Archive April 1st, 2015Questions We’ve PonderedIran places American pastor in solitary confinementStudent-inspired Bible study impacts Branch communityNOBTS trustees adds new academic division, degreesNOBTS trustees commend Kelley’s leadershipChildren’s Home Sunday Annual Offering — June 92020 Summit gathers state leaders, examines trendsHankins delivers sobering news to 2020 CommissionWMU celebrates missions at 113th annual meetingCelebration Metairie starts 57th congregationLouisiana MilestonesWinners impress in LBC Speaker’s Tourney/Bible DrillMovie “42” fails to break “God Line,” critic chargesLeaked reports, ballot votes and being BaptistDonations are not solution to Louisiana College’s problemsLC dominates LBC Spring Executive Board meetingCollection sites established for Oklahoma Disaster ReliefLC dominates LBC Spring Executive Board meetingA special Mother’s Day Gift: In life-saving transplant, son donates part of liver to motherLeaked reports, ballot votes and being BaptistDonations are not solution to Louisiana College’s problemsThere’s martyrdom in North AfricaQuestions We’ve PonderedChurches urged to apply for BP CompensationSeminar equips churches to minister to older adultsCamp USA to bring youngsters from South Korea to Cenla and PonchatoulaLC graduates 170 during spring commencementBackyard VBS is springboard for Avoyelles church growthFoundation trustees’ work to improve portfolio performance paying offGood news highlights LBCH Trustees meetingNew digital delivery of Message highlights Message board meetingCampers on Mission serve unique role in LouisianaLouisiana MilestonesPolicy change has Boy Scouts hanging in the balanceTackling mental illness becomes priority for Staten Island churchBusiness professionals gaining vision for international outreachRA Congress rounding up young menCooke, Lee serve as keynotes for President’s 2020 SummitRoyal Ambassador summer round-upWho is really anti-science? It’s proponents of abortionWe should dedicate ourselves to praying in full surrenderLetters to the EditorLetters to the EditorThe ‘10 Commandments’ for guest-friendly churchesQuestions We’ve PonderedThe Supreme Court tackles homosexual marriageFaith-based group brings storm-ravaged parish labor, love, and a shot in the armM-Jam helps to stir hearts for missionsMen, women, teens invited to the Call of the CaptainChurches utilizing social media for outreach, communicationFred Luter to highlight NOBTS annual Senior FestBEL Credit Union opens membership to all Louisiana BaptistsWorld’s seafarers come to Center to hear the gospelMoore elected ERLC PresidentRepresentatives from Region 3 meet for Disaster Relief trainingLouisiana MilestonesBiblical teaching now considered a hate crime in CanadaThe role Faith had in HIV cureTemple Baptist’s new children’s building part of a growing trend in stateMinistry give truckers a spiritual fill-upBCWJC offers hand upLouisiana Baptist Boston Marathon runners counting their blessings, searching for answers‘Pray for Boston,’ local leaders say after deadly bombingsScouts propose allowing gay-identifying youth2020 Summit marks half-way point of President’s 2020 CommissionDozens of Decisions at annual Angola Prison RevivalBe the church: Servants at work!Support for same-sex marriage not based on scientific factThe Cooperative Program & the future of collaborative ministryRemembering the time I was given a Bible I didn’t wantAfter-birth abortion’ – A moment of clarity in debateQuestions We’ve PonderedFirst Baptist ‘Loves Lafayette’ ministry ripples through cityLC places law school building on the marketAs pastor and police chief, God has opened doors for BilliotChildren ‘encounter’ Christ at Mamou skating rinkThibodaux wins 2013 Baptist Golf Fellowship2013 Baptist Golf Fellowship Team Champions2013 Baptist Golf Fellowship Scramble ChampionsAt governor’s prayer breakfast, Bowden tells guests to make themselves availableLouisiana MilestonesBreaking the mainstream media’s Gosnell blackoutLuter names Committee on Resolutions for 2013 SBC99-year-old M.O. Owens remembers the birth of the Cooperative ProgramQuestions We’ve PonderedThe Supreme Court tackles homosexual marriageSituation at LC unfoldsPastors promote heaven-on-earth worshipPlease, just the factsWhat to do now that the Calvinists are here?Why all the buzz? Further thoughts on the present Calvinism ConversationOperation Auca: Martyrs of the Ecuador MissionQuestions We’ve PonderedMessages on revival, prayer highlight OneCry Conference at Louisiana CollegeBig Creek Evangelism Rally has an impact on those in attendanceFirst Bossier helps to establish mission for the people of Myanmar – First ZoGuidestone’s tax guide is availableOne for the money – and the showObama appoints openly gay judge to U.S. Court of AppealsMan’s home is his mission fieldLouisiana MilestonesSecretChurch simulcastLC Board met, will meet again April 30Seminar increases awareness on Human TraffickingSomething to think about when dealing with criticismLetter to the EditorQuestions We’ve PonderedPassover: Jesus’ interpretation of his deathLuter in North Carolina addresses CP, Calvinism, gay marriageCenla Christian Academy finds a home at Trinity Baptist PinevilleESTATE STEWARDSHIP: Planning to give? Counting the waysCharitable Giving ConceptsCenla pastors, leaders view Tall Timbers, GB CenterLuter signs open letter on Governor Jindal’s sales tax increaseLouisiana MilestonesFirst Sulphur sets focus on missionsGay father defends the need for traditional marriageMD degree provides the means for Rogers to spread the GospelNew HHS rule on abortion mandate ‘inadequate’Guns: ‘Packing heat in church’ increasingly allowed in U.S.Prayer impacts 2013 Evangelism ConferenceAttendees respond, bring 3,000 pounds of canned goods, staplesThis lawsuit on homosexuality should be closely watchedThe moral evacuation of the Boy Scouts of AmericaLet’s get real for Jesus ChristIf church is important to you, let’s make it important for everyoneLeadership Lessons: Strength, Strategy, and SecurityLouisiana church’s poverty game raises $30,000 for hungerBig ministry in Big Apple: Sandy ends busy 2012 for Louisiana Disaster Relief volunteersSandy Hook a tragedy to be sure, but what about abortion?Do you know how much I really, really hate typos?It is time for us to speak up for those who have no voiceTwelve spiritual tips for new yearImpact of a Baptist missionary’s widow on Lottie MoonQuestions We PonderSACS to continue LC ‘warning status’Frank Page issues SBC-wide call to prayer for 20132013 Prayer Journals prepare hearts for LBC Evangelism Conference10-year-old Emma battles child slaveryMilestonesLBCEA preps for open table discussion session, annual ‘March 2013’ retreatNOBTS Angola Prison extension mentioned on Jeopardy! episodeCarry the Gospel amid tragedy, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary grads urgedLBCH president pleased with extension of Adoption Tax CreditNew Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Florida Baptist Convention help give hope to Haiti seminariansHobby Lobby finds short-term way to avoid finesRoe v. Wade helped awaken, renew Southern BaptistsEvangelism Conference adopts ‘can’ do approach to servingHats off to the past-coats off to the futureWhy is smoking pot okay but smoking tobacco isn’t? Pot« Previous Page 1 … 89 90 91 92 93 … 137 Next Page »