By Karen L. Willoughby, Managing Editor OAK GROVE – The five people who died June 22 as a result of a church van crash all made professions of faith within the last 18 months. The 3,000 close-knit people who live in and around Oak Grove are broken with grief, said Greg Dunn, pastor of New Zion Baptist Church. Providentially, he added, a year ago the 50 or more churches of several denominations in West Carroll Parish began planning for an area-wide crusade that is set to begin July 10. A 4-year-old killed in the one-vehicle crash was born on July 10. “We believe what Satan meant for harm, God will use for good,” Dunn said. “We are going to honor their lives by many souls coming to the Lord.” Investigation continues into the cause of the crash, which took place in daylight about five miles from New Zion Baptist, as the 15-passenger white church van took folks home from Wednesday night church. Killed were Portia Thornton and her two daughters: Katelyn, 19, and Brittany, 12, as well as Emma Adams, 4, who was visiting the church, and driver Joey McKan. Six others were injured, some critically. “I will never forget that night, … [Read more...]
Fear of God or government: One leads to freedom, the other tyranny
By Kelly Boggs, Editor In the classic work 1984, George Orwell wrote about a day when government would eventually morph into a ubiquitous, all-seeing, all-controlling Big Brother. While the British author’s prognostication might have been off a few decades, his fictitious view of the future seems to be slowly, but surely, becoming reality. Conservatives, liberals and libertarians don’t agree on much. However, there is one subject that most see eye-to-eye on, which is that our world is becoming more monitored and more regulated with each passing day. And while government isn’t always the culprit, we nonetheless are being watched. Surveillance cameras abound. Most of our movements can be traced by surveillance cameras strategically positioned in parking lots, stores, ATMs and on traffic lights. If while going through airport security you are randomly selected or happen to have the tiniest bit of metal on you, you are likely to be subjected to scrutiny just short of a strip search. Actually, these days you might even be subjected to scrutiny sans your clothing. Have you noticed the packaging on most items today? It takes special tools and training to open a new CD or … [Read more...]
A Security Ministry: It happens to be your best defense
By Chester Quarles, Professor Emeritus Ron Aguiar, security director for the Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky., directs one of the largest church security units in the U.S. As a mega-church, a multi-acre campus and 14 buildings to protect, he designed a comprehensive security ministry. With the approval of his pastor, Aguiar gives security training to all ushers, deacons, and greeters. These men carry communication devices to alert others of any security or safety risk. He also established a “Nehemiah’s Team,” based on Old Testament scriptural tenets. The Jubilee Fellowship Church in Lone Tree, Colo., calls its security ministry “Shepherd’s Watch.” The ministry is based on Nehemiah, Chapter 4. Pastor John Leach asked Raleigh Rhodes, a certified protection professional and security director for a regional company to assist him in this effort. Many forward thinking church security and safety ministries have “blended” first responding agents including police, sheriff, fire, EMT and medical professionals. The security ministry is historically validated through Old Testament scripture. When Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, … [Read more...]
The Middle East: are radical governments on the horizon
By Mike Edens, Professor of Theology and Islamic Studies at NOBTS EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of two explorations of events in the Middle East. [img_assist|nid=7433|title=Mike Edens|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=73|height=100]“Should I be afraid that radical Islamic governments may result from the uprisings in various countries of the Middle East?” As an emeritus missionary who served God in the Middle East for a quarter of a century with the International Mission Board, I am familiar with questions such as this one posed in a theology class I have been teaching in a Southern Baptist church recently. The people in the class are actively praying for God’s will concerning these matters. Concerning the question of the fear of potential radical Islamic governments in the Middle East, the first part of my answer is that overcoming fear, not ignoring it, is an important part of life especially for those of us who are “in Christ.” We are usable in the hands of God to the extent that we trust Him rather than be paralyzed by fear. The reality is that any change of government in a Muslim country can result in a stronger expression of Islam. … [Read more...]
Questions We’ve Pondered: Bill Warren
By Bill Warren, Professor of New Testament and Greek at NOBTS Question: How do we know the names of those who wrote the New Testament books where authors are not mentioned? Bill Warren responds: The Gospels, Acts, and Hebrews comprise the NT books without named authors, so let’s look at these. The title pages of Gospel manuscripts (dating from the second century forward) name the authors as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, with no alternative names ever given. The Church Fathers refer to the Gospels by the names Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and ascribe Acts to Luke, with no discussion of other possible authors. We also have canon lists and prologues (introductions) to the Gospels and Acts from the late second century forward with these same authorship identifications. So all the evidence from the early church is unanimous about the authors of the Gospels and Acts. Hebrews was a different case since Paul was not named as the author. The early church debated the identity of the author, with some ascribing it to Paul, and others connecting it to a coworker of Paul (Hebrews 13:23 mentions Timothy, thus connecting the book to the Pauline circle). Around 200, Tertullian wrote that Barnabas was the … [Read more...]
