart of Southern Baptist people is to link arms in taking the Gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. Further, it demonstrates the willingness of Southern Baptists to rigorously evaluate everything they do in the light of Kingdom priorities. On the negative side for me was the vast exodus of people from the hall after the vote was taken. This was a negative because the centerpiece of Tuesday night’s schedule was the report of the International Mission Board and most of the messengers had “left the building.” One would have thought that those who were enthusiastic about … [Read more...]
An honest look at the workings of church business meetings
One church sign revealed, “Today’s sermon: What is hell like?” Underneath the sermon title were the words “Church business meeting tonight.” One church sign revealed, “Today’s sermon: What is hell like?” Underneath the sermon title were the words “Church business meeting tonight.” Some church business meetings have been alarmingly similar to the place of torment. In Dr. W.A. Criswell’s famous sermon, “The Old Time Religion,” he tells about a church conference or church business meeting he had in the church he served as pastor when he was a student at Southern Seminary. Criswell reported, “We had a man in our church who was born in the objective mood, negative case. No matter what we were considering he was ‘agin it.’ Your church probably doesn’t have anyone born in the objective mood and negative case, but I have encountered a few people like that in the course of my ministry. I have presided over heated discussions regarding who should be in charge of the thermostat in the church worship center, the color of the carpet in the church, and whether or not to buy an electric typewriter or just keep the old manual Underwood typewriter for the church secretary. The minutes of one church business meeting recorded … [Read more...]
When conflict takes place between church leaders
In the last two issues we have considered the issue of conflict in church. My perspective on this problem has changed significantly over the past 30 years in ministry. In the last two issues we have considered the issue of conflict in church. My perspective on this problem has changed significantly over the past 30 years in ministry. Some of my former perspective was summarized in five myths about church conflict (July 9). Then, in the last issue (July 23), we started considering biblical examples of church conflict. The first one was conflict between church members. Now, let’s consider a second example of conflict in the Bible: Conflict between church leaders. Peter and Paul are two titans of the New Testament. They stand above everyone else as preachers, writers, and leaders. They are the pre-eminent leaders of the early church, more responsible than any other leaders for the advance of the church in the first generation after Jesus’ ascension. It may surprise you to learn they had an intense, open, public conflict. Paul told the story in Galatians 2:11-14. In summary, Paul heard Peter was contradicting the gospel by his behavior among the Gentiles. Peter had stopped eating with Gentiles, thus withdrawing … [Read more...]
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