FRANKLINTON –The churches in Washington Baptist Association were challenged during the week of March 29 through April 2 to “Be the Church” by implementing the James 1:27 principle of helping those who are vulnerable. [img_assist|nid=6289|title=Paul Watts, Youth and Missions Pastor, First Baptist Church Franklinton served as one of the leaders for Be the Church Week|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]“Washington Baptist Association consists of 36 churches on mission together carrying out the Great Commission,” said Joe Baugh, director of missions for the Southeastern Baptist Associations that include Washington, Two Rivers, and William Wallace Baptist Associations. “Groups completed ministry projects in which volunteers from churches engaged in home repairs, backyard Bible clubs, and one-on-one evangelism.” “Last spring served as our inaugural implementation of a ministry strategy born from a burden God placed on the hearts of laymen who served as construction supervisors when World Changers visited Washington Parish last July working on homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina,” Watts said. He explained that Ben Fussell, a member of First Franklinton, was among several who asked, “Why can’t we do this? If young … [Read more...]
First Covington drives church growth with emphasis
By Karen L. Willoughby, Managing Editor COVINGTON – A month of high attendance Sundays helped pave the way for First Baptist Church of Covington to dramatically increase its Sunday school attendance. [img_assist|nid=6291|title=Waylon Bailey, pastor of First Covington, and Mary Argus race on a go-cart course as part of the church s Get in Gear emphasis|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=65]By focusing each week on a different age level, you get the entire family at least three times in a row, and that’s nearly enough to start a habit, said First Covington’s Minister of Education, Clifton “Clif” Smith. The fourth week focuses on single adults, arguably the largest unreached people group on the Northshore. “One day is a spike,” Smithsaid. “By doing it for a month, you build a habit.” First Covington was averaging 1,175 before the March “Get in Gear” emphasis that played off a NASCAR theme. On Easter Sunday, 1,067 attended Sunday school. But during March’s high attendance thrust, the month’s average was 1,325. “I think you can see the need to ‘Get in Gear’ with First Baptist Church,” wrote Pastor Waylon Bailey in a fullcolor, multi-page, promotional flyer about the month-long emphasis. “We need many growing … [Read more...]
‘Flag’ rallies viewers
WEST MONROE – Shiny white limousines stretched out along the curved driveway at First Baptist Church of West Monroe for the recent Red Carpet Premiere of Flag of my Father, and onlookers dressed in their finest craned their necks to see which dignitaries might step out.One U.S. Senator, two mayors and three state representatives were among the 900 people – women mostly in ball gowns and some men in tuxedos, even – at the church known informally as First West, for the April 16 premiere of the half-million dollar film directed by First West member Rodney Ray and shot entirely in Ouachita Parish. Director Rodney Ray, GiGi Emeta, William Devane , and Andrew Sensenig at the Red Carpet Premiere of Flag of my Father Director Rodney Ray, GiGi Emeta, William Devane , and Andrew Sensenig at the Red Carpet Premiere of Flag of my Father Also on hand: Hollywood mainstay William Devane and lesser-known stars of the film that included battle scenes from “Iraq,” post-traumatic stress syndrome and family conflict, in a plot that stressed 'Flag' rallies viewers patriotism and the importance of family. About 8,000 people have seen the film in its debut week,Director Rodney Ray said tohis staff at the faith-based film company … [Read more...]
Navigating through today’s confusing, divisive Bioethical Issues
By Marilyn Stewart, Regional Reporter BATON ROUGE – Bioethical issues in today’s “brave new world” of technology are confusing and often divisive, leaving pastors to face questions and issues of conscience unheard years ago. A recent Bioethics Conference at Istrouma Baptist Church in Baton Rouge helped pastors and lay leaders understand current issues in reproductive technology and sexuality, such asin-vitro fertilization (IVF), abortion and homosexuality. “The bioethical issues are just multiplying,” said Jay Hollman, M.D., a fellow for the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity and a speaker for the event. Hollman is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at Louisiana State University Health Science Center, a staff member of the Earl K. Long Hospital in Baton Rouge, and a fellow of the American College of Cardiology. Other speakers were Stanton Jones, professor of psychology and provost of Wheaton College of Wheaton, Ill., and Sam Alexander, M.D., a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Hollman said the 1973 Roe v. Wade court decision legalizing abortion helped fuel today’s bioethical issues as did the eugenics and euthanasia movement in … [Read more...]
New RA consultant wants men to stand in the gap
Karen L. Willoughby, Managing Editor PINE PRAIRIE – Ricky Boone, Royal Ambassadors leader at Pine Prairie’s First Baptist Church, Mt. Olive Baptist Association, recently was named volunteer consultant for RA groups throughout Louisiana. Previously he served three years as RA leader at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Eunice. “Ricky’s got the background, he’s got the passion, and he’s doing it,” said Gibbie McMillan, LBC’s mens ministry/volunteers strategist. “He’s come up through the ranks and is leading his RAs to go outside the walls of the church.” Seeing boys’ interest in baseball has Boone planning for a church league next year, McMillan said. Boone said he remembered going to Louisiana College for RA Congress, when Cal Jones was the overseer. “I remember sleeping on the gym floor in sleeping bags,” Boone said. “I remember a long rope we had to pull ourselves up. I remember getting up in the morning and going outside the gym and them cooking breakfast outside and I could smell the sausage and bacon.” Those were good days, good years, Boone said. “I remember my leaders teaching me some of the things I teach my boys today – disNew RA consultant wants men to stand in the gapcipline, the RA pledge and motto, and … [Read more...]
