By Philip Timothy, Message Staff Writer PRAIRIEVILLE – In the army of God, the Almighty calls preachers and churches call pastors to feed and care for His sheep. These men are His “Special Forces.” Armed with faith, prayer and the Bible, these men are prepared by experience, tried by adversity, and tested by fire. They must endure constant bombardment of both fleshly and spiritual problems and still remain strong. The challenge is to stand fast as they fight the good fight of faith. To run or quit would be ever so easy, but they hold their ground until God dismisses them or they fall, because these men of God are truly His elite. [img_assist|nid=6564|title=Broussard Grove Pastor Charles Marceaux is Southern Regions Small Church/Bivocational Pastor of the Year.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67]Broussard Grove Pastor Charles Marceaux is one of those battle-tested veterans. Over the last four years he has overcome church strife and brought the church to a new and healthier place, and was honored twice by Louisiana Baptists in that same time period. Two months after his second honor, he learned he had prostate cancer and successfully fought it, too. Prior to his salvation in 1979, Marceaux served in the … [Read more...]
Louisiana BCMs and Churches ON MISSION
[img_assist|nid=6577|title=BCM students from ULM went to Malawai where one got close enough to take this elephant s photo in Liwonde National Park.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=6566|title=First Ponchatoula ministered in Ecuador; First Many, First DeRidder ministered in Honduras|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67] [img_assist|nid=6567|title=Baptist Medical/Dental team treated 2465 people in the medical clinic|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67][img_assist|nid=6568|title=Emma Chapman of Amite Baptist Denham Springs hoists a new friend on her back in Ecuador|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=75|height=100][img_assist|nid=6569|title=Debbie McGraw with children from the village of San Miguelito Honduras|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=6570|title=Evangelism bracelets were given to many of the Honduran youngsters.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75] First Ponchatoula went to Ecuador. First Many was part of a Baptist Medical/Dental team that included 1,000 dolls made by ladies from Sabine Parish. Emma Chapman of Amite Baptist Denham Springs hoists a new friend on her back in Ecuador. Debbie McGraw of Sabine Parish stands with … [Read more...]
Alpine’s Prison Ministry helping set captives free
By Quinn Lavespere, Message Summer Staff Writer [img_assist|nid=6583|title=Alpine Pastor Dick DeBusk baptizes a female prisoner as part of the church s women s prison ministry.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67]TIOGA – The words of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-36 have become a motto for Alpine First Baptist Church pastor Dick DeBusk and his congregation. Alpine First’s women’s prison ministry has led many women to Christ, greatly inspiring DeBusk and those involved with the ministry. “These women are in situations where they are told what to do and what they can’t do – everyday things like normal people do,” DeBusk said. “We want to help these people be free in their hearts by leading them to God.” DeBusk said his involvement with the prison ministry began even before he came to Alpine First. “My involvement with the prison ministry is basically at the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women in Gonzales, and I’ve been involved in the ministry for about 10 years,” DeBusk said. “I came to Alpine about three years ago, and I’ve involved my congregation with the prison ministry for those three years. They’re very excited about the ministry. “I’ve been burdened about a prison ministry since I was saved way … [Read more...]
Children’s Home honors cottage parent couple
[img_assist|nid=6585|title=Dean and Crissie Cirelli were selected as Louisiana Baptist Children s Home Cottage Parents of the Year.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=89]Dean and Crissie Cirelli were selected as Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home “Cottage Parents of the Year” at the Home’s annual staff banquet this summer. This award, which is voted on by the entire campus, is based on the cottage parents’ total contribution to the ministry over the past year. The Cirellis joined the LBCH team in 2008. They serve the children who live in the Home’s emergency shelter, My Friend’s House. Perry Hancock is the LBCH president/CEO. … [Read more...]
26th annual Brazil mission trip
[img_assist|nid=6587|title=A Brazil mission team member prays for a Brazilian woman|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=75|height=100]BELO HORIZONTE, Minas Gerais, Brasil – Most mission teams range between five and fifteen members, says the IMB. Wayne Jenkins took 199 people this year – more than half from Louisiana – for the 26th annual multi-faceted mission trip to Brazil. An estimated $100,000 in donated medicines went with the team, which were used by the medical team to treat men and women at five drug rehab houses. One team went to the streets to do blood pressure checks and diabetes screening.A dentist pulled hundreds of teeth. Eye exams were another medical ministry. [img_assist|nid=6588|title=A young boy admires a little girl s bracelet.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]Other ministries included Vacation Bible School at three locations, construction of three churches, three drama teams that performed in several locations, as did a street/prison team and a sports team. New this year: a two-person scrapbooking team who taught beginning and advanced scrapbooking in six locations for middle- and upper-class Brazilians. Each session also included the women telling the story of what knowing Jesus did for … [Read more...]
