Archive March 29th, 2015Leaving a legacy for future generationsLeaving a legacy through adoptionLeaving a legacy through faithful stewardshipWith the help of Mega Force, CrossOver reaches communityGlory of God evident in speakers’ messages to pastorsNever in my 20-plus years attending the annual meetingQUIET TIME MESSENGERS APPROVE 10 RESOLUTIONS, TRIMMING BUDGET AT ANNUAL MEETINGFirst Amite responds with record giving; earns IMB recognition‘The Bayou’ celebrates God’s activity Nov. 14State exec challenges Louisiana Baptists to maximize Gospel workState exec challenges Louisiana Baptists to maximize Gospel workResolutions approved by messengers to the 2010 LBC annual meetingREPORTS OF CONVENTION COMMITTEESMessengers unanimously re-elected President Rod Masteller as LBC Convention PresidentIs there gospel urgency or an eschatological fad?The Keys to Benefiting from a Revival MeetingQuestions We’ve PonderedYEC moves from Lafayette Cajundome back to Rapides ColiseumThree distinguished LC alumni honored at homecoming chapelThree inducted into LC Hall of Fame; Collins first LC softball inducteeGiving God the Glory Good credits Christ-filled life for his successReal Hope for the Hungry in MemphisBlack church leaders gather in Nashville for Sunday School trainingCambodian Baptists seek church-to-church partnershipsUniversal Pen Pal Project needs help from studentsMinistry warms laps and heartsMILESTONESEvangelist overcomes cancer, Cerebral Palsy to speak at Calvary MonroeWhen There’s No Time for Your MarriageGod provides chapel at Bayou Dorcheat Correctional CenterCripps earns grand champion crown at Baptist Golf Fellowship Fall TourneyThe Counseling ConnectionFrank Page: Cooperative Program remains importantMaking a difference in the lives of senior adultsLBC Executive Board approves 5.58 percent reduction of budgetOn Cooperative Giving, Our Common Method For Reaching the Peoples of the World with the GospelResolution on Cooperative Giving, Our Common Method for Reaching the Peoples of the World with the GospelChurches statewide keep busy with mission projectsLafayette races for missionsThe Spiritual Discipline of examining one’s love lifeQuestions We’ve PonderedLBC Board passes resolution supporting CP, HankinsSix-year-old starts ministry to aid friendPage speaks to EC, stresses partnershipsChurch Plant Reaching One Million Students in Sao PauloWayne Jenkins practices what he preaches: Evangelism must be intentionalRemember your Sunday School class members serving elsewhereBluff Creek Baptist Church in Clinton celebrates with Interim Pastor Ed Jenkins on his 85th birthdayMILESTONESBuilding on Faith Mandeville construction company adds Faith Division to its servicesDunn leads powerful spiritual surge at First VivianThe Spiritual Discipline of Examining one’s love lifeQuestions We’ve PonderedChristians in politicsThere is a cost in following Christ, but it’s worth itAnnual meeting celebrates Louisiana Baptists’ workChurch responds to member’s cancerMessengers must register for LBC annual meetingPastors Conference focus: The glory of GodKeith: Sunday School training leads to discipleshipFoundation’s Wayne Taylor leads by exampleMILESTONESCenla churches plan homeless awareness eventCrockett Point Baptist’s groundbreaking service was held recentlyVacation Bible School strengthens churchesLOUISIANA CHILDREN’S HOME IN FOCUSHow can LBCH AND FM serve you or someone you know?Port Barre Pastor’s story a testament to God’s workO. K. Corral Church to hold Rough Stock Training CampCLASSIFIED ADS (unrestricted content)FIGHTING TO SURVIVE–Old perish from hunger as young struggleThe Facts on HungerPastor Compensation keeps up with inflation‘Experiencing God’: 20 years, 45 languagesIMB trustees honor Rankin, move on GCR recommendationsHaitians begin to carry Buckets of Hope homeWMU quilt makes it personalMILESTONESFAITH Riders provide fitting end to High Pursuit youth campMichelangelo’s Daniel is very interestingQuestions We’ve PonderedBrewster, congregation ‘Shoot’ for Success at Eros Cowboy ChurchPastor shows ‘Special Forces’ vigor for GodLouisiana BCMs and Churches ON MISSIONAlpine’s Prison Ministry helping set captives freeChildren’s Home honors cottage parent couple26th annual Brazil mission tripCamp USA brings foreign missions homeTHE BEST ADVICE Minister s Wives speaking to Minister s WivesThe Counseling ConnectionConcerned with the issues facing Southern BaptistsInspect proposed science textbooks and commentSeven mistakes I have made in my ministryTime for country to experience revival, Great AwakeningAFTER THE CLEAN-UP Ministry doors will open when BP leaves, cash flow stopsElton pastor, others ride for the LordKatrina: Five years and countingBEL Credit Union elects new managerTime for country to experience revival, Great AwakeningKATRINA’S LESSONS Not lost on today’s Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams‘Great Expectations’ online training surpassed expectationsGathering teaches pastors, laymen how to pray for lostTrustees learn Foundation operating well within budgetBaptistries fillMILESTONESPrayerwalking curtails crime in Greater New OrleansOwner uses coffee shop to preach Gospel, set up future churchQUESTIONS WE’VE PONDEREDFishing tournament helps out two different types of familiesBlackwell leads movement to send troops prayer quiltsSUMMER MISSIONS COMINGS AND GOINGSMultiple stories measure Katrina’s impactChurches, neighborhoods have grown closerLeaving our prints on this cityAsk God to spiritually transform us and this nationRedefining marriage has some definite consequencesThe ‘wounds’ of a friend are trustworthyA CONNECTION Response to Katrina help strengthened associationsComplying with new FCC rules could be a ‘budget stretcher’Book of Chronicles has important spot in ScriptureLC nursing addresses state board’s concernsAvery Willis dies at 76Louisiana Evangelism wins NAMB awardKATRINA NOTESDENNIS WATSON: Metairie pastor reflects on Greater New OrleansKatrina Poydras grows benevolent fundE. J. Scott: Black pastor provides his insights on KatrinaLONNIE WASCOM reflects on Katrina’s ImpactFirst New Orleans takes new ground for ChristTobey Pitman weathers storm from new perchKatrina’s volunteers led people to GodNOBTS: Katrina’s fury; God’s merciesDisplaced Catholics find new home with BaptistsResolutions, nominees for Louisiana Baptist posts soughtMasteller invites all pastors to Aug. 9 prayer meeting for lostProviding more money for reaching the nationsGod uses ‘nobodies’WHY YOUR FAITH IS SECURE: It is based on an unchanging status of relationshipQuestions We’ve PonderedRacial reconciliation swirls around the stateFirst Jackson Celebrates 175th anniversaryA Different ApproachInterim pastor leads First Vidalia in amazing spiritual surgeSHARING THEIR VISION Wright sees Baptists returning to first love, making radical shift in CP priorities; Page wants unity, people to witness Baptists are loving, sharing peopleWong’s move shares Christ with manyMontgomery Mission Center ‘harvests’ hope for peopleMILESTONESMedia conference urges collaboration, not competitionLifeWay event offers free online Sunday school training, adviceRuth Carlisle’s life: A Wonderful legacy« Previous Page 1 … 97 98 99 100 101 … 137 Next Page »