By DAVID ETTINGER, Baptist Press ORLANDO, Fla. (BP) – When the church he leads became “doers of the Word,” akin to the exhortation in James 1:22, David Uth said it was “far beyond what I had prepared myself for.” For several weeks, Uth had been teaching a sermon series on the Book of James. In preparation for James 2:14-26 -- the “faith without works” passage -- the pastor sensed a stirring to try something different at First Baptist Church in Orlando, Fla. [img_assist|nid=6853|title=Pastor David Uth listens as a church staff member relays needs of a family during a Sunday service at First Baptist, Orlando|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67]“While I was working, praying and reading through this passage of James, it struck me that it’s one thing for people to be aware of needs in their neighborhood or city, but it became very clear to me that there are needs right in our worship center. “I figured, if we were going to be doers of the Word, then let’s start with those who sit next to us.” With that, Uth concluded his teaching on the passage during the church’s Sept. 5 worship, then asked everyone in the 3,500-seat auditorium with immediate needs to come forward. At first, people approached the stage … [Read more...]
Barna study: SBC, other denominations divided on Calvinism
By WILL HALL, Baptist Press NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The Barna Group released findings Nov. 15 that said despite what “observers and journalists have described as ... a significant trend” in terms of a Calvinism movement, numbers of Calvinists among Protestant pastors are not greater today (31 percent) than a decade ago (32 percent). The research includes four studies conducted from 2000 through 2010, each involving a minimum of 600 phone interviews with random, representative samples of clergy. Barna’s results about the broader Christian community seemingly stand in stark contrast to reports released by Southern Baptist Convention entities showing a surge in identity with five-point Calvinism in Southern Baptist life. In 2007, the North American Mission Board’s Center for Missional Research released findings that nearly 30 percent of recent seminary graduates (1998-2004) serving as church pastors identified themselves as Calvinists. Details about the sample methodology and size were not released and this study is not available for public review. This compared to 10 percent of all pastors in the SBC who affirm the five points of Calvinism, according to a 2006 LifeWay Research study of a cross-section of 413 randomly … [Read more...]
Topsy Baptist Lake Charles reports copper theft, ac units trashed
LAKE CHARLES – Topsy Baptist Church, where Lloyd Carroll has been pastor for 10 years, called the Baptist Message recently to report the loss of four air conditioning units from the back side of the rural church. He wanted to warn other churches, Carroll said. “The police came to see if we had lost them,” Carroll said. “Otherwise, we would have found out Wednesday night at church. [img_assist|nid=6856|title=Topsy Baptist Church in rural Lake Charles alerts other churches to protect their air conditioning units|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75] “They [thieves] stole those condensers sometime during the night and took them to Orange County, Texas,” Carroll said. “A sheriff’s deputy saw them on the side of the road and stopped to help, and then noticed what all they had in the back. They confessed to stealing the units and said these were from our church.” Theft of copper has becoming an increasing crime of opportunity at rural churches across the nation, so much so that at its recent annual meeting the South Carolina Baptist Convention passed a resolution about it that “express[es] our need for Divine intervention to stop the property destruction from copper theft.” Copper these days sells for about … [Read more...]
COMINGS & GOINGS James Sample resigns as pastor of Baptist Temple, Alexandria. Billy Carpenter, new as pastor Bluff Creek Baptist, Clinton. Reggie Ogea, new as interim pastor Calvary Baptist, Slidell. Dennis (wife Peggy) Allen, new as pastor at Fordoche Baptist, Fordoche. Gray (wife Tammy) Pearson, new as pastor at First Baptist, Port Allen. NEEDED Full-time pastor at Koran Baptist, Haughton; send resume to Ronnie Garrison, Pastor Search Committee, 5158 Hwy. 527, Haughton LA 71037 or email Part-time children’s minister at First Baptist, Lecompte; send resume to Personnel Committee, PO Box 1070, Lecompte LA 71346; Milton Wilson, pastor. Pastor at Memorial Baptist, Bogalusa; send resume to Memorial Baptist Church, 1509 South Columbia St, Bogalusa LA 70427. Pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist, Prairieville; send resume to Tammy N. Blanchard 16448 Henderson Bayou Road, Prairieville LA 70769 or Donnell Nickens, 16481 Newman Nickens, Prairieville LA 70769. Pastors in Winn Baptist Association: Crews New Salem Baptist, Montgomery; Dodson Baptist, Dodson; Lakeside Baptist, Winnfield; Laurel Heights Baptist, Winnfield; Yankee Springs Baptist, Goldonna. Pastors in Shady Grove Baptist Association: Harmony … [Read more...]
Fishing, sun, place to stay welcome Isle visitors
GRAND ISLE – First Baptist Church of Grand Isle had a display at the 2010 annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention for three reasons, said Doug Miles, a deacon at the church. First was to say thank you to all the churches and volunteers who have helped the church – started in 1956 – many times after storms have hit the island that dips into Barataria Bay. Second, “When we are not rebuilding, during the good times, we want to invite Baptist churches to come down and use our church as a resort ministry,” Miles said. “Men can come down and have a Bible study fishing trip. Women can come down and have a Bible study birdwatching trip.” It was the second year for the church to have a display at the annual meeting, Miles said. “We always have a lot of interest,” the deacon said. “I was amazed at the people in northern Louisiana who were not aware of [our church in] Grand Isle, and certainly not aware of this facility available for them to utilize.” First Grand Isle has folding bunk beds and stackable mattresses, plus kitchen and shower facilities. Third, churches are also needed to help with ministries to visitors that take place during the summer redfish and speckled trout saltwater fishing tournaments, among … [Read more...]
