Archive March 22nd, 2015Speaker offers help for ministers to get ‘unslumped’Baptist group declines to change policy on homosexualsLouisianians join in family-style missions effortIs there hope for Africa? Missions leaders say – YES!Reports of private stem-cell research draws pro-life fireBreak free from bondage, speaker urgesGovernment money for faith-based efforts? No thanksWeekly AnnouncementsPrayer of JabezProf – ‘You can learn to deal with (stress) better’I only needed two – maybe I can sell the other 5,127‘Out of the church building – and into the world’Southern Baptist world hunger fund struggling to meet increased demandsThese DeRidder seniors took a trip – for missionsWeekly AnnouncementsThe changing family mosaicForget saving my life – what did you do with my new boots?A wise word for all – be quick to listen, careful to speakLouisiana’s ‘best-kept secret’ working hard not to stay that wayReaching New Orleans… for ChristMillions in war-torn Congo face unparalleled crisisLouisiana Baptist Children’s Home seeking to help strengthen familiesWeekly AnnouncementsWeekly Announcements2001 Meeting offered look at reformed conventionLeader calls WMU to continue ‘journey beyond belief’For Luter, the overriding goal was – ‘to life up Jesus’Louisiana pastor delivers historic convention sermonSharing gospel love in the Big Easy (Part II)Sharing gospel love in the Big Easy (Part I)Cooperative Program takes center stage as messengers adopt record budget goalMessengers re-elect Merritt as president, fill other SBC officesSBC president challenges Southern Baptists to fight necessary battlesNeeded -workers for North American ‘rescue mission’‘Go, … because we are not promised tomorrow’When it came to resolutions, these Baptists definitely were of ‘one mind’Messengers decline to change SBC faith statementLeader challenges Southern Baptists to rescue families from precipice of perilJustice is necessary – but it may not bring closureFinal report tallies Bold Mission Thrust emphasisA touch of LouisianaPastor challenges Baptists – and bring people to JesusPacesetting churchChristian responsibilityWonderful resourceWeekly AnnouncementsLouisianians recognized as ‘champions for the faith’Host of recent convention motions referred for actionMajesty of Spain: they thought their money could buy it allObservers react with concern after Dutch leaders vote to legalize euthanasiaSouthern Baptists climb toward 16 million membersSpeaker urges students to ‘anchor’ their livesNewspaper warns of ‘staggering’ negative impact of gamblingFirst Baptist Church of Covington celebrates completed relocation effortWeekly Announcements‘Dear Lord, forgive them … Lord, have mercy on us – have mercy on China’‘China needs people like you to live’‘Lord, I pray for China’Nothing is wrong with your eyes – it is the country that is in troubleBills of concern still pending in Louisiana LegislatureState leaders urge support of Cooperative ProgramHe came to Louisiana looking for work – he found moreReport cites religious persecution around the worldShangri-La or not, the people who live there need JesusFamily must be tied to church community, ethicist notesTexas report – no cut in missions fundingProf decries modern obsession with avoiding deathWe must remember this – our words reflect our heartsKey issues still to be decided in Legislature, leader saysLouisiana College Chorale completes overseas tour to ‘cradle of Christianity’Lodging for LBCWeekly AnnouncementsHe never imagined he would be fighting the NavyMillions are hungry. What are you doing about it?Get real – the ‘gospel of prosperity’ is not the truthKey issues remain undecided in Legislature, leader saysLouisiana Baptist youth compete in state Bible drill,speakers’ tournamentHer physical scar healed fast – but the others remainVarious meetings set in conjunction with 2001 SBCPositive standardWeekly Announcements‘Because God said so’In the beginning … God (Part Two)In the beginning … GodAge, pennies, Captain Kangaroo, ordering out and rapFor Louisianians, 2001 SBC is just down the roadAgree wholeheartedlyMarch 20th, 2015Every People Group Task Force continues work on planThe land of the Bible – and the Lord of our livesThe missions motivation? To follow Jesus and exalt God, leaders insistKey issues pending in state legislature – be aware, ready to act, leader urgesHave Southern Baptists transcended the South?Impact of golfer Payne Stewart’s death continuingGolf tournamentTen persons with Louisiana ties recently were appointed as overseas workers by the Southern Baptist International Mission Board.Weekly AnnouncementsWeekly AnnouncementsAddressing areas of concernLouisiana College opens health and wellness centerFaith-based plan introduced in Congress – as concerns continueAnatomy of a Rumor – Part TwoAnatomy of a Rumor – Part OneOh, brother – even with death, O’Hair petition livesIt is face the rifles, or jump into the water and swim for itLeader offers guidelines for postmodern worshipHonestly face – and deal with – conflict, speaker stressesAnother translationGrieved at commentsBeyond beliefWeekly AnnouncementsU.S. Navy biased against evangelicals, lawsuits claimChurch conflict can be resolved positively, if …Soft-spoken pastor has 39-year legacy of strong leadershipQuit laughing at me – I bet you have been in the same fix!Texas churches proving slow to embrace new budget planCincinnati pastor ministers in midst of recent riotsLouisiana Baptists, where has our influence gone?How do churches reach – and keep – the unchurched?According to the March 22 issue of the Baptist Message, the Louisiana College Board of Trustees “approved a policy change to make the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message statement the schools statement of faith.” I was deeply grieved to learn of their action. According to the March 22 issue of the Baptist Message, the Louisiana College Board of Trustees “approved a policy change to make the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message statement the schools statement of faith.” I was deeply grieved to learn of their action. I am sending a letter to the LC Board of Trustees giving my causes for concern. I believe that all Louisiana Baptists should become aware of the implications of their action and the probable results. I am also withholding my final payment of $25,000 of the $75,000 pledged to erect a fountain at the Louisiana College entrance boulevard in memory of my late husband Claude Kirkpatrick. When I can be assured that the trustees will not impose the 2000 creed upon the college, its faculty, its female members in particular and its students, then I will give the remainder. Edith Kirkpatrick Baton RougeDeeply grievedReject outrightDay of prayerSBC International Mission BoardWeekly AnnouncementsNew SBC Bible more gender-inclusive, review indicatesLeader: Bible translations should be word-for-word‘Gender-neutral’ Bible continues to spark debateFirst and foremost, he really was trying to please GodThe real power to pardon lies beyond the presidentBaptist Foundation of Arizona saga continuesSouthern Baptist leaders commit to help families ‘under severe attack’Missionary appointment service set March 10 in ShreveportRequest for prayerWeekly AnnouncementsHard push underway to salvage New Orleans casinoWomen challenged to pray – and use their lives to minister to othersThey just love to talk about hunting – and the gospelAnnuity Board policy – churches that sever SBC ties cannot participate in plansAnnual yearbook shows rank of denominationsWhen it comes to missions service, take a lesson from Mormons, leader urgesHelp, keep Louisiana off ‘slippery slope’ of gamblingGreat preachersSex on television – a study confirms what many have been saying television is filled with sex, and it is getting worseWeekly AnnouncementsA million dollar price is still cheapening to the crossBusy? Be sure to eat right, expert saysThe call to go and shareIn market downturn, focus on objectives, not emotionsWeekly AnnouncementsAbsorbing gambling?« Previous Page 1 … 132 133 134 135 136 137 Next Page »