Archive March 28th, 2015Three DOMs retiring; send resumesDon’t think of yourself as a leader; think ‘People-Helper’Being greeted by scary halls, walls and stalls3 ministries ‘rolled’ into oneHome-bound, couple doesn’t miss out on church, missionsEvangelism Conference to focus on “The Power of One”Research to aid ‘GPS’ strategyA young daughter’s evangelistic prayersIgnite your imaginationBiblical strategies for entertainingThe Counseling Connection99 Mission Action/Ministry Ideas for 2009Successful coach stays grounded because of his faithWe should all pray like JesusQuestions We’ve PonderedLBC NewsMSC Coordinator assists volunteersLouisiana RAs planning Soap Box DerbyLandscapesMilestonesBaptist men called to January prayer focusAdapt to reach adults, speakers sayGuideStone underscores disability aidBlack leaders explore church strategiesPastors see God’s hand on EastanelleeA generation imersed in mediaGlobal greening vs. the economy‘Only Gospel can transform Mideast’New Chapel Hill ministry goes ‘green’Bella Hero Project is saving livesWomen speak out about abortionAmerica’s own genocideI can’t imagine life without my son ZaneLet us all pray for our new president Barack ObamaPastors who go it alone fail their congregationsChristian Harmony members hunger for God’s Holy WordLOUISIANA CHURCHES CELEBRATE MLK DayMaking a big difference at the ends of the worldTim Tebow’s mom says Scripture & Faith are ‘secrets’ to parentingThe Counseling ConnectionPromoting, Protecting and Providing for LifeFishing opens door to ministry for bivo pastor in BaratariaLegendary Ray Scott to speak in Louisiana in FebruaryMinistering to the PoorThe Holy Spirit convicts, leads us away from sinQuestions We’ve PonderedSpeaker Martha Bailey headlines KaleidoscopeBESE Board approves academic freedom in Louisiana schoolsAg missions fellowship gathers for annual meetingLANDSCAPESOPEN GATE WESTERN HERITAGE CHURCHMILESTONESOPEN GATE WESTERN HERITAGE CHURCHPastors are unaware of church members’ debt, research showsNew Hope creates a missional fiction lineNAMB enacts slowdown, others forced to cut due to recessionCP giving is 4.97 percent behind ’08Annie Armstrong offering tops $58 million despite economyREBEKAH NAYLOR: THE MODERN DAY LOTTIE MOONYouth learn Jesus can cure cultureGod at WorkTwo Rivers Association has big heartBaugh puts off retirement; focuses on jobJust Be Good for Goodness’ Sake?An evangelistic thrust by preaching the GospelLetter to the EditorGabriel Mugnal: Go Tell the story of JesusWho was Lottie Moon?Your gifts support missionaries every minute of every dayLandscapesTo reach world, Jesus demonstrated His truthIncreased giving crucial to keep pace with record growthLC sets Christmas tradition with two emotional eventsLondon: ‘Mixing Bowl of Nations’Delta Baptist Association serves the LordHard financial times provide opportunity to ministerNew Orleans resident works for God’s rewardsBullet bounces off bus driver on the way to session of YECChristmas giving a wonderful thingHomosexuals want tolerance when it suits themTo reach world, Jesus delegates responsibilitiesFirst Leesville thanks soldiers with mealMarriage initiative gains energy at NOBTSBlessings shared at Thanksgiving with good fellowship and a warm mealLandscapesFranklin Avenue Baptist Church helps with homes damaged during Hurricane GustavLandscapesMilestonesGod works out all the detailsSoccer tourney adds to Thanksgiving feastReese’s mission field is slums of Rio de JaneiroBrazil Quick FactsCooperative Program helps First Gonzales Grow its global footprintSnow in New Orleans provides lesson to allDR training set for north, southWhat ever has happened to sin?What really matters in life?Red River: Small in size, big in givingTo reach the world, Jesus supervised the disciplesLandscapesMilestonesSaddleback pastor says small groups on the riseCall unshaken by economic crisisThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to the SaviorREJOICE! Unto us a Savior is born!Merry Christmas A Christmas DevotionalCall continues for ACP reports to be submittedMissing Christmas or lessons from the innkeeperThe birth of Jesus–a special gift above all othersTo reach world, Jesus reproduced himselfFestival de Noel CaptivatingLandscapesJames McCracken visits Pineville VA Medical Center Nursing HomeLt. Commander Jeff Giles stands on a snow-covered hillside in IraqMilestonesGood Shepherd draws Mongolian herdersBible movie shows Mongolians the GospelLiving Like A Missionary: Jane HinrichsMarch 27th, 2015Crossover ’09 to highlight N.O. diverse cultureBaptist Crossroads sets new goal for Upper Ninth WardPresident Mike Holloway calls for unity, passionSharing peace with New Orleans and the worldTo reach the world, Jesus began by choosing disciplesResumes sought for BAGNO DOMLouisiana Baptist Convention CalendarThe church, minister and taxesLandscapesMilestonesJindal puts Wise on commissionU.S. military is meeting The ‘Great Commission’Vets reflect on service, sacrifices of militaryLottie Moon Dollars at WorkTrustees ponder future of NOBTS in 21st centuryMontpelier Baptist Church celebrates 100 yearsBAGNO to undergo reorganizationCultivating a thankful heart in our childrenThe church, minister and taxesTrio reaches out in worship at PhiladelphiaTo reach the world, Jesus spent time with his menLarge field participates in fall golf fellowshipHEAVEN: The Kingdom of GodPopular notions, Bible clash over heavenState churches expand outreach through fall missionsLandscapesSuccessful adult ministry requires change, adaptingTV’s airing of indecency on increaseN.O. ministries provide an atmosphere of hopeLouisiana Baptists seek God’s peace3-minute testimony leads 1,600 to ChristMain Street Mission ministers face-to-face« Previous Page 1 … 102 103 104 105 106 … 137 Next Page »