Messengers hear reports at 2010 annual meeting
ALEXANDRIA – In addition to great speakers and an opportunity to fellowship with other Louisiana Baptists, the LBC annual meeting provides a time for the staff, as well as LBC and SBC entities, to report on the ministries they lead. Wayne Taylor, executive director of the Louisiana Baptist Foundation, reported distributions of more than $3 million were made in 2009, and since the Foundation was established in 1944, more than $99 million has been distributed for the benefit of Baptist causes. Taylor also reported that 446 Louisiana Baptist churches, agencies and institutions had more than $70 million on deposit with the Foundation’s short term fund as of 2009. The Louisiana College report included music provided by the LC Marching Band, Voices of LC, and the Louisiana College Chorale. J. Michael Johnson, founding dean of LC’s Judge Paul Pressler School of Law, was also introduced. LC’s fall enrollment was up to 1,870 students, reported President Joe Aguillard. Enrollment has increased by 89 percent – from 1,005 in 2005 – over the past five years, Aguillard said. “LC is continuing an outpost in Africa,” Aguillard continued. The college was approached with an opportunity, and next summer will be sending faculty to … [Read more...]
Practical Ways for Revival Preparation
By JAKE ROUDKOVSKI, Director of Supervised Ministry New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Editor’s Note: See parts 1 and 2, and a more complete rendering of part 3, on (Search for Dr. Roudkovski’s name.) Although some have pronounced local church revival meetings “dead,” they are much alive in many churches. It is my conviction that the effectiveness of revival meetings will depend on the stewardship of that methodology by the local church. The more churches are willing to prepare, the more they place themselves in the position to reach people for Christ. Let me suggest several practical ways that may help churches benefit from a revival meeting. Purpose When church leadership begins to sense that God is leading them to schedule a revival meeting, they need to ask what the purpose of such an event should be. Will it be primarily for evangelism or revitalization of a local congregation? The purpose will dictate a strategy for preparation. If the primary purpose is evangelism, the strategy may differ from that one if the primary purpose is revitalization. Even though a church selects the primary purpose as evangelism, it may experience a spiritual renewal among the membership. In … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered
Archie England says: All four Gospels record John the Baptist using Isaiah 40:3 (“Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God”) to evoke a response from his Jewish audience. For John, Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ (= Messiah). Is that what Isaiah the prophet expected? Let’s investigate. Isaiah prophesied numerous messianic prophecies concerning the Christ. For example, he anticipated the messiah’s region of birth (9:1-2), his Davidic lineage (11:1f), his miraculous birth (7:14), his anointing by the Spirit (61), his sovereign character (9:6,7), his servant-like mission (42-53), and his powerful ability to save or destroy (59-63). Isaiah clearly anticipated a future Messiah, both as a suffering servant and the ruling sovereign. What’s more, John the Baptist viewed Isaiah’s prophesies as relevant for his mission, as well. Consequently, John used Isaiah 40 because it directly applied to his task, preparing the way for the Christ. So, just how well did John the Baptist’s employment of Isaiah 40 fit Isaiah’s messianic expectation? By the time that Isaiah uttered his comfort speech (Isaiah 40), the association of a highway with the future hope of salvation was already set. Three previous … [Read more...]
Leaving a legacy for future generations
Leg•a•cy [leg-uh-see] noun – anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor; inheritance, heritage. What will your descendants remember about you? What will the world at large remember? What will be your legacy? An explosion of genealogy sites on the Internet demonstrates just how widespread is our desire to know about our ancestors. But if we want to know about the lives of those who went before us, we can be certain that those who come after us will want to learn about our lives. Everyone leaves a legacy. The only question is whether that legacy will be good, bad, or indifferent. More importantly for the Christian, will that legacy reflect a life of faithful stewardship that continues to impact future generations for the glory of God? Only be on your guard and diligently watch yourselves, so that you don’t forget the things your eyes have seen and so that they don’t slip from your mind as long as you live. Teach them to your children and your grandchildren. – Deuteronomy 4:9 (HCSB) … [Read more...]
Leaving a legacy through adoption
Leon and Ann Hyatt started attending classes at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in the fall of 1949. They were married during the Christmas holidays that same year. Dr. Hyatt pastored Woodlawn Baptist Church, just outside Lake Charles, during the entire time at NOBTS. Ann completed a Master of Religious Education degree in 1951. Leon graduated with his Th.D. degree in 1955. They moved from their home in New Orleans to their church field in Lake Charles. Over time, Leon and Ann discovered that they couldn’t have children of their own. After a season of prayer, they were convinced that God wanted them to be parents and sensed God’s leading to adopt. [img_assist|nid=6864|title=Leon Hyatt, pastor of Grace Baptist, Pineville, and wife Ann, a trustee at the Childrens Home, adopted four children|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=90] They began the process of adopting their first child from the Baptist Women’s Home in New Orleans. This ministry would be renamed Sellers Baptist Maternity Home and Adoption Center in 1961, in honor of Dr. Thomas B. Sellers, a New Orleans obstetrician who had volunteered his services for 33 years. In January 1991, Sellers became a ministry of the Louisiana Baptist Children’s … [Read more...]
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