Archive March 28th, 2015A cord of three strands not easily brokenQuestions We’ve PonderedCamped Out — There’s plenty of fun in the sunTornado slashes community (unrestricted content)Committee seeks more visible presence at legislatureLaw named to 2010 SBC Resolutions CommitteeI’m concerned about GCR recommendations“Shepherd’s Rest” proves a blessing to pastorOur need is deeper than structural changesA cord of three strands not easily brokenQuestions We’ve PonderedLouisiana College to hold spring commencement May 8Washington Association challenges churches to “Be the Church” at eventFirst Covington drives church growth with emphasis‘Flag’ rallies viewersNavigating through today’s confusing, divisive Bioethical IssuesNew RA consultant wants men to stand in the gap‘Smoke’ blows statewideDelay GCR til 2011, Missouri board urgesProcessing PeaceReconnect with your spouseMILESTONESLandscapesNew housing high priority aNOBTS trustees elect first Korean professorLeaders address issues facing evangelicals at The AwakeningChurch gets better understanding of CP, missions during MarchRemember, Jesus suffered too (unrestricted content)The choice is yours (unrestricted content)Women’s Missions Ministry FBC MonroeLuke Lee ProfileBrookwood video ministryGREAT COMMISSION RESURGENCE REPORT Sweeping Changes Ahead?Changes in store for NAMB, state conventions?‘I’m unhappy with our Pastor’GCR Task Force releases its long awaited progress report to ECLearning to live a prayer-filled lifeFaced with perplexing and tough conundrumWhat lessons can we learn from Mark Driscoll?Worship: More than a feeling of awe‘I’m unhappy with our Pastor’Learning to live a prayer-filled lifeFaced with perplexing and tough conundrumFaced with perplexing and tough conundrumQuestions We’ve PonderedMcCartney to headline football event at Louisiana CollegeLBC staff, entities pray each Wednesday morningThe Counseling ConnectionAre you a compassionate Spouse?FBC Chalmette enjoying explosive growthAnnual training prepares volunteeers for DR ministryDisaster Relief training prepares volunteers in ‘ministry of presence’ that comforts people with God’s loveSouthern Baptists responding to needs in Haiti and ChileGentilly Baptist rededicates its sanctuaryPrayer the foundation of Rod Masteller’s life, ministryNorthshore associations explore consolidationsTwo churches constitute in St. Tammany Baptist AssociationFirst West hosts Secret Keeper Girl changing the world, one girl at a time!Churches statewide abound with mission projectsMILESTONESHunt announces SBC theme; registration opens for OrlandoKen Starr named as Baylor’s 14th presidentLC Lady Cats cap historic weekend with ASC title, NCAA bidListening sessions could spark spiritual fireThere’s no ‘containing’ GodSeeing a need in Haiti, student springs into actionThe point of unity is the point of powerPrayer needed before GCRTF recommendationsHelp needed to correct bill impacting children’s ministryThe 10 Commandments, Lord’s Prayer similar?Questions We’ve PonderedThe Counseling ConnectionJennifer Rothschild featured speaker at Fresh Grounded Faith ConferenceMedical mission team at Good Samaritan hospital heals woundsChanging Lives at Bethel Mission Outreach orphanage2010 LBC Transitions Mission Trip ArlingtonMid March Media Buy set for stateMedical team first ever to be sent to Haiti from LouisianaEaster musical, events and services are hoppingMILESTONESAnnual egg collection begins March 22A Call for Sacrificial GivingWe should celebrate ‘Great Commission Giving’A new name for giving in Southern Baptist Convention?Tebow Super Bowl ad generating much buzzEvangelism Conference draws tight focusLouisiana Baptists respond to Haiti’s earthquake needsDebate over Tebow ad shows an obvious double-standardHow big of a deal is it for you to miss church?In reaching the world, it’s not either/orThe Great Commission comes full circle with Japanese team in New OrleansJazz first brought missions leader to the Crescent CityMetairie church plant set to ‘rock’ its communityLouisiana College’s School of Nursing holds a “Spirituality in Health Care” SymposiumMARRIAGE on ICEThe Counseling ConnectionNew Mexico awakening moving Southern BaptistsTwo ways of looking at God’s worldQuestions We’ve PonderedLBC hosting VBS preview, statewide trainingLouisiana Baptist Builders to establish Jelks FundIllinois student wins 2010 Smith Scholarship at LCMilestonesLandscapesStrategically-selected medical teams to lead Haiti responseDisaster relief still needed in American SamoaAnnie Armstrong offering reaches $56.5 millionCP Reaches ‘more souls,’ says young pastorConstitution service of Thompson Road Baptist Church in SlidellDrop-off sites for Haiti suppliesHaiti Needs ListBUCKETS OF HOPE OFFER OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERY BAPTIST TO PROVIDE HANDS-ON HELP TO HAITIANSNo Ordinary Saints HelmetCook reads God’s Word–aloudEvangelism tools that go ‘vroom’Tolerant evangelism was Jesus’ wayConsider the wisdom of the soul winnerFaithfulness in the face of competing worldviewsQuestions We’ve PonderedNortheast riding herd for Jesus in its associationNortheast joins with Morehouse in local outreachThe Counseling ConnectionKnow your child’s languageMedical work in Haiti: ‘incredible privilege’Haiti volunteers making the difference–even in the U SSharing Christ during Mardi GrasCorbins take prayer walking to the high seas on mission cruiseLoading of Haiti-bound container delayed until Feb 27Annual LBC Drama Festival scheduled for Feb. 26-27HomePlace: Providing love, care and hope to homeless children and their momsCWJC Monroe Providing a Christian context in which women in need are equipped for life and employmentIntroducing Foster Care and Adoption Ministries to the local churchTransitions join forces for Missions Arlington’s ministryFoundation Board receives a good report on group investment fund at January meetingPastors of two cowboy churches recently helped a third one startMILESTONESMILESTONESKaleidoscope focuses on Oneness with Jesus ChristLouisiana medical missions teams prepare for HaitiTop biblical scholars highlight 2010 NOBTS Greer-Heard ForumGroundbreaking abstinence study should change federal policyGod’s mountain-surviving, church planting Cowboy PreacherDeadline nears for SPJ signupGALLERY OF PHOTOS 2010 EVANGELISM CONFERENCE ISTROUMA BAPTIST CHURCH, BATON ROUGEAdam Walsh and the hope the Gospel bringsLouisiana Native Spreads the Gospel Through MusicBRAZIL For the 25th TimeThousands attend Rock the RiverLC announces plans to start medical schoolHere’s how to start a Great Commission Resurgence« Previous Page 1 … 99 100 101 102 103 … 137 Next Page »