BALL/DEVILLE/PINEVILLE – A car wash to raise money to help minister to homeless men, women and families in the Alexandria/Pineville area has been set for Sept. 18 at Advance Auto on Highway 28 E in Pineville. “Many people don’t know there are a lot of homeless people in Alexandria, some of them living under the bridge,” said Rita Huffman of Kingsville Baptist Church in Ball. She’s a volunteer at Main Street Mission in Pineville, which interacts regularly with the homeless people who stop in the mission for food, clothing and a caring conversation. Volunteers from Kingsville minister Tuesday morning at Main Street Mission. Volunteers from First Baptist Pineville do the same on Wednesdays, and they cook a mid-week meal for the church family that the homeless are invited to. (The mission is down the block from the church.) Volunteers from Philadelphia Baptist Church in Deville ministerThursday mornings. “The Lord laid this on my heart,” Huffman said. “They [the homeless] talked to me for two hours at the mission.” Nothing is set in concrete yet, Huffman said, but raising money with a car wash – or car washes if other churches get involved – will let the volunteers know how much money they have to work … [Read more...]
Crockett Point Baptist’s groundbreaking service was held recently
[img_assist|nid=6669|title=Crockett Point Baptist Church groundbreaking service|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67] Crockett Point Baptist Church Crowville met for a groundbreaking service recently for a 1,500 square foot building that will have education rooms and a youth worship/recreation room. The new building will be attached to the back of the existing sanctuary by a 10’ x 10’ enclosed walkway. The dirt work was begun July 22. Construction is expected to be completed by April 2011. … [Read more...]
Vacation Bible School strengthens churches
STATEWIDE – Nearly all the state’s 1,597 churches that affiliate with the Louisiana Baptist Convention hosted a Vacation Bible School this summer, and there was something special about each one. Following is a smattering of information from the reports that came in: VBS was combined with a soccer camp at New Hope Baptist in DeQuincy. During the time set aside in VBS for recreation and camp, New Hope VBS practiced soccer skills. “The climax included soccer games on Saturday morning, with parents, grandparents and friends invited – a great outreach for the community,” reported VBS Director Tracey Smith. Hill Baptist Church in Oak Grove “gave our material” to another church in the area, and gave its $415.02 offering to local missionaries, reported VBS Director Tina Vernon. Grosse Tete Baptist Church in Grosse Tete as a VBS missions project “collected school supplies for children on Louisiana’s coast whose families have been affected the by Deepwater Horizon oil spill,” reported VBS Director Julie Bayham. Calvary Baptist Church in Sabine used the free curriculum “Armor of God,” and as their offering filled boxes for soldiers in Afghanistan, reported VBS Director Cindy Byles. Of the 69 youngsters and 60 workers enrolled, … [Read more...]
1920-2010 SELLERS MATERNITY MINISTRIES "NINETY YEARS OF OFFERING A FUTURE AND A HOPE" Sellers Maternity Ministries was founded in 1920 as the Baptist Woman’s Emergency Home in New Orleans. The ministry became affiliated with the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1933 and the name was changed to Baptist Women’s Home. The ministry was renamed Sellers Baptist Maternity Home and Adoption Center in 1961 in honor of Dr. Thomas B. Sellers, a New Orleans obstetrician who had volunteered his services there for 33 years. On July 31, 1964, the Sellers Home placed its 1000th baby for adoption. In 1990, seeing a declining need for a national maternity service, the Home Mission Board closed the New Orleans facility and handed operations over to Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home in January 1991. Through God’s providence, at the same time, Ms. Lynn Seymour of Tallulah donated her estate to the Children’s Home, providing a new home for Sellers called “Happy House.” The ministry’s name was changed to Sellers Maternity Home and remained in Tallulah until 2007. In 2000, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cheatham donated his family home in the Central community of Baton Rouge to the Children’s Home. Initially, this … [Read more...]
How can LBCH AND FM serve you or someone you know?
How can LBCH & FM serve you or someone you know? Your Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries strives to offer the highest quality of services through a dedicated Christian ministry team whose mission is to provide love, care, and a positive Christian witness for children and families in need. Please call 318.343.2244, e-mail, or visit for more info on how we can serve you or someone you know. [img_assist|nid=6673|title=Residential Ministries - Monroe|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=95]Residential Ministries – Monroe • Residential Child Care for Children Ages 5-17 • Residential Foster Care for Children Ages 0-12 • Residential Family Care for Homeless Children & Mothers Granberry Counseling Centers Statewide Locations 877.345.7411 • Professional Christian Counseling • Minister Care Partnership with LBC Pastoral Leadership Team • Marriage & Family Enrichment Seminars • Statewide Locations – Monroe, Winnsboro, Ruston, Minden, Shreveport, Pineville, Oakdale, Leesville, Baton Rouge, & Covington Sellers Maternity Ministries Baton Rouge 800.859.0046 • Christian Alternative to Abortion • Crisis Pregnancy Counseling • Post-abortion … [Read more...]
