Submitted by philip on Mon, 11/17/2014 - 12:26 Bobby Stults, pastor of Oak Park Baptist Church New Orleans, (left) was elected as vice president of the Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Board while David Cranford, pastor of First Baptist Church Ponchatoula, was elected as president. Select rating Give it 1/5 Give it 2/5 Give it 3/5 Give it 4/5 Give it 5/5 Give it 1/5 Give it 2/5 Give it 3/5 Give it 4/5 Give it 5/5 … [Read more...]
David Hankins honored
Submitted by philip on Mon, 11/17/2014 - 12:30 Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Bobby Stults (left) presented David E. Hankins and his wife Patty on the ‘occasion of his 10th anniversary as Executive Director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention,’ with a plaque and an arrangement of roses. The resolution passed by the executive committee stated “the board’s gratitude for Hankins’ ministry, consistent walk with Christ, his commitment to the work and ministry of the LBC, and a pledge to lift him in prayer and support for the causes of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, … [Read more...]
Day of Prayer set for Central Louisiana
Director of Missions Robert Daniel By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer WOODWORTH – Building on a movement of prayer in the state that began in June, a third prayer gathering has been scheduled for Oct. 22 in central Louisiana. Scheduled at Tall Timbers Conference Center’s Magnolia Room, the prayer gathering will focus primarily on the needs of the central part of the state, though some attention will be given to needs in Louisiana and the nation. Pastors from Big Creek, Central Louisiana and North Rapides associations will lead prayers and a praise team from one of the churches in the area will lead the music. Robert Daniel, who is director of missions for the three associations, said the prayer gathering was scheduled after Louisiana Baptist Convention President Steve Horn began calling for an emphasis on prayer, including the idea of people holding prayer gatherings for pastors in their specific area of the state. “We are responding because our hearts are drawn to what our state convention president has asked, which is for us to pray,” Daniel said. “Our hearts resonate with that need and we want to be a part of that. “We believe there are many church needs to focus on and our college, though we won’t get into any … [Read more...]
Don Wilton: Despite challenges, pastors must still press on
Submitted by philip on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:28 Don Wilton was the keynote speaker for the E4 Preaching Conference at First Baptist Pineville. Wilton, who is pastor of First Baptist Spartanburg, SC, delivered three messages based out of the book of Hebrews. By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer PINEVILLE – In a time when it is becoming easier to be disheartened in ministry, Don Wilton encouraged pastors to press on despite challenges. “If there is anything that we need and if there is anything I need, if I could make any recommendation to you, it would be simply this,” Wilton said. “Preach Jesus. How can anything be so simple and yet so deeply profound?” Wilton said that too often, people are gravitating toward the more popular things, which can make it difficult for a pastor trying to preach God’s word. He said pastoring is becoming more difficult by the day. “And if you are not careful, you will very quickly become disheartened in your ministry, and you will start asking the wrong questions and looking for the wrong solutions,” he said. “It’s very easy today to get swept up in what someone may or may not be doing. It’s very easy to become impressed by large crowds and methods and methodologies that seemingly … [Read more...]
Executive Board receives 2020 update; deals with budget issues
By Philip Timothy, Managing Editor WOODWORTH – Louisiana Baptists you have the power. You also have a plan to unleash that power. Better known as the 2020 Report, the plan is a carefully drafted seven-year strategy in which Louisiana Baptists can do a more effective job of reaching and engaging the lost for God’s Kingdom. At its annual Fall meeting on Sept. 30 at Tall Timbers Conference Center, the Executive Board of the Louisiana Baptist Convention got a progress report on the implementation of the 2020 Commission’s action plan for reaching the next generation and every people group in the state. “If you came to the executive board meeting hoping 2020 would reveal to you the silver bullet that would solve all of your ministry problems, sorry, we don’t have it,” LBC Executive Director David Hankins said. “It doesn’t work that way.” In his report to the executive board, Hankins used his time by allowing the chairmen of the different committees to detail the work that has taken place since the convention approved the 2020 Commission Report last November. The board heard about the progress being made on reaching the next generation and every people group in the state. They heard about congregational revitalization, church … [Read more...]