‘Smoke’ blows statewide
PINEVILLE – It was standing room only last year for Smoke on the Mountain, the country gospel, musical comedy, live theatre production of Lagniappe Theatre Co., so this year the production has been moved to the 1,300-seat Pineville High School auditorium for its May 21-23 engagement. A Saturday night gospel sing in 1938 at a rural Baptist church in Mount Pleasant, N.C., is the setting for Smoke, which manages to include the testimonies of all seven characters in its spirited dialogue. “It’s about forgiveness and all the simple things in life; it’s about getting along with your family,” said Ross Schnexneyder, (pronounced “Shecks-nider”) who with his wife Karen returned to their home state last year to start Lagniappe Theatre, after completing extended tours with the Cumberland County Playhouse. They’re members at Calvary Baptist Church in Alexandria. “The family interaction and the interaction of the actors with the audience is what makes the play entertaining,” Ross said. “And the music!” The production starts at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 21 and 22, and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 23, at Pineville High School, 1511 Line St. Tickets are $15/person, or $12 for those under 12 or over 55, and $10/each for groups of 10 … [Read more...]
Delay GCR til 2011, Missouri board urges
By Staff, Baptist Press JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (BP) – Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Director David Tolliver will attempt to make a motion at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in June asking messengers to receive the report by the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force (GCRTF) and delay any action for one year until all entities involved can do a spiritual/financial impact study. The motion by Tolliver was sanctioned by the 54-member MBC executive board in an April 13 vote without opposition. The vote also gives Tolliver authority to speak for the board as a messenger from his church, Concord Baptist Church in Jefferson City. The executive board also passed a resolution without opposition urging the GCRTF to postpone action on their report until the SBC’s 2011 annual meeting, while pledging to pray for a Great Commission resurgence in the SBC and for the work of the task force. The intent of this action is to allow impacted entities sufficient time to study the ramifications of the GCRTF’s recommendations, Tolliver said, noting that the dissolving of cooperative agreements between state conventions and the North American Mission Board is among the GCRTF’s proposals. Such a move could cost the MBC … [Read more...]
Processing Peace
By Angela Thomas, Courtesy of HomeLife I have a girlfriend who has no peace. She is divorced. Three kids. No job. Never finished college. Completely dependent on child support and alimony. She lives in a city without extended family. Both her parents died when she was a teenager. Her house needs repairs she can’t afford. She wants a new pair of jeans, a long vacation, and somebody to love her. She feels stress. So she takes it out on her teenage kids, and they respond with attitudes that give her more stress. Then she intensifies the pressure, and they disconnect even more. She cries. They feel bad and promise to do better. For the past six years she has been caught in the undertow of hopelessness, being pulled out into the sea of despair. She has no peace. Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God. The whole idea of Matthew 5:9 is that you would become a peacemaker. But you can’t become a peacemaker until you have become a peace-possessor. GO TO THE SOURCE You want to be a peacemaker, but you don’t have peace in your life. You try to get up peaceful every day, and you do OK until somebody speaks to you or one of the kids whacks her brother. You realize instantly … [Read more...]
Reconnect with your spouse
By Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend, Courtesy of Parent Life Maybe it’s just a stage,” Brad said. Brad and his wife, Traci, were having dinner with me (John) and my wife, Barbi. They were concerned with 7-year-old Will, one of their three children. He was a handful, full of energy and life, but also out of control. The school had called them with concerns that Will was too aggressive with friends and that he was not respecting his teachers. [img_assist|nid=6302|title=Marriage is the soil of parenting|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=57|height=100]Traci had taken Will to a doctor, but there was not anything wrong medically. So they were trying to think through what was going on. “It could be a stage,” I said. “But if it is not going away, it is probably something else. What if you looked at Will’s behavior as a reflection of your relationship with each other?” “What do you mean?” they asked. I explained that children depend on their parents’ energy, love, and resources to develop their own. They also are affected by the struggles parents have. If parents are under a lot of stress, they sometimes become disconnected from each other. In turn, this disconnect can influence a child to pull away, feel insecure, or … [Read more...]
Compiled by Joanne Brechtel COMINGS & GOINGS John Hebert, new as interim/transition pastor Sale Street Baptist, Lake Charles. Louis Charrier resigns New Hope Baptist, Jennings going to First Baptist, Cecelia. Marcelle Ronquill, Jr., new as pastor Brownville Baptist, West Monroe. Brian McAllister, new as pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist, Farmerville. Bryant Shaver, new as pastor of Fairbanks Baptist, Fairbanks. Alan Miller resigns as senior pastor of First Baptist, Monroe. Phillip Carroll, new as minister of youth and music at Temple Baptist, Springhill. First Baptist, Woodworth, merges with Calvary Baptist, Alexandria. NEEDED Pastor at Carroll Baptist, Walker; send resumes to Pastor Search Team, PO Box 222, Walker LA 70785 before May 31. Full-time pastor at Foster Road Baptist, Baton Rouge; send resume to Foster Road Baptist Church, Attention: Pastor Search Committee; 11333 Foster Road, Baton Rouge LA 70811. Part-time music minister at New Sarepta Baptist, Sarepta; call 318.847.4520. Northeast Association: Pastor at College Place Baptist, Monroe. Morehouse Association: Pastor at Bethel Baptist, Bastrop; First Baptist, Collinston. Carey Association: Pastors at Boulevard Baptist, Lake Charles; First … [Read more...]
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