Port Barre Pastor’s story a testament to God’s work
By QUINN LAVESPERE, Message Summer Staff Writer PORT BARRE – First Port Barre Baptist Church Pastor Benji Richard is a man who has seen both the depths of depravity and the fullness of God’s love. Nearly eight years after being saved, Richard has realized his dream of becoming pastor in his hometown of Port Barre, leading First Port Barre to spiritual triumphs through the blessings and work of God. “At the age of 26, God saved a rebellious and hell- bound sinner named Benji Richard,” Richard said. “The Lord answered the prayers my grandparents had been saying for me for 26 years.” Richard began his story by recounting how he and his wife came to be saved. “On Nov. 13, 2002, after hearing Matthew 11:28 being preached, God saved me and my wife Christy that night,” Richard said. “The preacher who was preaching had the touch of God on his life, and the Lord changed my life that night and saved my soul. “My wife and I left that night with a new desire in our hearts, Jesus on the inside, and tears in our eyes,” Richard said. “We wanted a brand new start in life, and God gave it to us. We attended a church called Bible Baptist Church in Krotz Springs for seven years. “On March 9, 2007, God called me to preach in a … [Read more...]
O. K. Corral Church to hold Rough Stock Training Camp
By QUINN LAVESPERE, Message Summer Staff Writer EROS – The month of October normally inspires people to prepare for Halloween. Pastor Gary Brewster and O.K. Corral Church have other plans in mind. O.K. Corral Church plans to host a rough stock training camp Oct. 8-10 for bull riders and bareback riders. “We’ve got a lot of things planned for the future, and this is one of them,” Brewster said. “We want to use these things to win people to the Lord.” The rough stock camp is to be a campout event for males between 15 and 25, the cowboy church pastor said. He described what would go on at the camp. “The boys’ll sleep in the tent,” Brewster said. “We’ll provide chuck wagon meals. Instructors are coming from Rome, Ga., and Athens, Texas, to teach the camp. We’ll camp out Friday night, teach clinics on Saturday and have some testimonies and Bible study time. “The classes we’ll be holding can only have 15 people at a time, so not everyone can get in a class,” Brewster added. “Also an open buck-out is planned for Saturday night, and Benny Kimble, the instructor from Georgia, is going to preach church on Sunday.” Brewster gave some information on the camp’s instructors. “Jarrod Smith, the instructor from Athens, … [Read more...]
CLASSIFIED ADS (unrestricted content)
Have something to sell? Is your church looking for a new pastor, youth or music minister, have a special event or let the Louisiana Baptist Message help you reach the state. All you need to do is to contact advertising director Violet Adams at 318.623.7700, 800.376.7728 or email her at … [Read more...]
FIGHTING TO SURVIVE–Old perish from hunger as young struggle
By Alex Doukas, BGR Communications EDITOR’S NOTE: World Hunger Sunday is Oct. 10. For information concerning the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund, visit WEST AFRICA (BP) – They volunteered to die. The elderly men and women in this famine-wracked West African community knew there was simply not enough food to go around. Unwilling to watch their families starve to death, some made a choice: They would not eat so that their children and grandchildren might live. Some have already wasted away and perished – the price, they believed, of preserving the future. The babies, of course, did not volunteer to die, and their mothers were trying desperately to save them. As local government officials handed out pans of grain, the women swarmed the site, knowing there was not enough for everyone. They pressed into each other under the blistering sun, their infants tied to their backs. [img_assist|nid=6546|title=Every year 15 million children die of hunger|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=67|height=100]“Three babies died that day from suffocation and heat,” said Kate Gibbs*, a Southern Baptist field partner for Baptist Global Response, an international relief and development organization. “I … [Read more...]
The Facts on Hunger
In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called “absolute poverty.” Every year 15 million children die of hunger. The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed, and one-third is starving. Since you’ve begun reading this article, at least 200 people have died of starvation. More than 4 million will die this year. One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5. The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world’s hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately 40 percent, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts of the world. Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-Saharan Africa are malnourished. Malnutrition is implicated in more than half of all child deaths worldwide – a proportion unmatched by any infectious disease since the Black Death. About 183 million children weigh less than they should for their age. To satisfy the world’s sanitation and food requirements would cost $13 billion – what the people of the United … [Read more...]
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