Gretna church, pastor minister to needs of Haitian Community
By Irrayna Pittman, Special to the Message [img_assist|nid=7436|title=Pastor Joseph Blanchard|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=81|height=100]Gretna – In the business section of the city of Gretna on the Westbank near New Orleans sits a small building made of brick and cement block. Inside the small building, three rows of twelve pews each accommodate those who get to sit down during Sunday morning worship services. Pastor Joseph Blanchard delivers the sermon in his native Creole tongue, a language familiar to some Louisianians. The members of First Haitian Baptist Church (FHBC), however, belong to the growing community of Haitians who have migrated to the New Orleans area from regions like Florida and New York. Blanchard, himself, came to New Orleans from Haiti almost 30 years ago. Blanchard grew up in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, but claims LeoGane, Haiti, as his birthplace. He accepted Jesus as his Savior at a young age and began teaching Sunday School at 17. He worked diligently with the youth at his church until he moved to New Orleans. He goes back to Haiti every year, the pastor said.[img_assist|nid=7437|title=First Haitian Baptist Church|desc=A growing congregation – 240 members – at First Haitian Baptist Church in Gretna … [Read more...]
Resolutions, nominees for Louisiana Baptist posts sought
By Staff, LBC Communications ALEXANDRIA – Louisiana Baptists are invited to submit names of nominees for service on state convention boards and committees and to submit resolutions for possible consideration for the 2011 Louisiana Baptist Convention. The Louisiana Baptist Committee on Committees is beginning its work to nominate persons to serve on various state convention committees. Currently, 19 nominees are needed for service on committees on Credentials, Louisiana Baptist History, Moral and Social Concerns, Nominations, Order of Business and Resolutions. Committee on Committees Chair is Richard Blue. In addition, the Louisiana Baptist Committee on Nominations is beginning its work to fill vacancies on state boards. At this point, 21 nominees are needed to serve on the Convention Executive Board and as trustees of Louisiana College, the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries, the Baptist Message, and the Baptist Foundation. The Committee on Nominations Chair is Randy Ray. As in previous years, persons should submit names of nominees and the committee or board for which they are being nominated. Submissions should include information on the nominee’s church membership and current employment. Nominations … [Read more...]
Following the path God leads, Dan Daily seeks to leave his brand
By Quinn Lavespere, Message Staff Writer [img_assist|nid=7440|title=Dan Daily|desc=At this year’s Crossover, held annually prior to the Southern Baptist Convention, Dan Dailey prepares, along with his sister, Lenora, for the opening ceremonies of a wild horse demonstration, part of Crossover 2011. The two serve with their father, Paul, presenting the gospel through working with horses in Wild Horse Ministries.|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67]RUSTON – Paul Daily has earned renown for his Wild Horse Ministries, in which he uses a special gift of horse communication to preach the message of Christ. Now, his son Dan Daily wants to one day share the gospel to the unsaved in the way God leads him. “I want to follow the path that God leads me,” Daily said. “Even if it’s a different path from my father, I want to do it.” Daily, 21, said he grew up around horses. “My mother said when me and my sister Lenora came home from the hospital, my father would put us on horses in our diapers before we even got in the house,” Daily said. “In 1997, my dad started Wild Horse Ministries after God led him to do so. While he was communicating with horses, God was communicating with him. … [Read more...]
Church dedicates annex with ministry possibilities
By Staff, Baptist Message [img_assist|nid=7444|title=Annex dedication|desc=Head Construction Supervisor Ronnie Allbritton, left, and Dennis Hensley, Jr., pastor of Ouachita Baptist Church in West Monroe, stand in the recently dedicated church annex.|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67]WEST MONROE – Ouachita Baptist Church in West Monroe dedicated the Ronnie R. Allbritton Annex, named for the head construction supervisor. The newly-opened facility was a three-bedroom house converted into three classrooms. Interior bedroom walls were removed and the carport was enclosed to make the new facility usable. New flooring, insulation, windows, lighting and exterior doors were installed to complete the project. The 2,400 sq. ft. facility will house potentially three Sunday school classes, one of which is now meeting in the fellowship hall of the church, and the 25-30 RA boys who meet on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. The facility has a kitchenette area for small fellowships and meetings. More than adequate storage has been placed in the building, which also will house a washer-dryer combo to do kitchen and baptistry towels, said Pastor Dennis Hensley Jr. “The ministry possibilities are only beginning to come into focus,” he … [Read more...]
Southern Baptist leaders respond to Lottie Moon shortfall
By Staff, IMB Communications RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – Southern Baptist leaders are reacting to the news of the $145.6 million given through the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering with a mixture of gratefulness and hope for even greater sacrifice for the sake of sharing the Gospel. The offering is $3 million less than the $148.9 million Southern Baptists gave in 2009, a 2.2 percent decrease, and $8.3 million less than IMB needs to meet its 2011 operating budget. Offering receipts also fell well below the national goal of $175 million. IMB President Tom Elliff challenged Southern Baptists that this is not a time for retreat. “God says we are to totally cast ourselves upon Him for the purpose of reaching the nations,” Elliff said. “Our vision is every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ. If that is the goal then it is worth me giving everything I have and everything I am to reach that goal. When we begin to realize that, then I believe God is going to pour out abundant blessings on us; we become people He can trust.” Other Southern Baptist leaders shared their thoughts on the … [Read more...]
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