Camp USA brings foreign missions home
By Karen Willoughby, Managing Editor [img_assist|nid=6595|title=Camp USA brings foreign missions home|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=66]CENLA/PONCHATOULA – The thought of 67 students and their leaders, most of whom speak limited English at best, coming to town for a week can be daunting, but somehow it all works out. “Some may have been initially worried about being pushed out of their comfort zone, but the week has proven to be a great experience for all involved,” said David Cranford, pastor of First Baptist Church of Ponchatoula, which was in its first year of participating in Camp USA for youngsters from South Korea. “Our people love it,” said Ray Teal, pastor of First Baptist Church of Montgomery, which participated for the sixth year in Camp USA. “It’s a hands-on way of being an example of Christ.” Josh Tanner, minister of music and outreach at Trinity Baptist Church in Pineville, said he enjoyed his first Camp USA experience so much that he asked if he could help again this year. “It was a blessing to be able to provide the building and one afternoon’s excursion,” Tanner said. “I love watching the kids experience something for the first time. Camp USA is a partnership of REACH Missions and the … [Read more...]
THE BEST ADVICE Minister s Wives speaking to Minister s Wives
By Grace Clausing, LifeWay Communications [img_assist|nid=6597|title=Ruth Graham provided tremendous spousal support for husband Billy.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=65|height=100]An unsung hero – that’s what you could call a minister’s wife. Rarely do church members comprehend how much the pastor’s spouse endures and gives up for her husband’s job. The calling is tough, and many feel alone and judged by their congregation. Who better understands the plight of a minister’s wife than a fellow clergy spouse? Take a look at some advice that pastor’s wives have offered to encourage and inspire others. Facing Expectations It’s easy for wives to fall into the trap of feeling that they must meet and exceed certain expectations from church members. Amy Goen’s husband, Kyle, has been in the ministry for 17 years. He serves as the executive pastor at First Baptist Church in Smyrna, Tennessee. Dealing with church expectations, Goen encourages wives to be themselves. “Early on in ministry, I had some great mentors who encouraged me to just be who I was and not try to conform to someone’s expectations. Focus on what God expects,” Goen says. Don’t be afraid to show the real you to the congregation, complete with flaws. It … [Read more...]
The Counseling Connection
Question: I have a hard time not allowing other people’s moods, especially my spouse, affect me. Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller coaster and just want to get off. Can you help me? Michele Louviere responds: Many people struggle with healthy separateness or differentiation. Sometimes, a lack of differentiation comes from a person depending upon others for needs, satisfaction and happiness. If a person is not okay inside his or her own skin, then that person becomes very dependent upon others. So, maybe your sensitivity to your spouse’s moods could be a lack of complete differentiation on your part. How does a person develop a healthy identity that stands strong even when others disapprove or struggle emotionally? One key is to take responsibility for your own level of happiness and satisfaction. God never intended for another person, even a spouse, to be our source for emotional fulfillment. Ultimately, we are to pursue an intimate relationship with God, where He gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Relationships with others are merely a gift from Him, never meant to replace Him. Sometimes, to become a healthy, differentiated person, one must go back and explore his or her family of origin. Sometimes, we have … [Read more...]
Concerned with the issues facing Southern Baptists
By Eric Moffett, Pastor First Baptist Sparkman, Arkansas I am 26 years old, and somehow was elected second vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) this past June at the Annual Meeting in Orlando. My first task as newly elected second vice president was to frantically call the SBC Executive Committee office in Nashville and ask a kind receptionist to please transfer me to somebody who could explain exactly what I am supposed to do. As I look toward the future of our convention, I am both excited and nervous. I am excited to see the work of God’s Kingdom in so many unbelievable ways through our mission boards, relief programs and global partnerships. It brings me distinct joy to know that our Cooperative Program (CP) giving goes to support the work of these types of things. Yet, I am concerned because of what I’ve seen in my short years of ministry. Those concerns weigh heavy on my heart. First, I am concerned about the number of young pastors and ministers who are leaving the SBC to join other denominations, mission organizations and non-denominational churches. I have zero statistics to quote you – I’ll leave that to Ed Stetzer of LifeWay Research. What I have seen and experienced first-hand is a number … [Read more...]
Inspect proposed science textbooks and comment
To the Editor Until Sept. 13, science textbooks proposed for adoption and use over the next seven years will be displayed at various library sites across Louisiana. Citizens have an opportunity to inspect and offer written critiques of these important books, and public input will be considered by the State Textbook Adoption Committee later this year to recommend which – if any – of these books should be approved for use in Louisiana schools. Congress has declared that “... a quality science education should prepare students to distinguish the data and testable theories of science from religious or philosophical claims that are made in the name of science. Where topics are taught that may generate controversy (such as biological evolution), the curriculum should help students to understand the full range of scientific views that exist, why such topics may generate controversy, and how scientific discoveries can profoundly affect society.” This stated purpose of building critical thinking skills – “recognizing and analyzing alternative models” to quote from Louisiana’s science benchmarks – is also consistent with national polling data confirming that most Americans would prefer that the weaknesses of evolutionism be … [Read more...]
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