2020 Commission Report – Finding a fresh focus
Submitted by philip on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:34 David Cranford, pastor of First Baptist Ponchatoula, (left) speaks during a recent meeting of the Next Generation Task Force. This group is focusing on how to reach the next generation of Louisiana Baptists and is one of two audiences identified to reach as part of the President’s 2020 Commission. The 2020 recommendations were crafted collaboratively by a commission of 400 Louisiana Baptist leaders, pastors, staff members, laymen and women working in 20 subcommittees of 20 members each. By Marilyn Stewart, Regional Reporter Like a familiar landmark leading a wayward traveler home, the 2020 strategy for reaching Louisiana with the Gospel by the year 2020 can help a church get back on the right track. So said Philip Robertson, pastor of Philadelphia Baptist Church in Deville and a 2020 Commission subcommittee chairperson, in a written statement reflecting on the potential of the 2020 vision, a seven-year initiative that seeks to maximize Louisiana Baptists effectiveness in Gospel ministry. Robertson, an avid hunter, compared the 2020 initiative to finding directional bearings again after being lost in the woods. “There is an incredible sense of relief when you find that … [Read more...]
LBCH board updated on cottages, Haiti, 127 Conference
Submitted by philip on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:38 Following a recent meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries trustees, a re-dedication ceremony was held for Hope Cottage. The home built in the 1970s was renovated with new flooring, updated kitchen and elimination of paneling inside the home. A nearby apartment for cottage parents also was updated. Those photographed at the ribbon cutting were, from left, Perry Hancock, Children’s Home president, Bobby G. and Sandra McCullin (donors), and William L. Smith, chairman of the LBCH board of trustees. By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer MONROE – Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries staff members understand the value of having the proper living arrangements for residents on their campus and what effect it can have in a successful and changed life during their months and years there. “It’s a warm and inviting environment,” said Perry Hancock, CEO and President of the Louisiana Baptist entity. “When they can move into a place that looks like a home, it helps our children to be acclimated more easily.” Since 2013, quite a bit of activity has occurred on its campus in Monroe for renovations and construction of cottages – a home for up … [Read more...]
Evangelism helps churches reach people through revitalization
By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer ALEXANDRIA – How can your church grow by 10 percent and baptize at least one more child and youth annually as we head toward the year 2020? This is the question being proposed to Louisiana’s 1600 congregations by the Evangelism and Church Growth Team of Louisiana Baptists as part of a church revitalization strategy. “Nothing happens without intentionality,” said Louisiana Baptists Evangelism Associate Keith Manuel. “We will never reach anyone if we don’t intend to do it. It takes hard, intentional work, bathed in prayer and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to accomplish the task. “Every third person you see in Louisiana is not in any religious place of worship,” he continued. “The fields are ripe for the harvest.” This revitalization strategy is in response to the final report of the President’s 2020 Commission. Appointed after the 2012 Louisiana Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in West Monroe, the President’s 2020 Commission was tasked with developing and recommending a seven-year ministry strategy for maximizing the effectiveness of Louisiana Baptists in reaching the lost through the year 2020. The commission was comprised of 400 Louisiana Baptist leaders broken into 20 sub … [Read more...]
God at work in merger of two churches in New Iberia
Submitted by philip on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:42 The predominantly black Genesis Baptist Church and the predominantly white Trinity Baptist Church officially became one church in late July. Ernie Davis is missions and education minister while Samuel Blaylock is pastor of the merged church, which is now Trinity Baptist Church in New Iberia. By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer NEW IBERIA – The meeting at the local Starbucks that November morning was originally a discussion by Genesis Baptist Church to utilize Trinity Baptist Church’s facility for just worship services. But little did the pastors of the two churches realize at the time that God had much more in store for the New Iberia congregations, one predominantly white and the other predominantly black. Early on, everything happened as planned. The two congregations unanimously approved the idea and plans were made for the two congregations to fellowship over donuts and coffee. Soon, the congregations felt led to hold a joint Vacation Bible School. A closer relationship and bond was being formed. “The congregations grew closer and it was at that time that the Holy Spirit began to move upon the hearts of both congregations that they needed to be one body,” … [Read more...]
Jones relates her story of abuse, forgivness in book
By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer VIXEN – Nearly 23 years ago, Yvonne Jones thought she had met the man of her dreams. Recently separated from her husband of eight years, Jones was treated by this new man in her life to candlelight dinners, roses and special attention given to her son as well. “After a few short months I found myself being swept off my feet,” Jones said. However, the joyful experience was short-lived, as Jones moved in with the man and began to suffer abuse. “Because I was a Christian and was ashamed of the mistake I had made, I stayed praying that somehow I could get him to change,” Jones said. “He played guitar and sang gospel music in church and I played piano and sang myself so I knew if I just prayed, things would be OK.” However, the situation turned worse. The abuse continued not only for Jones but for her children. One year after their relationship began, this man who was now her husband was convicted of murder of her six-year-old son. After the funeral, Jones and her husband were arrested, though Jones said the district attorney said she had nothing to do with the murder. “The DA said he knew I had nothing to do with what happened and he wasn’t charging me for what I did, but what I didn’t … [Read more...]
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