Archive March 19th, 2015Effort seeks to affirm – ‘We Still Pray’‘Deadly dangerous’A child’s plea – ‘Help us, we are suffering terribly’He was ready to run, primed to run, on his way to run…Hope is scarce in Chechnya – but Baptists are at workFor this Louisianian, music has been a lifetime ministryKey Louisiana church-state case decided – finallyUnited with ChristFuture of Texas – SBC relationship remains to be seenSoul competencyAmerican faith – mixed beliefs‘I still do’ – LBC church leads couples to renew vowsThink a bit on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on prayerFollowing the shoreline is a good idea – as long as What can churches do – and not do – in elections?Louisianians hit ‘home run’ for gospel at baseball seriesTeamKID – music, games, activities with a gospel purposeMarch 18th, 2015“In God we trust”No lights or camera – just hopeTeamKID – music, games, activities with a gospel purposeLouisianians hit ‘home run’ for gospel at baseball seriesWhat can churches do – and not do – in elections?Following the shoreline is a good idea – as long as Think a bit on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on prayer‘I still do’ – LBC church leads couples to renew vowsAmerican faith – mixed beliefsSoul competencyFuture of Texas – SBC relationship remains to be seenUnited with ChristKey Louisiana church-state case decided – finallyFor this Louisianian, music has been a lifetime ministryHope is scarce in Chechnya – but Baptists are at workHe was ready to run, primed to run, on his way to run…WMU members challenged to shine the light of ChristIt takes a village to train a 12-year-old driverSomeone said for work to be enjoyable, it must be fulfilling, adequately compensated and not too much of it.Adopt An Annuitant – a ministry that ‘touches the heart of God’Court rejects pregame high school football prayersSBC messengers approve their first-ever Statement supporting capital punishmentResolutions address, threats of globalism, religious persecutionLeader announces Internet prayer room, save-a-family effortConvention declines to form reconciliation committeeMessengers adopt revised Baptist Faith and MessageAnother year – another record for Lottie Moon givingLeaders affirm religious freedom, right to evangelizeSoul compentency’The Louisiana connectionOne-year delayGambling causes ruinA heartfelt thanksAppeal denied in case of Louisiana evolution disclaimerMessengers elect Louisiana Baptist to national postLeader: State Legislative session over – gambling danger remains‘A penny for your thoughts’ – and love‘Where most Baptists are’Nguyen – a story of freedomHer gift never was in question – neither has been her use of itLongtime chaplain affirms the power of blessingOnce Again, Southern Baptists use their annual meeting to share Christ with othersFrom South to North – judge takes long step of faithThe kids really are listening: Parents can impact youth, studies showTransformation of national convention now completeRude, crude – and profane Studies show media awash in sex, violence, profanity“Sin taxes” sound like a really good idea – but wait …’30-Hour Famine’ helps 21 youth to understandTuesday speakers preach on passionIs your candidate mean enough to be president?King’s legacy shared at conferencePair of proposals offered to bridge stem cell research debateMore American businesses moving to embrace basic Christian valuesMarch 13th, 2015Construction of Museum of the Bible UnderwayCourt Rules Same-sex Marriage Rights Trump Florist’s BeliefsAla. Supreme Court halts same-sex marriage licensesMarch 6th, 2015Cooperative Program is 4.81 percent ahead of projectionsTennessee Temple to close, merge with PiedmontGod revealing Himself in new ways through The Gathering PlaceMission awareness and activity once again focal point of M-JAMRA Congress provides boys a little taste of pioneer daysDR Roundtables prepare teams to properly respond to crisisLBCH trustees briefed on adoption, foster care, construction progressMovement by God has turned New Life into a healthy, growing church goes hereLevel Ground uses park to minister, reach peoplePraying for the MillennialThree things healthy churches emphasizeSometimes all any of us can do is to just pray ‘Help!’Fear not, trust God – One promise beats four global threatsPlatt unveils ‘reset’ of IMB strategy, structure to trusteesWarden Burl Cain mulling possible run for governorIt’s time for participants to register for annual revival at AngolaAngola expanding NOBTS extension center buildingTrustees unanmiously select Rick Brewer as LC PresidentFebruary 23rd, 2015Among younger Southern Baptist there is a rising invovlementLouisiana NotablesHouston verdict leaves both sides claiming victory in caseFoundation trustees receive positive news at February meetingStudents instructed to walk by faith, not by sight at CECWomen encouraged to ‘pour themselves out’ in service to GodLetter to The EditorT-Mobile’s Super Bowl ad not so funnyKelley: Small has become the ‘new big’Homosexuality and the question, ‘Has God said?’« Previous Page 1 … 135 136 137